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#17261 - 05/14/09 03:11 PM Physical Inventory in IC
CRR Offline
Adagio Buff

Registered: 05/22/08
Posts: 57
Loc: WA
We have a reoccuring situation we cannot figure out.

We print a physical inventory worksheet based on a "picking sequence." When we got to the storeroom to count the items, there are items that are not on the worksheet, so we count them and write them down manually. When we got to "enter/edit physical inventory", the items are there and we can enter them as if they had been on the printed worksheet.

Why is this happening?

#17266 - 05/14/09 04:58 PM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: CRR]
Softrak Support Online   happy

Adagio Action Team

Registered: 03/09/99
Posts: 11351
Loc: Vancouver, BC Canada
Which options do you have selected for your Physical Inventory worksheet report for selecting items? The 3 choices are:
'All items from inv. list', 'Items from loc. only' and 'Items active at location'. Do you i'suppress inactive items'?

Also, you mentioned printing the worksheet based upon the picking sequence. Does this mean that you simply sort the report by picking sequence, or do you enter a starting/ending range to select only particular picking sequences? If a range, what range do you enter?

Lastly, what format do you use for your picking sequences? Are they strictly numeric, alpha-numeric, with capital or lower-case letters, special characters, or others? That may help in determining if the report selection is choosing different picking sequences that what is being generated for the Edit Physical Inventory.
Softrak Tech Support

#17273 - 05/15/09 11:58 AM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: Softrak Support]
CRR Offline
Adagio Buff

Registered: 05/22/08
Posts: 57
Loc: WA
For selecting items, we don't change anything. We use the default "all items from inv list" "any account set". We leave the default for items selected " (blank) to zzzz". Our picking sequences are numeric only. One we did yesterday was "52" to "52". At the bottom we tick "include reason", "create worksheet", and "include quantity".

Furthermore, we also have noticed that we have some items whose item records is under pick "52", for example, but they do not print out there, but they print out under pick "461", which was their prior picking location.

Both of these situations have been occurring for years.

We do data integrity checks monthly.

#17279 - 05/15/09 03:25 PM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: CRR]
Softrak Support Online   happy

Adagio Action Team

Registered: 03/09/99
Posts: 11351
Loc: Vancouver, BC Canada
Thanks for the information. Can I confirm what version of Adagio Inventory you have installed? The Physical Inventory function was improved in the 80B version.

Picking sequences can come directly from the Item Master file, or be set for a specific location. Setting for a specific location is done from the Edit menu, Item Maintenance and Picking Sequence. If you go here for any of the items in question, what do you see here for the problem location? If you see Default, this means the Item Master has the picking sequence value. If you see something else, this is the location-specific picking sequence. You can also see the picking sequences for all locations if you use Item Inquiry with Sales/Costs and the Quantities tab.

I haven't been able to duplicate a difference in the selected items between the report, the exported Excel spreadsheet or the Edit Physical Inventory function. I am using the current shipping version 8.1A and release date (090217). Items are selected for all based on the location-specific picking sequence.

Could you give an example of one of your items that uses a pick sequence of 52 and is not selected for your report? What we would need to know is what the Master Item pick sequence is, the pick sequence defined on the location, and also what locations the item is allowed at (this will be on the same Pick Sequence screen - any visible locations are allowed). Do you see 461 anywhere? You may need to get your Adagio consultant involved to look at the data and see if anything is unexpected or amiss.
Softrak Tech Support

#17287 - 05/18/09 05:17 PM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: Softrak Support]
CRR Offline
Adagio Buff

Registered: 05/22/08
Posts: 57
Loc: WA
We are using Inv 8.1A (070825)

Re pic sequences. I see our problem when I go to Edit, Item Maint, Pic Sequence. Pic 461 is listed there. If I change that to default, the problem is resolved. We only have one location and should be changing the pic location on the master item record. I think someone inadvertently changed the pic through "Edit, Item Maint, Pic." So I can change all of the pics that may have been entered that way, can you please tell me how to print a report, in IC or to Excel, so I can find all of them.

We only have one location.

