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#65779 - 03/11/21 09:06 AM Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225)
JWH Offline
John Hancock, CPA

Registered: 07/30/12
Posts: 316
Loc: London, ON
We updated a client to the latest Ledger re the subject and one of the workstations is experiencing the following error when trying to print (any Ledger report) either to "Preview" or directly to the print option as per the attached file.

Again this is the only workstation having the issue. The workstation in question does not receive this message when trying to print in any of the subs - only Ledger.

Any suggestions?

Adagio printer error.pdf (174 downloads)

#65780 - 03/11/21 09:44 AM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: JWH]
Bruce Gardner Offline
Adagio Wizard

Registered: 06/15/04
Posts: 3511
Loc: Toronto ON, Canada
Hi Scott:

The error message is "Invalid printer specified". Which printer is the default report printer for GL? If you try different printers, do you get different results?
Bruce Gardner
ARX Business Solutions Inc.

#65781 - 03/11/21 10:03 AM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Bruce Gardner]
JWH Offline
John Hancock, CPA

Registered: 07/30/12
Posts: 316
Loc: London, ON
Hi Bruce,

Thanks for your response. I am waiting for answers to those very questions. Just thought I would post in the meantime to see if anyone had any suggestions or are experiencing this.

I am going to have them check to see what their Workstation Setup options are set to if it is set to "Default". If it is I will have them switch it to "Specific" to see if this makes any difference.

I did see a post from Andrew a few years back on this for length of network printer name being too long but this theory goes out the window, IMO, if they can print in the subledgers without issue.

Thanks for your input and will post more when I know.

#65782 - 03/11/21 10:43 AM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: JWH]
Softrak Support Offline

Adagio Action Team

Registered: 03/09/99
Posts: 11351
Loc: Vancouver, BC Canada
Hi Scott,

I received one other support email today from a user that they just installed the Ledger update and are getting this error when printing Ledger reports to a particular Network-connected printer. Only for Ledger. And no error when printing to a locally connected printer. I have no other specifics to add to this, and have tried to start the ball rolling with R&D as to potential meanings and reasons for this error, apart from the obvious. Perhaps if it can be verified for your client that this is the case for them as well, maybe how the printer is connected to the network matters (or maybe it doesn't).

The thread refers to the (2021.02.25) release of GL93B. Are you aware whether the initial Ledger 93B release was installed and had the same scenario?

I currently am not connected to a network printer (due to our office move), so I cannot verify or duplicate this particular scenario at this time. I can print Adagio Ledger reports to my local printer at home, where I am, accessing the office through a RDC. This is a 'more complicated' scenario than simply printing to a local printer while in the office, but I understand this is not the same as a network printer.

I look forward to hearing more about is happening (from all parties).

Perhaps a workaround for now as we all try to figure this out is to print the Ledger reports to the AdagioV3PDF driver, then print the PDF to the specified printer.

Edited by Softrak Support (03/11/21 11:09 AM)
Edit Reason: more info
Softrak Tech Support

#65788 - 03/11/21 02:38 PM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Softrak Support]
JWH Offline
John Hancock, CPA

Registered: 07/30/12
Posts: 316
Loc: London, ON
Thanks support for your input. I am in waiting mode as the user in question doesn't have a set time to go into the office at this time because of COVID so hopefully that is sooner rather than later.

Will keep you posted when I hear and can answer Bruce's questions and yours.

#65792 - 03/12/21 10:13 AM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: JWH]
Softrak Support Offline

Adagio Action Team

Registered: 03/09/99
Posts: 11351
Loc: Vancouver, BC Canada
Hi Scott,

A question I should have asked yesterday is whether the site experiencing this problem has either BankRec 9.3A or Inventory 9.3A or Payables 9.3B installed. These are the only other two applications that have installed the Crystal Reports runtime version 25 and the AdagioV3PDF printer driver. If they have any of these programs in use, please try printing a report to the specified printer from one of these to see if this works or not. I'm going to presume that this does work, otherwise we would have heard of the problem at that time.

If none of these programs have yet been installed, then installing Ledger 9.3B would have put these in for the first time. My understanding from R&D is that the Crystal Reports runtime is the culprit in not being able to recognize the printer, for completely unknown reasons. (FYI we have seen these errors in previous versions of Crystal runtime, not just SP 25).

Can you confirm that the AdagioV3PDF printer driver was successfully installed on the workstation(s) having the Ledger report printing problems? Can you 'print' to this driver from anything (including say Word)?

