Adagio PurchaseOrders Change log

Adagio PurchaseOrders
9.3B | 2024-09-09 (Sep '24)
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    •The Default Ship Via set in Entry Templates could not be set to blank once it had been updated.

    •If Fractional Quantities are not used, the display for decimals has been corrected in Item Purchases and Purchase History Inquiry, the Document Entry detail list and the Item Information displays.

    •The file for Item Transaction Inquiry for Historical records for the Item Purchases and Item Purchase History Inquiries has been updated to store and display the correct decimal places when the 'Decimal Places in Unit Cost' option is not equal to the currency decimals for new transactions.

    For datasets that have incorrect Unit Cost and Most Recent Unit Cost fields in the Item Transaction Inquiry for Historical records, there is a Fix Cost button. It will become visible in Item Purchases Inquiry when a company INI option is added.

    These are the entries needed in the IRWININI datafile to enable the Fix Cost button for both Cost fields.




    If the Most Recent Unit Cost is displayed correctly, set the FixMRCost=1 line to FixMRCost=0

    The Fix Cost button is only available if the Inquiry is set to Historical transactions.

    Note: The Fix Cost button will increase the Unit Cost and Most Recent Unit Cost for an item by multiplying the current cost by 100. This function must only be run once per item, after the Hot Fix is installed and before the next Day End. These entries in the INI file should be removed once the Items are updated.

    •The Sundry Items report has been improved; the cost fields are labeled.

    •Custom Reports that used the Crystal report option to Hide a detail section, which permits drill down, did not work properly.

    •Custom Reports with sub-reports could not be printed. This error was received : The table could not be found.

    •PurchaseOrders 9.3B (2024.03.20) failed during launch with Windows Server 16 with an Application Error.

    •If \\\"Format address?\\\" is not selected for Vendor, Pickup, Bill To or Ship To  Address, Printing documents will include the Country field in a Compressed or Formatted Address.

Adagio PurchaseOrders
9.3B | 2024-03-20 (Mar '24)
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    • In Multicurrency datasets, editing a Document and using Propagate Changes to change the vendor from a Source Currency Vendor to a Home Currency Vendor was not updating the document details for the Currency and the Home Equivalent amounts.  Data Integrity Check has also been updated to detect this error.

    • In document entry, if the selling unit of measure did not match the costing unit of measure, the detail Item cost was not properly recalculated, in some cases.

    • The Purchase Order Reports, Outstanding Purchase Orders report has been updated. Setting a filter by the Expected Receipt Date was not working. Selecting an Inventory or Sundry Item from the Finder or SmartFinder was not updating the Starting and Ending ranges properly.

    Note:The Outstanding Purchase Orders report was not including all of the records.

    • There is a new Company Profile option on the Integration tab for JobCost 9.3A: Sent to JC description 2 field.

    • PurchaseOrders has been updated to send additional information to JobCost 9.3A including Doc Link and Entry Description Line 2.

    • New specification codes have been added:

            D101-Job name 1

            D102-Job name 2

    • For JobCost 9.3A, a Default Job-Phase-Category has been added to Edit, Import/Export and Print Sundry Items.  

    • If a Sundry Item has been created with a blank ‘G/L Expense Acct’, Document Line Details will default the ‘DB GL Account’ from the Company Profile, Ledger Interface tab, ‘Default Sundry Item Expense Account’. For Job related entries, this account will not be used but it can’t be left blank.

    • JobCost 9.3A Job Alerts now appear in Document entry.  

    • Import Purchase Orders, Quick Receipts, Receipts and Requisitions now have Job, Phase & Category fields in the Available fields list for Inventory and Sundry Items

    • If the Company Profile is set to use “North American Address?, Import Sundry Vendors, Pickup Addresses, Ship/Bill To Addresses, Purchase Orders, Receipts, Quick Receipts or Requisitions will validate State/Province. If Country is imported, it will also be validated.

    • A new option has been added to the Company Profile, System Options tab to work with ‘North American Address?’: ‘Normalize Country To’. The options are: Full name, 2 character ISO, 3 character ISO and Never. For Import or Edit for Sundry Vendors, Pickup Addresses, Ship/Bill To Addresses, Purchase Orders, Receipts, Quick Receipts or Requisition and for editing Payables Vendors through PurchaseOrders, if the Country is recognized, variations on Country codes are standardized based on this setting.

    Eg. For the Default setting: Full name, CA or CAN become Canada.

    • Adagio PurchaseOrders now respects the Group Security settings for Item Notes within Adagio Inventory.  If a PurchaseOrders user does not have access to edit Items, but the same Inventory user does have access to Edit Item Notes, the PurchaseOrders user will also be able to edit Item Notes while viewing Item records.


Adagio PurchaseOrders
9.3B | 2023-01-31 (Jan '23)
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    ·          Crystal Reports used in printing Adagio Reports was not fully compatible with the Windows 22H2 update for Windows 11 and for Windows 10, in some cases.

    ·          Entering Receipts for Purchase Orders with Service Pricing Items was not updating the Received quantity properly.  The Receipt could not be posted.

    ·          Printing Forms did not print the correct Pricing and Stocking Units of measure for Sundry Items when there were Inventory items included on the document.

    ·          Converting PurchaseOrders 9.2A/9.2B data to 9.3B was disabling the Sundry Item option for 'Does this item represent service pricing?'.

    ·          When the vendor had an Email Cover set under PO Options, it overrode the Email Cover selected when Requisitions were emailed.

    ·          While a new item detail was being added, if the item number was changed to another Sundry item, the Extended Order Cost was not updated. This caused a Data Integrity Error for mis-calculated extended cost.

    ·          Additional PDF Attachments were not sent to the Email Queue for Requisitions, Receipts or for Invoice/Adjustments.

    ·          After ‘Sort Details By’ was used in Document entry, Direct Printing of Purchase Orders, Receipts and Requisitions used the Original line number order instead of the newly sorted order.

    ·          Finding Receipts based on the Purchase Order number caused an access violation in some cases.

    ·          False \\\"Nothing in range to print\\\" message appeared when multiple POs were selected from the Document List.

    ·         A new specification code has been added: E134, OE Customer Company Name.

Adagio PurchaseOrders
9.3B | 2022-07-07 (Jul '22)
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    ·          Copying Purchase Orders or Requisitions was incorrectly updating Extended Cost. If the PO had partial receipts, the 2nd receipt would show the incorrect cost.

    ·          In datasets with Requisition numbers that are 7 characters or less, approving a Requisition will update the 'Completed?' status. Requisitions that are Completed cannot be approved again. Requisitions for Primary Vendors with an Inactive status can’t be Approved.

    ·          When Auto Generate POs is used, the new Purchase Orders will have the Vend Name for the Primary Vendor updated in the Document List.

    ·          Using the Item button from the Document line detail window to view Item Inquiry with Sales and Costs and the PurchaseOrders tab caused Internal Errors, in some cases.

    ·          When the Company Profile is set to Warn for ‘Validate Closed Periods’, a Receipt with a blank Vendor Document can’t be posted for a Closed period. The ‘Missing vendor document number.’ message appears.

Adagio PurchaseOrders
9.3B | 2022-05-11 (May '22)
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    ·          Deleting a filter record from the Filter List failed if the grid was sorted by Priority or if the grid was sorted by description and the Show filters option was set to All.

    ·          Emailing documents Now using Outlook was using MAPI instead of Outlook.

    ·          When a Requisition with multiple Vendors was emailed, an incorrect message appeared: Nothing in range to email.

    ·          For datasets that integrate with JobCost. the Job Cost Summary finder did not behave properly from the Category field.

    ·          Find Transactions for Requisitions was going to the top of the list instead of the closest match.

    ·          Using Crystal Reports to add new tables or subreports to a report could cause an error 'Failed to open the connection' due to a change in how Crystal runtime SP 25 loads tables.

    ·          For datasets that did not include Adagio Inventory, that may or may not have included Adagio OrderEntry, there were Inventory/OrderEntry related messages that appeared when Purchase Orders, Quick Receipts, Receipts or Requisitions were imported.

    ·          In Automation, the SetSessionDate command has a new noun for: Yesterday.

Adagio PurchaseOrders
9.3B | 2022-01-13 (Jan '22)
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    Company Profile

    ·   The Ledger Interface option Prompt to Consolidate now allows suppressing the question to Consolidate Ledger Transactions after printing the report. The default consolidation method can now be any of the 5 possible choices.

    The Ledger Interface option Validate Closed Periods has been added to give a warning or prevent posting when a Receipt or Invoice/Adjustment Date falls within a Closed Ledger fiscal period or outside every Ledger Fiscal Calendar.

    ·   The Company Profile, History and Tax Tab has a new History Information option: Prompt to purge history in Day end?. Disable this option to prevent the Confirmation that appears after Day end from appearing: Would you like to purge the Item History information now?.

    ·   The Company Profile now has a Contact email address.

    ·   A new Company Profile option to Suppress print receipt prompt can be enabled so that after posting Receipt transactions, the print receipt form screen does not immediately appear afterwards. With this option enabled, it is still possible to print Receipt forms at a later time



    ·        Added the following new specification codes:

    ·        B028 bill-to Email

    ·        D089 Unit Cost per Stocking Unit of Measure

    ·        D090 Unit Cost per Costing Unit of Measure

    ·        D091 Stock Purchase Previous Unit Cost

    ·        D092 Extended Cost per Stocking Unit of Measure

    ·        D093 Extended Cost per Costing Unit of Measure

    ·        D094 Project code (incl. dividers)

    ·        D095 Project code (unformatted)

    ·        D096 Project name

    ·        D097 Project name 2

    ·        D098 G/L unit description

    ·        D099 G/L unit amount

    ·        D100 Stock purchase previous extended cost

    ·        E131 Approval Manager code

    ·        E132 Approval Manager name

    ·        E133 Approval Manager email

    ·        M039 Default req email recipient

    ·        M040 Company contact email

    ·        V068 Vendor PO email

    ·        V069 Vendor PO contact

    ·        V070 Vendor PO Ship Via

    ·        V071 Vendor cell phone

    ·        V072 Vendor toll free


    ·   In the Designer, Properties for Amount fields has a new option for the Thousands separator: None.

    ·   Formula spec codes X001 to X005 are now available to do arithmetic calculations with numeric spec codes, to determine and print amounts that don't have define codes but can be calculated from existing codes. Conditional calculations using an IF function can also be made, provided that the condition is based on a numeric field code.


    ·   Sundry Items now have an Active/Inactive Status. Creating a document for an Inactive item will prompt for activation in order to proceed. Copying or restoring documents will have a warning. Posting and Importing details for new documents with inactive items will be prevented.

    ·   Word Wrap is now supported for blocks of text copied and pasted into PurchaseOrders in Edit Text Blocks as well as in Document Entry for the Text Block Document Line Detail. F7 / Spell checking has also been added for Text Blocks.

    ·   Edit Email Cover Sheets has been updated to include new fields for Requisition Approval Managers.

    ·   In Edit Styles, it is now possible to limit the list of list of Adagio Styles to those that are App specific and Generic. Make sure the program prefix is the first 2 characters of Style code description. If this option is selected, when you create a new filter, the Style codes available will be limited to match the application prefix.


    ·   A new grid search process is available to use for most grids, accessible from the Control-F keyboard shortcut. Similar to filters, you can restrict displayed rows that meet defined search criteria.


    ·   The ability to email Requisition forms has been added. A new Approval Manager record with an associated email address can be added to requisition transactions to assign the email recipient, or a default requisition email address can be set in the company profile. Requisitions may also be emailed to the new Bill to Contact Email Address.

    ·   When emailing purchase orders, you can now choose a vendor PO Email address as the recipient instead of always emailing the main vendor contact. Payables must be 9.3B or higher.

    ·   Email Cover sheets are now remembered along with other Print Forms settings, when the User Preferences option for Remember Report Settings is enabled. Different email cover sheet codes can be remembered for each transaction type.

    Enter Transactions

    ·   Transaction grids now support multi-selection for the purpose of Printing, Completing or Deleting transactions, whether or not selected rows are consecutive. Printing is disallowed if non-consecutive rows are selected. Printing transactions is properly prohibited for those where Event Budgets or JobCost estimates are exceeded. Completing POs is properly prohibited for those that have quantity on backorder and cannot be completed

    ·   Editing the primary vendor number on the transaction Header tab now offers to propagate this change to all details already saved on the transaction.

    ·   When combining multiple purchase orders onto a single receipt, or combining multiple receipts onto an invoice, you can now multi-select the transactions from the grid, rather than having to select and add them one at a time.

