Adagio Time&Billing Change log

Adagio Time&Billing
9.2A | 2023-05-02 (May '23)
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    ·          Import Dockets now gives a validation error when an optional field that requires a non-blank value, but not verified against a pre-defined list, has a blank value in the import file.

    ·          Importing with Field offset was trimming the import field on the right instead of the left.

    ·          Billing batch was attempting to bill same Work-in-process line twice on the same bill. This is now checked for during posting and the bill will be written to a error batch.

    ·          Crystal Reports used in printing Adagio Reports was not fully compatible with the Windows 22H2 update for Windows 11 and for Windows 10, in some cases.

    ·          A dictionary error could cause an error printing the standard File Information report.

    ·          Using Crystal Reports to add new tables or subreports to the Time and Disbursement Ledger report could cause an error 'Failed to open the connection' due to a change in how Crystal runtime SP 25 loads tables.

    ·          When printing a report set directly to the AdagioV2PDF driver, and you choose to cancel printing for a particular report from the PDF Save As screen, you are now prompted to cancel printing just that report or the entire report set. This choice is written to the report log.

    ·          In Automation, the SetSessionDate command has a new noun for: Yesterday.

    ·          New automation command nouns have been added to allow attaching report set PDF files to the email with the automation log results, to allow reports from multiple applications to be attached on a single email. The EmailPDFAutoLog has Overwrite/Attach and Append/Attach nouns to include PDF files from report sets. The 9.3A release of Adagio Console is required to use this feature.

    ·          The 64-bit version of Adagio GridView (if available) is launched from the Adagio menu and for custom Views added to the Inquiries menu. The 64-bit version makes use of more memory (if available), allowing for views on larger databases and it can be faster. Note: this is not yet supported on Adagio Cloud.

         ·      When Adagio DocStore is integrated, report sets can now be emailed to selected recipients, with PDF or Excel file attachments for each report.

Adagio Time&Billing
9.2A | 2018-07-17 (Jul '18)
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    ·    Compatible with and required by Adagio Receivables 9.3A.

    ·    Edit and View Customer functions support enhancements in customers for Receivables 9.3A including changes for on-line payment processing and credit cards.

    ·    Specification code changes:
       M38 Company city, state/province, zip/postal
       M39, company contact email
       C09 Contract, bill header
       C85 Contact, customer

Adagio Time&Billing
9.2A | 2017-10-24 (Oct '17)
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    ·    Compatible with and required if future release of OrderEntry 9.3A is used, although these modules are not integrated.

    ·    When printing a selection of multiple bills the Match Preferred Send Method option did not work.

    ·    The Time Utilization report incorrectly excluded staff with no non-billable time.

    ·    When you are in the middle of printing and/or consolidating/clearing the GL Transaction batch report, other users are prevented from retrieving the batch in Ledger until you complete the process.

    ·    If Adagio Ledger data is not present, the G/L Transactions report did not purge the transactions.

    ·    When printing a report to PDF with Adagio ePrint installed, commas are stripped from the Company name for %cmp.

    ·    In Time&Billing 9.2A, Security Groups were missing on the Group dropdown list in the Edit User function.

Adagio Time&Billing
9.2A | 2016-12-16 (Dec '16)
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    ·   Supports Adagio Cloud.

    Edits / Customers

    ·   The finder on the GL Department field is now restricted to the departments for the account selected, without having to enable the ‘Active records only’ option.

    ·   The GL Department Description is now available to be added to the GL Account finder with the Column Editor.

    ·   File (Docket) Filters can now be displayed in Style Priority sequence. Added ‘Display Priority’ field to the grid in the Edit Account Filters function. This makes it easier to tell the sequence in which Styles will be applied. The setting of the sort option is saved by user.

    ·   The Edit and View Customer functions in Time&Billing support customer changes in Receivables 9.2A.

    ·   The Edit / View Customers / Items grids now display the total number of records, as well as a count of the displayed records when a Filter is active. An Ignore Style Color button has also been added.

    ·   Added an option to the Transactions tab to sort customer transactions by Date or by Type/Doc No. for current, history or both.

     ·   Transactions for Adagio Invoices 9.2A can now be shown on the Transaction tab in Edit/View Customer.

    Print Bills and Designer

    ·   The ‘Default Bill Spec’ from the Company Profile is used as the default if a specification is not selected in the customer. Thus, a specification does not need to be selected when printing Bills.

    ·   New specification codes added to the designer, primarily to support formatted addresses in the Receivables Company Profile and Customer:

       M13 Current user code
       M14 Current user name
       M15 Company contact
       M16 Company number
       M17 Currency symbol
       M18 Company I.D. number
       M19 Company home currency
       M20 Company DUNS
       M21-M27 Company address 1-7 (compressed)
       M28-M34 Company address 1-7 (formatted)
       M35 Company city
       M36 Company state/province
       M37 Company country
       M38 Company city, state/province, zip/postal
       C83-C84 Customer address 6-7 (formatted)
       C88-C95 Customer address 1-7 (compressed)


    ·   Adagio Time&Billing standard reports are now created using Crystal Reports 2013/2016.

    ·   Fields from tables that are not in the original standard report can now be added to modified reports.

    ·   An updated version of Adagio PrintTool is installed in \Softrak\PrintTool. It allows you to print / preview custom reports without needing to run Crystal Reports itself or without placing the report on the Custom Reports menu in an Adagio module, and allows reports to be placed on the Windows desktop.

    ·   A new ePrint code %CDT is available to put the ‘Run date’ into either the PDF filename or folder name for the Aged Work in Progress report.

    ·   The ‘Allow Post Journal Purge?’ option has been removed from the Company Profile. Similar to other Adagio modules, posting journals are not purged until year end.

    Import / Export

    ·   The Import / Export functions have generally been made standard with other Adagio modules.

    ·   Import templates now have finders on fields on the Defaulted Fields tab.

    ·   The Default Import Templates in prior versions contained all fields. The default templates have been changed to use a reduced set of fields that would more typically be required. Additional fields can be added or defaulted as needed.

    Note: The conversion to Time&Billing 9.2A will delete ALL existing import/export templates and create new default templates. You should print any template you use before installing the 9.2A upgrade so you can easily recreate them after conversion.

    ·   New export templates created for Excel format default the file extension to .XLSX rather than .XLS as in prior versions.


    ·   Added Adagio Toolbar. You can now start other Adagio modules from toolbar buttons showing the icon for the module.

    ·   Adagio Time&Billing now logs user activity within the module, including login/out, menu choices, enter/post batches and print bills. Audit logs may be viewed with GridView, Crystal Reports or Adagio Console.

    ·   The email password for servers that require authentication is now encrypted in the file containing email settings for the ‘Direct’ email method.

    ·   Grids may be “banded” with a User Selectable color and banding frequency set under File | User Preferences. Filter Styles may be disabled and replaced with regular banding if desired.

    ·   The status bar at the bottom of the main window now shows activity of various steps when the program is starting up and the database is opening.

    ·   The Column Editor screen can be sized. The size is remembered by module on the workstation.

    ·   Updated splash screen with new Adagio logo and colors. Updated icon and toolbar button images.

    ·   The Data Integrity Check (DIC) saves results for the last 9 previous runs in files TBWINERR01..09.dat (where .dat is your company data file extension).

    ·   Adagio Time&Billing 9.2A now installs to the \Softrak\TimeBilling folder and the program name is TimeBilling.exe. Previous versions were installed in \Softrak\TBWin and had program name TBWin.exe.

    ·   Time&Billing 9.2A installs an updated version of the AdagioPDF driver. The updated driver name is AdagioV2PDF and will appear in Windows Control Panel, Devices and Printers. When installs are performed on January 1, 2017 or later from a Remote Desktop Services connection to Microsoft Server 2016 or from a Windows 10 station, the security warning related to the AdagioPDF printer driver no longer appears.