The last two instances of people reporting this problem to us (in 2018, for AP) also happened to be for Sharp printers, with the driver having PCL6. I don't know if this is a coincidence or not. Maybe you could try temporarily connecting one of the printers that work via the network, to satisfy that it's the printer/driver and not the network access.
Softrak Tech Support

#65798 - 03/13/21 10:25 AM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Softrak Support]
JWH Offline
John Hancock, CPA

Registered: 07/30/12
Posts: 316
Loc: London, ON
Thanks Support for the post. I will find out on Monday the answer to your questions.

They are using Payables V9.3B and have been for quite some time since it was released. As I mentioned in a previous post this only happens in Ledger and does not happen in any of the other modules which includes Payables, Receivables and Time & Billing, all of which are at the latest version and service pack/hot fixes, for those modules.

I will be in contact Monday as mentioned and get back to you on these questions.

#65803 - 03/15/21 01:48 PM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: JWH]
JWH Offline
John Hancock, CPA

Registered: 07/30/12
Posts: 316
Loc: London, ON
Hello Support,

I was out at said client this afternoon and here are my findings:

1. As previously mentioned this printer error only happens on one workstation and only in the Ledger. The error does not happen in any of the subs. As per your request I testing printing from Payables since it uses the V25 Crystal Runtime Engine and no problem whatsoever. As a note the Workstation Option setting in Payables for "Reports" was set to "Default".
2. The AdagioV3PDF was installed and I could successfully print out of Word.
3. When I log into the Ledger database if the Workstation Option setting is set to "Default" then printing either to Preview or Printer the error occurs.
4. If I change the Workstation Option setting to "Specific" and denote printer "XXXXX_HP4250" - Model LaserJet 4250 PCL6 (61.74.561.43) the error appears again either to Preview or Print.
5. If I change the Workstation Option setting to "Specific" and denote printer "HP LJ P4010_P4510 Series PCL 6" - Model Samsung Universal Print Driver PCL 6 all is good and no error. We can even print without issue to the "XXXXX_HP4250" printer.
6. If I change the Payables Workstation setting to "Specific" for either printer no issue.
7. In each of these tests the "XXXXX_HP4250" is setup in the Control Panel as the "Default" printer.

So clearly Ledger hates this one specific printer yet the subs are "OK" with it.

Anyway for now we have set the Workstation Option setting to "Specific" and to the non default printer "HP LJ P4010_P4510 Series PCL 6" and all is good at this point.

Thanks for any suggestions or follow ups.

#65806 - 03/15/21 02:51 PM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: JWH]
Softrak Support Offline

Adagio Action Team

Registered: 03/09/99
Posts: 11351
Loc: Vancouver, BC Canada
Hi Scott,

Thank you for the research.

Can I confirm point 1 - you said only one workstation for Ledger. Do you mean to say that other workstations can successfully print from Ledger to that HP4250 Printer? If this is true, that makes the situation that much harder to pinpoint. Perhaps printer-driver related.

I forgot to ask earlier - does this client use MultiCurrency? If so, what is their MultiCurrency Printer setting in Workstation options? For Ledger, some reports print to a Legal Landscape layout, that uses a different printer selection than 'standard' reports.
Softrak Tech Support

#65811 - 03/16/21 11:31 AM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Softrak Support]
JWH Offline
John Hancock, CPA

Registered: 07/30/12
Posts: 316
Loc: London, ON
Hi Support,

Thanks for the response. You are correct other workstations can print successfully to the printer in question. So you are right the only thing would be the driver but I did not check the driver on the "successful" workstations. I would have to get back to you on that one.

No multicurrency is not used.

FWIW and I didn't mention this yesterday but the workstation in question is Windows 7 Pro SP1. This might explain a few things. Not sure.

So for the time being or all time we are going to setup the Workstation Options setting to "Specific" and set to the other network printer where there is no error. We get the best of both worlds on this setting. One, no error and two we are still able to print to the "bad" printer just have to hit the Setup button when we do.

#65899 - 04/03/21 09:00 AM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: JWH]
Robert Offline

Registered: 02/18/14
Posts: 1
Loc: Ottawa, ON, Canada
I am getting the same error code as described above. I use just one workstation running Windows 7 Pro and have upgraded to Ledger 9.3B (2021.01.15) and SP Ledger 9.3B (2021.02.25). I have not upgraded to SP Ledger (2021.03.31). Before doing the above work-around, I am curious if last week's SP (2021.03.31) will correct this error?