    ·   When combining multiple purchase orders onto a single receipt, completed purchase order details no longer available to select or retrieve.

    ·   When integrated with Adagio Payables version 9.3C or later, creating a new purchase order will use Ship Via and FOB Point values from the vendor.

    ·   Selecting a vendor on a new transaction now defaults the FOB Point from the value defined on the vendor master record.

    ·   Edit Ship/Bill to Addresses has been updated to include a Bill to Address Email field. This field is display only on the Bill to /Ship to tab and may be used as the recipient for Purchase Orders, Requisitions, Receipts, and Invoice/Adjustments.

    ·   The Vendor and Item Inquiries, opened with the \\\"i\\\" button next to the Vendor number or Item number field, can now be accessed using the keyboard shortcut: F4.

    ·   On the grid for selecting purchase orders to Combine to another on a Receipt, or Combining receipts onto an Invoice, the column editor now allows selecting any of the Optional Fields defined on the transaction header.

    ·   The drop-down list grid for the Purchase Unit in transaction detail entry now shows the unit conversion factor as a column.

    ·   A new Company Profile option allows preventing the addition of multiple vendors onto a single purchase order or Requisition. This option will override the IC Item Vendor Check setting to read the item Primary or Secondary vendor onto new transaction details.

    ·   The Complete button on the Enter POs screen now has an Alt-M speed key shortcut.

    ·   When the Location field on the Header tab is changed to a new value, you now have an option to propagate this change to all incomplete item lines, for all transaction types except invoice/ adjustments. Protection is in place to prevent saving a disallowed location on items, and negative quick receipt values that would cause the quantity on hand at the new location to go negative when not allowed - in both situations the affected detail is skipped for the location change.

    ·   A company profile option has been added to give a warning when posting a purchase order that the total cost of the PO is zero. It is still possible to post the purchase order after this warning if required.

    ·   When copying Purchase Orders and Requisitions, a new option is available to Update item information and Costing from Inventory and Sundry Items. Information such as item description, category or weight and the unit cost will be read from the Master or Alternate Price List item. This includes checking for new or expired contract costing.

    ·   Requisitions and POs no longer allow editing the Discount Base field on the Totals tab, because this amount always gets recalculated when creating Receipts.

    Entry Templates

    ·   Entry Templates have been re-organized to have Vendor Information fields on a separate tab, and a new Details tab to control tab sequence and access to specified fields on the Detail entry screen.

    ·   The Entry Template has a new field for a default Approval Manager used on Requisition entry and importing.

    ·   The Templates list in Purchase Orders Entry now has ExcelDirect and DocStore Viewer buttons.


    Auto Generate

    ·   A new Company Profile option Import OE Comments for Autogenerating allows retrieving Comment and Instruction lines from OE Orders when using the Auto-Generate PO function, in the same way as when importing a single OE order into a single purchase order, as long as the Consolidate Items option is not used.


    ·   Requisitions can now be imported in the same way as Purchase Orders are.

    ·   Import and Export templates now have the same ability as the Column Editor to restrict the Available Field list to those of selected data types and/or contain specified characters. The Available field list can also be sorted alphabetically.

    ·   Import/Export displays user defined names for Optional Field Titles and for Ledger Project Code.

    ·   In Import, the Unit of Measure can be imported for Inventory Items for Purchase Orders, Receipts, Quick Receipts and Requisitions.


    ·   The Purchase History inquiry grids, include Open and History POs and OE Sales Orders, now has a Reverse Order checkbox that allows sorting the grid with the newest transactions at the top. The selection is remembered for future use.


    ·   The ExcelDirect export button has been included with the following grids:

    ·        AutoGenerated items from OE or IC

    ·        Create PO items from AutoGenerated list

    ·        Import items from OE Orders

    ·        PO List from Combined Receipt

    ·        Receipt List from Combined Invoice

    ·        Event Budgets sub-details


    ·   The Item Purchase History grid now displays all 12 characters or OrderEntry order numbers when that field is on the grid, instead of the last 8 characters.


    ·   If PurchaseOrders is integrated with JobCost, JobCost data will be included in a backup of Related Data.


    ·   Outstanding Purchase Orders report has improved spacing and subtotals.

    ·   Transactions Report, Outstanding PO Items may be sorted by Job number.

    ·   After purging or consolidating the contents of a report, this action is now logged in the Application Log data file in addition to the printing action.

    ·   The Tax Tracking report now has floating date range options for This Month and Last Month, that can be used as part of Favourite Report settings and printing the report unattended from report sets. There is another new option to suppress records that have zero tax amounts, printing only transactions with tax.

    ·   Printing reports now is logged in the application log, in addition to accessing the print report screen from the menu.

    ·   Installs a new version of the printer driver used to print documents and reports to PDF. The new driver name is AdagioV3PDF. This driver uses novaPDF version 10.

Adagio PurchaseOrders
9.3A | 2019-05-20 (May '19)
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    New Features

    ·    Enhanced compatibility with future release of Adagio Inventory 9.3A. Document links for Adagio DocStore are sent to Inventory 9.3A history. The Item Description from PO documents is sent to Inventory (in case you change it from the description in the Inventory item). Vendor Name, Vendor Invoice Number, Optional Fields and other new fields are sent to Inventory.

    ·    It is easier to choose the correct field from tables with large numbers of fields in the Column Editor. You can now sort the list, restrict the list using the data type you are searching for (Text, Date, Amount and Value), and type in some text likely to identify the field. On the Select the Type option on the Select Fields dialog to show fields of that type.

    ·    The 64-bit version of Adagio GridView (if available) is launched from the Adagio menu and for custom Views added to the Inquiries menu. The 64-bit version makes use of more memory (if available), allowing for views on larger databases and it can be faster. Note: this is not yet supported on Adagio Cloud.

    Document Entry

    ·    For DocStore users, the glasses graphic was added to the Header and Total tabs for edit and view document functions to highlight the fact that the DocStore view / attach buttons are available on the screen for those tabs.

    ·    For Sundry items that represent ‘Service Pricing’, the ‘Extended Cost’ field was not editable in Adagio PurchaseOrders 9.3A (171107). This affected Purchase Orders, Receipts, and Requisitions. Note: if the ‘Allow cost override’ option is not selected in the Security Group or the Company Profile, the ‘Extended Cost’ field will not be editable. This option affects all Items.

    ·    For single segment items, the Purchase History inquiry (launched with the “i” button from the detail screen) did not display the Open Purchase Orders information or the Open Sales Orders information.

    ·    The Find did not work for Requisitions in PurchaseOrders 9.2B or 9.3A.

    ·    Receive All truncated extended cost rather than rounding it. In some cases, this caused Data Integrity errors with the Vendor's P/O Balance. For example: Payables Vendor NNNNNN has -0.01 on PO, actual is 0.00.

    ·    36695 When filters for document lists were changed, the eP viewer icon was incorrectly being displayed for an unprinted document.

    ·    Purchase Orders with a blank first segment in the Document number could not be completed.

    ·    When attaching PDFs to quick receipts, in some cases the Header record was not correctly updated with the Doc Link value. This has been fixed, and the integrity check will fix posted receipts that have missing Doc Link values.

    ·    Attempting to attach a PDF on the Totals tab of a new document before the primary vendor was selected would cause an error. Now the vendor must be selected before any PDFs can be attached.

    ·    Changing the Unit of Measure on the Receipt was causing integrity errors because the Purchase Order was not getting reduced by the correct number. Now when the unit is changed on the Receipt the quantities On Order are converted to that unit for the Receipt. If the remaining quantity can still be evenly converted to whole numbers of the original unit, the Purchase Order will be updated in that unit. If not, the PO detail will be converted to the new unit of measure.

    ·    In MultiCurrency data, for purchase orders where a Discount was added on the Total tab and the Receipt was at a different exchange rate than the Purchase Order, the home equivalent amount of the Discount was not being recalculated at the new exchange rate. The currency exchange difference was incorrectly updating the 'Ledger rounding error account' and the 'Payables clearing account'.

    Posting documents

    ·    Posting an Invoice/Adjustment updated the Total Cost for Adagio Inventory Non-Stock items. It no longer does this.

    ·    Job-related Purchase Orders with a discount did not send the correct amount to the batch in JobCost.

    Forms Designer and printing forms

    ·    Using Alt-D on the print dialog to select the eP button to print purchase orders and other documents to PDF was not working.

    ·    The Company Profile option for auto-printing purchase orders now includes approving requisitions. The previous option for requisition approval has been changed to auto-print after posting requisitions.

    ·    The Company Profile has been updated. The options for: Allow direct printing of POs were changed to match the options that appear when the option is edited. The report now prints Purchase Order and Requisition instead of Order and Approval.

    ·    Corrected a problem where the preview of documents to an Ultra High Resolution screen displayed shrunken in the upper left of the screen. The preview from the Specification Designer was also corrected.

    ·    Added ‘Blank on zero’ to Properties for quantity, amount and other numeric fields in the Specification Designer.

    ·    The label field ** DO NOT ADD TO DOCSTORE ** has been added to the End of Page section in the ALL Codes specification so that test prints are not added to DocStore.

    Maintenance functions

    ·    In the Auto Generate Purchase Orders from OE function, if you edited an item generated, you could not save the change and the error “Please enter a valid order number” was incorrectly displayed. In addition, the O/E Reference finder on the edit item dialog contained blank lines.

    ·    If you opened, closed and re-opened the Auto Generate function without having generated and created purchase orders “Error 1011 occurred when attempting to create new P/O Auto Generated Items” was displayed.


    ·    Printing a Report Set to PDF used the older AdagioPDF printer driver rather than the newer AdagioV2PDF printer driver. This caused a problem if an older version of some Adagio module that installed the older AdagioPDF had not been previously installed.

    ·    These reports were printing the purchase unit of measure instead of the price unit of measure:
       - Transaction Reports: Outstanding PO Items, Receipts.
       - Purchase Order Reports: Transaction Listing, Outstanding Purchase Orders.


    ·    Importing Event Budgets with Subevents was causing Integrity errors in the count and amount.

    ·    Importing Receipts did not update the Vendor Name field in the receipt and it was blank if shown in the grid. The Vendor Name is now taken from the Primary Vendor.

    ·    When a purchase order was created using the Import OE Lines function, the Bill to City from the order was used for the ShipTo address if the Format Address was on.

    ·    There was an error when importing receipts if there are multiple vendors on the Purchase Order being receipted.

    ·    When importing Event Budgets with Sub-events, importing the Amount Spent for Sub-events now correctly also updates the Total event budget amount for Total amount spent.

    ·    Importing with Field offset was trimming the import field on the right instead of the left.


    ·    The Date, Time and User have been added at the bottom of all messages. These fields provide useful information on screenshots of messages.

    ·    Improved the performance and behavior of document grids when Adagio DocStore is used and there are links to documents on the grids.

    ·    Corrected errors relating to Adagio DocStore that occurred at some sites and caused data integrity errors that had to be fixed by the Data Integrity Check function.

    ·    Rebuilding an Application Integrity Check error (phase 2) in PurchaseOrders (or DataCare) relating to quantities in Adagio Inventory caused a minor File Integrity Check error (phase 1) in the inventory data in some cases.

    ·    When integrated with Adagio DocStore, some grids did not correctly display the word “Linked” in the Doc Link column. This has been fixed.

    ·    Access violation errors were appearing if you attempted to exit the program before the document list was finished opening.

    ·    Integrity errors were being caused by users canceling Day End processing. If another user was locking a record (for example, editing a Vendor for which Day End was processing a receipt), a message with Cancel and Retry buttons was displayed. The message now has only a Retry button.

Adagio PurchaseOrders
9.3A | 2017-11-07 (Nov '17)
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    ·    Corrections and updates were made for DocStore function in PurchaseOrders for future release of Adagio DocStore.

    ·    The Doc Link field now shows “Linked” on grids when DocStore document(s) are attached (or blank if no documents are attached).

    ·    The ExcelDirect Print option ‘Open Spreadsheet’ is now available on Adagio Cloud.

    ·    When the ‘Allow cost override?’ option in the Company Profile or Security Group was disabled, it prevented the user from changing the Unit Cost but not the Extended Cost.

    ·    The Find on Sundry Items for single-segment item numbers did not allow you to enter the full item number.

    ·    Changes made to the grid on the Purchase Orders tab in the IC Item with Sales and Costs inquiry with the Column Editor were lost when the Edit or View Vendor functions were used.

    ·    In PurchaseOrders 9.3A, there was an error in the Auto Generate Purchase Orders from Inventory function when you right-clicked on the grid and used ‘Select/Unselect All’ then clicked the Create PO button.

