Hi, John,
Are other users able to log in still?
You mention security groups. If you log into Adagio Payables as user SYS and select File | Security Group Setup, does the group this user belongs to appear in the list? If not, it must have been deleted. Do any other AP users' security groups show in the list? If not, perhaps either (a) those files were deleted via this function or from within the data folder or (b) the data that was restored to this folder was not a complete dataset.
What is the Tasks= path in the data\ADSPROF.xxx data file (where data\ represents the data path and 'xxx' the data's 3-character extension)? This is where Adagio is looking for the userlist.
If you log into Adagio as user SYS and select File | User Setup, does this user still show in the list? If not, perhaps they were deleted. If no other users show, the Tasks= path is probably not pointing to where the userlist is actually stored.
Softrak Tech Support