Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio Time&Billing 6.8A

January 30, 2003

  • Dictionary Codes did not expand on batch listings if they were located at the very end of the line.

  • When printing the Billing Batch Listing in detail form, the detail lines printed twice for each detail when you had multiple lines of text description.

  • An Access Violation error occurred in some cases when a hint was displayed on a grid and you tabbed to a button at the side of the grid and pressed the Enter key.

  • When a Customer Note was edited and the time changed, a note with the new time was created but the original note was not deleted.

  • When the Disbursement accounting method is by Source Code, the Generate Billings function was not marking Disbursement lines as billed.

  • When you deleted an import/export template, it appeared to be deleted but was not actually deleted.

  • Invalid Dictionary Codes entered in a batch caused the batch listing reports to hang.

  • A Staff Code record was deleted if a cash batch or batches containing Time&Billing related entries and miscellaneous cash receipts were posted in the same posting sequence in Adagio Receivables. This problem was fixed in Adagio Receivables 6.8A (2002.01.14).

  • Data Integrity Check now correctly reports errors caused by a missing Docket for which there are current WIP transactions.

  • Data Integrity Check now reports and rebuilds WIP transactions with a missing Responsible Staff Code.

  • 'Suppress blank' option was not suppressing blank lines on the details section of bills in cases where the 'Print on detail' property was set to 'First line only' or 'Last line only' rather than 'All lines'.

  • When the width of description fields was different for time and disbursement spec codes on a bill (B03 and K03), the description from the billing line was not fully printed in some cases.

  • Quantity field was incorrect when printing consolidated disbursement details on invoices.

  • Next Invoice number in the Firm Profile did not allow an invoice number of more than 4 characters to be entered even though the invoice number can be up to 8 characters long.

  • Imported batches did not appear on the Batch Status report.

  • The amount of the first transaction in an imported Time and Disbursement batch was too small by a factor of 100 on the Batch Listing if the import file did not contain the Decimals field and no default was set for the Decimals field ( although the batch posted correctly).

  • If you import a billable transaction with a non-billable code (which normally should be blank) to a Time and Disbursement batch, the non-billable code will be ignored and the transaction will be posted correctly.

  • When importing a Time and Disbursements batch in ASCII Fixed Length format on Windows 98 machines, a message incorrectly indicating that the import file was not the correct format occurred in some cases.

  • There were errors when importing a Time and Disbursements batch when the import file contained both billable and non-billable transactions.

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