Hi Scott,
All 9.2x installs for apps that print reports connect to the web to find out the latest version of the required packages to determine if they need to be updated on the target machine. If so the required package is downloaded. If not the install proceeds immediately. These include the Crystal Runtime, DotNet and ODBC install programs, which are not automatically included with our installs to keep the install file size manageable and to more easily allow for updates.
These Redistributables are saved to the \SOFTRAK\system\CR_InstallCommon folder, and when these are successful then they will be run by the Workstation Setup for any Adagio program.
Is there an error message or is it just hanging?
Does this workstation have access to the internet in order to download these files? Any internet access rights that might prevent this? If you have access to the copy of these install files from your own system, you could copy them to this folder.
If the client site has no web connection or the Softrak site is down then there will be an error message. In that case install using /NOWEBCHECK as a command line parameter for running the install program. And to do so you need to have used /GETWEBFILES or otherwise have already obtained the set of Redistributable install programs as above.
Finally, if you are in the middle of the install, you may be able to locate a temporary install log file in %TEMP%\SSI_Temp_R.ini on the local workstation temp directory and if you can find that, please email Tech Support a copy of this so that it could be forwarded to R&D for analysis.
Softrak Tech Support