Types of Adagio Training

There are many ways to learn how to use Adagio

Softrak and its partners provide many types and levels of training and support. Your dealer/consultant can help you decide the best type of training for you.

When you consider that the skills you gain with training can save you time, increase your accuracy, and make your day more relaxed, training is a great investment!

Your dealer or consultant can provide On-Site or Classroom Training. You choose as little or as much training as you need, but expect individual training to have a higher price per hour.

Online Training:

Online training allows you to use your own workstation and work at your own pace while learning Adagio.

Lecture Style:

Lecture Style Training is a fast and economical way to get training in a group environment.

Hands On Training:

Hands-On Training in a classroom gives you a chance to work along with the instructor so you can practice the actual keystrokes.

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