#65901 - 04/03/21 10:31 AM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Robert]
Bruce Gardner Offline
Adagio Wizard

Registered: 06/15/04
Posts: 3511
Loc: Toronto ON, Canada

The March 31 service pack addressed the issues listed below, plus some improvements to the Financial Reporter. None of them refer to a printing error message.

Therefore your best solution for now is to go to File | Workstation Options and set a "Specific" printer as Scott described on March 16.

March 31 Service Pack Changes:
  • Detail only Batch import in Ledger 9.3B(21.02.25) an earlier required the account and department field to both be imported or defaulted. This is no longer required.
  • Export transactions did not find any records if the first account/department in the selected range did not have any transactions and the department for the next account/department in the range had a lesser value.
  • After printing the Detail Listing report, the data files containing the Account Net Changes were not properly released, until the user closed the program. This caused errors and potentially corrupted data if another user performed a function that required reading or writing to those data files. The release is correctly performed now.
  • When an Accounts grid was set to show Active Records only and was changed to remove that setting, Inactive accounts were not correctly refreshing to the correct position and displayed at the end. The View Transactions/Budget did not display any accounts. Both of these situations have been fixed.
  • If Company Profile options for Post Invalid Entry to Error Batch and Require Batch Print Before Posting are both disabled, a warning message will appear at sign-on to indicate this is no longer a supported configuration and you need to change either option.
Bruce Gardner
ARX Business Solutions Inc.

#66220 - 05/27/21 02:15 PM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Bruce Gardner]
Dan_Desautels Offline
Adagio Maestro

Registered: 07/21/11
Posts: 1145
Loc: Thunder Bay, ON, Canada

Just got off the phone with a client where we recently upgraded all their modules. Two users are having the same invalid printer rpt error John describes but in BankRec 9.3A (210427). AP 9.3B (201019) works fine.
The culprit printer is a Sharp network printer. One user is on Windows 7, the other on W10.
So the behaviour is that when the Sharp Printer is the Windows default printer OR the selected printer in Workstation Options in BR, we get the invalid printer error when previewing or printing any report in BR. If we make the windows default a different printer, no error when previewing or printing.

However, when previewing successfully with the other printer we can then click the print button from the preview window and the Printer selection box that comes up from Windows allows us to choose the Sharp printer and print successfully. I can only assume that's because there is no loading the report from Crystal at that point.

Note: We even tried changing the name of the printer to eliminate any spaces or special characters and shortened it to less than 10 characters. Rebooted and no change.

Edited by Dan_Desautels (05/27/21 02:17 PM)
Dan Desautels
DezTek Solutions Inc.
Thunder Bay, ON

#66223 - 05/27/21 04:59 PM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Dan_Desautels]
Softrak Support Offline

Adagio Action Team

Registered: 03/09/99
Posts: 11351
Loc: Vancouver, BC Canada
Hi Dan,

R&D requested a screen shot of one Report screen where printing to the Sharp printer would fail. Specifically to see the printer name, but if you could also provide any other details about the printer driver, that would be helpful.

In some recent upgrades/releases, we edited every report in the application to save AdagioV3PDF as the default printer on the RPT files, to try and ensure that on the initial load of the Crystal report, the printer driver exists on the client's workstation. Even if in the end that printer is not used for printing. I presume that the Adagiov3PDF driver is installed on this client's workstation successfully.

It's hard when only one program exhibits this issue.
Softrak Tech Support

#66243 - 06/01/21 11:41 AM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Softrak Support]
Softrak Support Offline

Adagio Action Team

Registered: 03/09/99
Posts: 11351
Loc: Vancouver, BC Canada
I was able to replicate this Invalid Printer Specified error in a number of Adagio programs when I am accessing my work computer from home through a report desktop connection, and the Default printer in Windows is specified as my Home printer that gets 'redirected' as a local printer resource. When the Adagio program has 'Default' as the report printer in Workstation Options, the error occurs. If I change to a Specific printer that is not 'redirected' from home via the Remote Desktop Connection, then I can successfully print all the reports.

We are starting some deeper investigation now that we have been able to replicate the error.

For those of you who have experienced the problem, how many are clients working from home or otherwise using a Remote Desktop Connection? Do they have a local 'redirected' printer as the Windows Default? It may be that Crystal Reports is looking for the printer driver and can't find it because it is 'redirected'.

