OK - we think we understand how people are getting into this situation.
In no cases where the data has been sent to us has there been any lost data. The problem exists because Ledger and Payables get confused about what versions of each program are being run.
This could happen if a site installs AP and GL 9.3A and then people go into Payables before anyone goes into Ledger. Someone then opens GL, while they or others remain in Payables, and upgrade the GL version. Payables does not realize that the GL version has changed while it has been running.
To make sure that you do not get into this problem, open your General Ledger data once after installing the 9.3A Upgrade while no one, including yourself, is in Payables.
Edited by Andrew Bates (07/14/17 10:18 PM)
Edit Reason: Clarified fix.
Andrew Bates