    Problems Fixed

    ·   Time&Billing now renders dialogs properly on Ultra High Resolution displays when the font size is anything other than 100% of normal on Windows 8.1 or higher.

    ·   Many other small fixes done are not listed, including many fixes to reports and import/export functions.

    ·   Retrieving a negative Disbursement from Payables caused a data integrity error. A ‘Reverse Disbursement’ is now created in this case.

    ·   You had to click on the finder button twice on the File / Docket field to open the finder if you were not already editing the field.


    ·   Supports Adagio Cloud.

    ·   Display of TimeKeeper buttons improved when you have 2 or more columns of buttons. Corrected minor issues displaying TimeKeeper and buttons on Windows 8 and 10.

    ·   You had to click on the finder button twice on the File / Docket field to open the finder if you were not already editing the field

Adagio Time&Billing
8.1D | 2014-09-29 (Sep '14)
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    New Features

       Compatible with future release of Adagio Payables 9.2A.

       Full compatibility with Adagio Console and xConsole. Supports Automation when Adagio Console is installed. Automation allows you to automate many functions in Adagio modules, including retrieving, importing, printing report sets, backup and integrity check, etc. across modules, and view, print or email the results from an automation log.

       Adagio ePrint users can view a PDF of invoices and credit notes from the transactions grid in the Edit/View Customer function if Receivables is 9.1A or higher, including invoices from Time&Billing. The documents open in the new Adagio PDF viewer

       Supports Transport Layer Security (TLS) / Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for secure email servers when emailing invoices. Added option 'Use TLS/SSL' added to Email Setup function.

       Supports the Preferred Send Method on the Invoicing tab in the customer if Receivables 9.1A is installed. When printing a billing batch, or multi-selected invoices (bills) from a batch or in the Billing History Inquiry, if the ‘Match customer preferred send method’ option is selected, invoices will printed only for customers having the same Preferred Send Method set in their record.

       The Open Data screen can be sized horizontally to allow you to see the full data path.

       A 'Report set' button has been added to the toolbar.

       You can now create a Favorite report for posting journals even when there are none on file to print. Added 'Last sequence only' option to posting journal print dialog. This option is remembered for Favorites and is useful when printing posting journals from a Report Set. Added 'Clear posting journals' option for posting journal Favorites in Report Sets.

       You can now create a Favorite report for batch listings even when there are no batches on file. When printing the Favorite directly or within a Report Set it defaults to the entire range of batches.  DONE

       You can now delete the default import and export templates so they will not be selected accidentally instead of the correct template. If you delete all templates for all imports and exports the defaults will be restored for all. Note: this works differently than in other Adagio modules in that you must delete all templates for all imports and exports rather than for individual import/export templates to cause them to be recreated.

       The Data Integrity Check results now include the version/date of the program, for example: "Adagio Time&Billing 8.1D (140929)".

       Added several new Time&Billing specific Styles for use in TB Filters. The TB default filters (used when a new database is created) have also been updated. The sample data includes many new filters that make use of the new Styles. You can recreate any of the new sample filters you find useful in your own live databases.

       The F1 key now launches Help when no windows are open.

       The Help | About function now has a Consultant tab showing the contact information for your Adagio consultant if they have enabled this option at your site.

    Problems Fixed

       Copying a Docket to create a new one and then editing it to change the Docket Type caused an error to be reported by the Data Integrity Check (the errors could be rebuilt).

       When entering a GL Account / Department, validation did not work and no warning was given when you entered a Department that did not exist for an Account if that Department did exist for the next highest Account. For example you had account 8000-150 and the next account in the chart is 8001-250, then entering 8000-250 did not give a warning.

       An error occurred in the smart finder for the Find in the Billing History Inquiry function.

       The Time/Disbursement Ledger report no gave an error if the Responsible Staff Member field was blank in a WIP transaction.

       Posting Journal reports did not use the Shade Color in User Preferences for General Ledger Distribution Summary

       Printing a Report Set printed reports disallowed by security.

       There was an Access Violation error when adding emails to the queue in some cases if the invoice number was less than 6 characters.

       Import Time & Disbursements did not import the Total Amount and set it to zero in some cases. The Total Amount is now calculated from the Rate and Hours fields or Rate and Quantity fields for Disbursements, regardless of the Total Amount field.

       Improved the Year End warning message to remind users that Year End does not also do Period End so they need to do the Period End functions first as well.


       Full compatibility with Adagio xConsole.

Adagio Time&Billing
8.1C | 2012-03-13 (Mar '12)
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    New Features

       Installs the AdagioPDF printer driver. All reports and printouts from Adagio can be printed to the AdagioPDF printer to create a PDF document in the data folder.

       Supports the features in Adagio ePrint. When ePrint is installed you can print reports to PDF files in configurable folders determined by the Report Type (General, Transaction or Audit). Receipts print to a separate, configurable Forms folder. Fields can be embedded to establish the file and folder names (User, Session Date, System Date, Time). Click the ePrint button (red "EP" icon) on any report dialog to print the report to PDF. The Paperless Reports option forces all reports to be printed to PDF. Reports can be printed to PDF and attached to an email (MAPI) with a single button click.

       You can now have Time&Billing print an accounting copy of Bills to a PDF document to save you from printing and filing paper copies of the documents you send to customers. The Company Profile, Print Options tab, has fields called: 'Keep PDF Accounting copy?', and 'Bill accounting spec'. If Keep PDF Accounting copy is turned on, when printing Bills (except when printing from Billing History), Time&Billing will create accounting copies in a folder called Documents underneath the PDF Audit Reports Folder. It will do this regardless of whether you print to printer, file, PDF, fax, email, or screen. It will use the Bill accounting spec specified in the company profile for this purpose (not the spec selected on the print screen). The PDF file name is the Bill number. The conflict strategy for the accounting copy is to append _01,_ 02 etc. to the PDF document filename if you reprint it.

       You can now have Time&Billing create a PDF archive of the customer copy of Bills you send to customers. The Company profile, Print Options tab, has the new option 'Archive PDF customer copy?'. If this option is turned on, when printing Bills, Time&Billing will create archive copies in the a folder called SOFTPDF under the data directory (not the Relative base folder, if it is set in Adagio ePrint). The PDF files are created regardless of whether you print to printer, file, PDF, fax, email, or screen. It will use the spec specified on the screen. The PDF files are named <customer number right justified and padded with “_” characters to fill to 6 characters> followed by '_TB_' and the Bill number. The conflict strategy for the archive document is overwrite.

       Report Favorites allow saving Reports with specific options chosen. Click the Favorite button (a star icon) on any report dialog to create a Favorite. Favorites for a report can be accessed from the report dialog in a drop-down field. Private Favorites are yellow, Public Favorites are blue. Added Favorite Reports and Print/Delete Favorites functions to the Reports menu. Multiple favorites can be defined for the same report. Favorites can be private to the Adagio user or public for use by all users.

       Report Sets allow the grouping of Report Favorites into a single print job that will run unattended. Report Sets may be printed to printer or PDF files. Report Sets may be launched from a command file or a scheduled Windows task by running tbwin.exe with the parameter /R followed by the Report Set (ex. /RMonthEnd). A progress dialog lists the reports in the Report Set, the printing status of each, the destination folder, filename and conflict strategy. A log is generated that records the printing status of each report in the set. Use Report Sets to automate the printing of all your daily or month end reports.

       Added User Preferences under the File menu. It allows you to set certain options by user that were previously global, including options previously found under File | Options, Reports | Report Options and the Company Profile. Includes new options 'On Start-up', 'Alphabetically sorted field list' and 'Exclude Ranges'. The preferences can optionally be set for all users and preferences can be printed. If no individual user preferences have been set up for a user, all preferences originally set for the Adagio System Administrator, user SYS, will be used.

       You can now specify a desktop background color, image and/or text constant to display on the Adagio desktop. Use this feature to display your company logo. Use the text strings to make the company name prominent on the desktop. Any JPG or other graphic image can be centered or stretched to fit on the main program desktop. These settings are made on the Appearance tab in the User Preferences function.