I do not have the error in JobCost or Time&Billing, applications that have not yet been moved over to use AdagioV3PDF and AdagioODBCv3. This might not be coincidence. Maybe this explains why Ledger and BankRec and Payables are seeing this problem and other apps are not.
Softrak Tech Support

#66244 - 06/01/21 02:18 PM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Softrak Support]
Dan_Desautels Offline
Adagio Maestro

Registered: 07/21/11
Posts: 1145
Loc: Thunder Bay, ON, Canada
The client I described in this thread was not working from home.
Dan Desautels
DezTek Solutions Inc.
Thunder Bay, ON

#66247 - 06/03/21 08:38 AM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Dan_Desautels]
Dan_Desautels Offline
Adagio Maestro

Registered: 07/21/11
Posts: 1145
Loc: Thunder Bay, ON, Canada
Another client of mine has an invalid printer issue. They are getting the error in GL 9.3B (210331) but NOT AP 9.3B (201019). They are not connecting remotely. Similar to my other post above, it's a Sharp Network printer. This client is using Windows 10 and it started when the IT person changed her default printer to the Sharp.
Workaround was to change the workstation option in GL to print to a PDF printer.
Dan Desautels
DezTek Solutions Inc.
Thunder Bay, ON

#66248 - 06/03/21 09:05 AM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Dan_Desautels]
Chris McDonell Offline

Registered: 11/16/01
Posts: 623
Loc: Vancouver, BC, Canada
Hi Dan,
Let me start with I no longer consider myself an IT Network person.
Could it be that the way the network printer is setup that the local machine does not have a copy of the printer driver?

A test would be to install the printer driver for the Sharp on the workstation.

Edited by Chris McDonell (06/03/21 09:05 AM)
Chris McDonell
Softrak Systems Inc.

#66250 - 06/03/21 09:21 AM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Chris McDonell]
Dan_Desautels Offline
Adagio Maestro

Registered: 07/21/11
Posts: 1145
Loc: Thunder Bay, ON, Canada
Hi Chris,

I will have to connect with the client later. But I would counter with: why do Payables reports print fine when that printer is the default? It seems to indicate that only GL has this issue.
Dan Desautels
DezTek Solutions Inc.
Thunder Bay, ON

#66251 - 06/03/21 12:03 PM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Dan_Desautels]
Douglas Dickie Offline
Adagio God

Registered: 06/02/99
Posts: 4329
Loc: Vancouver, BC

To answer your last question:

AP used ADAGIOv2

GL uses ADAGIOv3

v3 is where all the problems lie. Even getting it installed can be a problem.

If your client is on a LAN and the printer is on the network, then the correct printer driver installation is first on the server and then to use the server driver to install to the workstation (I believe but I'm an accountant, Patricia would be able to explain this better).
Douglas Dickie
AccSys Solutions Inc
Phone: 1.888.534.4344

#66252 - 06/03/21 12:28 PM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Softrak Support]
Dan_Desautels Offline
Adagio Maestro

Registered: 07/21/11
Posts: 1145
Loc: Thunder Bay, ON, Canada
Hi Doug,

Support's comment contradicts your answer. They also reference AP using V3PDF at other points in this thread.
Originally Posted By: Softrak Support

I do not have the error in JobCost or Time&Billing, applications that have not yet been moved over to use AdagioV3PDF and AdagioODBCv3. This might not be coincidence. Maybe this explains why Ledger and BankRec and Payables are seeing this problem and other apps are not.

Although, I suspect the printer driver could be an issue, my question still stands about why AP doesn't have an issue.
Dan Desautels
DezTek Solutions Inc.
Thunder Bay, ON

#66253 - 06/03/21 12:30 PM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Softrak Support]
Dan_Desautels Offline
Adagio Maestro

Registered: 07/21/11
Posts: 1145
Loc: Thunder Bay, ON, Canada
I'd also like clarification on this post. What are the "recent upgrades" that were edited? Because I've seen other online posts about issues with Crystal and RPT reports having to be edited or recreated to get around this issue.
Originally Posted By: Softrak Support

In some recent upgrades/releases, we edited every report in the application to save AdagioV3PDF as the default printer on the RPT files, to try and ensure that on the initial load of the Crystal report, the printer driver exists on the client's workstation.
Dan Desautels
DezTek Solutions Inc.
Thunder Bay, ON

#66254 - 06/03/21 12:49 PM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Dan_Desautels]
Softrak Support Offline

Adagio Action Team

Registered: 03/09/99
Posts: 11351
Loc: Vancouver, BC Canada
Hi Dan,

I cannot with 100% confidence answer your question why AP does not have an issue. If it is 93B then I might have expected it to, based on other criteria previously discussed. I concur with Doug that this scenario is either AdagioV3PDF or Crystal SP 25 or both. I was mistaken in bringing ODBCv3 into this conversation, as R&D pointed out to me.

