Adagio SalesCQ Change log

Adagio SalesCQ
9.3A | 2024-12-03 (Dec '24)
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    ·          Compatibility with Inventory 9.3B.

    ·          With Inventory 9.3B, Edit Items has a Minimum Qty field. This field will be checked in SalesCQ if the option: ‘Respect I/C Minimum Quantity’ has been selected in the Company Profile. In Quote Entry, if the Items ordered are beneath the Minimum Quantity, an Error message will appear. When a Quote is transferred to OrderEntry, the Minimum Quantity will be checked if the option: ‘Respect I/C Minimum Quantity’ has been selected in the OrderEntry Company Profile.

    ·          Copy Quote from the Quote List was not respecting the 'Increment Quote Numbers' option.

    ·          Quotes transferred to Orders did not have the Customer Report Group.

    ·          Custom Reports that used the Crystal report option to Hide a detail section, which permits drill down, did not work properly.

    ·          Custom Reports with sub-reports could not be printed. This error was received: The table could not be found.

    ·          When a new Ship To address with a formatted address was added on the fly through Enter Quotes, the City and State were not defaulted properly. The City and State were both shown the City field.

    ·          Adding Items on the fly through Quote entry caused an Access violation.

    ·          In Document Entry, the Item Information display for Current/Open POs no longer includes Standing Orders.

      ·         In Document Entry, the Item Information display for Current/Open Orders no longer includes Standing Orders.

Adagio SalesCQ
9.3A | 2024-03-06 (Mar '24)
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    ·          Spell Check (F7) was not working properly in Edit Prospects or Edit Quotes for Notes and Additional Comments.

    ·          Salespersons and Sales Managers with leading zeros were having the zero trimmed, in some cases. This was a problem in printing some Transaction and Analysis reports.

    ·         When Quotes were transferred to OrderEntry with the option to ‘Transfer Attached Documents’ where not all Quotes had attachments, the sequence of Quotes transferred would incorrectly link the attachments for the preceding Order to an Order that should not have attachments.  Printing forms in OrderEntry added to the list of documents shown as being linked.

Adagio SalesCQ
9.3A | 2024-01-16 (Jan '24)
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    •Quote Entry has been updated to bypass Address fields consistently if the Bill to Address and Ship to Address options are not set to ‘Enter On New’.

    •When the Quote Contact on the Header tab was blank, it was automatically being refreshed instead of retaining the empty Contact.

    •Data Integrity Check was not fully updating the Before Tax, After Tax, and Total Tax fields displayed in the Quote List after Integrity errors are rebuilt.

    •When SalesCQ Quotes with Taxable Miscellaneous Charges were transferred to OrderEntry, tax was not updated properly for the Misc Charge details on the new Order if OrderEntry was not set to ‘Default shipped as ordered’. 

    •If the Company Profile is set to use “North American Address?, Import Prospects and Quotes will validate State/Province. If Country is imported, it will also be validated.

    •If 'North American Address?' is selected, the states for Mexico will be normalized to the 2 character state.

    •Adagio SalesCQ now respects the Group Security settings for Item Notes within Adagio Inventory. If an Inventory user does have access to Edit Item Notes, the SalesCQ user will also be able to edit Item Notes while viewing Item records.

    •The Country list that will be normalized when 'North American Address?' is selected has been expanded to include more countries.

    A new option has been added to the Company Profile, Options tab to work with ‘North American Address?’: ‘Normalize Country To’. The options are: Full name, 2 character ISO, 3 character ISO and Never. For Import or Edit for Prospects or Quotes, if the Country is recognized, variations on Country codes are standardized based on this setting.

    Eg. For the Default setting: Full name, CA or CAN become Canada.


Adagio SalesCQ
9.3A | 2023-03-22 (Mar '23)
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    ·          Quotes emailed using an Email Send to of Ship to or Customer were incorrectly being sent to the Billing email address.

    ·          Crystal Reports used in printing Adagio Reports was not fully compatible with the Windows 22H2 update for Windows 11 and for Windows 10, in some cases.

Adagio SalesCQ
9.3A | 2023-01-11 (Jan '23)
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    •When Customer Transactions for SalesCQ Quotes were viewed, the column editor fields did not match the field titles in the Details List.

    •A Ship to record could not be added for a Prospect.

    •If OrderEntry is set to allow 'Quantity Shipped On Orders' and 'Default Shipped As Ordered', an Order created from a Quote with a Taxable Miscellaneous Charge caused Data Integrity errors regarding the Total of Tax not matching the calculated tax. Rebuild did not fix the errors properly and the tax was understated.

    •In Quotes, in Edit Detail for an Item, changing the Stock quantity options in Item information caused the display to stop responding, in some cases.

    •Scrolling or arrowing very quickly in the Edit Quotes list caused an error, in some cases.

    •Crystal CRView tables for SalesCQ 93A have been updated.

    •Process Imports has been added to the User Preferences List for 'On start-up'.

    •In Automation, the SetSessionDate command has a new noun for: Yesterday.

    •When OrderEntry company profile options 'Quantity shipped on orders' and 'Default shipped as ordered' are both enabled, transferring quotes to new orders will write the item quantity values to both the Qty Ordered and Qty Shipped fields and correctly calculate all extended fields on the new Order.

    •When a Quote created was transferred to a OrderEntry, the Item Details viewed in GridView with the 'OE Ord Detail /w Head' table did not have a Customer code.

    •View Customer did not display the Cell phone number properly.

    •      Data creation, data conversion and sign-on with OE standalone data caused an error: Critical error: invalid path to data dictionary.


Adagio SalesCQ
9.3A | 2022-04-06 (Apr '22)
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    • SalesCQ now integrates with Adagio DocStore. Attach PDFs to Quotes or Prospects directly or from import. View or Attach PDFs on documents from OrderEntry, customers from Receivables, and items from Inventory.

    • Multiple Quotes can now be selected on the Enter Quotes grid to print or delete, for either consecutive or non-consecutive quote numbers.

    • Item Optional fields are now available on quote details.

    • The quote number length has been expanded to 12 characters, to match Order numbers in OrderEntry.

    • Print functions for Quotes allow you to select and send/print to multiple Send Methods (Printer, PDF, Email, Fax) simultaneously. The Print, Email, ePrint and Fax buttons on print dialogs have been replaced with a single button called Send/Print. Allows you to quickly print and email a document in one operation.

    • The Find button is now available to use when a Filter is active. Records can be found within the filtered results.

    • The Contact field on the Quote Header tab is now 30 characters long (it was only 18 characters). It was also the incorrect length for Quote specifications and import functions. Entry into Entry Templates and BillTo / ShipTo Contact fields were also limited to 18 characters.

    • There is a new option in the Company Profile to set a default order date for Quotes transferred to OrderEntry. On the Quotes tab, the option 'Default order date to' has 3 options: Today, Expected Close Date, or Quote Date. The default Date can be overridden when the Quote is transferred to OrderEntry.

    Quotes copied to Open Quotes, will default the new Quote date to the session date. Quotes copied to Template or History Quotes will default to the original quote's dates. Quotes created from OrderEntry Orders or History also default to the session date. If the copy is done from the Quote List, the default Date can be overridden.

