OK, so my earlier statement was only half right. The "my laptop" you referred to is the out-of-the-office computer at home and it has Adagio running on it. The reason that is not recommended is because Adagio transfers accounting information back-and-forth between the computer and the server. When you're working remotely with a VPN like that, there is more opportunity for something to cause an interruption to communications and, if that happens during posting, damaged data is the result. In the first instance where you connect to a computer in the office, only the screen images get transferred and an interruption doesn't affect data.

Having said all of that, you're getting the same results under both approaches so the VPN itself seems to be the cause, not the way that you use it.

Have you looked at the actual PDF itself when you return to the office? Could it be that the PDF file itself is correct, it's just the way the viewer displays it across the VPN?
Bruce Gardner
ARX Business Solutions Inc.