       The option 'Auto-advance smart finder' has been added (in the User Preferences function). It controls whether the focus is on the previously found grid or on the search criteria field when the smart finder is opened. Select the option if you want focus to be on the next row in the grid, allowing you to press F6, Enter and march through the found list. Turn it off if you usually want to search by a new criteria each time the smart finder is invoked. In either case the position is advanced in the grid each time the finder is opened.

       The option 'Alphabetically sorted field list' has been added (in the User Preferences function). Turn this option on if you want field lists in the Column Editor and Filters fields sorted alphabetically.

       Column Editor settings are now saved by grid by user by database.

       New program icon and toolbar buttons provide a cleaner look and differentiate this new version visually. If you are installing an upgrade to 8.1D, to see the new icon you will need to edit the properties of any existing Time&Billing shortcuts, click the Change Icon button and select the new image.

       Added Docket Styles and Filters to grids and finders in Time&Billing.

       Account Styles were added in Ledger 9.0D. They are now supported in GL account finder grids in Time&Billing.

       Customer Styles and Filters were added in Receivables 9.0B. They are now supported in customer grids and finders in Time&Billing.

       Added a Find button the Edit Dockets function to allow you to look up Dockets by Customer Name or Phone Number, or by Docket Name, rather than having to determine or search for and enter their respective numbers.

       The Edit Docket function allows you to sort the grid by Customer/Docket, Docket/Customer, Customer/Docket Name or Docket Name/Customer, whereas in previous versions you could sort by Customer or Docket.

       Added the 'Active records only' option in the column editor for Docket grids and finders.

       Added the 'Active records only' option in the column editor for Staff grids and finders.

       Added a Find button to batch entry functions to allow you to look up customers by Name or Phone Number and Dockets by Name, rather than having to determine or search for and enter their respective numbers.

       Added the 'Active records only' option in the column editor for the Customer, Docket, and Staff finders in batch entry.

       On the Open database dialog you can now use Alt-B to open the browse and Alt-F (for Favorites) to open the previously opened list. In previous versions you had to use the mouse to select the folder buttons.

       Alt-X now selects the Excel Direct button on grids where it is available. In previous versions you had to use the mouse to select Excel Direct.

       The vitalEsafe upload progress dialog has been improved and the progress bar now accurately shows the percentage. It is no longer necessary to install the vitalEsafe patch.

       The Adagio menu now includes the module from which it was selected to allow you to quickly open another instance of the same module.

       Most Access Violation (AV) errors are now recorded by module in an exception log text file. The file is located in the program folder for each module. For example: \softrak\tbwin\tbwin.error.log or \softrak\ledger\ledger.error.log. When any Adagio module with a date in 2012 is installed the exception log is enabled for all other modules. An AV error is a generic error that can occur in Windows applications. This occurs when a program tries to access memory that cannot be addressed, which can happen for many reasons, including software or hardware/network problems. The address, program (EXE or DLL), form, and version information contained in the log will assist Softrak in tracing a problem if the address is located in the Adagio application code.

       The System Status function can create a snapshot of detailed information about your Adagio installation and package it in a single zip file that can be sent to Softrak Technical Support or your Adagio dealer to assist them when answering questions or tracing problems. The information includes: Adagio install logs, program INI files and logs, system INI files and logs, directory listings of Adagio folders, versions and dates of all Adagio programs and system files. To create the snapshot zip file, select System Status in the Help menu, proceed when prompted and click the System Snapshot button at the top left of the Status of System screen. The zip file will be in the \softrak\system folder, located on the drive where Adagio is installed. The filename contains a date and time stamp, and is of the form The zip does not take any of your Adagio database files.

       The Help | About screen has been redesigned and includes a link to documentation page for the module that shows New Features, What's New video and manuals.

       When Time&Billing is opened after installing an upgrade, a dialog is displayed with a link to a short video highlighting the new features. The dialog is displayed for each user until they tick 'Don't show this message again'. The video also be viewed anytime by visiting the Softrak website. Note: the dialog also appears when Adagio is installed at a new site.

       The Adagio Data Source (ADS) writes to log files containing “last access” information about each workstation using Adagio, including the date, time, Adagio User ID, Windows User ID, Windows version and system settings. There is one log file per workstation, with a filename of <computer name>.log, containing one entry per Windows user who used Adagio. The log files are kept in the StationLogs subfolder, on the EZTasks path, typically \softrak\system\stationlogs. The log files are included in the System Status snapshot zip file.

       The Shade Color for reports found in the Report Options tab in User Preferences now uses the full color pallet rather than just 8 solid colors.

       Listing button added on the Group Setup window prints all options or enabled options only for a range of groups.

       Optional Fields added to Dockets. Optional Fields function added to the File menu. Optional Fields are defined in the Company Profile. Support of Optional Fields in batch entry is planned for a future release.

       Grids, filters, and finders now show the lookup values instead of the raw data values for typed fields. For example in Docket grids the Billing Level shows 'Source Code' or 'Docket' instead of 1 and 0.

       Added new spec code C82 that combines the Customer Name 1 and Name 2 fields.

       Added new specification codes D51 to D59 to print Optional Fields in Dockets on bills.

       Pre-defined composite tables were added to 'Adagio Time&Billing 8.1C' dictionary for use when designing views in Adagio GridView:
    TB Hist Bill SubDetail /w Header+Detail
    TB Hist Detail /w Hist Header
    TB Hist Text /w Header/Detail
    TB Hist Time Text /w Hist Time
    TB WIP Text /w WIP
    TB WIP w/Docket

    Install Changes and Fixes

       This version moves toward our goal of a more Windows 7 friendly environment for installation. If you are installing to a mapped network drive that is normally accessible, but you cannot see it during the install when attempting to select a drive or folder, you can now install by browsing to the correct folder using the Universal Naming Convention (UNC), for example \\myserver\accounting\. This avoids having to adjust the User Account Control settings, which requires you to restart your computer and temporarily grant Administrative privileges to the user if they are not an administrator.

       This version simplifies installation by removing any consideration of the location of the Report Tables Drive (RTD) by the install and program in virtually all cases. Therefore the install no longer prompts for the RTD.

       The install writes to the master install log file "AdagioMasterInstall.log" in the \softrak\system folder. An entry is written to this log when any full, upgrade or SP for any Adagio module (with a release date of March 2011 or later) is installed. It shows the version installed and the version being replaced, the name of the Windows user who did the install and the rights for that user. An entry is also written to the log when an updated version of the Adagio Data Source (ADS) is installed, showing the version installed and the version being replaced. This log can be used to quickly determine the install history for all Adagio programs.

       When you select the 'Backup Files' option during an install, the replaced files are now saved in a subfolder named YYYYMMDD in the BACKUP folder, under the programs destination folder (rather than the BACKUP folder itself, where extensions need to be changed to .001, .002, etc. when there are multiple versions of the same file).

       The install includes an option allowing you to skip creating entries under Windows Start for cases where you will be manually creating an icon for the user to start Adagio and do not want them starting from Windows Start. During the install, uncheck the option 'Start Menu programs'. This avoids having to delete or change the Windows Start entry that would have been created.

       The install no longer checks the Opportunistic Locking setting (Oplocks) on the workstation.

       The Opportunistic Locking setting (Oplocks) on the workstation is no longer checked when the program is started.

       The System Status function in the Help menu (chksys.exe) no longer prompts you to disable Oplocks. It displays the current Oplocks setting and allows you to change it. The 'Check R/W Status', 'Check Specific Folder' function now supports UNC browse, whereas before you would have had to turn UAC off to use it.

       SetServerForAdagio and SetReportsTablesDrive utilities have been updated. The latter should virtually never be needed at an Adagio site once any Adagio module dated March 2011 or later has been installed.