Adagio PurchaseOrders
9.3A | 2017-08-21 (Aug '17)
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    ·    Compatible with future release of Adagio DocStore.

    ·    Compatible with and required by future release of OrderEntry 9.3A.

    General New Features

    ·    The Adagio Login dialog permits browsing to a UNC. The Create database button is hidden unless “/C” is included on the command line. New databases are created with the extension “ADB” or the extension used by existing modules in the selected Folder.

    ·    A “Backup” button has been added to the Adagio Toolbar. Backup Options select whether the button saves the module data, related data or the entire database and whether exclusive access is required for the backup to proceed. The backup now includes the Automation Batch Folder.

    ·    Backup options enable automatic or prompted backups prior to performing any critical function such as batch posting or period end functions. You can choose the number of these backups that will be saved.

    ·    Only a single instance of Calculator will be launched when the Calculator button is clicked.

    ·    Messages are now centered on the main form, rather than on the main monitor.

    ·    User preferences have been added to control the behavior of double clicking in a Dialog field. You can also choose to apply banding to those grids that do not display Styles and choose a date format to use in the Adagio Grid. Telephone numbers are now formatted in the Grid according to the Company profile option.

    ·    Installs \Softrak\System\AdagioLauncher.EXE and associates the application with “ADB”, “SAM” and “AMC” extensions. AdagioLauncher will automatically launch the correct Adagio module if an Adagio file is double-clicked in a Folder. The user will be prompted to log in.

    ·    The finder on the GL Department field is now restricted to the departments for the account selected.

    ·    The GL Department Description is now available to be added to the GL Account finder with the Column Editor.

    ·    Installs an updated version of the AdagioPDF driver. The updated driver name is AdagioV2PDF and will appear in the Windows Control Panel, Devices and Printers. When installs are performed from a Remote Desktop Services connection to Microsoft Server 2016 or from a Windows 10 station, the security warning related to the AdagioPDF printer driver no longer appears.

    ·    Refresh Sample Data function has been added to the Help menu. It allows you to refresh single and multi-currency sample data (and sample data with Adagio JobCost if used) to its original state at install time.

    PurchaseOrders Features

    ·    Added Import and Export Event Budgets functions. Import allows you to overwrite existing Event Budgets.

    ·    When future version of Adagio DocStore is used (but not Adagio ePrint), a PDF copy of the Requisition is kept in DocStorage when the 'Archive Vendor PDF copy' is enabled.

    ·    A separate Vendor Item Number field has been added to the PO detail line record. In previous versions, it was written to the Description as a separate field was not available. It is still written to the Description to maintain compatibility with Adagio Developer Partner applications, as well as existing custom Crystal reports and GridView views.

    ·    Print the Outstanding Purchase Orders and Outstanding Receipt Invoice List reports to Excel using ExcelDirect. Added an ExcelDirect button and ExcelDirect Options button on the report dialogs. Transactions from the report are exported to Excel using the selected ranges, sorts and options (except subtotals and page breaks). The resulting spreadsheet may be more useful than the export produced using Crystal depending on your requirements. Select the new ‘Allow ExcelDirect Print’ option and related settings on the PDF/Excel Options tab in the Company Profile.

    ·    Added Invoice/Adjustment Clearing Account field to the Ledger Interface tab in the Company Profile. This account is used when there are adjustments to item cost from multiple vendors using different Vendor Document dates.

    ·    New fields Approval User, Date and Time are set when a Requisition is approved. These fields can be displayed on the POs/Receipts/Invoices/Requisitions grids and used in custom Crystal reports or GridView views.

    ·    Additional information is written to the application log (SDAPPLOG).

    ·    The finder on the GL Department field is now restricted to the departments for the account selected.

    ·    The GL Department Description is now available to be added to the GL Account finder with the Column Editor.

    Problems Fixed

    ·    When you added a vendor to a receipt, the Vendor document date used the session date not the Document Date, which could cause an incorrect exchange rate to be used.

    ·    When the ’Allow inventory levels to be below 0?’ setting is disabled in Adagio Inventory and a negative Quick Receipt will cause the Quantity On Hand to be negative, the warning “Insufficient stock. Negative receipt exceeds quantity available at this location.” is displayed when adding or editing the detail line.

    ·    The Receipt document number assigned when Auto Receipt Numbering is used skipped a number, if Receipt Numbers did not have a prefix segment and the same document code already existed as a purchase order.

    ·    In PurchaseOrders 9.2A or higher, when a PO or requisition was copied and then printed, it disappeared from the grid in some cases if a filter was used until you refreshed the grid.

    ·    With the Update Base Price on Entry option set to ‘Auto’ or ‘Manual’ on the Integration tab in the Company Profile, when receipt for the item was posted the Prev Price Change Date in the item was not updated.

    ·    Fixes an issue where an adjusting invoice is processed against an invoice that has not yet been run through the day end process resulted in large amounts being posted to the Rounding account.

    ·    Improvements and corrections have been made to validation of G/L Account and Department in various functions. For Sundry Items and Miscellaneous Charges, department checking has been relaxed. The Department may be left blank. If it is not blank, the Account and Department combination must be valid.

    ·    The IC Item Inquiry functions in PurchaseOrders displayed the Discount Amount rounded to zero decimals for items with a discount on quantity purchased.

    ·    In PurchaseOrders 9.2A and higher, when you did an inquiry to related documents from the Data Flow, the existing documents displayed amounts without commas.

    ·    In view and inquiry functions, after visiting the View tab, if you switched to the Data Flow tab, the Next/Previous buttons did not work.

    ·    When you are in the middle of printing and/or consolidating/clearing the GL Transaction batch report, other users are prevented from retrieving the batch in Ledger until you complete the process.

    ·    When importing receipts, the address fields defaulted from vendor instead of from the import file.

Adagio PurchaseOrders
9.2B | 2016-11-29 (Nov '16)
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    ·    PurchaseOrders 9.2B (2016.11.29) supports Adagio Payables 9.2B and is required for compatibility.

    ·    In PurchaseOrders (2016.10.28) used with Payables 9.2B, when the ‘Post tax on delivery notes’ option was enabled but ‘Post delivery note to AP’ was not, Day End caused an integrity error in the Payables for purchase orders received as a delivery note.

    The enhancements and fixes listed below were in the PurchaseOrders 9.2B (2016.10.28) release.

    ·    Added ExcelDirect in Vendor Edit/View on Transaction Details grids for Applied Details and G/L Distribution Details. Available only if you have Payables 9.2A or higher.

    ·    The Column Editor is now available in Vendor Edit/View on Transaction Details grids for Applied Details and G/L Distribution Details. Available only if you have Payables 9.2A or higher.

    ·    The Edit/View Vendor functions in PurchaseOrders now respect the ‘Edit Vendor SIN/FIN’ option in Security Groups.

    Document Entry

    ·    Insert on the Details grid now inserts after rather than before the highlighted line.

    ·    In PurchaseOrders 9.2B when adding an item on the fly while entering a PO, if the new item number had leading spaces, the ‘Unit of Measure’ and ‘Db GL Account’ fields were blank on the detail screen.

    ·    PDFs of PO receipts could not be viewed from the View Transactions in Adagio Ledger. The Vendor Document Number is now sent to the G/L instead of the PO Document Number to correct this.

    ·    If you received all items on a receipt but did not complete the receipt when prompted, then later you completed the receipt using the ‘Complete’ button on the PO’s grid, the error “Error adding record to Adagio Filter Matches, record already exists” displayed in some cases.

    ·    Receipt PDFs could not be viewed from receipt grids if the Vendor Document Number was longer than 8 characters.

    ·    The number of characters you can enter in the Vendor Document Number field was not limited to the maximum of 12.

    ·    When a purchase order was copied, items having a Line Discount did not have the discount on the new purchase order.

    ·    In PurchaseOrders 8.1C and higher, when purchase orders for the same foreign currency vendor but with different exchange rates were combined, the rate for lines added from the older purchase order was not updated.

    ·    In PurchaseOrders 8.1C (2013.09.13) and higher, when the ‘Check for duplicate AP documents on entry’ option in the Company Profile was off, the program checked for duplicates regardless.

    ·    Added Alt-A speed key to select the ‘Allocated misc.’ field on the detail screen when using manual proration of a miscellaneous charge.


    ·    In PurchaseOrders 9.2B, posting Receipts with Manual prorated cost doubled the allocated cost for each item.

    ·    If you posted an adjustment to a receipt and Day End had not be run after entering the receipt and if the Data Integrity Check was run at that point, it reported a false error. A rebuild did not correct the error but the error no longer appeared after Day End was run and no problems resulted.

    ·    In PurchaseOrders 8.1C (2013.05.17) and later, if you entered a receipt in an alternate unit of measure that was not the costing unit, Day End put the wrong Unit in IC Transaction History. Although the quantity was correct in IC History, this caused problems in the backdated Item Valuation and Stock Card reports in Adagio Inventory. The quantity is now always written to IC History in stocking unit. Custom reports and GridView views that use the Unit field to convert quantities may need to be adjusted.

    Printing Documents

    ·    Fields D22 and E63 could not be dragged onto spec. They had to be selected.

    ·    Updated All Spec is installed. Values reported in spec codes E66 and E68 were reversed on the spec.

    ·    In PurchaseOrders 9.2B when ‘Allow Direct Printing of PO’s’ was enabled, if you edited an existing purchase order that had not been printed yet, posted and printed it directly after posting, the message “Error adding record to Adagio Filter Matches, record already exists.” was displayed when in fact there was no error.

    ·    In PurchaseOrders 9.2B, there was an error when emailing or faxing documents using the Reports | Print Documents function. There was no problem printing from this function or when emailing / faxing from the Document List.

    Day End

    ·    In PurchaseOrders 9.2B (2016.03.10) and subsequent 9.2B Hot Fixes, when the Day End function was closed, the program stopped responding intermittently on some machines.


    ·    After installing Ledger 9.2B (2016.08.10) or SysUpdater (160809), temporary files created on workstations by printing reports were not deleted in some cases, although this did not cause any problems.

    ·    If Expected Receipt Date was blank it printed as 12/31/1899 on the Outstanding Purchase Orders report.

    ·    Fixes error in PurchaseOrders when printing the DayEnd Audit List report after installing Ledger 9.2B (2016.08.10) or SysUpdater (160804 and a message such as “Cannot open file \SOFTRAK\DATA\EZSEMTAB. The system cannot find the specified file.” was displayed. No other reports in PurchaseOrders or in any other module have this problem.

    ·    In PurchaseOrders 9.2A and higher, the Outstanding Receipt Invoice List report did not include some receipts when the ‘Vendor Doc. Date’ option was used.

    ·    The ReportConvertor utility displayed an error when converting custom Crystal reports created for PurchaseOrders 9.2A to PurchaseOrders 9.2B, in some cases, when the report included tables for other modules at versions prior to 9.2B. This has been corrected and the ReportConvertor installed will fix the problem for PurchaseOrders and future releases of other 9.2B modules.


    ·    Importing a receipt for a foreign currency vendor did not update the Exchange Rate on the receipt when the rate had changed.


    ·    PurchaseOrders now renders dialogs properly on Ultra High Resolution displays when the font size is anything other than 100% of normal on Windows 8.1 or higher. All Adagio releases dated in September 2016 and later have this problem fixed. For releases prior to this date, the utility program SetScreenForAdagio.EXE is installed in the \Softrak\System folder to correct the problem.

    ·    The email password for servers that require authentication is now encrypted in the file containing email settings for the ‘Direct’ email method.

    ·    When browsing for a path in various functions in PurchaseOrders releases dated after January 2016 on Windows 8 or higher, you had to select a file to select the folder. This was corrected by System Updater (2016.08.09), which is no longer required for this release of PurchaseOrders.

    ·    Filters were not rebuilt by DataCare for PurchaseOrders 9.2B causing empty results for all filters until they were explicitly refreshed in PurchaseOrders.

    ·    The snapshot made by the System Status function (chksys.exe) did not include station log files in some cases.

    ·    When taking a snapshot with the System Status function (chksys.exe), the error “Snapshot is incomplete! The snapshot encountered error (1).” was encountered in some cases, indicating a file was open and could not be included in the snapshot, when in fact that may not have been the case.

    ·    Installs a new Adagio Data Source (ADS) that prevents resource locking problems at large Adagio sites running 9.2 versions and improves application performance at these sites.

    NOTE: All third-party applications from Adagio Developer Partners must use the new ADS. You must check with your Adagio consultant or the developer to confirm their application is using ADS 1.12. 66.3503 or higher. Failure to ascertain this risks corrupting data if the application is writing to the Adagio data files concurrently with Adagio modules.

