Enhancements & RevisionsAdagio PurchaseOrders 8.1CJuly 22, 2013Enhancements and revisions in Adagio PurchaseOrders 8.1C (2013.07.22) Invoicing a receipt where you added a miscellaneous charge that did not allocate tax to the vendor total caused an integrity error in the vendor total (which was corrected by the rebuild). When entering a receipt in a multi-currency database, the warning "Exchange rate for vendor has changed" was displayed when in fact the rate had not changed from the rate at the time the PO was entered. The Data Integrity Check (DIC) did not correctly display the error message when Sundry Items were found on documents in current while the 'Allow Sundry Items' option was off in the Company Profile (i.e. it had been on, items entered on PO's, then turned off). Once the documents are archived to history, the DIC does not report an error. Items received at zero cost were not being transferred to Inventory Item Transaction History. Printing a PO with multiple copies (in the PO specification file) printed only the last copy. When the Document Date on a receipt was edited to be different than the session date, the terms were not recalculated correctly. If you created a PO where one or more event budgets were exceeded by purchase details, clicked the Post button while on the Totals tab and you were prevented from posting or canceled from the post screen, there was an Access Violation error. (Posting from the Details or another tab did not have a problem). The Day End process crashed the program if the Costing Method in a Tax Group was 'None - GL Only' or 'Accounts Payable' and you set the Debit Acct/Dept and the Credit Acct/Dept fields to the same account (which would have resulted in a net zero entry for the account and, thus, no GL entries generated). If you consolidated when printing the G/L Transactions report in PurchaseOrders, the batch could not be retrieved into Ledger and the error "The home currency of Adagio Purchase Order does not match the home currency of General Ledger." was displayed. If you edited the tax on a document, the changes were not saved. When integrated with Adagio JobCost, an error occurred in Day End in some cases if versions of JobCost prior to 8.1C had not been previously installed on your system. Compatible with future release of Adagio Payables 8.1F.
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