       The install warns you if it finds reports in ModRP or CustomRP that may need to be adjusted for compatibility after install a Time&Billing upgrade. See the section Converting Custom Reports and Views in the Release Notes for more information.

       When installing Adagio to a computer or server where no Adagio modules had previously been installed, if you installed an Adagio module that does not use the Crystal print engine first (such as Lanpak or GridView), when you installed FX you received the error "Adagio has been established on destination folder: [x:\SOFTRAK]. Yet the install cannot detect the corresponding Reports Tables..." and were unable to proceed. If the first module installed uses the Crystal print engine there was no problem.

       The updated version of vitalEsafe no longer triggers a workstation install if it has already been installed by the workstation install for another Adagio module. This is also the case when installing Adagio for use with Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services in Windows Server 2008 and previous versions).

    Problems Fixed

       Billing Batch Listing report did not print the bill descriptions.

       The Totals were incorrect on the Billing Action report Summary by Staff.

       When entering a Time & Disbursement batch entry, if you entered the Docket first rather than the Customer, the Customer Type and thus the Rate were not loaded correctly in some cases.

       Batches in the Billing and Time & Disbursement Batch Status reports were not cleared for generated batches (including error batches, which are generated). Thus the reports could not be completely cleared.

       Tax was not calculated correctly on bills for Reverse Time for Tax Groups where tax is taxable, such as in Quebec.

       The Find did not work correctly for selecting a customer with a leading zero in the Name field, such as for a numbered company. As result an order could not be created for the customer.

       If your Ledger data was created with version 9.0x and you never used Ledger 8.1A or earlier versions, after printing the G/L Transactions report in Time&Billing, the Consolidate G/L Transactions dialog did not show the 2 options to consolidate by Fiscal Period.

       When adding new customers the 'Billing Method' wasn't set to the default from the Company Profile.

       When you create a Docket for an inactive Customer, a message asks if you want to make the Customer active. If you said No, the Docket was created anyway. The behavior now is that the Docket status is set to inactive, and you cannot make it active until the Customer is made active. You can continue to create the Docket, but clicking OK gives an error that the customer code is invalid if 'Active records only' is set in the customer finder. If it is not set, then you can save the new Docket.

       When the Customer is defined to ‘Bill by Docket’ and the report sorts by Customer, all the Bill headers from all bills except the first did not print on the Bill Batch Listing report, where bills are for the same customer. Depending on the number of pages for the report, the details either merged together or printed with column titles.

       The 'Delete import file on success?' option in import templates was not saved with the template. If the option was set when the import was done the import file was still not deleted.

       If after printing the Payroll Time Transaction report you elected to consolidate, there was an error and the transactions in the report were cleared instead of being consolidated.

    New Features and Problems Fixed in TimeKeeper

       New program icon provides a cleaner look and differentiates this new version visually. If you are installing an upgrade to 8.1c, to see the new icon you will need to edit the properties of any existing TimeKeeper shortcuts, click the Change Icon button and select the new image.

       Finders for Customer, Docket, and Staff support the Active setting. A warning is displayed if an in-active code is entered. Added the 'Active records only' option in the column editor for Customer, Docket, and Staff finders.

       Customer and Docket Styles are supported in finder grids in TimeKeeper.

       The TimeKeeper install for remote use supports the new install scheme for a more Windows 7 friendly environment for installation and includes other improvements to the install.

       Supports the 'Implied Decimal' option (set in User Preferences).

       Finders now show the lookup values instead of the raw data values for typed fields. For example, in the Docket finder the Billing Level shows 'Source Code' or 'Docket' instead of 1 and 0.

       The Remote Refresh function copies the Adagio common files (SD*) to allow support of Styles in finder grids on machines running TimeKeeper remotely.

       If the 'Always on top' option is enabled, when you right-clicked on a button to access the Timer info, and clicked the Delete button to remove it, the dialog that appears to ask the question to confirm deletion was underneath the Timer dialog. Depending on form positioning, the delete confirmation screen could have been completely hidden.

Adagio Time&Billing
8.1B | 2010-05-10 (May '10)
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Release Notes
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  • Compatible with Adagio Invoices 9.0A. Compatibility with earlier versions of Adagio Invoices is maintained.

  • Fully compatible with Windows 7. Supports MAPI email interface to Outlook and other mail clients on Windows 7.

  • Added an Excel Direct button to various grids, including Edit / View Customer and the customer transactions tab for Receivables, OrderEntry, Invoices and Time&Billing transactions. Also Edit Docket, Current WIP grid in Dockets, and Billing History Inquiry. Use the 'Enable SF Export' option in Edit User to enable or disable the Excel Direct button.

  • Excel Direct from grids now has a progress bar and cancel for grids with a very large number of rows.

  • The Help | About dialog now has a 'System Info' tab showing the version and path to various DLLs used by the program.

  • If there are errors during any import function, the error message dialog displaying the error (e.g. "Errors have been written to the log file C:\softrak\data\xxIMPERR.ddd.") now allows you to view or print the log file.

  • Supports the 'Implied decimal' option added in Ledger 9.0C (in the User Preferences function). The setting is by Adagio user, for all companies, and when set in any Adagio module it is set for all Adagio module versions that support it. Turn the option on if you want a decimal automatically entered before the last two digits. For example, typing 400 in an amount field and tabbing to the next field will result in the number being changed to 4.00; typing 400.00 and tabbing to the next field will leave the number as 400.00. With the option off, typing in 400 will result in the number being changed to 400.00 (the behavior in previous versions). Percent fields and exchange rate fields are not affected by this setting.

  • The Designer supports UNC paths. If you open Invoices data with UNC path (rather than a mapped drive) then the Open Bill Specification dialog changes and does not have a folder view but uses a browse instead. In previous versions the dialog gave an error. If a mapped network drive is used the dialog is the same as in previous versions.

  • The totals on the Time Utilization report were incorrect when printed in the 'Totals only' format.

  • Time & Disbursement batch entry in 8.1B required a Staff code be entered for Disbursements when only Time actually requires a Staff code.

  • It was possible to create an invoice with a blank invoice number in Billing batch entry.

  • When you selected Historical transactions for Receivables on the Transactions tab in view customer, loading the grid was noticeably slow when across a network. In addition, if the Transactions tab was the last tab you visited in the customer, the next time you opened a customer it was noticeably slow.

  • Typing the Adagio user password on the Open dialog displayed the characters very slowly when on a network in rare cases.

  • Time & Disbursement batch entry in 8.1B did not allow you to visit 'File' field if the Customer number was blank.

Adagio Time&Billing
8.1B | 2009-09-27 (Sep '09)
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Release Notes
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  • Compatible with Adagio Receivables 9.0A. Compatibility with earlier versions of Adagio Receivables is maintained. The Time &
    Disbursement and Billing batch entry functions support the Customer (Client) in Adagio Receivables 9.0A and associated new
    features where ever possible. Customer Alerts by module and function are supported. Address blocks in bills do not yet support the
    North American formatting available in Adagio Receivables 9.0A although customer addresses will be moved into the four
    unformatted address lines in the document as space permits.


  • The Adagio Open Data Dialog has been significantly improved. The Previously Opened database list is now saved by Adagio User
    rather than for all users. The first time an existing user or a new user logs into Adagio Time&Billing 8.1B they will be asked “Would
    you like your historical company access list set up?” Answer yes to have all entries from the Previously Opened list from your prior
    use of Time&Billing copied for your use. The Open Data screen and Previously Opened database list now show the date the
    database was last opened by the user. You may also elect to have Adagio save your Adagio User Id and Password and default them
    when logging into Adagio. The saved information is based on your Windows authenticated user name. This option may be turned off
    by editing softraksystemADS.INI and adding the lines:

  • Options have been added to open functions when the program starts up, including Time & Disbursement batch entry, Billing batch
    entry, Docket edit, customer edit and customer inquiry, Retrieve transactions (AP Disbursements) and Process Imports.