    • Added a new Item Information inquiry on the Edit Detail screen. Use the ‘i’ button next to the Item number field to show detailed information about the item selected. The inquiry shows:

    Price Levels for the base price list or Alternate Price List

    Stock Quantity for the selected or for all Locations

    Price History showing invoices for various periods, for the selected or all Customers

    Alternate items (if any) showing the Qty on hand / Sales order / PO / RMA.

    Highlighting an Alternate item will change the information reported in the other grids to be for that item.

    • 'Ordered' quantity for Item details now defaults to 1.

    • If IC is 93A, transaction entry supports barcodes.

    • In Quote Entry, there is a new button for, 'Update Pricing'. Selecting 'Update Pricing' will do the same updates as the 'Update Item Information And Pricing' option in Copy Quotes.

    • Added an option to automatically append string fields from the item to the Item Description when the item is added to an order. The Description field from the item is 40 characters long but the Description on a detail in SalesCQ allows for 75 characters. Added the option 'Auto-append to item Desc.' dropdown field to the Quotes tab in the Company Profile. You can select 1 of the Additional Information fields 1 to 4 to append. Trailing blanks are trimmed from the Item Description and one space is inserted prior to the append.

    • The Round to Nearest pricing option introduced in Adagio Inventory 9.3A is now supported in SalesCQ quotes for items and alternate price list items.

    • The Quotes List grid now supports the second customer name field. Smart Finder searches can also be performed using Customer Name 2 in the criteria.

    • If the Company Profile is set to 'Respect customer Require PO?', and a customer is configured to require a PO number for orders, Enter Quotes and Import Quotes will show an error if no Reference value is included for the quote.

    • A 15-character Company ID number has been added to the Company Profile. For form printing: M025, Company ID number, has been added.

    There are many new specification codes with this upgrade to CQ9.3A. Please refer to the CQ$AllSpec.sam (!ALL codes to March 2022) spec.

    • In the Form Designer, added Blank on Zero (property on amount fields).

    • New Specification codes have been added for customers and customer statistics:

    C167, Payables use contact code

    C168, Oldest unpaid invoice date

    C169, Require PO

    C170, Order confirmation email

    C171, Miscellaneous customer

    C172, Project code (incl. dividers)

    C173, Project code (unformatted)

    C174, Cell phone

    C175, Toll free phone

    • Specification codes that print information stored on the Item Master record have had the titles appended with 'IC' to indicate this, as compared to spec codes used for printing quote detail information.

    • A new specification code D119 prints the Inventory Item Master Description, which could be different than the quote detail description.

    • In the Designer, Properties for Amount fields has a new option for the Thousands separator: None.

    • Formula spec codes X001 to X005 are now available to do arithmetic calculations with numeric spec codes, to determine and print amounts that don't have define codes but can be calculated from existing codes. Conditional calculations using an IF function can also be made, provided that the condition is based on a numeric field code.

    • When a grid that supports the Grid Search feature has focus, a hint will appear at the left in the Status bar to indicate that the Ctrl-F keyboard shortcut can be used to open the search, and the Ctrl-Z shortcut for removing the last search level. When the mouse is used within the Grid search window to click an arrow button and change the column, the cursor will remain anchored on the clicked arrow to make it easier to move multiple columns over.

    • It is easier to choose the correct field from tables with large numbers of fields in the Column Editor. You can now sort the list, restrict the list using the data type you are searching for (Text, Date, Amount and Value), and type in some text likely to identify the field. Use the Select the Type option on the Select Fields dialog to show fields of that type.

    • Standard 93A feature for phone numbers to display as formatted on grids, if the Format Phone Number option is enabled in the Company Profile. Works for Edit Customers, Prospects and Scan Lists.

    • Import and Export templates now have the same ability as the Column Editor to restrict the Available Field list to those of selected data types and/or contain specified characters. The Available field list can also be sorted alphabetically.

    • Import/Export Prospects has been updated.

    • DocStore integration now allows attaching a single PDF to each imported quote

    • Installs a new version of the printer driver used to print documents and reports to PDF. The new driver name is AdagioV3PDF. This driver uses novaPDF version 10.

    • Print Quotes now has an option, 'Reprint Quotes Already Printed'. Turn this option off if you want limit printing to quotes that have not been printed.

    • Print dialogs for Quotes can be saved as Report Favorites and included in Report Sets.

    • Print Quotes now has a 'No of Copies' options. Use this field to specify the Number of copies of the form that should be printed.

    • Printing a group of quotes now allows attaching an additional PDF along with the quote form, typically used when emailing. This feature was already available when printing single forms from the Enter Quotes grid.

    • Printing or emailing quotes can now be automated in conjunction with Adagio Console, when the Print Quotes process has a Favorite setting defined and used for the Automation Command.

    • Those users who have access to the Maintain Automation Log feature can view the automation logs for any user.

    • Optional Field titles are now displayed in the Import and Export Field Selection lists, instead of the generic option field data ftype labels, to select the correct fields more easily.

    • New Filter criteria for Floating Date Ranges of Last 365 Days and Last 730 days have been added.

    • SalesCQ On-Premise and Hosted will launch x64 version of GV if found.

    • The 64-bit version of Adagio GridView (if available) is launched from the Adagio menu and for custom Views added to the Inquiries menu. The 64-bit version makes use of more memory (if available), allowing for views on larger databases and it can be faster.

    • The Reference field on the Quote Header has been expanded to 24 characters long, to match what is currently available in OrderEntry 9.3A.

    • In Edit Styles, it is now possible to limit the list of Adagio Styles to those that are App specific and Generic. Make sure the program prefix (CQ or AC) is the first 2 characters of Style code description. If this option is selected, when you create a new filter, the Style codes available will be limited to match the application prefix.

    • When a Filter is active on the Edit Prospects grid, the Find button is now still available to search within the filtered list of records.

    • Data Integrity Check and Transferring Prospects to Customers now checks for invalid values in Control Account Sets, Billing Cycle, Terms and Salesperson fields on Prospects.

    • You can now multi-select quotes from the Edit Quotes grid and click the order button to transfer them all to new orders in OrderEntry. New orders will use the automatic next order number and the customer cannot be changed. Customers created from Prospects will have the same customer codes as the prospect codes. If any quotes cannot be transferred because of security or other restrictions, they will be skipped and others will continue to have orders created.

    • A new company profile option allows selecting the Default Order Date for new OrderEntry orders. Choices are Today, Quote Date and Expected Close Date. The Transfer Quote screen now includes an Order Date field where you can see the default date and change it if desired.

    • If OrderEntry is configured to not allow creating orders for customers On Hold, now quotes for these customers cannot be transferred to new orders.

    • When a Quote is transferred to OrderEntry with a new Order date, if the Expected ship date is not blank, it will be recalculated based on the OrderEntry Company Profile Processing Options setting for Expected Shipdate spread.

