Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio Time&Billing 8.1B

September 27, 2009

  • Compatible with Adagio Receivables 9.0A. Compatibility with earlier versions of Adagio Receivables is maintained. The Time &
    Disbursement and Billing batch entry functions support the Customer (Client) in Adagio Receivables 9.0A and associated new
    features where ever possible. Customer Alerts by module and function are supported. Address blocks in bills do not yet support the
    North American formatting available in Adagio Receivables 9.0A although customer addresses will be moved into the four
    unformatted address lines in the document as space permits.


  • The Adagio Open Data Dialog has been significantly improved. The Previously Opened database list is now saved by Adagio User
    rather than for all users. The first time an existing user or a new user logs into Adagio Time&Billing 8.1B they will be asked “Would
    you like your historical company access list set up?” Answer yes to have all entries from the Previously Opened list from your prior
    use of Time&Billing copied for your use. The Open Data screen and Previously Opened database list now show the date the
    database was last opened by the user. You may also elect to have Adagio save your Adagio User Id and Password and default them
    when logging into Adagio. The saved information is based on your Windows authenticated user name. This option may be turned off
    by editing softraksystemADS.INI and adding the lines:

  • Options have been added to open functions when the program starts up, including Time & Disbursement batch entry, Billing batch
    entry, Docket edit, customer edit and customer inquiry, Retrieve transactions (AP Disbursements) and Process Imports.

    Data Integrity Check

  • The Time&Billing Application Integrity Check (also known as phase 2) is now supported in DataCare. To enable this feature in
    existing DataCare jobs that check Time&Billing, edit the Job Detail for Time&Billing and select ‘Perform application integrity check’.

  • Rebuilding File Integrity Errors (also known as phase 1) across a network on large databases is significantly faster.


  • Adagio Time&Billing will optionally create a backup of related data whenever a Data Integrity Check completes without errors. Adagio
    Time&Billing will offer to create a backup of a database prior to applying any “fix” as a result of the “Rebuild” option being selected to
    repair damaged data. Backup details are written to the log file. The multi-currency files for single currency databases are now backed
    up when you backup a ‘Complete Dataset’.


  • A grid showing Time & Disbursement transactions from WIP and Billing transactions from Bill History (Header and Detail) has been
    added to the edit customer and customer inquiry functions on the Transactions tab.
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  • The Edit Dockets screen can be sized, allowing for more WIP transactions to be displayed.

  • Alt Keys (Speed Keys) have been added to tabs on the Edit Dockets and Edit Staff screens.

  • Copy Dockets, Disbursement Codes, Staff and other records place you directly in the edit for the newly created record.

  • The options ‘Enable SF Export’ and ‘Enable SF Printing’ have been added to the Edit User screen to allow you to disable Excel
    Direct in Smart Finders to help safeguard your sales data, customer list and other information in your database. The settings made in
    the Time&Billing program also control this feature in TimeKeeper.

  • Added last edited by Date, Time and User fields to the Docket and Staff records. This information can be shown in grids and Adagio

  • A 'Load WIP Text button has been added in Billing batch entry to allow T&D descriptions from the WIP to be loaded and modified for
    printing on the bill.

  • You can now transfer time and disbursements (WIP) between Dockets or reverse (credit) time and disbursements. Billed time and
    disbursements may also be transferred or reversed. Select or multi-select lines in the grid on the Current WIP tab in the Edit Dockets
    function, then right-click to open the pop-up menu and choose Reverse/Transfer WIP. Transferring WIP auto-creates "From"
    (negative) and "To" entries in a Time & Disbursement batch for the Client/Docket. Reversing transactions auto-creates negative
    entries for the Client/Docket.

  • Alerts related to Time&Billing functions have been added to the customer: TB bill entry, TB time & disb. entry, TB docket edit and TB
    time keeper.

  • The Billing Method (By Customer or By Docket) in the customer can now be edited at any time. In previous versions all transactions
    in Receivables and Time&Billing had to be purged before you could edit the Billing Method.


  • The Bill History screen can be sized. This allows more fields and rows to be shown in the Details grid.

  • Alt Keys (Speed Keys) have been added to tabs on the Billing History Inquiry screen.

    Batch Entry and Posting

  • Default batch description text can be automatically created with user initials (%usr), date (%dat) and time (%tim) created in a user
    specified format. Multiple date and time formats are supported. These options are set on the General Options tab in the Company
    Profile. The batch description can still be edited as required when the batch is created.

