Hi John,
The 'error 160' indicates that the Crystal Runtime is not able to make an ODBC connection. Adagio programs at version 9.2A or later use these components for reporting, rather than a different report table process in Adagio versions older than 9.2A.
One specific report - the User Preferences listing - does not use an ODBC connection, so if you can preview/print this report with no error, that means the Crystal Runtime install is OK, and the issue is with the ODBC part.
Some versions of Windows do not pre-install ODBC files MSVCR110.DLL and MSVCP110.DLL in the C:\Windows\SYSWOW64 directory. Recent versions of Adagio will install these, just in case Windows doesn't have them, and also save a copy to the \Softrak\System\Win32 and \sys64 directories in case you need to copy them in manually - say if the install user didn't have the correct rights.
In the \Softrak\System directory is also a utility OCSTEST.EXE to test the ODBC Connection String, with a help document ConnectionTesterInfo.PDF to describe how this works.
Softrak Tech Support