    • Optional fields may now be defined for Quote Details in addition to the Quote Header. When the optional field titles match what are defined for Adagio Inventory Items, adding items to quotes will use optional field values from the item records. When the optional field titles match what are defined for Adagio OrderEntry details, creating orders from

    quotes, or quotes from orders, will transfer the optional field values to the new document.

    • User preferences have been added to control the behavior of double clicking in a Dialog field. You can also choose to apply banding to those grids that do not display Styles and choose a date format to use in the Adagio Grid. Telephone numbers are now formatted in grids.

    • New User Preference options have been added to give a quote print success confirmation message and to close the print quotes screen after completion. This matches what is available in Adagio OrderEntry.

    • A new Entry Template option has been added to disable editing the Unit Cost field though still allow displaying the value. Data conversion initially sets this value to True for the main entry template and all security groups

    When the Entry Template option to Display cost information on quotes is disabled, this will now also hide the Unit Cost field when the item has the User Specified Costing method configured, in the same way as for items with other costing methods.

    • A new security group option has been added to prevent users from editing the Credit Limit value on Prospect records.

    • The Adagio Login dialog permits browsing to a UNC. The Create database button is hidden unless “/C” is included on the command line. New databases are created with the extension “ADB” or the extension used by existing modules in the selected Folder.

    • A new Entry Template option to Show I/C Item Price Grid has been added to assist with keyboard entry and overriding quote item unit prices. Tabbing or clicking into the Unit Price field will pop the pricing grid to display customer/quantity discounts and other sale prices.

    • When emailing quotes, the choice to send emails either Now or to the Queue is remembered for the next time.

    • Added ‘Outlook’ option in Email Setup. This corrects a problem where you could not send email using the ‘MAPI’ setting or you had slow performance sending emails if you use Outlook and Windows 10 in some cases.

    • Quote Detail grid rows now support Automatic and Manual font Styles from Inventory items. Other detail types may have font Styles applied as well.

    • A “Backup” button has been added to the Adagio Toolbar. Backup Options select whether the button saves the module data, related data or the entire database and whether exclusive access is required for the backup to proceed. The backup now includes the Automation Batch Folder.

    Backup options enable automatic or prompted backups prior to Period End and Year End Processing. You can choose the number of these backups that will be saved.

    • When Adagio Console is integrated, a new Automation command is available to Refresh Scan Lists. The Scan command can be configured to refresh all scan lists for a specified user ID.

    • Refresh Sample Data function has been added to the Help menu. It allows you to refresh single and multi-currency sample data to its original state at install time.

    • Word Wrap is now supported for blocks of text copied and pasted in Quote Entry for the Item Detail Description Text.

    • Automating Import Quotes now works correctly.

    • During Conversion, the Company Profile, Quotes tab option to 'Copy Quote Number To' has been disabled and removed from the Company Profile. The Quote and Revision number are transferred to the Quote No and Revision fields in the OrderEntry 93A Order Header.

    • The window size and positions are now correctly remembered for quote entry and view order screens.

    • Entering or Importing Quotes was not correctly calculating prices when Rounding methods were saved on Inventory items.

    • The company profile option to remember prospect tab was removed as it didn't work correctly.

    • When transferring Prospects to new Customers, the chosen customer code is now correctly validated against the customer number format in the Receivables company profile.

    • The Last Maintenance Date on Prospects now correctly uses the System Date instead of the Sign-on Date when a change to a prospect record is saved.

    • Creating a new prospect record with a formatted address required 4 additional tab key presses after the postal code to put the cursor into the next field Contact Name.

    • Creating a new prospect properly uses the Default Invoicing Send Method values from the Receivables company profile.

    • Viewing a quote detail within Prospect Inquiry and the Transactions tab previously gave an access violation error.

    • Transferring a Prospect to a new Customer now correctly writes the Prospect code to the respective field on the customer record.

    • More functions are now logged in the Application Log data file when using Edit Prospects, Edit Scan Lists and Enter Quotes.

    • Viewing Prospects and the Transactions tab did not correctly display records after using the Previous or Next button to view a different Prospect.

    • In some cases, Email Setup settings were saved to the wrong location, making it appear that they were not being saved at all. Changes made in the Email Setup within SalesCQ were being written to the OEWININI data file rather than the ACWININI data file.

    • Copying a quote from either the Template or History list to a new Open Quote now defaults the quote number to AUTO, so that the next quote number from the company profile will be used. Previously, the new quote number defaulted to the value being copied.

    • Viewing a quote for a customer on hold no longer displays the credit check screen, because viewing a quote cannot set the quote on hold status. Editing the quote will continue to display the credit check screen.

    • If a Salesperson record is deleted in Receivables, quotes that refer to this record in either the Salesperson or Sales Manager fields no longer give data integrity errors.

    • When Quote Revisions use alpha characters, typing a revision value for Quote Find or Copy now forces an uppercase character.

    • When the Company Profile, Quotes option for 'Cost To Use' was set to Average and the Selling Unit did not match the Stocking Unit, the Unit Cost was incorrectly displayed for the Stocking Unit instead of being converted to the cost per Selling Unit.

    • Tax was not calculated correctly when jurisdictions had a specific combination of Taxable and Include Tax Jurisdiction options enabled.

    • Deleting the customer code from a quote no longer asks the question to create a new customer on the fly.

    • If a customer is configured to require a PO number for orders, Import Quotes now gives a verification error if no Reference value is included for the quote in the import file or Template default.

    • Importing Quotes now properly verifies invalid Optional text field values.

    • Export and Import Prospects now correctly limit choosing Optional Fields from those defined in the Receivables Company Profile.

    • The Import Prospects import template now has a Finder for the Territory field when selected on the Field Defaults tab.

    • Importing with Field offset was trimming the import field on the right instead of the left.

    • If there was a currency mismatch between the customer and tax group on an imported quote, and import was set to not Validate before Import, instead of skipping the quote, the items were included on a different quote. This has been fixed.

    • Searching OrderEntry History by Item was extremely slow if the Customer Number range was not blank to ZZZZZZ (i.e. when searching for specific customers).

    • When optional fields are not configured for OrderEntry transaction headers, viewing OE Historical orders did not display the Notes / Optional Fields tab. This has been fixed.

    • When Quotes are transferred to OrderEntry, the Quote number and Quote Revision number are included in the information that may be displayed on the Order Log tab.

    • Added a DIC check for orphaned extension records.

    • Inventory item optional fields now display correctly on quotes when more than 4 optional fields are defined.

    • Improved performance and corrected problems on the quotes, orders and history grids, including scrolling and clicking on rows, when Adagio DocStore is used and there are links to documents on the grids.

    • If a quote specification was defined with a Spec Type of Quote, printing quotes using this specification gave an error that the spec type was invalid. The workaround was to set the specification type as Any. This error has been fixed.

    • The Customer tab on the Entry Template has had default fields removed that would never be used because that information would always come from the Customer record, to prevent confusion about how new quote fields are populated.

    • The Prospect List and Statistics report previously did not use the page break on the primary sort field when selected.

    • Print Quote Notes in Note Format: Extended for Historical quotes was not working in some case.

    • The Quote Listing report did not print the Billing Country field value for some formatted customer addresses. This has been fixed.

