Why not see how many users want this feature. I have one user who would love such a feature. Would they pay $1250 for it? I don't know. It seems like a small add-on to a module for which they already paid $1250, so in terms of perceived value, it will be a hard sell. It is possible that when an end user looks at what he got for his first $1250 - a full Order Entry module, and what he gets for his second $1250 - a new button (albeit with great utility,) there might be some resistance in terms of perceived value.

My client uses Edisoft that integrates with OE but not with Invoices. The client needs to keep track of backorders. I believe that the absence of bulk invoicing limits Adagio's use with EDI and many web store applicaions.

In this thread you have been pushing people in the Invoices direction. Those who either cannot or do not want to go in that direction might react badly if they perceive this to be punitive pricing. $1250 is what we have come to expect as a module price. The only important concept of a module's value is the value that exists only in the minds of the purchasers. At $2400, an EDI-enabled Adagio OE might seem expensive.
Brian Puddington
Geneva Financial Systems