The client is running 8.1C 150226.

I believe I got my workstation running. Not sure how. For some reason, my results are pretty bad too -- i tested a scan and sent 20 emails and the cover sheet comes across with the field names such as:

Account # <<Cust #>>

<<Address 1>>
<<Address 2>>, <<Zip/Postal>>

Dear <<Customer Optional Text 2>>,

Your account currently has a past due balance in the amount of
$<<Balance Outstanding>>.


So for some reason, on my system, I am not even getting any fields to merge. Not sure why. I would like to get to the bottom of this so that I can advise my client. Needless to say, he's a little gun shy to go "trying it again" and hope he gets the right results.

Thanks in advance,
Carol Lord Openhym
Allegro Automation, Inc.
Baltimore, MD USA