    • The quote list report now prints all 6 characters of the Territory field when the value has all capital letters.

    • When printing Report Sets using either AdagioV2PDF or AdagioV3PDF as the specific printer, instead of using PDF Document as the destination, the report log now stores the PDF file name and save location instead of simply 'Printed to AdagioV3PDF'.

    • There are now separate security options for creating either new customers or prospects on the fly within quote entry.

    • Users who do not have security rights to edit Quotes no longer have the ability to create quotes from OE Current or Historical Orders.

    • Entering just the day to change a date value no longer gives an invalid date message with the Windows Short Date format include a dash character.

    • Quotes for inactive or invalid items can no longer be transferred to OrderEntry.

    • Transferring quotes to orders was previously not sending the Terms Description value.

    • When OrderEntry company profile options 'Quantity shipped on orders' and 'Default shipped as ordered' are both enabled, transferring quotes to new orders will write the item quantity values to both the Qty Ordered and Qty Shipped fields.

    • The security group option to 'Permit transfer of quotes' has been separated into two separate options for transferring either customer or prospect quotes. These are independent to the other security option for 'Permit transfer of prospects'.

Adagio SalesCQ
9.2B | 2018-06-08 (Jun '18)
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    ·    Compatible with future release of Adagio Receivables 9.3A.

    ·    If Adagio Receivables is 9.3A, the Find button on the Customer grid in the Edit/View Customer functions is now enabled when a filter is applied. You use the Finder and Smart Finder to search within the filtered grid.

    ·    After posting a quote for a customer having the ‘Require PO?’ option on, posting a quote for a prospect displayed a message saying a PO number must be entered in the reference field and the quote could not be posted.

    ·    On the Pricing inquiry for items in quote entry in SalesCQ 9.2B, the results for the History Period selections Last Month, MTD, YTD and Other showed only one transaction unless you changed the ‘N’ for the ‘Most Recent N’ option from 1 to a larger number.

    ·    For quotes transferred to an order in OrderEntry, the notes in Additional Comments did not transfer to the order unless there were also time/date stamped notes for the quote.

    ·    SalesCQ was not updating the order log file in Adagio OrderEntry when a quote was transferred to an order.

    ·    Quotes printed to PDF could not be viewed in the Edit Quotes grid or the quotes grid on the Transactions tab in Customer Edit/View within SalesCQ if you used a quote number format with a prefix containing a dash (“-“).

    ·    Miscellaneous charges totals in the quote footer were not correct in SalesCQ 9.2B with OrderEntry 9.3A. The ‘Totals only’ miscellaneous charges were consolidating into specification code F07 (Total misc charge code 1) and codes for other miscellaneous charges printed zero.

    ·    In SalesCQ 9.2B, on the Transactions tab in the Edit/View Customer functions, the grid did not update properly when switching from the Open Quotes to History Quotes.

    ·    In the Edit Customer function on the Transactions tab for a customer with no OrderEntry transactions, the orders grid correctly showed no transactions but the details grid showed transactions from another order in some cases.

    ·    In the Edit Prospect function on the Transactions tab for a prospect with no quote transactions, the grid correctly showed no transactions but the details grid showed transactions from another quote in some cases.

    ·    Edit Customer in SalesCQ supports the new Company Profile option in Receivables 9.3A to determine aging either by Document Date or Due Date, calculated as of the Sign-on Date.

    ·    The Edit Text function in SalesCQ 9.2B did not work and displayed an error.

    ·    The Customer Notes report in SalesCQ 9.2A/B was significantly slower than printing the same report in Receivables.

    ·    Added ‘Print additional comments’ and ‘Print address block’ options to the Customer Notes and Prospect Notes reports.

Adagio SalesCQ
9.2B | 2017-12-13 (Dec '17)
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    ·    Compatible with and required by OrderEntry 9.3A. Note: SalesCQ 9.2B is not compatible with earlier versions of OrderEntry.

    ·    Addresses on quotes can be formatted, including dedicated fields for City, State/Prov and Country.

    ·    Supports unlimited Miscellaneous Charges and unlimited Ship Via codes in OrderEntry 9.3A.

    ·    Notes on quotes can optionally be included when a quote is transferred to an order in OrderEntry. Quotes created from current or historical orders or invoices in OrderEntry can optionally include notes from those documents.

    ·    Installs an updated version of the AdagioPDF driver. The updated driver name is AdagioV2PDF and will appear in Windows Control Panel, Devices and Printers. When installs are performed from a Remote Desktop Services connection to Microsoft Server 2016 or from a Windows 10 station, the security warning related to the AdagioPDF printer driver no longer appears.

Adagio SalesCQ
9.2A | 2017-02-21 (Feb '17)
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    ·    Adagio SalesCQ is now available on Adagio Cloud. Note: Mail merge is not supported on Adagio Cloud.

    Quote Entry and Posting

    ·    Adagio ePrint users can view a PDF of quotes from the Edit Quotes list.

    ·    Adagio ePrint users can view Adagio OrderEntry and Adagio Invoices PDFs of invoices / credit notes from the item history inquiry grid on the Prices dialog for items while entering quotes.

    ·    When a Prospect is transferred to become a Customer, and when a quote for a Prospect is transferred to an order in Adagio OrderEntry, all quotes in current and history are changed to be for the new customer.

    ·    If you edit a quote and change the Location on the header, you are asked if you want to change the Location in all quote details. Likewise, if a quote is created from an OE order or by copying, and the customer number is changed or a quote is edited and the customer number is changed, if the new customer has a different Ship from Location the Location is changed on all quote details, not just on the quote header.

    ·    Optional text fields in quote entry and Prospects now support validation and controls (Edit only, Combo box and Finder).

    ·    Supports the Specific Due Date terms added previously in Adagio Receivables. Allows you set the due date to any date in the future.

    ·    You can double-click on the Qty On Hand grid on the Edit Detail screen to select a Location to ship from for the item when entering a quote. Previously, to change the Location you had to enter or select it in the Location field.

    ·    Added ‘Permit transfer of quotes’ option to Options in Security Groups to allow you to prevent users from transferring quotes to orders in OrderEntry.

    ·    Improved options when copying quotes to make selection easier to understand.

    ·    Added ‘Created By’ and ‘Last Updated By’ Date, Time and User stamp fields to quotes. They are available in grids and finders, custom reports and in GridView.

    Edit and Inquiry functions

    ·    For Adagio ePrint users, the Quote Inquiry supports viewing PDFs of open quotes.

    ·    The Edit and View Customer functions in SalesCQ support customer changes in Receivables 9.2A. Edit and View Prospects has also been updated. RMA documents are shown in the transactions grid for OrderEntry when Adagio RMA is used.

    ·    The View Item function in SalesCQ supports item changes in Adagio Inventory 9.2A, including showing ‘Qty. on RMA’ if Adagio RMA is used.

    ·    For Adagio ePrint users, the Edit and View Customer functions in SalesCQ support viewing PDFs of invoices/credit notes from Adagio OrderEntry and Adagio Invoices, and open / history quotes from SalesCQ.