Adagio PurchaseOrders
9.2B | 2016-10-28 (Oct '16)
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    ·    PurchaseOrders 9.2B (2016.10.28) supports future release of Adagio Payables 9.2B and will be required by Payables 9.2B for compatibility.

    ·    Added ExcelDirect in Vendor Edit/View on Transaction Details grids for Applied Details and G/L Distribution Details. Available only if you have Payables 9.2A or higher.

    ·    The Column Editor is now available in Vendor Edit/View on Transaction Details grids for Applied Details and G/L Distribution Details. Available only if you have Payables 9.2A or higher.

    ·    The Edit/View Vendor functions in PurchaseOrders now respect the ‘Edit Vendor SIN/FIN’ option in Security Groups.

    Document Entry

    ·    Insert on the Details grid now inserts after rather than before the highlighted line.

    ·    In PurchaseOrders 9.2B when adding an item on the fly while entering a PO, if the new item number had leading spaces, the ‘Unit of Measure’ and ‘Db GL Account’ fields were blank on the detail screen.

    ·    PDFs of PO receipts could not be viewed from the View Transactions in Adagio Ledger. The Vendor Document Number is now sent to the G/L instead of the PO Document Number to correct this.

    ·    If you received all items on a receipt but did not complete the receipt when prompted, then later you completed the receipt using the ‘Complete’ button on the PO’s grid, the error “Error adding record to Adagio Filter Matches, record already exists” displayed in some cases.

    ·    Receipt PDFs could not be viewed from receipt grids if the Vendor Document Number was longer than 8 characters.

    ·    The number of characters you can enter in the Vendor Document Number field was not limited to the maximum of 12.

    ·    When a purchase order was copied, items having a Line Discount did not have the discount on the new purchase order.

    ·    In PurchaseOrders 8.1C and higher, when purchase orders for the same foreign currency vendor but with different exchange rates were combined, the rate for lines added from the older purchase order was not updated.

    ·    In PurchaseOrders 8.1C (2013.09.13) and higher, when the ‘Check for duplicate AP documents on entry’ option in the Company Profile was off, the program checked for duplicates regardless.

    ·    Added Alt-A speed key to select the ‘Allocated misc.’ field on the detail screen when using manual proration of a miscellaneous charge.


    ·    In PurchaseOrders 9.2B, posting Receipts with Manual prorated cost doubled the allocated cost for each item.

    ·    If you posted an adjustment to a receipt and Day End had not be run after entering the receipt and if the Data Integrity Check was run at that point, it reported a false error. A rebuild did not correct the error but the error no longer appeared after Day End was run and no problems resulted.

    ·    In PurchaseOrders 8.1C (2013.05.17) and later, if you entered a receipt in an alternate unit of measure that was not the costing unit, Day End put the wrong Unit in IC Transaction History. Although the quantity was correct in IC History, this caused problems in the backdated Item Valuation and Stock Card reports in Adagio Inventory. The quantity is now always written to IC History in stocking unit. Custom reports and GridView views that use the Unit field to convert quantities may need to be adjusted.

    Printing Documents

    ·    Fields D22 and E63 could not be dragged onto spec. They had to be selected.

    ·    Updated All Spec is installed. Values reported in spec codes E66 and E68 were reversed on the spec.

    ·    In PurchaseOrders 9.2B when ‘Allow Direct Printing of PO’s’ was enabled, if you edited an existing purchase order that had not been printed yet, posted and printed it directly after posting, the message “Error adding record to Adagio Filter Matches, record already exists.” was displayed when in fact there was no error.

    ·    In PurchaseOrders 9.2B, there was an error when emailing or faxing documents using the Reports | Print Documents function. There was no problem printing from this function or when emailing / faxing from the Document List.

    Day End

    ·    In PurchaseOrders 9.2B (2016.03.10) and subsequent 9.2B Hot Fixes, when the Day End function was closed, the program stopped responding intermittently on some machines.


    ·    After installing Ledger 9.2B (2016.08.10) or SysUpdater (160809), temporary files created on workstations by printing reports were not deleted in some cases, although this did not cause any problems.

    ·    If Expected Receipt Date was blank it printed as 12/31/1899 on the Outstanding Purchase Orders report.

    ·    Fixes error in PurchaseOrders when printing the DayEnd Audit List report after installing Ledger 9.2B (2016.08.10) or SysUpdater (160804 and a message such as “Cannot open file \SOFTRAK\DATA\EZSEMTAB. The system cannot find the specified file.” was displayed. No other reports in PurchaseOrders or in any other module have this problem.

    ·    In PurchaseOrders 9.2A and higher, the Outstanding Receipt Invoice List report did not include some receipts when the ‘Vendor Doc. Date’ option was used.

    ·    The ReportConvertor utility displayed an error when converting custom Crystal reports created for PurchaseOrders 9.2A to PurchaseOrders 9.2B, in some cases, when the report included tables for other modules at versions prior to 9.2B. This has been corrected and the ReportConvertor installed will fix the problem for PurchaseOrders and future releases of other 9.2B modules.


    ·    Importing a receipt for a foreign currency vendor did not update the Exchange Rate on the receipt when the rate had changed.


    ·    PurchaseOrders now renders dialogs properly on Ultra High Resolution displays when the font size is anything other than 100% of normal on Windows 8.1 or higher. All Adagio releases dated in September 2016 and later have this problem fixed. For releases prior to this date, the utility program SetScreenForAdagio.EXE is installed in the \Softrak\System folder to correct the problem.

    ·    The email password for servers that require authentication is now encrypted in the file containing email settings for the ‘Direct’ email method.

    ·    When browsing for a path in various functions in PurchaseOrders releases dated after January 2016 on Windows 8 or higher, you had to select a file to select the folder. This was corrected by System Updater (2016.08.09), which is no longer required for this release of PurchaseOrders.

    ·    Filters were not rebuilt by DataCare for PurchaseOrders 9.2B causing empty results for all filters until they were explicitly refreshed in PurchaseOrders.

    ·    The snapshot made by the System Status function (chksys.exe) did not include station log files in some cases.

    ·    When taking a snapshot with the System Status function (chksys.exe), the error “Snapshot is incomplete! The snapshot encountered error (1).” was encountered in some cases, indicating a file was open and could not be included in the snapshot, when in fact that may not have been the case.

    ·    Installs a new Adagio Data Source (ADS) that prevents resource locking problems at large Adagio sites running 9.2 versions and improves application performance at these sites.

    NOTE: All third-party applications from Adagio Developer Partners must use the new ADS. You must check with your Adagio consultant or the developer to confirm their application is using ADS 1.12. 66.3503 or higher. Failure to ascertain this risks corrupting data if the application is writing to the Adagio data files concurrently with Adagio modules.

Adagio PurchaseOrders
9.2B | 2016-03-24 (Mar '16)
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    Purchase order and other documents

    ·    Vendor addresses on documents and Pickup, Ship/Bill To, and Sundry Vendor addresses can be formatted, including dedicated fields for City, State/Prov and Country. The company address in the Company Profile may also be formatted.

    ·    The size of these fields on documents, Pickup, Ship/Bill To, and Sundry Vendor addresses has increased:

    Name increased from 30 to 40 characters
    Address lines from 30 to 40
    Contact from 18 to 30
    Comments from 30 to 40.

    ·    PurchaseOrders 9.2B supports Payables 9.2A formatted vendor addresses and increased field sizes. Generally you would not use formatted addresses in PurchaseOrders unless you also use them in Payables.

    ·    The Bill To and Ship To addresses are now stored in the purchase order and other documents. Address fields can be changed during document entry and saved with the document. This allows you to enter an address on the document for one-time use without having to add a Bill/Ship To address. Changed addresses flow to receipts and history allowing the changes to be viewed, printed or restored.

    ·    Added Optional Fields to the Header for purchase orders, receipts and requisitions. Vendor optional fields are defaulted from the Payables or Sundry Vendor.

    ·    PurchaseOrders 9.2B supports Optional Fields at the batch level in a future release of Payables 9.2B. Day End sends Optional Fields from receipts to Payables 9.2B invoice batches.

    ·    Added Last Maintenance and Created Date, Time and User stamp fields to purchase orders and other documents. They are available in grids and finders, custom reports and in GridView.

    ·    Added Approval Date, Time and User stamp fields to Requisitions. These fields flow through to other documents and are available in grids and finders, custom reports and in GridView.

    ·    Document files including purchase orders, requisitions, receipts and history, as well as details, have been harmonized to the use the same structure. Details are now in a single file rather than having an extension file. These changes make creating custom views and reports easier.

    Purchase order document entry

    ·    The Vendor Name is now available to show in the PO Document List by selecting it in the Column Editor for grids. The Vendor Name is also now available to show in the Details grid – useful for purchase orders that have items from multiple vendors.

    ·    Adagio ePrint users can view a PDF of purchase orders from the Document List, Document Inquiry and History functions.

    ·    In Edit Sundry Item and Edit Miscellaneous Charges, you can save with just a GL Account but leave the Department blank. The Account is validated but the Department is not validated if blank. This allows companies running with multiple departments to default the Account but specify the Department when entering the purchase order. When a purchase order is saved, both the Account and Department are validated.

    ·    Added Manual Styles in purchase orders and other documents.

    ·    Added a ‘Find Vendor’ button on the Document Detail dialog to allow you to find a Payables Vendor by Name or Phone (and a Sundry Vendor by Name) when adding item details for a vendor that is different from the primary vendor.


    ·    PO Header Optional Fields have been added to ‘Send to G/L’ Description 1 and 2 for User Defined on Ledger Interface tab in the Company Profile:

    %hs1..3 – Header Optional String 1..3
    %hd1..2 – Header Date 1..2
    %ha1..2 – Header Amount 1..2
    %hu1..2 – Header Units 1..2

    ·    Added a Find button to the Edit Ship/Bill To Addresses function.

    ·    Added a Find button to the Edit Miscellaneous Charges function.

    ·    Added ExcelDirect to the Edit Pickup Addresses function.

    ·    Added Optional Fields to Sundry Vendors.

    ·    The Items with Sales/Costs inquiry function now shows the ‘Quantity on RMA’ if you use Adagio RMA.

    Maintenance functions

    ·    Vendor optional fields are defaulted from the Payables or Sundry Vendor by the Generate Purchase Orders from OrderEntry and Inventory functions.


    ·    Added a summary by Tax Status to the Tax Tracking report.

    ·    Added ‘Use Date’ option to the Outstanding Receipt Invoice List report. It can be set to ‘Doc. Date’ or ‘Vendor Doc. Date’. By default (and in prior versions), the report uses the date on the Header tab to select documents. You may now use the ‘Vendor Doc. Date’ option to use the date entered on the Totals tab.

    Printing purchase orders and the designer

    ·    Adagio ePrint users can attach a PDF document (such as shipping instructions) when emailing, faxing or printing purchase orders.

    ·    Fields and objects on specifications can now have custom colors, with full control of hue, saturation and luminosity. Colors in the sample data purchase order specifications and purchase order templates in the designer have been updated accordingly.

    ·    Added new spec codes for formatted address from Company Profile:
         M27..M33 Company address line 1..7 (formatted)
         M35 Company City
         M36 Company State/Province
         M37 Company Country
         M38 Company City, State/Prov, ZIP/Postal (formatted)

    ·    Added Vendor new spec code::
         M38 Vendor City, State/Prov, ZIP/Postal (formatted)

    ·    Added new Bill To spec codes for formatted addresses:
         B12, B15..B16 Bill-to address 5..7 (compressed)
         B17..B23 Bill-to address 1..7 (formatted)
         B25 Bill-to City
         B26 Bill-to State/Province
         B27 Bill-to Country
         B24 Bill-to City, State/Prov, ZIP/Postal (formatted)

    ·    Added new Ship To spec codes for formatted addresses:
         S13, S18..S19 Ship-to address 5..7 (compressed)
         S20..S26 Ship-to address 1..7 (formatted)
         S28 Ship-to City
         S29 Ship-to State/Province
         S30 Ship-to Country
         S27 Ship-to City, State/Prov, ZIP/Postal (formatted)

    ·    Added new Document Header spec codes for formatted addresses:
         E105, E106..E107 Pickup address 5..7 (compressed)
         E108..E114 Pickup address 1..7 (formatted)
         E116 Pickup City
         E117 Pickup State/Province
         E118 Pickup Country
         E115 Pickup City, State/Prov, ZIP/Postal (formatted)

    ·    Added new Document Header spec codes for optional fields:
         E119..E121 Optional Text 1..3 –header
         E122..E123 Optional Date 1..2 –header
         E124..E125 Optional Amount 1..2 –header
         E126..E127 Optional Units 1..2 –header

    Import / Export

    ·    Added Import and Export Ship/Bill To Addresses functions.