I'm wondering if I can correct the pic sequences if my other problem will resolve.



#17288 - 05/18/09 08:41 PM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: CRR]
Bruce Gardner Offline
Adagio Wizard

Registered: 06/15/04
Posts: 3511
Loc: Toronto ON, Canada
Hello CRR:

Do you have GridView?

If you do, create a View using the "I/C Item Locations" table. For rows where the "Picking Seq" cell is blank, that Location is using the "Default" Picking Sequence assigned to the Item. If there is a value in the cell, you need to edit that Picking Sequence to reset it to the Default value. To do that, use the same entry screen as described earlier by Support.

If you have Adagio ODBC, you can get the same sort of report using that tool.
Bruce Gardner
ARX Business Solutions Inc.

#17290 - 05/19/09 10:42 AM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: Bruce Gardner]
CRR Offline
Adagio Buff

Registered: 05/22/08
Posts: 57
Loc: WA
I created the report in GridView and found an abundance of items with values. These are some of the specific part #'s we noticed had problems. I'm confident this will fix both of our problems stated above. THANK YOU SO MUCH for solving this long-standing problem.

#17291 - 05/19/09 11:31 AM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: CRR]
Softrak Support Online   happy

Adagio Action Team

Registered: 03/09/99
Posts: 11351
Loc: Vancouver, BC Canada
Glad to hear things are better now.
Softrak Tech Support

#17371 - 05/26/09 03:13 PM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: Softrak Support]
CRR Offline
Adagio Buff

Registered: 05/22/08
Posts: 57
Loc: WA
Question. We printed the GridView report and reset ALL part numbers to the default. I re-printed the report today and find that there are again numbers assigned to some items. Specifically, these are items that were recently created. In one case, some were on order (none in stock). In two other cases, they were new numbers and now had a qty in stock. I also noticed that a new number I had created which has no stock, nothing on order, and no activity yet did not get a pic number assigned to it. Is there some relationship to PO's creating this situation?

#17372 - 05/26/09 03:34 PM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: CRR]
Retired_Guy Offline
Adagio Master

Registered: 03/16/99
Posts: 10498
Loc: Canada
Do you create the new item when you are creating the PO, or are they created in Adagio Inventory first?
Andrew Bates

#17374 - 05/26/09 05:44 PM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: CRR]
Bruce Gardner Offline
Adagio Wizard

Registered: 06/15/04
Posts: 3511
Loc: Toronto ON, Canada
Hello CRR:

Do you use POA? Do you import P/O's?
Bruce Gardner
ARX Business Solutions Inc.

#17376 - 05/27/09 06:44 AM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: Retired_Guy]
CRR Offline
Adagio Buff

Registered: 05/22/08
Posts: 57
Loc: WA
We create them in Inventory Control by highlighting another item in the same category and pic, copying the item, and editing the description, base price and cost.

#17380 - 05/27/09 10:49 AM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: Retired_Guy]
CRR Offline
Adagio Buff

Registered: 05/22/08
Posts: 57
Loc: WA
We create the numbers in Inventory. We highlight a number with similar accounting #'s and pic #, copy it, and then edit the description, sales price and cost of the newly created number.

#17381 - 05/27/09 10:51 AM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: Bruce Gardner]
CRR Offline
Adagio Buff

Registered: 05/22/08
Posts: 57
Loc: WA
We use Purchase ORders, but do not import them.

#17388 - 05/28/09 08:59 AM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: CRR]
Retired_Guy Offline
Adagio Master

Registered: 03/16/99
Posts: 10498
Loc: Canada
Hello CRR,

We could not re-create this problem by copying items in Adagio Inventory. However, if we made an item "Active at a location" using Purchase Orders for Adagio, the item in the new location inherited the picking sequence from the original item, rather than getting "default". Would that explain what you're seeing?
Andrew Bates

#17396 - 05/28/09 10:52 AM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: Retired_Guy]
CRR Offline
Adagio Buff

Registered: 05/22/08
Posts: 57
Loc: WA
In the four examples I gave above, at the time they were created, there were no items in our inventory with pic numbers other than default. When you say "make it active", I notice that in Inventory, all of our items have the "active" box checked. So when we copy an item to create a new one, it copies the active box also. Also, when we receive new items in PO's for the first time, it says the item is not active in LGV (our location) & do we want to make it active, we say yes. BUT one item I mentioned above that had a pick number had NOT ever been ordered. I had just created it as a test number. So I suspect it's something in Inventory.

