Hi Everybody,

I'm getting some weird errors on IC and we're not sure where they came from. Everything was running just fine until we had to make an adjustment to an item.

It seems there was a residual cost on an item after printing the Item Valuation report. Somehow we still had a cost associated to an item where there wasn't any quantity. We went in to adjust the cost out of the item, posted the adjustment and then went to print the Adjustment Audit List. We get the following errors when trying to print that list:

Unknown OS error while opening I/C Adjustment Audit (1342)
Attempting to perform operation on unopened I/C Adjustment Audit file.

If I try and click on Adjustments, I get these errors:
Error 1013 occurred when attempting to open ICTempAdjust
Access violation at address 005347EA in module "icwin.exe". Read of address 0000002F
Invalid Pointer operation

If I try and click on Transfers I get the following errors:
Error 1013 occurred attempting to open ICSTT
Attempting to perform operation on unopened options file (3 times)
Access violation at address 005347EA in module "icwin.exe". Read of address 0000002F
Invalid pointer operation.

When a computer (NOT a user) OTHER than the machine that initially adjusted the item tries to open Inventory Control they get the following errors:

Unknown OS error while operating I/C Adjustment Audit (1342)
Unknown OS error while opening I/C item to item stock transfer audit (1342)
Unknown OS error while opening ICRcptr, (1342)

Any idea what's happening here and how to repair?
