
Yes, you can definitely import the Invoice date.

Three steps: (1) add the Invoice date as a column to your import file (placed among the other header fields) then (2) modify the Import template to include the field "Hdr-Transaction Date" in the appropriate position then (3) while that field is highlighted, look at the bottom of the Import screen and select the right date format.

Note: If you are using the template named "Invoices Default" or you don't see "Hdr-Transaction Date" as an option, first select the tab named "Field Defaults" and unselect the field "Hdr-Transaction Date" (highlight the field then click on the arrow that points to the left). Now you can go back to the tab named 'Import Field Selection" and "Hdr-Transaction Date" will be available to select.

Here is a 5-minute YouTube video on Adagio importing: Video on Import Templates

Imports can be finicky (to quote someone), so if you have troubles with the process, ask your Adagio consultant for guidance.
Bruce Gardner
ARX Business Solutions Inc.