#17454 - 06/03/09 10:47 AM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: CRR]
CRR Offline
Adagio Buff

Registered: 05/22/08
Posts: 57
Loc: WA
I'm still puzzling over this problem. In printing a gridview report, I see I have a dozen NEW items in our inventory with pic numbers other than default. It is consistently happening when we create a PO. I notice that when we order, it asks if we want to make it active in our location. We say yes. I tried saying no, thinking perhaps this is where the pic # is coming from, but then it won't post the PO. Is there some setting in setup that could cause this?

#17455 - 06/03/09 11:27 AM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: CRR]
Bruce Gardner Offline
Adagio Wizard

Registered: 06/15/04
Posts: 3511
Loc: Toronto ON, Canada
Hello CRR:

Your most recent posting seems to match what Andrew described. In that case, it is a problem in POA.

It arises with i) a new item that ii) has not been assigned to a Location yet. In IC or OE, you don't have to worry about the "assigning" step because the application does it behind the scene when you enter your first transaction against that item. POA tries to do it too but doesn't get it right.

To prevent the problem in POA, you can run a process AFTER adding new Items in IC. Do the following:
-In IC, go to Edit then Locations
-Highlight your main Location and click on Edit
-Go to the Items tab
-If you search for your new Item(s), you will see that the "Selected" column is blank
-You can assign it to your main Location by clicking on "Add"
-Or if there are many new Items, you can click on the "All Items" button
-This will link ALL Items to this Location so be certain this is what you want to do.
-Click on "Ok" to save your changes

Once you have done this, POA won't try to activate a Location when you order a new Item. Remember that the process needs to be run after any new Items are added.

Bruce Gardner
ARX Business Solutions Inc.

#17462 - 06/04/09 09:35 AM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: Bruce Gardner]
CRR Offline
Adagio Buff

Registered: 05/22/08
Posts: 57
Loc: WA
Thank you for your reply. At least now we understand what is happening and can either use your suggestion or edit the pic sequences until they can fix this problem in PO's.

Appreciate your help.

#17645 - 06/18/09 08:29 AM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: CRR]
SusanTennier Offline
Adagio Maestro

Registered: 02/22/08
Posts: 1247
Loc: Ontario, Canada
Hi Bruce,

This thread describes exactly what is happening to us. So glad that someone figured this out! We create new items in IC using "copy". Then we order it in POA and it forces us to "make it active" so we can continue. I did the Gridview using IC Item Locations and we have over 150 items that are not set to default. This problem is defeating the purpose of our warehouse organization. We continually update the locations on our system at the point of receiving so we can find the product later.

The workaround you describe can only be performed when no one else is on the system. Since we create new item codes so that we can order them, it is a 2 step process that accomplishes a single task (getting a new item on order). It is therefore not a reasonable solution to have a 3rd step in-between that requires everyone be taken off the system. This would be a task that would have to occur after business hours.

Can your EDIT/LOCATIONS solution be performed after POA "makes it active"? Therefore, each evening, I could add the edit/locations/All Items to the day end process? Or maybe a better solution is after we post our PO we could go into Inventory/Edit/Item Maintenance/Picking Sequence and manually change the new item to Default?

What do you suggest? Is Softrak going to correct this issue with POA??
Susan Tennier
TDL Canada
Trenton, Ontario

#17648 - 06/18/09 09:26 AM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: SusanTennier]
SusanTennier Offline
Adagio Maestro

Registered: 02/22/08
Posts: 1247
Loc: Ontario, Canada
Okay, I tried with a back up dataset to Edit/Locations after the POA has made it active and that does not work to correct the Pick Sequence to default. The damage is done when you make it active in POA. The only option seems to be to use Inventory/Edit/Item Maintenance/Picking Sequence to correct it at that point.