    ·    For Adagio ePrint users, the Edit and View Prospect function supports viewing PDFs of open / history quotes from SalesCQ.

    ·    For Adagio ePrint users, the Item Inquiry with Costs function in SalesCQ, Transaction History tab, supports viewing PDFs of invoices / credit notes from Adagio OrderEntry and Adagio Invoices, and open / history quotes from SalesCQ.

    ·    The OrderEntry current and history inquiry functions in SalesCQ support customer changes in Adagio OrderEntry 9.2A.

    ·    For Adagio ePrint users, the OrderEntry current and history inquiry functions in SalesCQ support viewing PDFs of invoices / credit notes from Adagio OrderEntry and Adagio Invoices.

    Print Forms and Designer

    ·    You can attach a PDF document (such as product literature) when emailing, faxing or printing quotes.

    ·    Fields and objects on quote specifications can now have custom colors, with full control of hue, saturation and luminosity. Colors in the sample data specifications and templates in the designer have been updated accordingly.

    ·    Added these new quote specification codes:
       H102, quote/revision number
       M18, Current user name
       D101, Qty on Hand (Item)
       D102, Qty on Hand (Loc)
       D103, Unit Discount (D50-D51)
       D104, Item Price List code
       D105, Item Pricing Percentage
       D106, Item number (unformatted)
       D107, Base unit price per selling unit of measure
       D108, Item Cost 1
       D109, Item Cost 2

    ·    Added 'Export name code' field Report Options tab in the Company Profile. It defaults to %dno. Use this field define the filename used when printing quotes to a file.

    ·    Added Preferred Send Method on the Quotes tab for customers and prospects. Printing quotes will select only those for customers and prospects having the same Preferred Send Method set in their record as the send method you use on the print dialog. The option is ignored when printing a single quote from the grid.

    ·    Added %CMP code (Company Name) for use by Adagio ePrint for folder names.


    ·    Adagio SalesCQ’s standard reports are now created using Crystal Reports 2016, replacing the Crystal Reports 8.5 Print Engine (CRPE32.dll). Reports must be edited or created using Crystal Reports 2013 or higher and Adagio ODBC for access to the data files. Users will notice minor changes to some of the visual elements in the module and a new Print Preview window. The size and position of the Print Preview window are now remembered between sessions by user, so the Workstation options controlling this function have been removed.

    ·    Fields from tables that are not in the original standard report can now be added to modified reports. There are three restrictions: 1) tables can only be added to the main report, not sub-reports; 2) only tables from 9.2A dictionaries can be used; and 3) additional tables must have physical files in the data folder.

    ·    Installs Adagio PrintTool (PT) 9.2A. PT allows you to print / preview custom reports without needing to run Crystal Reports itself or without placing the report on the Custom Reports menu in an Adagio module, and allows reports to be placed on the Windows desktop.

    ·    A 'Report set' button has been added to the toolbar.

    ·    Improved options when printing reports to make selection easier to understand.

    General Features and Miscellaneous

    ·    Supports Automation when Adagio Console is installed. Automation allows you to automate functions in Adagio modules and view, print or email the results from an automation log.

    ·    You can now start other Adagio modules from toolbar buttons showing the icon for the module. This allows easy switching between Adagio modules.

    ·    Adagio SalesCQ now logs user activity within the module, including login/out, menu choices, create/edit and print documents. Logs may be viewed with Adagio Console or Adagio GridView.

    ·    Grids now display the total number of records, as well as a count of the displayed records when a Filter is active. Ignore Style Color button toggles grid between no color and Style colors or no color and banding (if it is enabled in User Preferences).

    ·    Grids may be “banded” with a User Selectable color and banding frequency set under File | User Preferences. Filter Styles may be disabled and replaced with regular banding if desired.

    ·    Filters can now be sorted by Priority.

    ·    Added Filter criteria 'Before today' and 'After today' for Floating Date Ranges.

    ·    Added several new SalesCQ specific Styles for use in Filters.

    ·    Mail merge templates have been changed to use .dotx rather than .dot files.

    ·    Supports Transport Layer Security (TLS) / Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for secure email servers when emailing documents. Added option 'Use TLS/SSL' added to Email Setup function.

    ·    A Listing button was added on the Group Setup window and prints all options or enabled options only for a range of groups. An Entry Templates button in the Group is now used to set up templates rather than having tabs on the Group.

    ·    The status bar at the bottom of the main window now shows activity of various steps when the program is starting up and the database is opening.

    ·    The Column Editor screen can be sized. The size is remembered by module on the workstation.

    ·    Updated splash screen with new Adagio logo and colors. Updated icon and toolbar button images.

    ·    The Data Integrity Check (DIC) saves results for the last 9 previous runs in files ACWINERR01..09.dat (where .dat is your company data file extension). The current DIC information will always be in ACWINERR. If you do check/rebuild/check without closing the DIC function the results are appended to the same file.

    ·    Adagio SalesCQ 9.2A now installs to the \Softrak\SalesCQ folder and the program name is SalesCQ.exe. Previous versions were installed in \Softrak\ACWin and had program name ACWin.exe.

    ·    New export templates created for Excel format default the file extension to .XLXS rather than .XLS.

    ·    Security Groups are now supported by the Copy Definitions function in Adagio Console.

    ·    The Open Data screen can be sized horizontally to allow you to see the full data path.

    ·    The email password for servers that require authentication is now encrypted in the file containing email settings for the ‘Direct’ email method.

    ·    Adagio ePrint users can view a PDF of quotes and any attached documents from the Email Queue.

    ·    Adagio ePrint users can attach additional PDFs and other types of documents to emails in the queue, such as Word or Excel. Attachments are shown in a tree view on the Edit Email Entry dialog. Right-click on the tree to add a document. Default folders for attachments can be specified on the Reports Options tab in the Company Profile. These folders are relative to the ePrint relative folder path (or to the data folder if ePrint is not installed).

    ·    Added Excel Direct button to email queue.

    ·    SalesCQ now renders dialogs properly on Ultra High Resolution displays when the font size is anything other than 100% of normal on Windows 8.1 or higher. All Adagio releases dated in September 2016 and later have this problem fixed. For releases prior to this date, the utility program SetScreenForAdagio.EXE is installed in the \Softrak\System folder to correct the problem.

    ·    The Help | About function now has a Consultant tab showing the contact information for your Adagio consultant if they have enabled this option at your site.

    ·    The F1 key now launches Help when no windows are open.

    Problems Fixed

    ·    When quote revisions are used, quote notes made on a revised quote were saved for the previous revision.

    ·    Discount % fields on quotes printed with 2 decimals even when Decimal Places was set to 0 in the field properties in the specification editor.

    ·    A false message indicating price is below cost was displayed when entering quote details for items where the pricing unit is different than the stocking unit, and the ‘Display cost information on quotes’ option was off.

    ·    When entering a quote for a ShipTo Address that has no Tax Group, the Tax Status defaulted from the Customer instead of the ShipTo Address.

    ·    An error occurred when you created a quote for a Prospect from an OE order.

