When you hit the cancel button, a box appears headed "Last Printed" and the message asks for the number of the last check that printed correctly. It also says to enter 0 if none printed correctly.
If you leave 0 in the box and hit ok, the ready to print screen appears again with the "next check number" advanced as it assumes checks were ruined.
When you close this box, the message warns that not all checks were printed and asks if you want to void the entire check run. At this point you can answer yes to close the box and void all checks in the run or no to go back to the screen where you verify the next check number.
When you void the checks, they will appear in the check reconciliation list, with check numbers, vendor names and amounts, but already voided.
Could it be that someone said the checks were ok, or re-started the check run, or maybe got a windows error and shut down at that point?
Kate Spontak
Stief Group
New Jersey, the Garden State