    Data Integrity Check

  • The Time&Billing Application Integrity Check (also known as phase 2) is now supported in DataCare. To enable this feature in
    existing DataCare jobs that check Time&Billing, edit the Job Detail for Time&Billing and select ‘Perform application integrity check’.

  • Rebuilding File Integrity Errors (also known as phase 1) across a network on large databases is significantly faster.


  • Adagio Time&Billing will optionally create a backup of related data whenever a Data Integrity Check completes without errors. Adagio
    Time&Billing will offer to create a backup of a database prior to applying any “fix” as a result of the “Rebuild” option being selected to
    repair damaged data. Backup details are written to the log file. The multi-currency files for single currency databases are now backed
    up when you backup a ‘Complete Dataset’.


  • A grid showing Time & Disbursement transactions from WIP and Billing transactions from Bill History (Header and Detail) has been
    added to the edit customer and customer inquiry functions on the Transactions tab.
    Adagio Time&Billing 8.1B 2 of 8
    TM20090927 19-Oct-2009

  • The Edit Dockets screen can be sized, allowing for more WIP transactions to be displayed.

  • Alt Keys (Speed Keys) have been added to tabs on the Edit Dockets and Edit Staff screens.

  • Copy Dockets, Disbursement Codes, Staff and other records place you directly in the edit for the newly created record.

  • The options ‘Enable SF Export’ and ‘Enable SF Printing’ have been added to the Edit User screen to allow you to disable Excel
    Direct in Smart Finders to help safeguard your sales data, customer list and other information in your database. The settings made in
    the Time&Billing program also control this feature in TimeKeeper.

  • Added last edited by Date, Time and User fields to the Docket and Staff records. This information can be shown in grids and Adagio

  • A 'Load WIP Text button has been added in Billing batch entry to allow T&D descriptions from the WIP to be loaded and modified for
    printing on the bill.

  • You can now transfer time and disbursements (WIP) between Dockets or reverse (credit) time and disbursements. Billed time and
    disbursements may also be transferred or reversed. Select or multi-select lines in the grid on the Current WIP tab in the Edit Dockets
    function, then right-click to open the pop-up menu and choose Reverse/Transfer WIP. Transferring WIP auto-creates "From"
    (negative) and "To" entries in a Time & Disbursement batch for the Client/Docket. Reversing transactions auto-creates negative
    entries for the Client/Docket.

  • Alerts related to Time&Billing functions have been added to the customer: TB bill entry, TB time & disb. entry, TB docket edit and TB
    time keeper.

  • The Billing Method (By Customer or By Docket) in the customer can now be edited at any time. In previous versions all transactions
    in Receivables and Time&Billing had to be purged before you could edit the Billing Method.


  • The Bill History screen can be sized. This allows more fields and rows to be shown in the Details grid.

  • Alt Keys (Speed Keys) have been added to tabs on the Billing History Inquiry screen.

    Batch Entry and Posting

  • Default batch description text can be automatically created with user initials (%usr), date (%dat) and time (%tim) created in a user
    specified format. Multiple date and time formats are supported. These options are set on the General Options tab in the Company
    Profile. The batch description can still be edited as required when the batch is created.

  • The Billing batch entry screen and detail dialog screen are now sizeable. This allows more batch details and more time and
    disbursement detail lines to be shown on these screens.

  • A splitter bar has been added on the billing batch detail dialog screen. This allows you to choose more room on the screen for the
    time and disbursement grid or more for the description memo field.

  • The Time & Disbursement batch entry and Billing batch functions support lookup of customer by name, phone number and AR
    document number when Receivables 9.0A is used. Click the Find button on the batch entry screen to lookup by these fields.

  • Batch entry now prevents or warns you when the document date is for a closed period / year in Ledger. The ‘Validate closed periods’
    option in the Company Profile, Integration tab in Receivables can be set to Allow, Warn Only, or Disable. It is used to control this
    functionality in Time&Billing as well as in Receivables.

  • Batch entry supports the ‘Active’ flag in customers in Receivables 9.0A. Time & Disbursement batch entry warns you and does not
    allow entry of an inactive customer. Bill batch entry warns of an inactive customer but allows you to proceed to allow billing even if
    the customer is inactive.

  • The batch entry functions now support the inactive Docket flag. Time & Disbursement batch entry warns you and does not allow an
    entry for an inactive Docket to be saved. Bill batch entry warns of an inactive Docket but allows you to proceed to allow billing even if
    the Docket is inactive. Posting a Time & Disbursements batch containing entries for Dockets that were marked inactive after the
    batch was entered now sends the entries to an error batch (depending on the option in the next item). This allows you to prevents
    posting of time to inactive Dockets.

  • The option 'Allow posting to inactive dockets' has been added to the General Options tab in the Company Profile. TimeKeeper
    prevents you from submitting time for inactive Dockets. Therefore you can use the option to allow posting of batches submitted from
    TimeKeeper containing time that was recorded prior to making a Docket inactive. In other words, use TimeKeeper to catch time
    entered for inactive Dockets while allowing time accumulated to Dockets that were active at the time to be posted at a later date.

  • Date, time and user stamp fields for have been added to batches, batch details and the WIP file. These fields can be shown on bills
    and in grids, finders and Adagio GridView.
    Adagio Time&Billing 8.1B 3 of 8
    TM20090927 19-Oct-2009

  • Hours entered in batches post through to Ledger 9.0A or higher (if the account tracks Statistical Units) for use on financial

    Print Bills and the Bill Designer

  • Bills can now be printed to file in Text (.txt), Rich Text (.rtf) or PDF. This allows bills to be modified or enhanced with MS Word (.rtf
    format) before you send them to clients. In the Company Profile on the Print Options tab is a field 'Bill export name code' which
    allows you to set what the file name will be when Print Bills has a destination of File instead of Printer or Screen.

  • New toolbar icons in the Bill Designer provide a cleaner look and differentiate this new version visually.

  • Specification codes are available to print the formatted address information from the Adagio Receivables V9.0A customer record.
    Compressed address codes were formerly called formatted address codes. Use the specification form “All spec codes 8.1B Sep 09”
    to see every field available to print on a user defined bill.
    C04-C07 Bill Address 1 to 4, customer
    C62-66 Bill Header Address 1 to 5 and Zip/Postal Code
    C67-C71 Customer Address 1 to 5
    C72 Name (Customer name line2)
    C73 City
    C74 State/Province
    C75 Country

  • Several other new spec codes have also been added:
    M11 Current Date (actual date, M1 is the session or Adagio log in date)
    M12 Current Time work
    C76 Comments 1
    C77 Comments 2
    C78 DUNS
    C79 Staff responsable, Client
    C80 Staff responsible
    C81 Managing Office
    H15 Last Edit by
    H16 Last Edit date
    H17 Last Edit time
    H18 Reference
    H19 Description

  • These codes new codes can be used when printing bills where the Docket code is selected on the Header, thus the bill is for a single
    docket. They best belong in the Page Header section. If placed in other sections, they would simply repeat information.
    H20 Header docket number
    H21 Header docket name

  • There is a new way to extend vertical lines through the Detail section(s) specifications. Place the vertical line object at the position
    where it should begin printing, right click and select ‘Extend’.


  • Added 'Report Preview Options' in the File | Options function to allow you to set the default zoom factor and preview window state
    (full screen or partial screen) for previewing reports to screen. These settings are saved by workstation. Note: this applies to
    previewing reports only (but not previewing bills).

  • GL distribution summaries have been added to the Time & Disbursements and Billings posting journals.

  • Added option ‘Prompt to consolidate’ on the Integration tab in the Company Profile. Disabling this option ensures you do not
    accidentally consolidate transactions after printing report with the ‘Print/Consolidate G/L transactions’ function.

  • Added option ‘Close report dialog after print?’ on the Print Options tab in the Company Profile. Set this option off if you often print
    reports multiple times with different settings or ranges.