I say 'recent releases' meaning upgrades from about Aug 2020 an on, not SPs or HFs. It looks like Payables has not yet had this treatment. Perhaps this is an important consideration for this error, and a difference that means Doug's suggestion is not a contradiction.

The reason for updating all of our reports to assign AdagioV3PDF is that we assume that it gets installed correctly to the workstation, and will exist for all users. Whatever printer driver that R&D uses when they create/modify reports certainly won't exist for all users.

As I indicated earlier in this thread, I also was able to replicate the Invalid Printer Error for some Adagio programs and not others. For both Print and Preview. Older ones don't have the problem for me. The root cause is likely different for me than for your clients, as you indicated, but they might somehow be related to how Crystal is reacting to it - such as Crystal not finding the expected printer driver on the workstation for whatever esoteric reason.

I've brought this up with R&D but to date do not have a known specific cause nor a solution.

I suppose nobody else has the same exact scenario as me, but for the record, Google told me that because my home local printer is a USB printer, the Microsoft Easy Print driver that gets set up via Remote Desktop Connection does not know how to properly redirect print jobs from my remote location to home (include Word and Outlook). Google also told me I have to install the printer driver that I use at home onto my remote computer at work. I'm not IT-savvy enough to know all the whys here.
Softrak Tech Support

#66256 - 06/03/21 02:07 PM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Softrak Support]
Dan_Desautels Offline
Adagio Maestro

Registered: 07/21/11
Posts: 1145
Loc: Thunder Bay, ON, Canada
Hi Support,

Thanks for the detailed response. I'll report back when I get time to investigate further on the printer drivers.
Dan Desautels
DezTek Solutions Inc.
Thunder Bay, ON

#67802 - 02/16/22 11:18 AM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Dan_Desautels]
Steve Schwartz Offline
Adagio God

Registered: 03/10/02
Posts: 4454
Loc: Wynnewood, PA
I am bringing this back to life because a client is now experiencing the printing problem with their Sharp printer, immediately following an upgrade to Payables 9.3C I did last week. Not coincidentally, they experienced the problem back in June 2021 right after I installed Ledger 9.3B. It's happening on all workstations and for all modules.

I'm re-reading the thread and I don't see a resolution, just a workaround to point to a different printer.

What do I tell them - they can print to PDF and the print the PDF to the Sharp printer outside of Adagio, which proves that it's not the printer itself. I don't remember how it was resolved last June.


#68602 - 09/13/22 01:38 PM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Steve Schwartz]
Warren Karges Offline

Registered: 08/04/11
Posts: 458
Loc: Waterloo, Ontario
I also have a client with a sharp printer that has started to get the invalid printer message in almost all their modules after upgrades were installed. It is a sharp MX 2640N and they are using the PCL6 driver.

It's a fairly expensive printer that fulfills several roles so they do not want to replace it. It has no issues with any other software they use and worked fine in adagio prior to updates.

Job Cost doesn't have the issue but the other modules do, I think it's any module that was upgraded to ODBCV3 that is affected but not 100% sure.

If they select a different printer, the reporting works across the board.

Sharp's most recent driver for the model in question is from 2015 so it is of no help. Making the name of the printer "Sharptest" didn't help. They have a functional V3PDF driver installed and are using the most recent BR hotfix as well.

They can preview by making their default reports printer any other printer. They can even print to the sharp from the preview itself, but if the sharp is the selected printer, then none of the reports will print or preview and they see the invalid printer error.
Stief Group

#69957 - 07/18/23 12:51 PM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Warren Karges]
Samuel Kopstick Offline
Adagio Virtuoso

Registered: 06/15/07
Posts: 898
Loc: GTA & North America (Remote Su...
This is still an issue.

I upgraded a client to the current versions one day ago.
Now we cannot print or preview within Adagio from their Sharp MX-3070N.

Terry (Tech Support) tells me there is no solution at this time.

Has anyone come up with a work-around to print to the Sharp printer?
Samuel Kopstick
S Kopstick & Associates Inc
Toronto, ON

#69958 - 07/18/23 01:20 PM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Samuel Kopstick]
Dan_Desautels Offline
Adagio Maestro

Registered: 07/21/11
Posts: 1145
Loc: Thunder Bay, ON, Canada

Two options:
Client sets their default printer in Windows to a different printer. Then they will have to preview reports in Adagio and change the printer from the print preview window if they want to print to the Sharp. The Print button in the preview window gives you the option to change the printer.

