Happy New Year!

This just in from a client:
"Using email merge in CQ has been an absolute nightmare! I'm doing everything
by the book and all my customers (150+) keep getting the customer info from
only one select customer, i.e. ABC Company, DEF Company and etc. keeps
getting the past due info for XYZ. Now a good amount of our first time
customers think we're running a failed fishing scam"

I did an upgrade the week before Christmas and all products are up to date. I just got some more information from the client and it actually the Adagio eMail Cover Sheet in Contacts that is scrambling the information. If he emails a customer individually, it all works just fine. But when he does a scan and generates an email from that scan, it's picking up info from ONE customer and inserting that data into the body of all of the customer emails.

Has anyone had issues with this and if so, how did you resolve?

Many thanks,
Carol Lord Openhym
Allegro Automation, Inc.
Baltimore, MD USA