  • Report performance has been improved for most reports (except reports in the Maintenance report sub-menu), notably the Time &
    Disbursement and Billing posting journals.

  • Added ‘Allow Post Journal purge?’ option on the Print Options tab in the Company Profile. If this option is off you cannot clear the
    posting journals after printing them. This prevents accidental purging of posting journals. If this option is off the posting journals will
    be purged as part of Year End.
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    TM20090927 19-Oct-2009

  • The From Date on the Time & Disbursement Ledger report now defaults to blank rather than the date of the last period end.

  • The Time Utilization report can now be printed for a range of dates. In previous versions the report could only be printed for the
    current MTD figures.

  • Added report totals to the Billing Action Report.

    Import / export

  • Imports can be automatically processed when Time&Billing is started, including import of Time & Disbursements. This makes it
    easier to import (you don’t have to open the import function and find the correct import template) and it warns you there are new
    transactions to import. Set the option 'Auto-import on startup' in the import template and set the 'Process Imports' option in the
    Company Profile.

  • Old formats such as Lotus, Dbase and Clipper that are almost never used any more have been removed from import / export
    templates, leaving Excel, ASCII CSV (Delimited), ASCII Fixed Length and PSV Delimited. The old formats may be manually turned
    back on for sites that need them. See the Upgrading section below for details.

  • The Import and Export Customer functions have been removed from Time&Billing if AR 9.0A or higher is used. The equivalent
    functions in Receivables support all the fields found on the Time&Billing tab in edit customer. Note: AR 9.0A (2009.09.28) or higher is
    required. See the Upgrading section below for further details.


  • The date control has been updated to improve the speed of data entry. You can enter just the 1 or 2-character day in any date field
    without having to enter the month or year. The month and year are automatically populated with the initial values from the field. For
    example, if the date is 1/23/2009, typing “22” and tab changes the date to 1/22/2009. You can also enter just 4 characters for the day
    and month (zeros are required) and the year will be populated. This change speeds up data entry in most cases where you need to
    enter a date different than the session date or last remembered date.

  • The Smart Finder performance has been significantly improved across a network.

  • Excel Direct (from finders, smart finders and from grids in some modules) can be configured to export an ASCII CSV file (instead of
    sending data direct to Excel) and start an application that automatically opens the file. This allows export when Excel is not installed
    and provides support for other spreadsheets such as Note that unlike Excel Direct there is no formatting with CSV.
    Entries must be made manually in the file softraksystemssi2xl.ini. Refer to the Readme help file for details.

  • The File | Options, Field Verification option has been removed. Fields are always verified during entry.

  • The Help Menu has been modified to allow you to launch the Adagio System Status utility (chksys.exe) and print the Adagio Lanpak
    registration form.

  • Settings in the Email Setup function are now stored by company (rather than globally for all your companies) and can optionally be
    set by user (i.e. by company/user). The SYS user can copy email settings to all users for a company. The default E-mail port number
    25 can now be changed to another port if necessary when sending directly. Some ISPs require use of port number 587 for SMTP
    transfers. Emails will now have the correct transmission time regardless of e-mail client.

  • Moved fax queue from QIFAX to generic filename starting with SD (System Data) that is shared by all Adagio modules that send

  • You can have database fields in the email subject line in Email covers. For example you may want to include a contact name when
    emailing a bill to a generic email address for a client or you may want to include the amount of the bill.

  • When Adagio GridView 9.0A or higher is opened from the Adagio menu, Adagio Time&Billing will be displayed as the first line on the
    Select Module screen so you do not need to scroll down to find it.

  • WebSafe changed to vitalEsafe™ in the Backup function to reflect the 3rd party name change.

  • Automatically copies help files (*.chm) to the local drive so that Service Packs do not require a workstation install just to update the
    readme help file.

  • Two sets of sample data are now shipped: 1) with Accounting Type by Source Code (shipped in earlier versions) and 2) Accounting
    Type by File Type (new for 8.1B). The sample data by Source Code is installed in softrak bwinsamdata with extension .SAM. The
    sample data by File Type is installed in softrak bwinsamdatabyFile with extension .TBF.

  • The bill specifications in the sample data have been significantly improved.

  • The sample data has been updated to use Receivables 9.0A and Ledger 9.0B.

Adagio Time&Billing
8.1A | 2008-05-16 (May '08)
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Release Notes
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  • Compatible with Windows® VistaT.

  • Compatible with Adagio Lanpak 9.0A. Lanpak must be 9.0A or higher.

  • Smart Finder can now search on multiple criteria.

  • Contents of disabled fields are shown in blue rather than dimmed gray. This may be easier to read on some monitors at higher resolutions.

  • Adagio download files, installs, workstation installs, all workstation install (\softrak\allwkst\allwkst.exe), program files and the Adagio Check System utility (chksys.exe) are now signed with a digital certificate using VeriSign to allow you to verify the Publisher is Softrak Systems Inc.

  • Vista does not support the old style Windows Help (.HLP files). All .HLP files were converted to compiled HTML help (.CHM files), which are supported by Vista.

  • For security reasons Windows does not permit .CHM help files to be run from a network drive. This is true in XP as well as Vista. The .CHM files must be run from a local drive. Adagio 8.1A installs all .CHM help files to your local hard drive and loads them from there. The workstation install also copies .CHM files to the local drive.

  • Fax document image files were created in earlier versions using the Softfax printer driver. This driver is not compatible with Vista. In 8.1A versions, faxing billing documents created with the Specification Designer creates a fax image file directly. The Softrak Softfax driver is no longer used. However, the driver is installed for use by third-party products. Third-party products that use the driver should eventually be updated to support faxing on Vista. Until that time they will continue to be able to fax on XP and earlier versions of Windows. Note that to run the Adagio fax server (Fax/Email | Fax Queue) you must have a 'true' fax card (with an on-board fax chip) rather than a Win Fax modem (which emulates a chip in software).

  • When switching windows/tasks in Vista with Alt-Tab or the new Flip 3D (Windows-Tab) an image of the current Adagio screen is shown rather than just the icon of the Adagio program.

  • You can now backup Adagio data in zip form to WebSafe, a web-based storage facility. WebSafe is a service which allows you to store your important information in a secure location that you can access from anywhere in the world. See for details.

  • The formatting of dates and text sent to Excel from Smart Finder results has been improved.

  • Adagio Time&Billing supports Adagio Ledger 9.0A. Fields required for future drill-down from Ledger to Time&Billing are included in the GL transaction batch and will be retrieved by Ledger 8.1A and higher.

  • A 'User defined' field has been added to the G/L Description 'Send to' options in the Company Profile. This allows you to format the G/L Description field sent to the GL using a combination of fields from the invoice / bill, customer and free form text. The following specification codes are supported.

    Code Description
    %cst Customer code
    %cnm Customer name
    %cn2 Customer name 2
    %ref Reference (Bills only)
    %inv Invoice document number (Bills only)
    %des Description
    %psq Posting sequence
    %bat Batch number
    %ent Entry number
    %don Docket number
    %dnm Docket name
    %stf Staff member (T&D transactions only)
    %src Source cide (T&D transactions only)
    %dis Disbursement (T&D transactions only)
    %os1 Cust Optional string 1
    %os2 Cust Optional string 2
    %os3 Cust Optional string 3
    %od1 Cust Optional date 1
    %od2 Cust Optional date 2
    %oa1 Cust Optional amount 1
    %oa2 Cust Optional amount 2
    %ou1 Cust Optional unit 1
    %ou2 Cust Optional unit 2

  • The specification designer toolbar now fits on one rather than 2 lines at most common screen resolutions.

  • The designer allows you to open specifications by using the spec Title under File | Specification Options. This is the same list of titles displayed in Time&Billing when selecting a document to print, fax or email. Previously you could open the specification by its file name only.

  • An 'Active item' field has been added to Files (Dockets).