  • The Billing batch entry screen and detail dialog screen are now sizeable. This allows more batch details and more time and
    disbursement detail lines to be shown on these screens.

  • A splitter bar has been added on the billing batch detail dialog screen. This allows you to choose more room on the screen for the
    time and disbursement grid or more for the description memo field.

  • The Time & Disbursement batch entry and Billing batch functions support lookup of customer by name, phone number and AR
    document number when Receivables 9.0A is used. Click the Find button on the batch entry screen to lookup by these fields.

  • Batch entry now prevents or warns you when the document date is for a closed period / year in Ledger. The ‘Validate closed periods’
    option in the Company Profile, Integration tab in Receivables can be set to Allow, Warn Only, or Disable. It is used to control this
    functionality in Time&Billing as well as in Receivables.

  • Batch entry supports the ‘Active’ flag in customers in Receivables 9.0A. Time & Disbursement batch entry warns you and does not
    allow entry of an inactive customer. Bill batch entry warns of an inactive customer but allows you to proceed to allow billing even if
    the customer is inactive.

  • The batch entry functions now support the inactive Docket flag. Time & Disbursement batch entry warns you and does not allow an
    entry for an inactive Docket to be saved. Bill batch entry warns of an inactive Docket but allows you to proceed to allow billing even if
    the Docket is inactive. Posting a Time & Disbursements batch containing entries for Dockets that were marked inactive after the
    batch was entered now sends the entries to an error batch (depending on the option in the next item). This allows you to prevents
    posting of time to inactive Dockets.

  • The option 'Allow posting to inactive dockets' has been added to the General Options tab in the Company Profile. TimeKeeper
    prevents you from submitting time for inactive Dockets. Therefore you can use the option to allow posting of batches submitted from
    TimeKeeper containing time that was recorded prior to making a Docket inactive. In other words, use TimeKeeper to catch time
    entered for inactive Dockets while allowing time accumulated to Dockets that were active at the time to be posted at a later date.

  • Date, time and user stamp fields for have been added to batches, batch details and the WIP file. These fields can be shown on bills
    and in grids, finders and Adagio GridView.
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  • Hours entered in batches post through to Ledger 9.0A or higher (if the account tracks Statistical Units) for use on financial

    Print Bills and the Bill Designer

  • Bills can now be printed to file in Text (.txt), Rich Text (.rtf) or PDF. This allows bills to be modified or enhanced with MS Word (.rtf
    format) before you send them to clients. In the Company Profile on the Print Options tab is a field 'Bill export name code' which
    allows you to set what the file name will be when Print Bills has a destination of File instead of Printer or Screen.

  • New toolbar icons in the Bill Designer provide a cleaner look and differentiate this new version visually.

  • Specification codes are available to print the formatted address information from the Adagio Receivables V9.0A customer record.
    Compressed address codes were formerly called formatted address codes. Use the specification form “All spec codes 8.1B Sep 09”
    to see every field available to print on a user defined bill.
    C04-C07 Bill Address 1 to 4, customer
    C62-66 Bill Header Address 1 to 5 and Zip/Postal Code
    C67-C71 Customer Address 1 to 5
    C72 Name (Customer name line2)
    C73 City
    C74 State/Province
    C75 Country

  • Several other new spec codes have also been added:
    M11 Current Date (actual date, M1 is the session or Adagio log in date)
    M12 Current Time work
    C76 Comments 1
    C77 Comments 2
    C78 DUNS
    C79 Staff responsable, Client
    C80 Staff responsible
    C81 Managing Office
    H15 Last Edit by
    H16 Last Edit date
    H17 Last Edit time
    H18 Reference
    H19 Description

  • These codes new codes can be used when printing bills where the Docket code is selected on the Header, thus the bill is for a single
    docket. They best belong in the Page Header section. If placed in other sections, they would simply repeat information.
    H20 Header docket number
    H21 Header docket name

  • There is a new way to extend vertical lines through the Detail section(s) specifications. Place the vertical line object at the position
    where it should begin printing, right click and select ‘Extend’.


  • Added 'Report Preview Options' in the File | Options function to allow you to set the default zoom factor and preview window state
    (full screen or partial screen) for previewing reports to screen. These settings are saved by workstation. Note: this applies to
    previewing reports only (but not previewing bills).

  • GL distribution summaries have been added to the Time & Disbursements and Billings posting journals.

  • Added option ‘Prompt to consolidate’ on the Integration tab in the Company Profile. Disabling this option ensures you do not
    accidentally consolidate transactions after printing report with the ‘Print/Consolidate G/L transactions’ function.

