Enhancements & RevisionsAdagio Time&Billing 9.2ADecember 16, 2016· Supports Adagio Cloud. Edits / Customers · The finder on the GL Department field is now restricted to the departments for the account selected, without having to enable the ‘Active records only’ option. · The GL Department Description is now available to be added to the GL Account finder with the Column Editor. · File (Docket) Filters can now be displayed in Style Priority sequence. Added ‘Display Priority’ field to the grid in the Edit Account Filters function. This makes it easier to tell the sequence in which Styles will be applied. The setting of the sort option is saved by user. · The Edit and View Customer functions in Time&Billing support customer changes in Receivables 9.2A. · The Edit / View Customers / Items grids now display the total number of records, as well as a count of the displayed records when a Filter is active. An Ignore Style Color button has also been added. · Added an option to the Transactions tab to sort customer transactions by Date or by Type/Doc No. for current, history or both. · Transactions for Adagio Invoices 9.2A can now be shown on the Transaction tab in Edit/View Customer. Print Bills and Designer · The ‘Default Bill Spec’ from the Company Profile is used as the default if a specification is not selected in the customer. Thus, a specification does not need to be selected when printing Bills. · New specification codes added to the designer, primarily to support formatted addresses in the Receivables Company Profile and Customer: Reports · Adagio Time&Billing standard reports are now created using Crystal Reports 2013/2016. · Fields from tables that are not in the original standard report can now be added to modified reports. · An updated version of Adagio PrintTool is installed in \Softrak\PrintTool. It allows you to print / preview custom reports without needing to run Crystal Reports itself or without placing the report on the Custom Reports menu in an Adagio module, and allows reports to be placed on the Windows desktop. · A new ePrint code %CDT is available to put the ‘Run date’ into either the PDF filename or folder name for the Aged Work in Progress report. · The ‘Allow Post Journal Purge?’ option has been removed from the Company Profile. Similar to other Adagio modules, posting journals are not purged until year end. Import / Export · The Import / Export functions have generally been made standard with other Adagio modules. · Import templates now have finders on fields on the Defaulted Fields tab. · The Default Import Templates in prior versions contained all fields. The default templates have been changed to use a reduced set of fields that would more typically be required. Additional fields can be added or defaulted as needed. · New export templates created for Excel format default the file extension to .XLSX rather than .XLS as in prior versions. Miscellaneous · Added Adagio Toolbar. You can now start other Adagio modules from toolbar buttons showing the icon for the module. · Adagio Time&Billing now logs user activity within the module, including login/out, menu choices, enter/post batches and print bills. Audit logs may be viewed with GridView, Crystal Reports or Adagio Console. · The email password for servers that require authentication is now encrypted in the file containing email settings for the ‘Direct’ email method. · Grids may be “banded” with a User Selectable color and banding frequency set under File | User Preferences. Filter Styles may be disabled and replaced with regular banding if desired. · The status bar at the bottom of the main window now shows activity of various steps when the program is starting up and the database is opening. · The Column Editor screen can be sized. The size is remembered by module on the workstation. · Updated splash screen with new Adagio logo and colors. Updated icon and toolbar button images. · The Data Integrity Check (DIC) saves results for the last 9 previous runs in files TBWINERR01..09.dat (where .dat is your company data file extension). · Adagio Time&Billing 9.2A now installs to the \Softrak\TimeBilling folder and the program name is TimeBilling.exe. Previous versions were installed in \Softrak\TBWin and had program name TBWin.exe. · Time&Billing 9.2A installs an updated version of the AdagioPDF driver. The updated driver name is AdagioV2PDF and will appear in Windows Control Panel, Devices and Printers. When installs are performed on January 1, 2017 or later from a Remote Desktop Services connection to Microsoft Server 2016 or from a Windows 10 station, the security warning related to the AdagioPDF printer driver no longer appears. Problems Fixed· Time&Billing now renders dialogs properly on Ultra High Resolution displays when the font size is anything other than 100% of normal on Windows 8.1 or higher. · Many other small fixes done are not listed, including many fixes to reports and import/export functions. · Retrieving a negative Disbursement from Payables caused a data integrity error. A ‘Reverse Disbursement’ is now created in this case. · You had to click on the finder button twice on the File / Docket field to open the finder if you were not already editing the field. TimeKeeper· Supports Adagio Cloud. · Display of TimeKeeper buttons improved when you have 2 or more columns of buttons. Corrected minor issues displaying TimeKeeper and buttons on Windows 8 and 10. · You had to click on the finder button twice on the File / Docket field to open the finder if you were not already editing the field
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