Or, set the workstation options for Reports in each module to print to a different printer or PDF printer. Then the same print preview is required to be able to change the printer to the Sharp.

Second option is better if the client prints from other programs to the Sharp often.
Dan Desautels
DezTek Solutions Inc.
Thunder Bay, ON

#69961 - 07/18/23 02:57 PM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Dan_Desautels]
Samuel Kopstick Offline
Adagio Virtuoso

Registered: 06/15/07
Posts: 898
Loc: GTA & North America (Remote Su...
Dan - thank you for your advice.
The client is still printing cheques. Hopefully, we will be able to use the Preview strategy also for this.
Samuel Kopstick
S Kopstick & Associates Inc
Toronto, ON

#69964 - 07/18/23 07:39 PM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Samuel Kopstick]
Dan_Desautels Offline
Adagio Maestro

Registered: 07/21/11
Posts: 1145
Loc: Thunder Bay, ON, Canada

The Sharp printing issue should not affect printing cheques. The issue has to do with Crystal Reports having an issue loading the Sharp printer drivers when loading a report. Since cheques don't use Crystal, they should be fine without the workaround. That's why I said you should only need to set the workstation options for reports.
Dan Desautels
DezTek Solutions Inc.
Thunder Bay, ON

#70017 - 08/03/23 09:55 AM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Dan_Desautels]
Warren Karges Offline

Registered: 08/04/11
Posts: 458
Loc: Waterloo, Ontario
I had this happen with a Kyocera printer recently, and have an update on the specific sharpe 2640 situation.

Kyocera printer displayed exactly the same problem: Any report printed while it was selected would result in "invalid printer specified" message. Printing with any other printer selected is fine. Printing to the problematic printer from the preview is fine. printing directly from the print report interface is broken.

After installing JC 9.2A 230418 and SA 9.3B 230616 we can still print any report directly from JC but any report fails from SA, all with the sharp 2640 as the printer. Why does it work in one module but not the other?

I don't know if this validates the ODBC theory or if there is some other component that changes between 9.2A and 9.3B but it's clearly a softrak/adagio issue and it would be nice to get a handle on it before more popular printer brands are impacted.
Stief Group

#70018 - 08/03/23 10:24 AM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Warren Karges]
Dan_Desautels Offline
Adagio Maestro

Registered: 07/21/11
Posts: 1145
Loc: Thunder Bay, ON, Canada
Interesting you say this Warren. The other day I had an Adagio Cloud client report that Cloud would lose connection every 10 seconds. I logged in to their screen and witnessed the problem. With no modules even open, the Adagio Manager kept disconnecting. The error message was Go Global - Connection was dropped, trying to reconnect... and would do this constantly every 10 seconds. His internet connection was rock solid. After uninstalling and re-installing the Adagio client and still having the same issue, something told me to look at the default printers on his machine. The default was a Kyocera printer that was no longer available. I removed the printer and Adagio Cloud didn't have the issue anymore.

Coincidence? I realize it doesn't make much sense if the modules were not open or trying to print anything. But I can't help but wonder if Cloud was trying to pre-load the printers and it was crashing something.

Edited by Dan_Desautels (08/03/23 10:25 AM)
Dan Desautels
DezTek Solutions Inc.
Thunder Bay, ON

#70061 - 08/18/23 10:14 AM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Dan_Desautels]
Bruce Gardner Offline
Adagio Wizard

Registered: 06/15/04
Posts: 3511
Loc: Toronto ON, Canada
Hello Sen:

What is the status on solving this problem with SHARP printers? This thread started in March 2021 (29 months ago) and SHARP printers were identified as the problem in July 2022 (13 months). The SHARP printer line is almost exclusively large expensive multifunction devices (copy, print, email, collate) so they won't be replaced just because Adagio doesn't work with them. And as Warren has pointed out, Kyocera’s seem to have to same problem and it could extend to other printer brands one day.

In researching this issue online I didn’t find any references to this being a Crystal Reports problem so it’s an Adagio problem that can only be solved by analyzing and testing. I don't suggest that Terry or Cornelia or Chris should be diverted from their work, but maybe the development team in Chennai could invest time in diagnosing the cause. Once the cause is understood, an appropriate solution can be found.
Bruce Gardner
ARX Business Solutions Inc.

