Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio PurchaseOrders 8.1C

September 13, 2013

    Enhancements and revisions in Adagio PurchaseOrders 8.1C (2013.09.13)

    New Features

       Adagio ePrint users can view PDFs of Adagio PurchaseOrders documents from the transaction grids in the Edit / View Vendors functions.

       Added a Find with smart finder to the Edit and View Sundry Items and Sundry Vendors functions.

       Added Excel Direct to the Edit and View Sundry Items and Sundry Vendors functions.

    Problems Fixed

       The details were lost on a receipt if the receipt number was the lowest on file and its number was the same as the highest purchase order number on file.

       Details lines on Invoice /Adjustments with 4 decimals on the unit costs were rounded to 2 decimals.

       A smart finder search on vendor field for Receipts displayed an error.

       The filter style (color) on the grid did not update immediately when a document was completed if the purchase order was receipted by Delivery Note and a Miscellaneous Charge was later added to the original purchase order.

       If you changed the 'Disc base' on a Receipt Invoice it reverted to the original value when posted.

       The Payables vendor field was not respecting the vendor number formatting options in the document inquiry functions.

       The Sundry Vendors report did not print.

       The Outstanding Purchase Orders report repeated info when sorted by Vendor / PO number.

       When the print destination for purchase orders and other documents was set to Screen nothing was printed.

       The specification code D64 'Option units 2 - detail' printed the value for optional units 1 instead.

       Export Sundry Items did not export the range entered in some cases.

       Importing of new purchase orders is supported when auto-numbering is turned off. An Access Violation error occurred in earlier 8.1C releases. If Auto-numbering is off, the 'Hdr-Doc Number' is a required field for the Import Field Selection List and this is checked when the template is saved. The field must be non-blank in the import file. If a document already exists new details are added to the existing purchase order, otherwise a new purchase order is created. When Auto-numbering is on, if the 'Hdr-Doc Number' is not imported or is imported and blank, a new purchase order is created. If the field is imported and not blank, new details are added to an existing PO (therefore the PO must be already be on file). NOTE: The 'Hdr-Doc Number' MUST be the second field in the template.

       DataCare reported an error on the Import Default Field Values table in the File Integrity phase if POA was used on the database.

       Posting a receipt for a purchase order with a missing vendor totals record (due to a previous data integrity error) caused an Access Violation error. The integrity error is now detected by the posting function and a message is displayed instructing you to repost the purchase order to correct the problem before the receipt can be posted. (Note: reposting the PO requires you make some small change to it). The Data Integrity Check did not detect purchase orders with a missing vendor totals record if the total for the vendor was zero. It now detects the error in all cases and adds the missing record during a rebuild, thus avoiding having to repost as described here.

       When IC was not used, Sundry Items with a single segment item number format were stored left justified. Details on purchase orders entered for such items were also incorrect. The Data Integrity Check (DIC) now detects and rebuilds the errors in the Sundry Items and in documents. The DIC first corrects the Sundry Items errors and must be run a second time to correct errors in documents. In most cases the errors detected did not cause any problems in the operation of the PurchaseOrders program and are not a cause for concern.

       The error "Unable to access record in P/O Details Master" occurred during the Data Integrity Check or during a rebuild if errors involving many vendors were encountered. After this error, if the integrity check was run again without exiting the function an Access Violation error occurred.

       The splash screen for the PurchaseOrders Designer showed the product as not registered even though it was registered.

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