  • Added option ‘Close report dialog after print?’ on the Print Options tab in the Company Profile. Set this option off if you often print
    reports multiple times with different settings or ranges.

  • Report performance has been improved for most reports (except reports in the Maintenance report sub-menu), notably the Time &
    Disbursement and Billing posting journals.

  • Added ‘Allow Post Journal purge?’ option on the Print Options tab in the Company Profile. If this option is off you cannot clear the
    posting journals after printing them. This prevents accidental purging of posting journals. If this option is off the posting journals will
    be purged as part of Year End.
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  • The From Date on the Time & Disbursement Ledger report now defaults to blank rather than the date of the last period end.

  • The Time Utilization report can now be printed for a range of dates. In previous versions the report could only be printed for the
    current MTD figures.

  • Added report totals to the Billing Action Report.

    Import / export

  • Imports can be automatically processed when Time&Billing is started, including import of Time & Disbursements. This makes it
    easier to import (you don’t have to open the import function and find the correct import template) and it warns you there are new
    transactions to import. Set the option 'Auto-import on startup' in the import template and set the 'Process Imports' option in the
    Company Profile.

  • Old formats such as Lotus, Dbase and Clipper that are almost never used any more have been removed from import / export
    templates, leaving Excel, ASCII CSV (Delimited), ASCII Fixed Length and PSV Delimited. The old formats may be manually turned
    back on for sites that need them. See the Upgrading section below for details.

  • The Import and Export Customer functions have been removed from Time&Billing if AR 9.0A or higher is used. The equivalent
    functions in Receivables support all the fields found on the Time&Billing tab in edit customer. Note: AR 9.0A (2009.09.28) or higher is
    required. See the Upgrading section below for further details.


  • The date control has been updated to improve the speed of data entry. You can enter just the 1 or 2-character day in any date field
    without having to enter the month or year. The month and year are automatically populated with the initial values from the field. For
    example, if the date is 1/23/2009, typing “22” and tab changes the date to 1/22/2009. You can also enter just 4 characters for the day
    and month (zeros are required) and the year will be populated. This change speeds up data entry in most cases where you need to
    enter a date different than the session date or last remembered date.

  • The Smart Finder performance has been significantly improved across a network.

  • Excel Direct (from finders, smart finders and from grids in some modules) can be configured to export an ASCII CSV file (instead of
    sending data direct to Excel) and start an application that automatically opens the file. This allows export when Excel is not installed
    and provides support for other spreadsheets such as OpenOffice.org. Note that unlike Excel Direct there is no formatting with CSV.
    Entries must be made manually in the file softraksystemssi2xl.ini. Refer to the Readme help file for details.

  • The File | Options, Field Verification option has been removed. Fields are always verified during entry.

  • The Help Menu has been modified to allow you to launch the Adagio System Status utility (chksys.exe) and print the Adagio Lanpak
    registration form.

  • Settings in the Email Setup function are now stored by company (rather than globally for all your companies) and can optionally be
    set by user (i.e. by company/user). The SYS user can copy email settings to all users for a company. The default E-mail port number
    25 can now be changed to another port if necessary when sending directly. Some ISPs require use of port number 587 for SMTP
    transfers. Emails will now have the correct transmission time regardless of e-mail client.

  • Moved fax queue from QIFAX to generic filename starting with SD (System Data) that is shared by all Adagio modules that send

  • You can have database fields in the email subject line in Email covers. For example you may want to include a contact name when
    emailing a bill to a generic email address for a client or you may want to include the amount of the bill.

  • When Adagio GridView 9.0A or higher is opened from the Adagio menu, Adagio Time&Billing will be displayed as the first line on the
    Select Module screen so you do not need to scroll down to find it.

  • WebSafe changed to vitalEsafe™ in the Backup function to reflect the 3rd party name change.

  • Automatically copies help files (*.chm) to the local drive so that Service Packs do not require a workstation install just to update the
    readme help file.

  • Two sets of sample data are now shipped: 1) with Accounting Type by Source Code (shipped in earlier versions) and 2) Accounting
    Type by File Type (new for 8.1B). The sample data by Source Code is installed in softrak bwinsamdata with extension .SAM. The
    sample data by File Type is installed in softrak bwinsamdatabyFile with extension .TBF.

  • The bill specifications in the sample data have been significantly improved.

  • The sample data has been updated to use Receivables 9.0A and Ledger 9.0B.

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