#70065 - 08/21/23 04:39 AM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Bruce Gardner]
Sen_Softrak Offline
Adagio Fan

Registered: 08/22/19
Posts: 33
Loc: United State
Hi Bruce,
Thanks for posting this. I will deploy the Chennai team for investigating this and update you in the same thread. I will also keep you in the loop.

Edited by Sen_Softrak (08/21/23 04:43 AM)

#70066 - 08/21/23 06:52 AM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Sen_Softrak]
Bruce Gardner Offline
Adagio Wizard

Registered: 06/15/04
Posts: 3511
Loc: Toronto ON, Canada
Thank you Sen. I'll send a screen image to Tech Support and watch for an update from you.
Bruce Gardner
ARX Business Solutions Inc.

#70232 - 10/03/23 11:51 AM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Bruce Gardner]
AudreyQuick Offline
Adagio Maven

Registered: 03/07/11
Posts: 172
Loc: Long Beach, NY
Any resolution on this? We have a client that just got a Sharp Printer and can no longer print from Adagio.
Audrey Quick
AGS Enterprises
Bridging the Gap Between Accounting and Computers

#70233 - 10/03/23 11:55 AM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: AudreyQuick]
Softrak Support Offline

Adagio Action Team

Registered: 03/09/99
Posts: 11351
Loc: Vancouver, BC Canada
Hello Audrey,

No, there isn't. Not on the Adagio side.
Softrak Tech Support

#70234 - 10/03/23 12:36 PM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Softrak Support]
Patricia B. Offline
Adagio Maestro

Registered: 06/26/08
Posts: 1126
Loc: Langley, BC
This issue not only happening with Sharp but also with Kyocera. So, I think the problem is on the Adagio side.
I had to work around by setting up a PDF printer as default to be able to Preview and then send it to the printer.
Sharp default printer doesn't even allow to preview.
Patricia Balbuena Cotlear
236 991 3060

#70267 - 10/12/23 08:48 AM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Patricia B.]
Warren Karges Offline

Registered: 08/04/11
Posts: 458
Loc: Waterloo, Ontario
I've got another site that has Kyocera printers they expect to be able to use with adagio. It works with everything else, and it worked with adagio in the past.

Hard to avoid explaining that it's a unresolved bug, which is too bad as Softrak is generally good at responding to bug reports and the client is left with the wrong impression.

If you get the invalid printer message, change the default printer for reports to a non Sharp/Kyocera driver and then print from within the report preview to any desired driver. Or try to convince them that paperless reporting is better (hold-outs here are usually die-hards at this point).
Stief Group

#70447 - 12/14/23 02:28 PM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Warren Karges]
Samuel Kopstick Offline
Adagio Virtuoso

Registered: 06/15/07
Posts: 898
Loc: GTA & North America (Remote Su...
Here we are mid-December 2023, and this issue is still being ignored by Softrak.

I now have a client with the Sharp MX-3140.
They are receiving printer error messages from AR, AP, Invoices...

Why isn't this a priority for R&D?
This issue surely does nothing positive for us dealers or for Adagio,

What is going on?
Samuel Kopstick
S Kopstick & Associates Inc
Toronto, ON

#70450 - 12/15/23 12:50 PM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Samuel Kopstick]
Warren Karges Offline

Registered: 08/04/11
Posts: 458
Loc: Waterloo, Ontario
Hopefully the work going into the JC module to prepare the upcoming service pack will help them figure it out, it's one of the few remaining current releases that still can print to the problematic printer brands.
Stief Group

#70453 - 12/18/23 08:08 AM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Warren Karges]
Softrak Support Offline

Adagio Action Team

Registered: 03/09/99
Posts: 11351
Loc: Vancouver, BC Canada
Hello Sam,

Softrak programmers have spent a great deal of time investigation this issue. The error is happening outside of Adagio; at one point, it was traced to a problem deep in Crystal.

None of the programmers who have worked on it so far have been able to produce a fix.
Softrak Tech Support

#70454 - 12/18/23 08:53 AM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Softrak Support]
Bruce Gardner Offline
Adagio Wizard

Registered: 06/15/04
Posts: 3511
Loc: Toronto ON, Canada
Support: I'm sorry, the problem is not deep within Crystal.

If the report is Previewed using a different printer driver, then it can be printed from the Preview screen to a Sharp/Kyocera printer. That's printing from Crystal Reports directly to the printers.