    ·    The Detail Type for lines entered in a quote was not remembered for user SYS.

    ·    To skip the Salesperson field in an entry template, a default no longer needs to be selected.

    ·    Fields on Email Cover Sheets, where the same field exists in customers, prospects and quotes, such as the Salesperson, are now loaded as expected. The name of the field from the quote has been changed to include the word “Quote” (e.g. Quote Salesperson). The Prospect Data section has been removed. Use the Customer Data section instead. The fields will be loaded from the Prospect if the quote is for a Prospect. Note: you may need to adjust your existing Cover Sheets.

    ·    SalesCQ stopped responding when a quote was emailed ‘Now’ or ‘Add to Queue’ on stations running Windows 10 “Anniversary Update” (Feature update, version 1607, or later).

    ·    When a range of quotes was emailed from the Print Quotes function, information on the email cover sheet from the first quote was used for all quotes.

    ·    When emailing quotes Now for Prospects, some of the Name and Contact fields were blank in the email subject and cover sheet. A mail merge from the Customer and Prospect functions had the same problem.

    ·    The report filename codes (eg. %USR) were not being saved in report favorites.

    ·    Import Prospects now supports formatted addresses. Address fields can now be imported to their full length. Note: not all fields in Prospects can be imported, for example statistic fields.

    ·    The ‘Header Included?’ option in the Import Quotes function should not have been there and has been removed.

    ·    If you started SalesCQ 8.1C from a shortcut with all command line parameters to bypass the login screen, a registration warning message was displayed, when in fact the program was registered.

Adagio SalesCQ
8.1C | 2015-02-26 (Feb '15)
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       Compatible with future release of Adagio Payables 9.2A. Earlier versions of SalesCQ will not open if Payables 9.2A data is present.

       Supports shutdown by Adagio XConsole.

       When an item detail is imported for a quote the Default Picking Sequence was used instead of the Picking Sequence for the Location specified in the import file.

       When an OE order was created by transferring a quote, if the Picking Sequence for item details was for a Location, it reverted to the Picking Sequence for the item.

       You could not save a ShipTo address in a customer if OrderEntry and Inventory are not used.

       Bill To and Ship email addresses changed on a quote from the defaults in the customer were not retained when the quote was transferred to an order in OrderEntry.

Adagio SalesCQ
8.1C | 2012-10-12 (Oct '12)
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       In Adagio SalesCQ 8.1C (2012.09.17), printing or previewing a quote containing item detail lines having a Price of zero resulted in a "Floating point division by zero" error. The problem did not affect your data.

Adagio SalesCQ
8.1C | 2012-09-17 (Sep '12)
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    The changes and improvements to Adagio SalesCQ with this release are significant. To make it easier to review the various changes that have been made, we have grouped them by function in this release note.

    Quote Entry

       Added Salesperson, Sales Manager, Territory, Comment 1 and Comment 2 fields to the column editor in the Edit Quotes function.

       A 'Find Item' button has been added to the detail screen in the Edit Quotes function and the Item Inquiry functions. This allows you to look up items by Description.

       On the BillTo / ShipTo tab, the Alt-H key now moves to the Ship To field to allow you to quickly enter a Ship To address. Useful when you ship to an address one time only so it is not worth entering a permanent ShipTo Address.

       Ship-to addresses can now be added "on the fly" when entering quotes.

       A note is automatically added to the new customer when a prospect is turned into a customer. For example: "Customer AAA123 was created from prospect XYZ456." If the customer is created by transfer of a quote then those numbers are included. For example: "Customer AAA123 was created from prospect XYZ456 by transfer of quote 1234-A to order 5678".

       Spell check is now available on the Comment, Instruction and Text detail fields in quote entry.

       Creating an order in Adagio OrderEntry from a quote now updates OE Document styles and filters.

       When quotes are converted to orders the email information in the order is updated from the Invoicing tab in the customer.

       Supports the ‘Active’ flag in items in Adagio Inventory 8.1C and higher in the Edit Quote and Item Inquiry functions. Added 'Active records only' flag to the Column Editor on item grids and finders. When you add an inactive item to quote a warning is displayed.

       The Created By and Last Updated By User, Date and Time fields in the A/C O/E Quote Header table are now updated. These fields are accessible in GridView and Crystal Reports for Adagio. Note: These fields are not available on quote grids or finders.

       You can now multi-select on the quotes details grid, allowing you to select and delete multiple lines.

    Quote Entry relating to cost and profit

       The Ext Cost and Ext Profit fields in the quote details are now calculated and populated when a quote is entered. In previous versions these fields existed in the table but were only used as temporary fields by reports and were always zero. A Margin field has been added to the quote details as well. These fields are available for selection on the quote details grid and in GridView. Profit and Margin quote spec fields have been added.

       Ext Cost, Profit and Margin fields have been added to the quote Edit Detail screen. They are shown if 'Display cost information on quotes' is set in the Security Group or Quote Template.

       The Unit Cost field on the quote Edit Detail screen now always shows the cost stored with the quote detail, rather than the current cost from the item in inventory (based on the Display Cost in previous versions), which may be different if it has changed since the quote was originally entered. Therefore the Ext Cost field always equals the Unit Cost times the Ordered quantity.

       The Costing Type is now shown beside the Unit Cost and units on the Edit Detail screen.

       The 'Cost to display' field was removed from the Security Group and Quote Template. Instead, the field 'Cost to use' has been added to the Quotes tab in the Company Profile. This forces the cost in all quotes, and thus also Profit and Margin, to be the same for all users across the company. Note: the cost in SalesCQ is an estimated cost - the actual cost is not determined until Day End is run in OrderEntry.

       Added new option 'Cost used in costing' in the new 'Cost to use' field. If this option is selected, SalesCQ uses the costing method from the item, rather than using a specific costing method regardless of the costing method of the item.

       Added a Re-cost button to the quote Edit Detail and Edit Quote screens. This allows you to re-cost individual details or an entire quote to use the current cost of the item(s) in inventory. These buttons are shown if 'Display cost information on quotes' is set in the Security Group or Quote Template.

    Edits / Inquiries

       Added the 'Active records only' option in the column editor for Prospect grids and finders.

       The Reason code Description field has been increased from 30 to 60 characters.

       The Callback code Description field has been increased from 30 to 60 characters.

       If Edit Customer is disabled for a Security Group, the Customer button now opens the Customer Inquiry. Edit Notes button has been added to the View Customer grid.

       If Edit Prospects is disabled, the Prospects button now opens the Prospect Inquiry.

       Edit Notes button has been added to the View Item dialog.


       The Mail Merge function and default letter template have been updated to include new fields in SalesCQ and new customer fields added in Receivables 9.0A.

    Printing Quotes and the Spec Designer

       When the 'Use Customer Specification' option is used, the Specification field on the print dialog became disabled. Choosing this option now leaves the field active and you can pick any specification. This means that if there is no customer spec, there is a primary fallback spec before attempting to load the secondary fallback spec in the company profile.

       When printing quotes the Specification Option can now also be set to ‘Use document specification’. This choice forces the document to print using the specification saved with the quote. This is useful if you want to reprint a quote with the same specification with which it was originally printed.