    ·    Vendor addresses on documents, Pickup, Ship/Bill To, and Sundry Vendor addresses can be imported in formatted format, including dedicated fields for City, State/Prov and Country.

    ·    Optional Fields can be imported and exported for Purchase Orders, Receipts, Quick Receipts and Sundry Vendors.

    ·    The Default import purchase orders and receipts templates have been simplified and use a minimum number of fields.


    ·    Adagio ePrint users can view a PDF of purchase orders and any attached documents from the Email Queue.

    ·    Adagio ePrint users can attach additional PDFs and other types of documents to emails in the queue, such as Word or Excel. Attachments are shown in a tree view on the Edit Email Entry dialog. Right-click on the tree to add a document. Default folders for attachments can be specified on the Reports/Specs tab in the Company Profile. These folders are relative to the ePrint relative folder path (or to the data folder if ePrint is not installed).

    ·    The Data Integrity Check (DIC) saves results for the last 9 previous runs in files IRWINERR01...09.dat (where .dat is your company data file extension). The current DIC information will always be in IRWINERR. If you do check/rebuild/check without closing the DIC function the results are appended to the same file.

    ·    Styles and grid banding are supported when searching by Item Description when entering details on documents.

    Problems Fixed

    ·    Approving a Requisition with Event Budgets, line discounts and manual proration, when interfaced with Adagio JobCost, caused data integrity errors.

    ·    Adding a Receipt to a Purchase Order with Event Budgets and manual proration, when interfaced with Adagio JobCost, caused data integrity errors.

    ·    In some cases when using 4-decimal costing there was a difference in rounding between the purchase order and the receipt, which caused in integrity error in Payables related to the Outstanding PO Amount in the vendor.

    ·    When importing items from an OE order and creating a ShipTo address from the OE order, the ShipTo address is brought into the PO from the OE customer’s order and the BillTo address from the Company Profile. However, the Company Name was taken from the BillTo rather than the Company Profile.

    ·    You can load the 4 Additional Information fields from an item to the details of a purchase order by right-clicking on the item, selecting ‘Additional Item Info’. However, if the first line field was blank in the item the fields were not loaded.

    ·    If you edited, then deleted and re-added a Miscellaneous Charge on an Invoice / Adjustment, the tax was double allocated.

    ·    If you edited and then deleted a Miscellaneous Charge on an Invoice / Adjustment, the tax that would have been allocated for it was not removed. This caused a write-off when the document was posted.

    ·    If you received the quantity backordered, the program sets that field to zero, then accidentally set it back to the original quantity backordered or more, posting the receipt caused a data integrity error. This is now prevented.

    ·    Posting a receipt without any details caused a data integrity error in some cases. You can no longer post a receipt without any details. There must be quantities received or a non-zero miscellaneous charge.

    ·    Sundry Items now respect the ‘Decimal places in unit cost’ setting on the Entry Defaults tab in the Company Profile and can be costed up to 6 decimals. In previous versions, the unit cost on the Sundry Item was rounded to 2 decimals.

    ·    The F5 key did not open the finder in the Edit / View Sundry Items, Sundry Vendors, Miscellaneous Charges or ShipTo Addresses functions.

    ·    In PurchaseOrders 9.2A, support for .GIF image file types was lost in the Edit and View Item. A .GIF file could not be selected from the browse and editing or viewing an item with a .GIF image entered in a previous version resulted in an error.

    ·    When the Send Method for a vendor’s PO Print Options was set to Email and/or Fax but not Print, you could not preview a purchase order and the message “Nothing to print.” was displayed.

    ·    If you email a purchase order from the email queue when the document is no longer in current but is in history, the fields are now read from history. If the document is not in current or history the email can still be sent and the warning “Original document not found. Unable to expand coversheet” is displayed.

    ·    The Pickup Contact (E37) and Pickup Comment (E35) did not print on purchase orders or receipts unless you clicked the ‘Pick-up Details’ button to open the Edit Pick-up Addresses dialog and clicked the ‘OK’ button.

    ·    In PurchaseOrders 9.2A, the Document Value was always 0.00 on the Day End Audit List for receipts and adjustments.

    ·    In PurchaseOrders 9.2A, the detail line with Job, Event Code, GL acct/dept, Tax to item, and Qty were missing on the Day End Audit List in some cases.

    ·    If the Outstanding Receipt Invoice List was printed from a Report Set used in an automation job and if no invoices were selected based on the settings and ranges used, this halted the automation job with the message “Selection error”.

    ·    If the PO Documents List was open when you used the Auto Generate POs from OrderEntry function, the grid was not updated with the generated purchase orders until the function was closed and reopened.

    ·    The Auto Generate POs from Inventory function did not generate the correct quantity for stocked Items with a Maximum Level of zero in the Reorder Data.

    ·    The Import Purchase Orders function no longer validates the Ship Via. When entering a purchase order, you are allowed to enter any information in the Ship Via field.

    ·    The Import Purchase Orders and Import Receipts functions did not respect the ‘Decimal places in unit cost’ setting in the Company Profile and rounded costs to 2 decimal places.

    ·    When importing Purchase Orders, Receipts or Quick Receipts in source currency for multi-currency databases, the Total Cost was not converted to home currency.

    ·    The Bill To and Ship To Comment fields were not available in Email Cover Sheets.

Adagio PurchaseOrders
9.2A | 2015-12-04 (Dec '15)
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    ·    Compatible with and required by Adagio JobCost 9.2A (if used).

    Problems Fixed

    ·    JobCost cost batches created in PurchaseOrders had blank G/L accounts if the fields were blank in the Phase/Category, rather than using accounts from the Job.

    Fixes from previously released Hot Fixes

    ·    The Auto Generate POs from OrderEntry function did not work if you have OrderEntry 9.2A. Orders entered with OE 9.2A will not generate PO’s. Orders entered with a previous version of OE and orders created by transfer from SalesCQ did not have a problem.

    This has been corrected but requires that a Data Integrity Check be performed in OE. First you MUST open the data with PurchaseOrders. Errors will be reported for each detail line entered in OE 9.2A. You must do a rebuild and all errors will be corrected without loss of data. The Auto Generate will then work correctly. The next release of OE will correct this problem without requiring a Data Integrity Check and rebuild.

    ·    When emailing documents with an Email Cover Sheet that uses fields from the Payables 9.2A vendor file, there was an error.

    ·    The Import Quick Receipt function did not allow negative quantities.

    ·    Import of partial receipts for Sundry Items did not correctly update backorders or Event Budgets.

    ·    When PurchaseOrders was already running and you selected PO from the Adagio menu or toolbar of another module, instead of switching to the running PO it opened another instance.

    ·    In PurchaseOrders 8.1D (2014.03.10) and later, if you entered a Receipt and reversed a No proration miscellaneous charge allocation from another receipt, the amount of the miscellaneous charge from the second receipt was distributed to the wrong Ledger account in some cases. This resulted in Day End creating incorrect GL transactions to the Ledger Rounding Error accounts instead of the Debit GL account on the Receipt line detail.

    ·    In PurchaseOrders 9.2A, the Outstanding Receipt Invoice List report displayed an error similar to “Cannot open file \\\"\DATA\IRHTnnnnR.DAT\\\". The system cannot find the file specified.” on systems with many Windows users (approximately more than 100).

    ·    Filters were not rebuilt by DataCare for PurchaseOrders 9.2A.

    ·    DataCare displayed an error when opened after installing PurchaseOrders 9.2A if Payables was not 9.2A.

    ·    There was an Access Violation error in DataCare when checking a PO database for a specific type of corruption in fields, likely due to hardware problems. This error is now prevented for DataCare 9.2A (only, not earlier versions). The data may still have corruption in fields that DataCare cannot detect or repair.

Adagio PurchaseOrders
9.2A | 2015-02-17 (Feb '15)
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    General Features

    ·    Compatible with and required by future release of Adagio Payables 9.2A. Earlier versions of PurchaseOrders will not open if Payables 9.2A data is present. Version 9.2A remains downward compatible with 8.1D to 8.1F versions of Payables.

    ·    You can now start other Adagio modules from toolbar buttons showing the icon for the module. This allows easy switching between Adagio modules. If a module is running against the same company data, Adagio will now just switch to that running instance, rather than launching a second instance. Toolbar buttons can be rearranged under File | User preferences, or by dragging the buttons around or off the toolbar itself.

    ·    Adagio PurchaseOrders now logs user activity within the module, including login, menu choices. Audit logs may be viewed with GridView.

    ·    Grids may be “banded” with a User Selectable color and banding frequency set under File | User Preferences. Filter Styles may be disabled and replaced with regular banding if desired.

    ·    The status bar at the bottom of the main window now shows activity of various steps when the program is starting up and the database is opening.


    ·    The Column Editor screen can be sized. The size is remembered by module on the workstation.

    ·    Updated splash screen with new Adagio logo and colors. Updated icon and toolbar button images.

    ·    The System Status function (chksys) and its Snapshot function have been improved.

    Payables Interface

    ·    The Edit and View Vendor functions in PurchaseOrders support vendor changes in Payables 9.2A. These functions and document entry support the module and function-specific vendor Alerts added for Payables 9.2A.

    ·    The Edit / View Vendors grids now display the total number of records, as well as a count of the displayed records when a Filter is active. An Ignore Style Color button has also been added. Click this button to toggle the grid between no color and Style colors or no color and banding (if it is enabled in User Preferences).

    ·    The Find by vendor Phone now shows formatted phone numbers.

    ·    For Adagio ePrint users, the Edit/View Vendor functions in PurchaseOrders now support viewing PDFs of purchase order documents.

    ·    Added new codes to the specification designer for new fields in the Payables 9.2A vendor:
         Vendor address line 1..7 (compressed)                          Vendor Country
         Vendor address 1..7 (formatted)                                   Vendor Comments 2
         Vendor Name 2                                                            Vendor Name 1 + 2
         Vendor City                                                                 Vendor I.D. number - partial
         Vendor State/Province


    ·    Adagio PurchaseOrders standard reports are now created using Crystal Reports 2013, replacing the Crystal Reports 8.5 Print Engine (CRPE32.dll). The module’s management reports are now stored in \Softrak\PurchaseOrders\StandardReports. Revisions to these reports should be placed in \Softrak\PurchaseOrders\ModifiedReports. Custom reports to be added to the Reports menu should be stored in \Softrak\PurchaseOrders\CustomReports. Reports must be edited or created using Crystal Reports 2011 or 2013 and Adagio ODBC for access to the data files. Users will notice minor changes to some of the visual elements in the module and a new Print Preview window. The size and position of the Print Preview window are now remembered between sessions by user, so the Workstation options controlling this function have been removed. Exporting to an Excel spreadsheet from the print preview window has been significantly improved. Refer to the online Crystal help for details. The Report Tables Drive settings and Crystal tables in the \QRASP folder are not used by version 9.2A modules.

    ·    An updated version of Adagio PrintTool (PT) is installed in \Softrak\PrintTool. PT allows you to print / preview custom reports without needing to run Crystal Reports itself or without placing the report on the Custom Reports menu in an Adagio module, and allows reports to be placed on the Windows desktop. PrintTool 9.2A prints custom reports created with Crystal Reports 2011 or 2013 only. Adagio ODBC must be installed to create custom reports but is not required to print custom reports. Your Adagio dealer or consultant can create custom reports for you and deploy them at your site. Note: PT does not print reports created with Crystal Reports 8.5 for Adagio. Existing version 8.5 custom reports must be converted before they can be printed by 9.2A. PT allows you to specify a report to print on the command line using the /r parameter. This allows Adagio automation batches to print custom reports (to printer – a future release of PT will allow automation batches to print custom reports to PDF). PT does not require registration with Softrak Systems but does use Adagio Lanpak licenses.

    ·    The Outstanding Receipt Invoices report now reports on zero value Delivery Notes. This is useful for sites that post zero value Delivery Notes and don't post a value with the items until the actual Inv/Adjustment is created. When these sites later try to archive documents, unless invoiced, the zero value Delivery Notes and their associated documents won't archive to history.

    ·    New ePrint code %CDT is available to put the Calculate/Report as of Date into either the PDF filename or folder name for reports such as Outstanding Receipt Invoice List, Tax Tracking and Tax Summary.

    ·    Miscellaneous

    ·    When emailing from the PO Document List grid, the default is to “Now” instead of “Add to Queue”. Emailing from the Print Documents function defaults to “Add to Queue”.