I suppose our only good option is Inventory/Edit/Item Maintenance/Picking Sequence immediately after creating the PO.

We'll also have to do the same to manually correct the 150 we've done previously.
Susan Tennier
TDL Canada
Trenton, Ontario

#17650 - 06/18/09 10:04 AM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: SusanTennier]
Bruce Gardner Offline
Adagio Wizard

Registered: 06/15/04
Posts: 3511
Loc: Toronto ON, Canada
Hello Susan:

Yes, everyone has to be out of IC if you choose the "All Items" option with the Edit/Locations solution. However if you assign the Location on an item-by-item basis, then exclusive access is not required. That is practical if you are adding a limited number of items.

I can't speak for Softrak but I know with 100% certainty that they will fix the problem. It's only a matter of when!

Bruce Gardner
ARX Business Solutions Inc.

#17665 - 06/19/09 07:52 AM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: Bruce Gardner]
SusanTennier Offline
Adagio Maestro

Registered: 02/22/08
Posts: 1247
Loc: Ontario, Canada
Everyone has to be out of not just IC but also OE. I hope to see this issue resolved soon to save us all the extra work.
Susan Tennier
TDL Canada
Trenton, Ontario

#17666 - 06/19/09 08:14 AM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: SusanTennier]
SusanTennier Offline
Adagio Maestro

Registered: 02/22/08
Posts: 1247
Loc: Ontario, Canada
Okay, I further understand now that if we don't COPY the new code from an existing code in IC, but instead create the new code from scratch in IC, when it is made active in POA it will correctly use "default" as the picking sequence.
Susan Tennier
TDL Canada
Trenton, Ontario

#17670 - 06/19/09 11:21 AM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: SusanTennier]
Retired_Guy Offline
Adagio Master

Registered: 03/16/99
Posts: 10498
Loc: Canada
Just so people following this thread are aware, we are trying to get a fix for this problem out the door. It will probably have to wait until after the AOC though.
Andrew Bates

#17680 - 06/19/09 07:13 PM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: SusanTennier]
Bruce Gardner Offline
Adagio Wizard

Registered: 06/15/04
Posts: 3511
Loc: Toronto ON, Canada
Hello Susan:

Have you tested that? My experience is that it happens regardless of how the item is added in IC. I believe the issue is that the matching Location record is not created in IC (that's normal). The problem is that POA doesn't add the record properly later on.
Bruce Gardner
ARX Business Solutions Inc.

#17681 - 06/19/09 07:22 PM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: Retired_Guy]
Bruce Gardner Offline
Adagio Wizard

Registered: 06/15/04
Posts: 3511
Loc: Toronto ON, Canada
Hello Andrew:

I expect that you remember this, but just in case, this problem also exists with the P/O Import in POA.
Bruce Gardner
ARX Business Solutions Inc.

#17682 - 06/19/09 10:18 PM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: Bruce Gardner]
Retired_Guy Offline
Adagio Master

Registered: 03/16/99
Posts: 10498
Loc: Canada
Hi Bruce,

We know it exists in the 8.1a release when adding an item in a location. We haven't had it reported on the import. The hotfix is done and loaded on the web site but not linked yet. Some time this weekend I hope.

Susan, of you send me an e-mail I'll send you the link.
Andrew Bates

#17684 - 06/22/09 07:39 AM Re: Physical Inventory in IC [Re: Retired_Guy]
SusanTennier Offline
Adagio Maestro

Registered: 02/22/08
Posts: 1247
Loc: Ontario, Canada
Hi Bruce,

Yes, We tested it with our live data on Friday. We created 2 new codes in IC. One using COPY from another code and the second from scratch. Then we made both codes active in POA upon placing a PO. Only the item created using COPY needed to be changed to default in IC/Edit/Item Maintenance/Picking Sequence.

Andrew, I will email you now for the link.
Susan Tennier
TDL Canada
Trenton, Ontario

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