       When printing quotes with the Specification Option set to ‘Use customer specification’ or ‘Use document specification’ and the specification is blank in the customer or document, you can now select a specification to use on the print dialog screen. If you don’t then the default specification in the Company Profile is used. In previous versions the Company Profile was the only fallback for a blank specification on the customer.

       Added Detail Tax Jurisdiction 1-5 to Section Type to support Environmental Levy on quotes.

       Added new quote designer spec codes for customer, including the new name field 2 appended to the customer name, and 2 additional address lines to handle addresses requiring many fields (city, state, country and zip/postal code):

    C157, Name 1 + 2
    C158, address 6 (formatted)
    C159, address 7 (formatted)
    C164, Address line 6 (compressed)
    C165, Address line 7 (compressed)

       Added new spec codes to show the preferred method(s) for sending quotes for the customer. These fields can be used by PrintBoss™:

    C161, Send method print
    C162, Send method fax
    C163, Send method email

       Added spec C160, Report group, to allow printing this field on quotes.

       The dimension fields (W x L x H) for the item and for its packaged dimensions added in Inventory 8.1C can now be printed on quotes using the following spec codes:

    D69, Packaged length,
    D70, Packaged width
    D71, Packaged height
    D72, Item length
    D73, Item width
    D74, Item height

       Added new spec codes for the 15 Tax Levy fields from items in Inventory 8.1C or higher to print environmental or other levy amounts on invoices:

    D81, Tax Levy 1 through D95, Tax Levy 15.

       Added new spec codes for Profit and Margin:

    D75, Profit
    D76, Margin
    F37, Total profit
    F38, Total margin

       Added new spec codes for quote header user, date and time fields:

    H097, created by user
    H098, created date
    H099, created time
    H100, last modified by user
    H101, last modified date
    H102, last modified time

    General Enhancements

       Installs the AdagioPDF printer driver. All reports and printouts from Adagio can be printed to the AdagioPDF printer to create a PDF document in the data folder.

       Supports the features in Adagio ePrint. When ePrint is installed you can print reports to PDF files in configurable folders determined by the Report Type (General, Transaction or Audit). Fields can be embedded to establish the file and folder names (User, Session Date, System Date, Time). Click the ePrint button (red "EP" icon) on any report dialog to print the report to PDF. The Paperless Reports option forces all reports to be printed to PDF. Reports can be printed to PDF and attached to an email (MAPI) with a single button click.

       You can now have SalesCQ create a PDF archive of quotes you send to customers and prospects. The Company profile, Options tab, has the new option 'Archive PDF customer/prospect copy?'. If this option is turned on, when printing quotes, SalesCQ will create archive copies in the a folder called SOFTPDF under the data folder (not the Relative base folder, if it is set in Adagio ePrint). The PDF files are created regardless of whether you print to printer, file, PDF, fax, email, or screen (but not if you preview a quote). The filename for these PDFs includes the customer/prospect number, "AC", the quote number and quote revision. The conflict strategy for the archive document is overwrite.

       Report Favorites allow saving Reports with specific options chosen. Click the Favorite button (a star icon) on any report dialog to create a Favorite. Favorites for a report can be accessed from the report dialog in a drop-down field. Private Favorites are yellow, Public Favorites are blue. Added Favorite Reports and Print/Delete Favorites functions to the Reports menu. Multiple favorites can be defined for the same report. Favorites can be private to the Adagio user or public for use by all users.

       Report Sets allow the grouping of Report Favorites into a single print job that will run unattended. Report Sets may be printed to printer or PDF files. Report Sets may be launched from a command file or a scheduled Windows task by running tbwin.exe with the parameter /R followed by the Report Set (ex. /RMonthEnd). A progress dialog lists the reports in the Report Set, the printing status of each, the destination folder, filename and conflict strategy. A log is generated that records the printing status of each report in the set. Use Report Sets to automate the printing of all your daily or month end reports.

       Added User Preferences under the File menu. It allows you to set certain options by user that were previously global, including options previously found under File | Options, Reports | Report Options and the Company Profile. Includes new options 'On Start-up', 'Alphabetically sorted field list' and 'Exclude Ranges'. The preferences can optionally be set for all users and preferences can be printed. If no individual user preferences have been set up for a user, all preferences originally set for the Adagio System Administrator, user SYS, will be used.

       You can now specify a desktop background color, image and/or text constant to display on the Adagio desktop. Use this feature to display your company logo. Use the text strings to make the company name prominent on the desktop. Any JPG or other graphic image can be centered or stretched to fit on the main program desktop. These settings are made on the Appearance tab in the User Preferences function.

       The option 'Auto-advance smart finder' has been added (in the User Preferences function). It controls whether the focus is on the previously found grid or on the search criteria field when the smart finder is opened. Select the option if you want focus to be on the next row in the grid, allowing you to press F6, Enter and march through the found list. Turn it off if you usually want to search by a new criteria each time the smart finder is invoked. In either case the position is advanced in the grid each time the finder is opened.

       The option 'Alphabetically sorted field list' has been added (in the User Preferences function). Turn this option on if you want field lists in the Column Editor and Filters fields sorted alphabetically.

       The option 'Remember report settings?' has been added (in the User Preferences function).

       The option 'Close report dialog after print? has been added (in the User Preferences function). Turn this option on unless you frequently reprint reports for differing ranges or options.

       Column Editor settings are now saved by grid by user by database.

       Added the Excel Direct button to additional grids, including: Details tab in Edit Quotes, Quotes Inquiry, View IC Items, View IC Items with Sales and Costs, View OE Orders/Invoices/Credit Notes, and View OE History.

       Alt-X now selects the Excel Direct button on grids where it is available. In previous versions you had to use the mouse to select Excel Direct.

       New program icon and toolbar buttons provide a cleaner look and differentiate this new version visually. If you are installing an upgrade to 8.1C, to see the new icon you will need to edit the properties of any existing SalesCQ shortcuts, click the Change Icon button and select the new image.

       Added Prospect, Quotes and History Styles and Filters to grids and finders in SalesCQ.

       Customer Styles and Filters in Receivables 9.0B and higher are supported in customer grids and finders in SalesCQ.

       Item Styles and Filters in Inventory 8.1C and higher are supported in customer grids and finders in SalesCQ.

       Supports 'Active records only' option in the column editor for Items grids and finders.

       On the Open database dialog you can now use Alt-B to open the browse and Alt-F (for Favorites) to open the previously opened list. In previous versions you had to use the mouse to select the folder buttons.

       The vitalEsafe upload progress dialog has been improved and the progress bar now accurately shows the percentage. It is no longer necessary to install the vitalEsafe patch.

       The Adagio menu now includes the module from which it was selected to allow you to quickly open another instance of the same module.

       Most Access Violation (AV) errors are now recorded in an exception log text file. The file is located in the program folder: \softrak\acwin\acwin.error.log.

       The System Status function can create a snapshot of detailed information about your Adagio installation and package it in a single zip file that can be sent to Softrak Technical Support or your Adagio dealer to assist them when answering questions or tracing problems.