  • Added the option 'Include batch in G/L description' option to send the batch number and entry to the description to Adagio Ledger.

  • Adagio Receivables 8.1A added a feature to now allow users to add and edit customer notes but at the same time prevent them from adding, deleting or editing customers. Time&Billing now supports this feature. It uses the security option in Groups in Receivables.

  • Edit Customer and View Customer now show the 'Active' field available in Adagio Receivables 8.0B and higher.

  • Transactions could not be consolidated by the Print/Consolidate G/L Transactions function and an error was displayed.

  • The fax field on a bill stored the phone number instead of the fax number. This prevented the fax number (code C11) from printing on bills.

  • The Smart Finder did not work on the Customer field if Adagio Receivables 8.0B or higher was installed.

  • The smart finder did not work on the Email Cover field.

  • On the Edit Files screen, search by Files did not work and gave an error.

  • The wrong WIP Account was cleared if multiple, different, Disbursements were billed in a single Bill Line, and the accounting method for Disbursements was by Disbursement.

  • The Closed File Cross Reference List could not be printed if sorted by 'File number'.

  • The Hours were not printing correctly on Time/Disbursement History report in some cases.

  • Batch errors were not indicated on the Billing Batch Listing.

Adagio Time&Billing
8.0A | 2006-03-07 (Mar '06)
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Release Notes
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  • A Billing History inquiry has been added.

  • Billing Invoices can be reprinted from history. Invoices can also be faxed or emailed from history.

  • Billing History Listing report has been added.

  • Time and Disbursement (T&D) history was being captured for all T&D postings in T&B 6.8A if you had selected the option 'Retain transaction history' in the Company Profile. However, the T&D history transactions have not been accessible to the user until now. This option is now called 'Retain time and disb. History'. A Time/Disbursement History report has been added to view these transactions.

  • Purge Billing History and Purge Time & Disbursement History functions have been added.

  • Formatted address spec codes have been to the designer (C 62-C 66).

  • An option to retrieve vendor name (rather than Vendor Number and Name) when retrieving disbursements from Payables has been added.

  • Email billing invoices as a PDF attachment through MAPI compliant email clients (such as Outlook) or directly using SMTP. Includes email covers and email queue.

  • Customer Edit and View functions in Adagio Time&Billing support the fields and features in customer in Adagio Receivables 8.0A and higher.

  • Customer grids, finders and smart finders can now access Optional fields and other new fields in the Customers.

  • New spec codes have been added to allow you to print the new fields in customers on bills.

  • Added Customer Inquiry.

  • Alerts entered for customers in Adagio Receivables added for batch entry and Edit and View Customers.

  • Find button has been added to the Edit Disbursements.

  • Sample data has been updated.

  • 'Active Users' has been added to the Help menu.

  • GridView has been added to the Adagio menu.

  • Users of Adagio GridView can add views to the Inquiry menu.

  • The billing invoice specification designer was updated.

  • The F2 key now supports Windows standard behavior by editing the line selected on a grid.

  • The F6 key now opens the smart finder directly from any grid where you can do a find.

  • The Windows calculator can added to and launched from the toolbar by selecting 'Calculator button' in File | Options.

  • The date of the last data integrity check is now displayed in the status bar.

  • The Data Integrity Checker memo now shows the date the integrity check was run, the starting and ending time, the path and extension of the data and the user name.

  • The Data Integrity Checker now writes full details of the integrity check into the log file.

  • The source files for all reports in Adagio Invoice are installed in the StandardRP sub-directory rather in the program directory \Softrak\TBWin.

  • Settings on the Print Invoice dialog are now remembered when the 'Remember report settings' option in the Company Profile (Print/Post tab) is used.

  • Date parameter /T to force the session date now accepted on launch of T&B.

  • You can now multi-select lines in the fax queue.

  • Excel Direct feature added to Smart Finder.

  • Adagio Time&Billing now allows you to run multiple instances on the same workstation.

  • When you start Adagio Time&Billing, it now checks the "Opportunistic Locking" settings to ensure they are correctly set on the workstation.

  • The background color of the main window can be set by company in Edit Company Profile.

  • Users of Crystal Reports for Adagio can create custom reports and have them appear on the Reports menu in Adagio Time&Billing.

  • The list of recently opened databases has been expanded from 10 to 25 entries.

  • Multiple users can now print the same report at the same time.

  • The options and ranges chosen on report dialogs when you print a report are saved by company for the next time the report is printed.

  • File | Options are now saved by workstation rather than globally.

  • The Smart Finder search criteria is now saved for the next time you use Smart Finder.

  • Screens now open at a more logical position on dual monitor systems.

  • When printing reports to file, you can now choose from three different formats on the print dialog: Excel, HTML, or Word.

  • When printing reports to file, the filename defaults to the name of the report.

  • Posting journals can now be printed automatically after posting.

  • The size and position of the Adagio Time&Billing and Designer main windows is now saved when the appropriate options are selected in File | Options.

  • The install now checks to ensure the current user has rights to write to the Adagio program directories. It also checks that the current user can access the areas of the Windows registry required to install and run Adagio. The chksys utility also makes these checks for the current user.

  • When importing Disbursements, the 'MTD - Amount' field had to be imported or defaulted, even though it is a statistic field that is not absolutely required.

  • When importing to update customers, some fields not imported were cleared in the customer, causing integrity errors.

  • The Generate Bills function did not pick up the second customer name field from the customer record.

  • Send to back in the specification designer did not reliably send fields to back to allow you to get to the fields lying under them.

  • In the specification designer, the date format dd-mmm-yy was is always center aligned if the Auto-size field property was used.

  • The Edit Dockets grid was not refreshed correctly in some cases when restricted by Customer.

  • The Tax Jurisdiction Amount and Description fields could not be printed on the Bill footer if the tax jurisdictions were set to 'Total only'.

  • The Billing Memos report printed extra text at the top of the report in some cases when printed with the 'Use extended Desc.' option.

  • When choosing fields to retrieve from Payables, the Header description was actually the Detail description, and vice versa.

  • The 'Descriptions for Bill' field was not available when importing customers.

  • The Rate on the Payroll Time Transactions report was incorrect when the report was consolidated and printed.

  • The Time and Disbursements Batch Listing now flags invalid fields, including Customer, Control Account, Docket and Docket Type.

  • The invoice number on a billing batch entry now allows alphanumeric characters rather than only numeric characters.

  • On the Source Code listing report, the GL account listed for WIP Write off was printed under the WIP Clearing header, and vice versa.

  • The total disbursements shown on the Billings Posting Journal was incorrect if you billed more than one disbursement code on the same billing line.

  • When importing Dockets, the Billing Level was set to the value in the Company Profile rather than the value in the import file.

  • If you set the Fees to 0.00 in a billing batch the auto-distribute amounts were incorrect in some cases.

  • Bills were not generated for a client if the client had Dockets that contained non-billable entries only before the first billable entry.

  • Amounts for H11 and H14 spec codes did not print correctly if your bill spec did not have a bill line detail section.

  • On the Time Utilization report, the 'Effective Rate' and '% of standard realized' fields were not correct if a write off amount was applied to the bill.

  • Expanded the description on the Billing Memo report in cases where not a progress bill and therefore more room is available.

  • You could not print the Aged WIP report in some cases if customers were created in an application that does not support Adagio Time&Billing.

  • On the T&B Billing Action report, the Total Outstanding column did not show sum the A/R Balance and the Net Unbilled in the Customer.

  • Added Date Range on the T&D Ledger report.

  • In some case when importing with the option 'Overwrite records' fields were required to be in the import file when they should not have been required.

  • Import / Export supports 4 digit years in dates (YYYYMMDD).

  • Import / Export screens displayed with slider bars on machines running Windows XP.

  • The 'Print/Consolidate G/L Transactions' report menu choice has been moved to the main reports menu for consistency with other Adagio modules.

  • Deleting batch entries in rapid succession caused an error in some cases.

