Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio PurchaseOrders 9.3B

September 9, 2024

    •The Default Ship Via set in Entry Templates could not be set to blank once it had been updated.

    •If Fractional Quantities are not used, the display for decimals has been corrected in Item Purchases and Purchase History Inquiry, the Document Entry detail list and the Item Information displays.

    •The file for Item Transaction Inquiry for Historical records for the Item Purchases and Item Purchase History Inquiries has been updated to store and display the correct decimal places when the 'Decimal Places in Unit Cost' option is not equal to the currency decimals for new transactions.

    For datasets that have incorrect Unit Cost and Most Recent Unit Cost fields in the Item Transaction Inquiry for Historical records, there is a Fix Cost button. It will become visible in Item Purchases Inquiry when a company INI option is added.

    These are the entries needed in the IRWININI datafile to enable the Fix Cost button for both Cost fields.




    If the Most Recent Unit Cost is displayed correctly, set the FixMRCost=1 line to FixMRCost=0

    The Fix Cost button is only available if the Inquiry is set to Historical transactions.

    Note: The Fix Cost button will increase the Unit Cost and Most Recent Unit Cost for an item by multiplying the current cost by 100. This function must only be run once per item, after the Hot Fix is installed and before the next Day End. These entries in the INI file should be removed once the Items are updated.

    •The Sundry Items report has been improved; the cost fields are labeled.

    •Custom Reports that used the Crystal report option to Hide a detail section, which permits drill down, did not work properly.

    •Custom Reports with sub-reports could not be printed. This error was received : The table could not be found.

    •PurchaseOrders 9.3B (2024.03.20) failed during launch with Windows Server 16 with an Application Error.

    •If \\\"Format address?\\\" is not selected for Vendor, Pickup, Bill To or Ship To  Address, Printing documents will include the Country field in a Compressed or Formatted Address.

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