    ·    The Sent to JC Reference/Description fields on the Integration tab in the Company Profile now include ‘Item number’ and ‘Item description’.

    ·    New export templates created for Excel format default the file extension to .XLXS rather than .XLS as in prior versions.

    Problems Fixed

    ·    In a multi-user PurchaseOrders site using “Auto Generate POs from”, with multiple people in PurchaseOrders concurrently, posting of the generated orders would sometimes not result in correct updating of the Qty on Purchase Order number in the Item File or Dollars on PO in the Vendor file.

    ·    Auto Generate POs from IC calculated the wrong quantity for non-stock items in some cases.

    ·    In PurchaseOrders 8.1D, when importing items from an OE order and creating a Shipto address from the OE order, both the Shipto and Billto addresses on the purchase order were populated from the OE order. Now only the ShipTo address is brought into the PO from the OE customer’s order.

    ·    When using Contract Costing for Sundry Items, partial Receipts calculated and posted incorrect outstanding amounts to the original PO. If interfaced to JobCost, the partial Receipts as either delivery notes/invoices were not created as cost batch entries into JobCost and therefore Outstanding PO Amounts in Estimates were not updated.

    ·    When using Contract Costing for Sundry Items, partial Receipts displayed the message “There are no more items on backorder. Would you like to complete this order?” instead of “There are still items on backorder. Would you like to complete this order?”. Likewise, when you receipted the final installment on a contract, the message “There are still items on backorder. Would you like to complete this order?” instead of “There are no more items on backorder. Would you like to complete this order?”.

    ·    When you posted a second Receipt for a Contract Costing Sundry Item, the Extended Order Cost was not net of the first Receipt.

    ·    When invoicing a Receipt for Contract Costing Sundry Item, the Adjustment Cost could be edited. This is now prevented.

    ·    When only a single vendor is selected in the “Auto Generate POs from” function, alerts for that vendor are now popped up when appropriate.

    ·    The Approve function in Edit Requisitions function did not pop vendor alerts.

    ·    When importing purchase orders, receipts or quick receipts, the Document Date was set to the session date rather than the date from the import file.

    ·    If you use account formatting in Ledger, when you imported Sundry Items and used a default for the GL Department, it used the format for the account instead, which could cause an error indicating the account did not exist.

    ·    For MultiCurrency databases, the Day End Audit List report only printed currency rates with 5 decimals instead of 7.

Adagio PurchaseOrders
8.1D | 2014-10-06 (Oct '14)
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       The 'Default document type for receipts' option in the Company Profile did not work for Quick Receipts - the Vendor Document type on the Totals tab always defaulted to ‘Delivery Note’.

       When you entered a Discount on the Total tab of an Invoice/Adjustment, there was a data integrity error in the Discount Base amount in the Payables invoice batch created by Day End. When you entered a Discount for a Receipt / Quick Receipt, the Discount Base was not adjusted by the discount amount on Miscellaneous Charges for the vendor. When you entered a Discount for a Purchase Order or Requisition, the Discount Base was not adjusted correctly

       When you entered a Discount on the Total tab for an Invoice / Adjustment the GL entries generated were incorrect and Inventory Control was not updated correctly.

       If you posted a Receipt as an Invoice, with a Discount on the Total tab, then posted an Adjustment to the Invoice, after running Day End an error was reported by the Data Integrity Check in the amount on PO for the Payables Vendor.

       If you had posted a receipt as an invoice for items with a discount, then added an Adjustment for the items, the tax calculated did not take the discount into account.

       If you posted an order in OrderEntry and then modified the quantity for some items on the order, when you used the ‘Import OE Lines’ function for a new purchase order, the Quantity Originally Ordered was used instead of the Quantity Ordered. Therefore, the way quantities are selected from OrderEntry orders by the ‘Import OE Lines’ function has been changed. When you choose the ‘Outstanding’ option, the Backordered items on the selected OrderEntry order will be inserted in the new PO document. When you choose the ‘All items’ option, for a new Order (an Order never invoiced), the Quantity Ordered is used. For an invoiced Order, the Quantity Originally Ordered is used. Note: If you are modifying partially invoiced orders and increasing order quantities or adding new lines, use ‘Outstanding’. ‘All items’ will import the Quantity Originally Ordered for existing items and 0 for the new items.

    The Auto Generate POs from OrderEntry function has also been changed. When you choose the ‘Orig. order quantity’ option, the larger of the Quantity Originally Ordered or the Quantity Ordered is selected.

       The primary vendor document number may have been sent to Ledger instead of the secondary vendor document number when ‘Cost to AP?’ was disabled for a miscellaneous charge for the secondary vendor.

       You were unable to add a Ship-To Address on the fly even when it was permitted in the Security Group.

       The main help has had significant updates.

Adagio PurchaseOrders
8.1D | 2014-06-11 (Jun '14)
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    Enhancements and revisions in Adagio PurchaseOrders 8.1D (2014.06.11)

    New Features

       The Email Cover is defaulted from the vendor and displayed on the print dialog when printing a single purchase order. If the purchase order is for multiple vendors you can leave the Email Cover field blank and it will be defaulted for each vendor. Note that there will still be a warning that no cover sheet was selected.

    Problems Fixed

       In PurchaseOrders 8.1D, the F6 key did not launch the smart finder in document entry until at least one detail had been added, and when there were details, the F6 key launched the smart finder for Find Details instead of the correct smart finder of the field. The F6 key did work correctly if the finder was invoked first.

       For tax groups using a tax base of 'Most recent cost' in a jurisdiction, tax was calculated too low by a factor of 100.

       Day End created an unbalanced GL transaction (source debit and credit) that could not be retrieved in Ledger for a single currency invoice/adjustment in a multi-currency database, if a discount was entered on the Totals screen first and then item adjustments were made.

       With a tax group that uses the tax base 'Fixed Amount', the tax amount for a Misc Charge was being calculated as a percentage.

       If you entered an Invoice / Adjustment and combined details from another receipt, where the second receipt had a vendor that was not in the first receipt, (for example: a miscellaneous charge for a different courier) the amount of the miscellaneous charge from the second receipt posted double the correct amount. This resulted in Day End creating incorrect GL transactions to the Payables Clearing and Ledger Rounding Error accounts.

       If you entered an Invoice / Adjustment and combined details from another receipt, where the second receipt had a vendor that was not in the first receipt, (for example: a miscellaneous charge for a different courier), the Vendor Document type field for the vendor from the second receipt was blank instead of set to 'Invoice or 'Del. note'.

       If you entered a receipt with identical miscellaneous charges for a secondary vendor, entered an Invoice / Adjustment for the primary vendor, entered a second Invoice / Adjustment, deleting one of the identical miscellaneous charges and adding a new charge for the secondary vendor, then entered a third Invoice / Adjustment, adding yet another miscellaneous charge for the vendor, this resulted in Day End creating incorrect GL transactions to the Payables Clearing and Ledger Rounding Error accounts.

       If you have the 'Post delivery note to AP' and 'Post tax on delivery note' options enabled and posted receipts for a PO, then combined them on an Invoice / Adjustment, editing the cost of combined item resulted in an incorrect calculated cost.

       If you have the 'Post tax on delivery note' option enabled and entered a manual proration on a purchase order or delivery note, when entering the Invoice/Adjustment, an error message  indicating the manual allocation was incorrect and prompting you to edit the items was displayed when there was no error. If you edited and updated the items, incorrect GL entries resulted.

       The four Additional Information fields in for sundry items were not printed on documents for the specification codes D73 - D76.

       Corrected a problem in the Document finder for Find on the Inv/Adj tab in Document Inquiry function for databases created with Adagio PurchaseOrders 8.1C or higher.

       In PurchaseOrders 8.1D, the Sundry Vendors and Sundry Items reports did not work.

       In PurchaseOrders 8.1D, the Data Integrity Check reported false errors in some cases for purchase orders with items having quantities less than 1.

       PurchaseOrders 8.1D added Transport Layer Security (TLS) / Secure Socket Layer (SSL) support for secure email servers. This required a workstation install for each station using PO and stations using email in any other Adagio module, even if PO was not used on those stations. A workstation install is no longer required in either case.

       Corrected problems where the From field in received email showed the Return Address rather than the Display Name when emailing from any module, and there was an error when emailing from any module on an XP station. Installing this release of PurchaseOrders corrects these problems in all modules. Secure email servers are not supported on Windows XP.

       Corrected problem where email sent using the Direct method (SMTP) after installing PurchaseOrders 8.1D, DataCare 9.1A or OrderEntry 8.1F (2014.05.02) had an incorrect Sent time. This problem was also corrected by the Adagio System Updater (2014.05.15), which does not need to be installed, as this release of PurchaseOrders also corrects the problem.

Adagio PurchaseOrders
8.1D | 2014-03-10 (Mar '14)
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    Enhancements and revisions in Adagio PurchaseOrders 8.1D (2014.03.10)


       You can now search the details on purchase orders, receipts and other documents using the smart finder. A Find button as been added on the Details tab and Find Line added to the right-mouse menu on the grid.

       You can now select which vendors of a multiple vendor document to print when auto-printing individual documents or printing from the grid. The vendors appear in a list on the print dialog. Vendors that do not have Print, Fax or Email set in Send Method for PO Print Options do not show on the list. If one of the options is set, the vendor will show on the list but printing will match the vendor record. For example, if the vendor is set to Print only, it will show on the list but documents will not be faxed or emailed.

       You can now manually prorate multiple Miscellaneous Charges.

       Supports Transport Layer Security (TLS) / Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for secure email servers when emailing documents. Added option 'Use TLS/SSL' added to Email Setup function. Note: this will require a workstation install (see Upgrading topic in Release Notes).

       Text Blocks can be defined and added to purchase orders as multiple comment or instruction lines. Note that Edit Text Blocks defaults to disabled in any existing Security Groups if you are using Adagio security.

       Added the new sort Category / Item Number when sorting lines on a document or sorting lines when printing a document.

       If you add a new Ship To Address on the fly after using Import OE Lines, when you click the ShipTo button on the Bill to / Ship to tab it asks the question "Do you want to create a ship to address, and use the OE address as the default?".  Responding “Yes” allows you to use the customer's address from the OE order. The Ship To code is set to the Customer Number. If the Ship To Address already exists it asks "An address exists with the code from OE, do you wish to updated it?".

       When adding an IC item on the fly while entering purchase orders the vendor from the detail is set as the Primary Vendor in the item.

       You can now change the Adagio JobCost allocation on details in receipts.

       Code 39 barcodes could be printed for any field on purchase orders and other documents in previous versions. However, these barcodes could not be scanned because they were missing the leading and trailing asterisk. Added Bar Code Font field to the System tab in the Program Properties function in the designer. Fields using this font on documents will print a barcode that can be scanned. Note: The barcode font is not embedded in PDFs or email attachments and, therefore, must be installed on the computer that prints the documents. Typically fonts will be installed on all machines at a site and barcodes will print. However, this will be a limitation when sending documents by email. Barcodes will be embedded in a future release.

       Added M19, Company Contact spec code in the document designer.

       The status bar now shows activity of various steps when the program is starting up and the database is opening.

       Added 'Auto-backup after DIC' option to the System Options tab in the Company Profile.

       Added Filter criteria 'Before today' and 'After today' for Floating Date Range.

       A 'Report set' button has been added to the toolbar.

       The Item button on details in documents opens the Item Inquiry with Sales and Costs rather than the standard Item Inquiry if security permits.

       The Data Integrity Checker detects and deletes orphaned document header records when there is no totals record or details records.

    Problems Fixed

       If you edited the primary vendor and vendors on details such that a vendor that was used is no longer used on the purchase order, the vendor was not removed from the View tab. It remained until posting so changes to the vendor where not lost in case you used the vendor again. Now the vendor does not show on the View tab or print if there are 0 lines for the vendor.

       Edits to tax amounts were lost if multiple vendors on a purchase order were invoiced separately.

       An Access Violation occurred if you quickly clicked between the View and Total tabs without letting the document load on the View tab.

       When you entered a Receipt for a PO with manually prorated Miscellaneous Charges that had already been partially received, the warning message about the remaining amount to be allocated showed the wrong amount.

       The warning for an inactive vendor was displayed for every detail added to the purchase order. It is only displayed once now on the edit of an existing purchase order and when creating a new purchase order, once on the header and once for the first detail.

       When importing an order from OrderEntry, if you respond Yes to the 'Do you want to use the vendors on the IC items?' prompt, IC items that do not have a vendor specified in the item are now assigned the vendor from the purchase order header. In some cases in version 8.1C, the vendor was left blank and a integrity error resulted when this occurred. There were further problems if these items were receipted and invoiced. For purchase orders where this may have happened, you cannot post until it has been corrected. If this has happened, the Data Integrity Check will assign the primary vendor on the purchase order to these items. If Day End has been done, adjustments will need to be made. You are now prevented from posting a Receipt or Invoice/Adjustment when there are a blank vendors.

