Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio Time&Billing 8.1D

September 29, 2014

    New Features

       Compatible with future release of Adagio Payables 9.2A.

       Full compatibility with Adagio Console and xConsole. Supports Automation when Adagio Console is installed. Automation allows you to automate many functions in Adagio modules, including retrieving, importing, printing report sets, backup and integrity check, etc. across modules, and view, print or email the results from an automation log.

       Adagio ePrint users can view a PDF of invoices and credit notes from the transactions grid in the Edit/View Customer function if Receivables is 9.1A or higher, including invoices from Time&Billing. The documents open in the new Adagio PDF viewer

       Supports Transport Layer Security (TLS) / Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for secure email servers when emailing invoices. Added option 'Use TLS/SSL' added to Email Setup function.

       Supports the Preferred Send Method on the Invoicing tab in the customer if Receivables 9.1A is installed. When printing a billing batch, or multi-selected invoices (bills) from a batch or in the Billing History Inquiry, if the ‘Match customer preferred send method’ option is selected, invoices will printed only for customers having the same Preferred Send Method set in their record.

       The Open Data screen can be sized horizontally to allow you to see the full data path.

       A 'Report set' button has been added to the toolbar.

       You can now create a Favorite report for posting journals even when there are none on file to print. Added 'Last sequence only' option to posting journal print dialog. This option is remembered for Favorites and is useful when printing posting journals from a Report Set. Added 'Clear posting journals' option for posting journal Favorites in Report Sets.

       You can now create a Favorite report for batch listings even when there are no batches on file. When printing the Favorite directly or within a Report Set it defaults to the entire range of batches.  DONE

       You can now delete the default import and export templates so they will not be selected accidentally instead of the correct template. If you delete all templates for all imports and exports the defaults will be restored for all. Note: this works differently than in other Adagio modules in that you must delete all templates for all imports and exports rather than for individual import/export templates to cause them to be recreated.

       The Data Integrity Check results now include the version/date of the program, for example: "Adagio Time&Billing 8.1D (140929)".

       Added several new Time&Billing specific Styles for use in TB Filters. The TB default filters (used when a new database is created) have also been updated. The sample data includes many new filters that make use of the new Styles. You can recreate any of the new sample filters you find useful in your own live databases.

       The F1 key now launches Help when no windows are open.

       The Help | About function now has a Consultant tab showing the contact information for your Adagio consultant if they have enabled this option at your site.

    Problems Fixed

       Copying a Docket to create a new one and then editing it to change the Docket Type caused an error to be reported by the Data Integrity Check (the errors could be rebuilt).

       When entering a GL Account / Department, validation did not work and no warning was given when you entered a Department that did not exist for an Account if that Department did exist for the next highest Account. For example you had account 8000-150 and the next account in the chart is 8001-250, then entering 8000-250 did not give a warning.

       An error occurred in the smart finder for the Find in the Billing History Inquiry function.

       The Time/Disbursement Ledger report no gave an error if the Responsible Staff Member field was blank in a WIP transaction.

       Posting Journal reports did not use the Shade Color in User Preferences for General Ledger Distribution Summary

       Printing a Report Set printed reports disallowed by security.

       There was an Access Violation error when adding emails to the queue in some cases if the invoice number was less than 6 characters.

       Import Time & Disbursements did not import the Total Amount and set it to zero in some cases. The Total Amount is now calculated from the Rate and Hours fields or Rate and Quantity fields for Disbursements, regardless of the Total Amount field.

       Improved the Year End warning message to remind users that Year End does not also do Period End so they need to do the Period End functions first as well.


       Full compatibility with Adagio xConsole.

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