Furthermore, if you Google for "Crystal Reports Sharp printers", the only results are a small handful of matches over the past 15 years and none of them correspond to what we are seeing. If this is an inherent problem in Crystal Reports, wouldn't there be more hits? And if there were, don't you think that SAP would have solved any problem working with major printer manufacturers like Sharp and Kyocera?

This is reminiscent of the Windows 10/11 situation 12 months ago where Support said (repeatedly) that it was a Microsoft problem. Then one day in January Bob Wisener took a look at the issue and 30 minutes and a cup of coffee later, he had diagnosed the problem and found a solution.

Do any of the developers at Softrak even have a Sharp or Kyocera printer? Since Sharp printers are usually multifunction copiers/printers costing thousands of dollars, I'll go out on a limb and say "No".

Terry has assured me (via email) that a lot of testing has been done without success. Those doing the testing have been people I trust and respect (Cornelia, Chris). Now that I know who wrote the post this morning and who has been doing the testing, I realize that I oversimplified the situation. I trust that the best people are on the case and they can find the solution if they are given the required resources.

Edited by Bruce Gardner (12/18/23 11:43 AM)
Edit Reason: To add Update
Bruce Gardner
ARX Business Solutions Inc.

#70455 - 12/18/23 09:30 AM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Bruce Gardner]
Softrak Support Offline

Adagio Action Team

Registered: 03/09/99
Posts: 11351
Loc: Vancouver, BC Canada
Hello Bruce,

We were able to duplicate the error. We were never able to consistently trace the source of it.

None of the programmers who have worked on it so far have been able to produce a fix.
Softrak Tech Support

#70456 - 12/18/23 11:28 AM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Softrak Support]
Warren Karges Offline

Registered: 08/04/11
Posts: 458
Loc: Waterloo, Ontario
The reason I was hopeful is that I expect the next JC release will have the problem, it's probably going to become broken over the course of the work being done now. Hopefully someone is able to learn more while it is happening.

If my hypothesis is wrong, and it becomes the first 9.3+ release without this problem, that will also be very interesting.
Stief Group

#70767 - 06/04/24 01:57 PM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Warren Karges]
Patricia B. Offline
Adagio Maestro

Registered: 06/26/08
Posts: 1126
Loc: Langley, BC
Any updates on this issue? Was it fixed in JobCost dealer-preview? It is a nuisance. I don't have a sharp printer to test it.
Patricia Balbuena Cotlear
236 991 3060

#70768 - 06/04/24 08:00 PM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Patricia B.]
Bruce Gardner Offline
Adagio Wizard

Registered: 06/15/04
Posts: 3511
Loc: Toronto ON, Canada

I admire your optimism and persistence. smile This thread was started 3 years and 3 months ago.

I can add that I have a client who got a new computer last week and couldn't print to the shared Kyocera (same error "Invalid printer specified"). What was interesting is that he said he could print to that printer with his previous computer and even now, other users could print to the printer. From that I infer that a newer Kyocera driver is the source of the problem.
Bruce Gardner
ARX Business Solutions Inc.

#70770 - 06/05/24 06:43 AM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Bruce Gardner]
Softrak Support Offline

Adagio Action Team

Registered: 03/09/99
Posts: 11351
Loc: Vancouver, BC Canada
Hello Patricia & Bruce,

Yes, Bruce is right. There are no updates on this issue.
Softrak Tech Support

#70825 - 06/27/24 11:50 AM Re: Error Message - Ledger V9.3B(210225) [Re: Softrak Support]
Bruce Gardner Offline
Adagio Wizard

Registered: 06/15/04
Posts: 3511
Loc: Toronto ON, Canada
I have another piece of the puzzle, though I don't know where it fits.

I have a client with 4 Adagio modules (GL/AP/AR/IN), all of which have the most recent 2023 or 2024 service packs. They have one Windows 7 and one Window 10 computer. Both are due to be upgraded soon.

Both users can successfully print Crystal reports to their large Canon printer (model iR-ADV C3725i).

They are using a mismatched printer driver ("Canon iR-ADV C3325/3330 UFR II"). My suspicion is that driver matched their previous Canon and when it was replaced, the drivers were not updated.

So why can these users print successfully? Is it because they are using an (apparently) older driver? Is there something in more recent Canon and Kyocera print drivers that conflicts with the way Adagio calls Crystal Reports? If we're lucky maybe it's something that can be configured on the driver.

Let's document the Canon/Kyocera drivers that work and don't work. Include the operating system. Maybe we can spot a pattern.
Bruce Gardner
ARX Business Solutions Inc.

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