       On the Details tab when editing or viewing a purchase order, if you clicked the triangle button to hide the vendor information and clicked it again re-show the information, the Change Vendor appeared.

       The Db GL Account field for Sundry Items could not be edited on receipts.

       Posting a purchase order with a Sundry vendor as the primary vendor, that also included a item with a Payables vendor, incorrectly displayed an error that the Sundry vendor was not found. Starting with either a Payables or Sundry vendor, and then adding an item with the other type, now sets the vendor type value correctly even if an IC item is set with the primary vendor having a sundry code. If the primary vendor code on the IC item isn't a Payables or Sundry vendor, then the correct 'vendor code doesn't exist' message appears.

       The Day End process may have created incorrect GL entries to the Ledger rounding error account when Receipts were partially invoiced. When Misc Charges are allocated on a Receipt and Item details are deleted from the Invoice/Adjustment, all Misc Charge details will be deleted from the Invoice/Adjustment entry. The cost allocations from the Receipt are not reversed. A new Misc Charge may be added to the Invoice/Adjustment to update the Items on the Invoice/Adjustment. When the remaining Items on the Receipt are invoiced, the Misc Charges can be adjusted if needed.

       The grid was not refreshed correctly, in some cases, in the Auto Generate function after generating purchase orders.

       Taxes were not added to purchase orders created for the Auto Generate function.

       When printing a Report Set, your choice on the message dialogs displayed is remembered. If you select the option 'Don't show this message again' the dialogs will no longer be displayed and the action taken will be for the remembered choice.

       Importing documents containing new IC items that do not have Item Location records caused data integrity errors in the Total Quantity on PO that could not be rebuilt correctly.

       For formatted item numbers, if you added an IC item in Adagio Inventory (or other modules) by copying and pasting the item number and you inadvertently included a CR/LF, the item was added and could be seen in grids and finders in any module. However, when selected an error displayed saying "Record not found". This is now prevented in Adagio PurchaseOrders. Likewise for formatted document numbers, if you created a purchase order or receipt and manually assigned the document number by copying and pasting a number with a CR/LF, the document posted and could be seen in grids and finders but, when selected, an error displayed saying the document was not found.

       The smart finder did not work for Sundry Items that had leading spaces in the Item Number.

       The Data Integrity Check now checks for details on purchase orders where the Qty Ordered * Unit Cost doesn't equal Extended Cost.

       Installs an updated version of the Adagio Data Source (ADS) that correctly records the OpLocks setting shown in station log files.

Adagio PurchaseOrders
8.1C | 2013-11-22 (Nov '13)
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    Enhancements and revisions in Adagio PurchaseOrders 8.1C (2013.11.22)


       Added specification codes for the Price List from the vendor, document header and document detail:
    V46, Vendor price list code
    E96, Vendor price list
    D87, Item price list

    Problems Fixed

       Corrected a problem that occurred intermittently at some sites when multiple users were editing PO documents. When a document was posted you received the error messaged "Error adding record to P/O Totals, record already exists." followed by "Error appending PO Totals record for POnnnnn". After this occurred, the Data Integrity Check (DIC) File Integrity Phase reported errors in the P/O Totals and the Application Integrity Phase reported errors such as "Purchase Order is missing vendor totals record".

       The Data Integrity Check (DIC) rebuild now corrects receipts with missing vendor Totals record (the DIC in the 8.1C (2013.09.13) Service Pack corrected the problem in purchase orders). The vendor document number will be set to "IR DIC DS". You should edit entries in the Payables invoice batch and enter the correct invoice number.

       When posting a document and while the mouse pointer has changed to busy, it was possible to click the X on the document window and get the message "Do you wish to cancel your changes?". Responding Yes to the question could cause error messages and integrity errors.

       If another user was editing a vendor when you posted a purchase order for that vendor, the posting completed when it should have displayed a Retry message. This resulted in an incorrect amount in the P/O Balance field in the vendor. (This error was rebuilt by the Data Integrity Check.)

       If you chose Cancel on a Cancel / Retry message when posting a purchase order while blocked by another user posting at the same time, in some cases the mouse pointer did not change back from busy to a pointer.

       When posting a document, if the New Document field was blank, the dialog closed and you were returned to editing the document but the mouse cursor changed to busy (hourglass) and stayed that way.

       For a PO created from a Standing Order, a template or copying another PO, both the Extended Order Cost and the Extended Cost were populated with amounts. This caused a problem when a receipt was created because these field cannot be edited.

       On the View tab, some Header, Bill to and Ship to fields were blank for a new purchase order and edits to these fields on an existing purchase order did not show (although they were correct on the printed document).

       When single-segment item numbers are used, the item number field in details on documents posted in PurchaseOrders 8.1C were left-justified instead of right-justified. As a result, items were not found in the Item Transaction Inquiry function or the Purchase History for Item inquiry function from a detail in document entry. Thisalso caused a change in the way GridView views sorted item details posted in PO 8.1C as compared to documents posted in Purchase Orders for Adagio 8.1B. This has been corrected. The Data Integrity Check will correct existing details in the database. The first time the Data Integrity Check (DIC) is run after installing the PurchaseOrders 8.1C (2013.11.22) Service Pack, an error will be reported for each document containing incorrect details. This is not a cause for concern. These errors will be rebuilt by the DIC without any problem or loss of data.

       Receipts with multiple vendors continued to be shown on the 'Rcpts - All Vendors' tab after they were purged using the Purge History function.

       The PO Designer now defaults email addresses to their full maximum length. The spec code 'V31, Vendor contact email address' is 160 characters. The spec code 'V43, Vendor EFT email' (Telpay EFT Validation Email in the vendor) is 64 characters.

       The 'Use secondary vendor' option in IC Item Vendor Check on the System Options tab in the Company Profile did not work.

       If the Send To AP Reference Field on the Integration tab in the Company Profile was set to 'Vendor document no.' the field was blank for the first invoice in the AP batch and the number for the first document was sent for all other documents.

       Purchase orders with a document number longer than 12 characters could not be emailed.

       The "Printing completed." message displayed underneath the PurchaseOrders Printing dialog in some cases.

       Auto-generated purchase orders did not default the Ship to code from Groups / Entry Templates.

       Special characters where not accepted in the Document Number in Entry Templates, for example "PO#" used as a prefix.

       In the 8.1C (2013.10.10) Hot Fix, tabs were missing in the Edit Item function.

Adagio PurchaseOrders
8.1C | 2013-09-13 (Sep '13)
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    Enhancements and revisions in Adagio PurchaseOrders 8.1C (2013.09.13)

    New Features

       Adagio ePrint users can view PDFs of Adagio PurchaseOrders documents from the transaction grids in the Edit / View Vendors functions.

       Added a Find with smart finder to the Edit and View Sundry Items and Sundry Vendors functions.

       Added Excel Direct to the Edit and View Sundry Items and Sundry Vendors functions.

    Problems Fixed

       The details were lost on a receipt if the receipt number was the lowest on file and its number was the same as the highest purchase order number on file.

       Details lines on Invoice /Adjustments with 4 decimals on the unit costs were rounded to 2 decimals.

       A smart finder search on vendor field for Receipts displayed an error.

       The filter style (color) on the grid did not update immediately when a document was completed if the purchase order was receipted by Delivery Note and a Miscellaneous Charge was later added to the original purchase order.

       If you changed the 'Disc base' on a Receipt Invoice it reverted to the original value when posted.

       The Payables vendor field was not respecting the vendor number formatting options in the document inquiry functions.

       The Sundry Vendors report did not print.

       The Outstanding Purchase Orders report repeated info when sorted by Vendor / PO number.

       When the print destination for purchase orders and other documents was set to Screen nothing was printed.

       The specification code D64 'Option units 2 - detail' printed the value for optional units 1 instead.

       Export Sundry Items did not export the range entered in some cases.

       Importing of new purchase orders is supported when auto-numbering is turned off. An Access Violation error occurred in earlier 8.1C releases. If Auto-numbering is off, the 'Hdr-Doc Number' is a required field for the Import Field Selection List and this is checked when the template is saved. The field must be non-blank in the import file. If a document already exists new details are added to the existing purchase order, otherwise a new purchase order is created. When Auto-numbering is on, if the 'Hdr-Doc Number' is not imported or is imported and blank, a new purchase order is created. If the field is imported and not blank, new details are added to an existing PO (therefore the PO must be already be on file). NOTE: The 'Hdr-Doc Number' MUST be the second field in the template.

       DataCare reported an error on the Import Default Field Values table in the File Integrity phase if POA was used on the database.

       Posting a receipt for a purchase order with a missing vendor totals record (due to a previous data integrity error) caused an Access Violation error. The integrity error is now detected by the posting function and a message is displayed instructing you to repost the purchase order to correct the problem before the receipt can be posted. (Note: reposting the PO requires you make some small change to it). The Data Integrity Check did not detect purchase orders with a missing vendor totals record if the total for the vendor was zero. It now detects the error in all cases and adds the missing record during a rebuild, thus avoiding having to repost as described here.

       When IC was not used, Sundry Items with a single segment item number format were stored left justified. Details on purchase orders entered for such items were also incorrect. The Data Integrity Check (DIC) now detects and rebuilds the errors in the Sundry Items and in documents. The DIC first corrects the Sundry Items errors and must be run a second time to correct errors in documents. In most cases the errors detected did not cause any problems in the operation of the PurchaseOrders program and are not a cause for concern.

       The error "Unable to access record in P/O Details Master" occurred during the Data Integrity Check or during a rebuild if errors involving many vendors were encountered. After this error, if the integrity check was run again without exiting the function an Access Violation error occurred.

       The splash screen for the PurchaseOrders Designer showed the product as not registered even though it was registered.

Adagio PurchaseOrders
8.1C | 2013-07-22 (Jul '13)
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    Enhancements and revisions in Adagio PurchaseOrders 8.1C (2013.07.22)

       Invoicing a receipt where you added a miscellaneous charge that did not allocate tax to the vendor total caused an integrity error in the vendor total (which was corrected by the rebuild).

       When entering a receipt in a multi-currency database, the warning "Exchange rate for vendor has changed" was displayed when in fact the rate had not changed from the rate at the time the PO was entered.

       The Data Integrity Check (DIC) did not correctly display the error message when Sundry Items were found on documents in current while the 'Allow Sundry Items' option was off in the Company Profile (i.e. it had been on, items entered on PO's, then turned off). Once the documents are archived to history, the DIC does not report an error.

       Items received at zero cost were not being transferred to Inventory Item Transaction History.

       Printing a PO with multiple copies (in the PO specification file) printed only the last copy.

       When the Document Date on a receipt was edited to be different than the session date, the terms were not recalculated correctly.

       If you created a PO where one or more event budgets were exceeded by purchase details, clicked the Post button while on the Totals tab and you were prevented from posting or canceled from the post screen, there was an Access Violation error. (Posting from the Details or another tab did not have a problem).

       The Day End process crashed the program if the Costing Method in a Tax Group was 'None - GL Only' or 'Accounts Payable' and you set the Debit Acct/Dept and the Credit Acct/Dept fields to the same account (which would have resulted in a net zero entry for the account and, thus, no GL entries generated).

       If you consolidated when printing the G/L Transactions report in PurchaseOrders, the batch could not be retrieved into Ledger and the error "The home currency of Adagio Purchase Order does not match the home currency of General Ledger." was displayed.

       If you edited the tax on a document, the changes were not saved.

       When integrated with Adagio JobCost, an error occurred in Day End in some cases if versions of JobCost prior to 8.1C had not been previously installed on your system.

       Compatible with future release of Adagio Payables 8.1F.

Adagio PurchaseOrders
8.1C | 2013-05-17 (May '13)
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Release Notes
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    Enhancements and revisions in Adagio PurchaseOrders 8.1C (2013.05.17)

    Note: "PO" refers to Adagio PurchaseOrders 8.1C and "POA" refers to Purchase Orders for Adagio 8.1A/8.1B.

    The changes and improvements for Adagio PurchaseOrders (PO) compared to Purchase Orders for Adagio (POA) with this release are significant. To make it easier to review the various changes that have been made, we have grouped them by function in this release note.

    General Enhancements

       Fully compatible with Windows 7 and 8. All screens are rendered correctly when Aero themes are used.

       Standard Adagio "look and feel". Standard generic features, as described below.

       Installs the AdagioPDF printer driver.

