Enhancements & RevisionsAdagio PurchaseOrders 8.1CNovember 22, 2013Enhancements and revisions in Adagio PurchaseOrders 8.1C (2013.11.22) Features Added specification codes for the Price List from the vendor, document header and document detail: Problems Fixed Corrected a problem that occurred intermittently at some sites when multiple users were editing PO documents. When a document was posted you received the error messaged "Error adding record to P/O Totals, record already exists." followed by "Error appending PO Totals record for POnnnnn". After this occurred, the Data Integrity Check (DIC) File Integrity Phase reported errors in the P/O Totals and the Application Integrity Phase reported errors such as "Purchase Order is missing vendor totals record". The Data Integrity Check (DIC) rebuild now corrects receipts with missing vendor Totals record (the DIC in the 8.1C (2013.09.13) Service Pack corrected the problem in purchase orders). The vendor document number will be set to "IR DIC DS". You should edit entries in the Payables invoice batch and enter the correct invoice number. When posting a document and while the mouse pointer has changed to busy, it was possible to click the X on the document window and get the message "Do you wish to cancel your changes?". Responding Yes to the question could cause error messages and integrity errors. If another user was editing a vendor when you posted a purchase order for that vendor, the posting completed when it should have displayed a Retry message. This resulted in an incorrect amount in the P/O Balance field in the vendor. (This error was rebuilt by the Data Integrity Check.) If you chose Cancel on a Cancel / Retry message when posting a purchase order while blocked by another user posting at the same time, in some cases the mouse pointer did not change back from busy to a pointer. When posting a document, if the New Document field was blank, the dialog closed and you were returned to editing the document but the mouse cursor changed to busy (hourglass) and stayed that way. For a PO created from a Standing Order, a template or copying another PO, both the Extended Order Cost and the Extended Cost were populated with amounts. This caused a problem when a receipt was created because these field cannot be edited. On the View tab, some Header, Bill to and Ship to fields were blank for a new purchase order and edits to these fields on an existing purchase order did not show (although they were correct on the printed document). When single-segment item numbers are used, the item number field in details on documents posted in PurchaseOrders 8.1C were left-justified instead of right-justified. As a result, items were not found in the Item Transaction Inquiry function or the Purchase History for Item inquiry function from a detail in document entry. Thisalso caused a change in the way GridView views sorted item details posted in PO 8.1C as compared to documents posted in Purchase Orders for Adagio 8.1B. This has been corrected. The Data Integrity Check will correct existing details in the database. The first time the Data Integrity Check (DIC) is run after installing the PurchaseOrders 8.1C (2013.11.22) Service Pack, an error will be reported for each document containing incorrect details. This is not a cause for concern. These errors will be rebuilt by the DIC without any problem or loss of data. Receipts with multiple vendors continued to be shown on the 'Rcpts - All Vendors' tab after they were purged using the Purge History function. The PO Designer now defaults email addresses to their full maximum length. The spec code 'V31, Vendor contact email address' is 160 characters. The spec code 'V43, Vendor EFT email' (Telpay EFT Validation Email in the vendor) is 64 characters. The 'Use secondary vendor' option in IC Item Vendor Check on the System Options tab in the Company Profile did not work. If the Send To AP Reference Field on the Integration tab in the Company Profile was set to 'Vendor document no.' the field was blank for the first invoice in the AP batch and the number for the first document was sent for all other documents. Purchase orders with a document number longer than 12 characters could not be emailed. The "Printing completed." message displayed underneath the PurchaseOrders Printing dialog in some cases. Auto-generated purchase orders did not default the Ship to code from Groups / Entry Templates. Special characters where not accepted in the Document Number in Entry Templates, for example "PO#" used as a prefix. In the 8.1C (2013.10.10) Hot Fix, tabs were missing in the Edit Item function.
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