If you ever need boots on the ground in Quebec, there are very few knowledgeable consultants left in Quebec for two reasons: (1) Quebec language laws make English-only software less desirable in Quebec and (2) Softrak has never acknowledged that with dealer sales requirements being the same in Quebec as in the rest of Canada.

Having worked with Adagio for many years in Quebec before retiring, I concur with all the suggestions and advice provided above. Most of what you send to customers and vendors (invoices and purchase orders) could be entirely in French. Statements and cheques take a bit of Crystal tweaking, not necessarily needing extensive, if any modification with each Adagio upgrade (assuming that there will be future Adagio upgrades.) It would only be your internal people required to work with English software. Clients and vendors would never know that their French language documents were created with English software.

Before going ahead, I strongly suggest that you discuss French language legislation - especially Bill 96 with your client. Bill 96 was recently adopted in Quebec, but many of the associated regulations have not yet been defined or implemented.

Before Bill 96 in Quebec, the regulations said that if software was available in French, that option must be available to any user. This effectively gave an exemption to Adagio, especially in work environments that were predominantly English. Bill 96 could change this as its associated regulations are defined and implemented. For an example of how confusing this is and how, as recently as this week, there has been confusion, check this link.

Brian Puddington
Geneva Financial Systems