Enhancements & RevisionsAdagio PurchaseOrders 9.3ANovember 7, 2017· Corrections and updates were made for DocStore function in PurchaseOrders for future release of Adagio DocStore. · The Doc Link field now shows “Linked” on grids when DocStore document(s) are attached (or blank if no documents are attached). · The ExcelDirect Print option ‘Open Spreadsheet’ is now available on Adagio Cloud. · When the ‘Allow cost override?’ option in the Company Profile or Security Group was disabled, it prevented the user from changing the Unit Cost but not the Extended Cost. · The Find on Sundry Items for single-segment item numbers did not allow you to enter the full item number. · Changes made to the grid on the Purchase Orders tab in the IC Item with Sales and Costs inquiry with the Column Editor were lost when the Edit or View Vendor functions were used. · In PurchaseOrders 9.3A, there was an error in the Auto Generate Purchase Orders from Inventory function when you right-clicked on the grid and used ‘Select/Unselect All’ then clicked the Create PO button.
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