       Supports the features in Adagio ePrint.

       Date fields accept just day, or month and day, for faster entry.

       Calculator in numeric fields by pressing the "c" key or down arrow in the field.

       Excel Direct button added on grids, including the Documents list, vendors and items. (but not sundry vendors and items). It is invoked by Alt-X.

       Search on multiple criteria in the smart finder.

       Grids and finder have option to show Active records only.

       The 'Alphabetically sorted field list' option allows you to sort field lists in the Column Editor for finders, smart finder and Filters, or list in native order, where more important fields tend to be near the top of the list.

       The 'Set view for all users' option in the Column Editor allows you to configure grid and finder configuration for all users in one step.

       Sizeable screens for Purchase Orders, Receipts, Vendors and Items, etc. allow to add and see more fields on grids.

       Added User Preferences, allowing you to set certain options by user that were previously global.

       You can now specify a desktop background color, image and/or text constant to display on the Adagio desktop.

       The 'Auto-advance smart finder' option controls whether the focus is on the previously found grid entry or on the search criteria field when the smart finder is opened.

       Supports Implied Decimal option when entering numeric fields.

       The 'Remember report settings?' saves setting for next time the report is printed.

       Optional Fields function added to the File menu (although PO does not support them in document entry at this time).

       Grids and finders now display translated field values instead of the raw data values.

       The Adagio Column Editor is available on all finders and grids, in some cases were this was not implemented in POA.

       Column Editor settings are saved by grid, by user, by company database.

       Active Users function added.

       Help | About dialog now has a 'System Info' tab showing loaded DLLs and their versions.

       Adagio menu includes PurchaseOrders so you can open other instances.

       The F1 key now launches Help when no windows are open.

       New program icon and toolbar buttons.

       Link entries have been added in tables in the data dictionary to support GETEXTERNALDATA in GridView for enhanced linking.

       Exception errors including Access Violations in the \Softrak\PurchaseOrders\PurchaseOrders.error.log file.

       Station Logs maintained for each station (or Remote Desktop Services user), including last date/time Adagio run, Adagio User, last Adagio application run, data path and extension, Windows version, and other OS information such as settings and memory.

       The System Status function create a snapshot of detailed information about your Adagio installation and packages it in a zip file.

       Links to "what's new" video on the web the first time you open the program after installing or upgrading.

       Better support on dual monitor systems, with correct positioning and remembering screen position.

       The System Status function (or chksys.exe) supports Purchase Orders, including the List Versions function.

    Document Entry

       Document Styles and Filters for purchase orders and other documents.

       Find vendors by Name and Phone Number when entering purchase orders and other documents.

       Find items by Description when entering details on purchase orders and other documents.

       You can have multiple documents open, including purchase orders, receipts and requisitions. This also allows you to access other menu functions when entering documents.

       From the Open Purchase Orders inquiry grid on the Header screen (opened by clicking the "i" icon beside the vendor field), while entering a purchase order, you can open another existing purchase order for the same vendor.

       Transaction Entry Templates (similar to OE) on the Maintenance menu and in Security Groups. Note: use templates instead of security functions found in POA.

       Copy of POs and Requisitions can be done from the Document List screen rather than having to open the document and click the Duplicate button.

       Print button added to the Edit/Inquiry/History List screens.

       The grid showing quantities by Location on the Document Detail screen can be configured with the column editor.

       Added warning fields on details, such as *under stocked*, rather than displaying a warning message.

       The pop-up windows that appeared during entry have been replaced. For example, the Base Price Info pop-up window that appeared for updating the IC Item base price when the Markup Factor is greater than 1 has been replaced by showing fields on the screen instead. Similar changes have been made for these pop-ups: Re-Order Information, Add To Event Budget? And Allocate to job costing?.

       When entering item details on a purchase order, the Item Number field is the first active field so you do not need to tab through the Vendor Type and Vendor Code fields.

       Manual proration opened an additional screen of details in POA. Manual proration amounts in PO are entered in the 'Allocated misc.' field on the detail dialog, opened from the details grid.

       Posting receipts writes to a label file for use by the IMS LabelPrint product (if it is installed and data for it exists in the Adagio data folder for the company).


       Creates a Ledger 9.0 version batch for retrieval into Ledger. Contains more information for the G/L than the older version batch.

       Added a second description field 'Send to G/L description field 2' to the GL interface to send additional fields to the second description field in the Ledger batch and through to posted transactions in the G/L.

       Added 'User defined format field 1' and 'User defined format field 1' on the Ledger Interface tab in the Company Profile. This allows you to format the G/L Description fields sent to the G/L using fields from documents in PO.

       PO correctly handles invoices for purchase orders with multiple vendors (such as miscellaneous charges for the courier) having different transaction dates. The GL transactions have dates to match the invoices.

    Edits / Inquiries (including History)

       Company Profile tabs and field positions have been improved and changed extensively from POA. A separate technical tip describes the reorganization.

       Copy on most Edit functions, including Sundry Vendors, Sundry Items, Event Budgets, Ship To and Bill Addresses, and Pickup Addresses.

       Edit and view Vendor functions now include fields and features added in various Payables upgrades, including: Alerts, email addresses, website, FOB Point, Optional fields, Invoice Number Format, and T5018 fields. Includes new fields for use by Adagio PurchaseOrders: Send Method (Print, Fax, Email), Print Spec, Fax Spec, Email Spec and Email Cover, and 'Receive to location'. The Transactions tab shows current and historical transactions in Payables and PurchaseOrders. The EFT tab has been added (if Adagio EFT is installed).

       Edit and View Items functions now include Alerts and Optional fields.

       The Document Inquiry function and View in Document Entry include Previous / Next buttons.

       The Document Inquiry function includes a tab for Requisitions and the Inquiry menu includes View Requisitions.

       The Restore function from History now copies a document to create a new purchase order (in the same way that OE Restore from history works), instead of moving back a collection of documents (PO, receipts and invoices) from History to Current in POA.

       The Notes window is now sizeable for vendors and items.

       View Items function now supports View with Sales and Costs, and includes the many tabs and fields not available in the Edit Item function in POA.

       Custom GridView views on the Inquiry menu.

       The Purchase Orders Current and Archived Document grids on the Transactions tab in the Edit and View Vendor functions include documents where the vendor is not the primary vendor on the purchase order. This enhancement was also implemented in Payables 8.1E (2013.01.31). It will be included in a future release of BankRec. Note: in those releases the Transactions tab will no longer show the grids if POA is used rather than PO.


       Added Report Favorites and Report Sets.

       Uses the Crystal Reports print engine to print reports.

       Supports ModRP and CustomRP, report color, date, default preview zoom factor, default preview window state (full or partial), and other options.

       Added an option to close print dialogs after printing reports.

       You can set the Document vs. Report default printers separately (in Workstation Options).

       Comment lines in report footers.

       Set date and time formats separately on report header/footer and details.

       Shading of header/footer and subtotals, with control of shade color and luminosity from full color pallet.

       Print reports to file in Excel, HTML or Word format. Print reports to PDF file.

       The Outstanding Purchase Orders report has been redesigned. In POA, it was similar to the Purchase order/receipt/return Listing. It is now based on details and allows listing only outstanding items on partially received purchase orders.

       Added 'Calculate As Of' date to the Outstanding Receipt Invoice List so the report can be backdated. You can list all the purchase orders where the goods have been received but no invoice has yet been received as of a date. This allows you to the reconcile receipts clearing account in the G/L. The receipts clearing account manages goods that have been received but not invoiced, since the receipt of goods adds to the value of on-hand inventory without the offsetting liability in payables.

       Added Positive and Negative options to the Outstanding Receipt Invoice List to allow printing just negative Quick Receipts (i.e. returns).

       The G/L Transaction report has an option to print the new second description field.

    Spec Designer and Print form documents

       Uses the Adagio specification designer and standard printing procedures for purchase orders and other documents.

       Invoice/Adjustment documents can be printed. Use the specification designer to create them. Templates are included. Sample specifications are included in the sample data.

       When printing purchase orders and other documents you can sort lines by Line number, Location/Picking Sequence, or Location/Item Number.

       Print purchases orders uses the default Print/Fax/Email specifications, Send Method and Email Cover from the vendor (requires Payables 8.1E or higher).

       Uses the Receive To Location from the vendor (Payables 8.1E or higher) to default the Location on the header for the vendor when creating a purchase order. It overrides any Location in the entry template.

       Print purchase orders and other documents to file in Text (.txt) or Rich Text (.rtf) format. Print to PDF if Adagio ePrint is installed.

       The option 'Use vendor PO' has been added to the PurchaseOrders Printing dialog. Select this option to use the specification from the Payee/PO tab in the vendor to print the purchase order instead of the specification selected on the dialog.


       Added Import Sundry Vendors, Sundry Items, Pickup Addresses and Contract Costing functions.

    Open Database

       The Open dialog options to remember Adagio User Id and Password and default them when logging into Adagio. The saved information is authenticated by the Windows user name. Only that Windows user will be able to log in with the saved credentials.

       The Previously Opened list is saved by user rather than globally for all users.

       The Open Data screen can be sized horizontally to allow you to see the full data path.

       Logon date warning if date > 30 days from Today to help prevent accidentally entering a purchase order with a future date.

       Auto-open functions on startup by user.

       Auto-process import on startup.

       On the Open Database dialog you can now use Alt-B to open the browse and Alt-F (for Favorites) to open the previously opened list.

       The number of Previously Opened databases (saved by user) has been increased from 25 to 100.

    Data Integrity Check

       Application Integrity Check (phase 2) in DataCare.

       The DIC checks outstanding Vendor and Job balances when Day End has not been run, whereas POA did not.

       There are additional checks that were not done in POA, and rebuilding of new errors reported. Note: Thus PO will likely find errors on a database where POA reported no errors. Errors from additional checks should not be a cause for alarm and can be rebuilt.


       Backup data to vitalEsafe on the internet.

       The speed of backup to zip file has been improved by approximately 25% across a LAN and approximately 400% with local data.


       Email Covers have a Preview so you can expand codes for a purchase order to see what it will look like.

    Day End and Maintenance

       The Generate Purchase Orders from IC function supports the Reorder Quantities by Location added in Adagio Inventory 8.1C.

       The Generate Purchase Orders from IC function supports Alternate Units of Measure.

       Day End is much faster.

       POA required all users out of Purchase Orders, Payables and JobCost (if used) before Day End could be processed. Adagio PurchaseOrders allows users to be in those modules. Users can be entering and posting documents, except Invoice/Adjustments.


       Styles on GL Accounts, vendors, items, JobCost Estimates and OE documents in finders require Ledger 9.0D, Payables 8.1C, Inventory 8.1C, JobCost 8.1C and OrderEntry 8.1E or higher versions.

       Filters on Edit/View vendors and items (not sundry vendors/items) require Payables 8.1C, Inventory 8.1C or higher versions).

       Supports Active flag in Vendors and Items (not sundry vendors/items) when entering purchase orders and other documents, and in the vendor and items functions.

       Vendor Code entry respects Adagio Payables’ Company Profile settings for Uppercase, Auto-fill and Vendor Code Format.

       PO sample data with Adagio JobCost integration is installed in \softrak\purchaseorders\jcsamdata if you have JobCost installed.


       The auto-workstation install is supported (run \softrak\purchaseorders\purchaseorders.exe and workstation install will be started automatically if one is required).

    Problems in Purchase Orders for Adagio fixed in Adagio PurchaseOrders

       The Generate Purchase Orders function now correctly handles Alternate Units of Measure.

       Receipts in POA used the original entry date from the header on the document instead of the receipt date. This caused the Item Valuation report in Inventory to be incorrect when printed backdated.

       If the ‘Update base price on entry’ option was selected in the Company Profile, POA only showed the Base Price Info pop-up window if the Markup factor on the item was greater than 1.0. IC Base price information is now displayed on the Document line detail screen. Note also that this feature has been enhanced for Automatic markup so that it always works for IC items, not just when the markup value is a specific value or the discount/markup pricing works a particular way.

       Day End in POA created empty an batch in JobCost if there were no JC related documents processed.

       Day End in POA did not set batches in JobCost to Ready to Post when this was set to default in the JobCost Company Profile.

       The Alternative Price List item was not updated with the cost from a receipt even though the 'Update price list cost price' option was enabled.

       Home currency fields in Header/Details/Totals records were using source decimal fields in POA. This caused problems in multi-currency databases for currencies that do not have 2 decimals, such as Yen.

       The Exchange Rate could be changed on details for Home Currency vendors, resulting in a corrupt GL batch file that could not be retrieved into Adagio Ledger.