  • If you bill time or disbursements for less than the recorded amount, 'Write off' is now the default rather than 'Balance Forward' as you are more likely to write off under-billed time.

  • Copy-specific fields on billing invoices did not print on the correct copy.

Adagio Time&Billing
6.8A | 2003-01-30 (Jan '03)
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  • Dictionary Codes did not expand on batch listings if they were located at the very end of the line.

  • When printing the Billing Batch Listing in detail form, the detail lines printed twice for each detail when you had multiple lines of text description.

  • An Access Violation error occurred in some cases when a hint was displayed on a grid and you tabbed to a button at the side of the grid and pressed the Enter key.

  • When a Customer Note was edited and the time changed, a note with the new time was created but the original note was not deleted.

  • When the Disbursement accounting method is by Source Code, the Generate Billings function was not marking Disbursement lines as billed.

  • When you deleted an import/export template, it appeared to be deleted but was not actually deleted.

  • Invalid Dictionary Codes entered in a batch caused the batch listing reports to hang.

  • A Staff Code record was deleted if a cash batch or batches containing Time&Billing related entries and miscellaneous cash receipts were posted in the same posting sequence in Adagio Receivables. This problem was fixed in Adagio Receivables 6.8A (2002.01.14).

  • Data Integrity Check now correctly reports errors caused by a missing Docket for which there are current WIP transactions.

  • Data Integrity Check now reports and rebuilds WIP transactions with a missing Responsible Staff Code.

  • 'Suppress blank' option was not suppressing blank lines on the details section of bills in cases where the 'Print on detail' property was set to 'First line only' or 'Last line only' rather than 'All lines'.

  • When the width of description fields was different for time and disbursement spec codes on a bill (B03 and K03), the description from the billing line was not fully printed in some cases.

  • Quantity field was incorrect when printing consolidated disbursement details on invoices.

  • Next Invoice number in the Firm Profile did not allow an invoice number of more than 4 characters to be entered even though the invoice number can be up to 8 characters long.

  • Imported batches did not appear on the Batch Status report.

  • The amount of the first transaction in an imported Time and Disbursement batch was too small by a factor of 100 on the Batch Listing if the import file did not contain the Decimals field and no default was set for the Decimals field ( although the batch posted correctly).

  • If you import a billable transaction with a non-billable code (which normally should be blank) to a Time and Disbursement batch, the non-billable code will be ignored and the transaction will be posted correctly.

  • When importing a Time and Disbursements batch in ASCII Fixed Length format on Windows 98 machines, a message incorrectly indicating that the import file was not the correct format occurred in some cases.

  • There were errors when importing a Time and Disbursements batch when the import file contained both billable and non-billable transactions.

Adagio Time&Billing
6.8A | 2002-11-21 (Nov '02)
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  • Sample data has been expanded and improved.

  • Additional sample bill specifications have been included to demonstrate usage and flexibility.

  • Import templates and their associated sample import files have been updated.

  • Install now checks for Adagio programs in use by other workstations on a network.

  • When the program is started, it now checks that a workstation install has been done and that it is current.

  • When billing by Customer, you can now print the Docket Code and Docket Description for each line in the bill line section of the bill.

  • In some cases there were tax amounts that appeared to be incorrect by a few pennies and appeared on the bill, the Tax Summary report, and the invoice transferred to Adagio Receivables. The tax base is now determined on the Bill Detail which will eliminate the discrepancy.

  • You can now change the tax status on individual time or disbursement lines when entering a billing batch.

  • Manually entering a write up/off for a Progress Bill line caused the amount of the invoice retrieved in Adagio Receivables to be incorrect. This has been corrected by disallowing Progress Bill lines to be manually edited.

  • In bill entry, if you select Disbursements with different Tax Statuses to be billed on a single detail line, the calculated tax may not be the desired amount. A warning message now appears, indicating how tax is calculated for that detail.

  • If a bill contains details with different tax groups and a tax jurisdiction is defined to print on bills as a Detail, the tax amounts for each group and jurisdiction now print individually on the bill.

  • Creating Final bills that did not include transactions posted in a T&D batch, to update write up/off accounts rather than revenue accounts, in some cases did not update the correct GL accounts when posted.

  • When billing disbursements, if you selected 'Bill all' and then wanted to unmark one line, you had to click on the 'Unmark line' button twice before the line was unmarked.

  • Generate Bills was not working correctly when the Bill Type option was set to 'Write-off'.

  • Dictionary Codes are expanded correctly on batch listing reports and bills in all cases.

  • Time Summary report hung in cases where a Dictionary code expansion contained a '@' followed by a space.

  • Source code footer is now correctly suppressed on the Billing Memo report in all cases for Final Billed amounts.

  • Billing Memo Report now shows a subtotal for each Source Code.

  • If you posted a progress bill for a specific Source Code, the Billing Memo Report did not subtract the progress bill amounts from the unbilled amount fields on the 2-part report. The unbilled amount now correctly includes the progress billed amounts.

  • Purging the posting journal in some cases deleted sequences that were not in the range printed.

  • T&D Posting Journal now includes totals for the Debit and Credit columns.

  • 'Final' column in the Time Summary report was too close to the Amount Field.

  • On the T&D Ledger, the write-off amount of a disbursement was in the time column instead of the disbursement column.

  • Report fixes listed in the Adagio Time&Billing 6.8A (2002.09.16) PTF Release Notes are now included.

  • Docket field was skipped in some cases when tabbing through the fields entering a T&D batch.

  • When disbursements are retrieved from Adagio Payables, you can now choose the order of the fields for the description. In addition, you can optionally include line breaks between fields.

  • When importing T&D batch transactions, where the import file does not include the extended amount, the hours and rate (for time) or quantity and rate (for disbursements) are automatically extended.

  • You could not delete a Docket, even though there was no WIP and no current transactions for the Customer/Docket in Adagio Receivables. The Data Integrity Check in Adagio Time&Billing detects and corrects this problem.

  • An error message was displayed in some cases when opening and closing the Edit Users, Groups and Currency functions multiple times.

  • An error message was displayed when the Finder or Smart Finder were used in Edit Groups.

  • Persistent Smart Finder results were wrong in some cases when using the Smart Finder on multiple different fields in the same session.

  • An error message was displayed when using the Smart Finder on the Disbursement Code field in Edit Disbursements.

  • An error message was displayed when using the Smart Finder on the batch number field when printing batch listings.

  • When "Contents" was selected from the Help menu an error message was displayed.

Adagio Time&Billing
6.8A | 2002-09-16 (Sep '02)
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  • When converting data from Time, Billing and Client Receivables (TBR), the converted WIP transactions only contained the first 30 characters of the 60 characters of Description that were in TBR.

  • In some cases, the Billing Memo report was missing transactions that were not final billed, if the rate had been overridden.

  • When entering disbursements into a Time and Disbursements batch using the 'Use Disbursement Desc' option, the disbursement description was blank on all but the first disbursement line entered.

  • If you posted a Progress bill for a specific Source Code, the Billing Memo Report did not subtract the Progress bill amounts from the Unbilled Amount fields at the bottom right of the 2-part report.

  • If you posted any Progress bill, and selected a date range on the Billing Memo report that included the Progress Bill line, the total on the right side of the 2-part report was positive when it should have been negative.

  • Disbursements on the Time and Disbursement Ledger are now sorted by Disbursement Code before date.

  • The Data Integrity Checker handles additional types of corruption in the database.

  • The Crystal Reports Text Object Support library (CRPaig32.DLL) is installed. This library may be required to print Adagio Time&Billing reports modified using Crystal Reports for Adagio.

  • The chksys.exe utility has been enhanced to check for correct Opportunistic Locking settings on workstations running NT4.0, W2K or XP.

  • Changes to the Help | About dialog have been made.

Adagio Time&Billing
6.8A | 2002-06-17 (Jun '02)
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  • Initial release.