       The Help | About screen has been redesigned and includes a link to a documentation page for the module that shows New Features, What's New video and manuals.

       The Not For Resale (NFR) version for Adagio dealers now allows future-dated Callbacks beyond the NFR expiry date.

       When SalesCQ is opened after installing an upgrade, a dialog is displayed with a link to a short video highlighting the new features. The dialog is displayed for each user until they tick 'Don't show this message again'. The video also be viewed anytime by visiting the Softrak website. Note: the dialog also appears when Adagio is installed at a new site.

       The Shade Color for reports found in the Report Options tab in User Preferences now uses the full color pallet rather than just 8 solid colors.

       Grids and finders now display translated filed values instead of the raw data values.

       The Notes window is now sizeable for customers, prospects and quotes.

       Link entries have been added in the quote tables to support GETEXTERNALDATA in GridView to link from Quote Detail to Quote Header.

       Adagio SalesCQ is now logging Access Violation errors in an exception log text file. The file is \softrak\acwin\acwin.error.log.

       Installs a version of the Adagio Data Source (ADS) that allows the Data Integrity Check to display "Checking Index x of y" on files with multiple indexes so for large files you know it has to cycle through the records multiple times and which pass it is currently on. For example: " A/C Quote List Current 1234 of 45678 (Checking index 1 of 4)"

       Installs a version of the Adagio Data Source (ADS) that prevents 4105 type errors (e.g. "Error 4105 occurred when attempting to append record to ."). A 4105  error can occur due to environment or resource locking problems when multiple users are writing to the same file. Preventing the 4105 error allows the Adagio application to continue to run, without data loss, when such problems occur. However, if there has been a problem that would previously have caused a 4105 error, the Data Integrity Check (DIC) will report an error. A rebuild in the DIC will repair the error and there should be no loss of data.

       Station Logs now indicate memory information for the station or Remote Desktop Services session in these variables:

    Total Memory       - total Mbytes of physical memory
    Available Memory- free Mbytes of physical memory
    Memory Load       - percent of memory in use.

       Station Logs now show the bitness of the application and the station OS in the variable "Environment".

       When an Adagio application is running it now prevents the station from going into sleep mode (which causes errors or causes the application to stop responding). It does this regardless of the power option settings on the station.

Adagio SalesCQ
8.1B | 2011-03-18 (Mar '11)
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    • Compatible with SalesAnalysis 9.0A. Previous versions will not open the database if SA 9.0A data is present.

    • Compatible with Adagio Inventory 8.1C. In previous versions of SalesCQ adding a new item on the fly while entering quotes caused a data integrity error to be reported in Adagio Inventory.

    • Added an Excel Direct button to the Scan List and Quote List grid screens.

    • Added an option to sort transactions in ascending or descending order by date in the edit and view customer functions for Current or Historical transactions (but not for Both). In previous versions, transactions were always sorted ascending. Right-mouse click on the transactions grid to select the sort order.

    • The customer notes grid in the customer edit and view functions can be sorted to display the most recent notes at the top by right-clicking on the grid and selecting 'Sort Descending'. The selection is remembered.

    • The customer notes grid in the customer edit and view functions now remembers the 'Sort notes by' selection of User or Date/Time.

    • In version 8.1B, when emailing, faxing or printing a Mail Merge from the Scan List, a customer/prospect note was not created and integrity errors in the notes files were created. The Data Integrity Check will detect and rebuild these errors.

    • Specifications with a Type of 'Quote' rather than 'Any' did not show in Specification dropdown list when print quotes.

    • The Ship To field in Enter Quotes did not accept lowercase codes if Receivables was 8.1A or lower.

    • Email address fields in quote entry did not allow multiple addresses per field separated by a semi-colon.

    • When you selected Historical transactions for Receivables on the Transactions tab in edit / view customer, loading the grid was noticeably slow across a network. In addition, if the Transactions tab was the last tab you visited in the customer, the next time you opened a customer it was noticeably slow.
    • Install Changes

    • This version moves toward our goal of a more Windows 7 friendly environment for installation. If you are installing to a mapped network drive that is normally accessible, but you cannot see it during the install when attempting to select a drive or folder, you can now install by browsing to the correct folder using the Universal Naming Convention (UNC), for example \myserveraccounting. This avoids having to adjust the User Account Control settings, which requires you to restart your computer and temporarily grant Administrative privileges to the user if they are not an administrator.

    • This version simplifies installation by removing any consideration of the location of the Report Tables Drive (RTD) by the install and program in virtually all cases. Therefore the install no longer prompts for the RTD.

    • The install writes to the master install log file "AdagioMasterInstall.log" in the softraksystem folder. An entry is written to this log when any full, upgrade or SP for any Adagio module (with a release date of March 2011 or later) is installed. It shows the version installed and the version being replaced, the name of the Windows user who did the install and the rights for that user. An entry is also written to the log when an updated version of the Adagio Data Source (ADS) is installed, showing the version installed and the version being replaced. This log can be used to quickly determine the install history for all Adagio programs.

    • When you select the 'Backup Files' option during an install, the replaced files are now saved in a subfolder named YYYYMMDD in the BACKUP folder, under the programs destination folder (rather than the BACKUP folder itself, where extensions need to be changed to .001, .002, etc. when there are multiple versions of the same file).

    • The install includes an option allowing you to skip creating entries under Windows Start for cases where you will be manually creating an icon for the user to start Adagio and do not want them starting from Windows Start. During the install, uncheck the option 'Start Menu programs'. This avoids having to delete or change the Windows Start entry that would have been created.

    • The install no longer checks the Opportunistic Locking setting (Oplocks) on the workstation.

    • The Opportunistic Locking setting (Oplocks) on the workstation is no longer checked when the program is started.

    • The System Status function in the Help menu (chksys.exe) no longer prompts you to disable Oplocks. It displays the current Oplocks setting and allows you to change it. The 'Check R/W Status', 'Check Specific Folder' function now supports UNC browse, whereas before you would have had to turn UAC off to use it.

    • SetServerForAdagio and SetReportsTablesDrive utilities have been updated. The latter should virtually never be needed at an Adagio site once any Adagio module dated March 2011 or later has been installed.

Adagio SalesCQ
8.1B | 2010-05-31 (May '10)
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Release Notes
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    The changes and improvements to Adagio SalesCQ with this release are significant. To make it easier to review the various changes
    that have been made, we have grouped them by function in this release note. This release supports formatted addresses and related
    features found in Adagio Receivables 9.0A, as well as adding many new features specific to SalesCQ. SalesCQ remains compatible
    with earlier versions of Adagio Receivables.
    General Enhancements

  • Fully compatible with Windows® 7. Supports MAPI email interface to Outlook and other mail clients on Windows 7.

  • Compatible with Adagio Receivables 9.0A. Compatibility with earlier versions of Adagio Receivables is maintained. The Enter Quotes
    function supports the Customer in Adagio Receivables 9.0A and associated new features where ever possible. Customer Alerts by
    module and function are supported. Address blocks in quotes do not yet support the North American formatting available in Adagio
    Receivables 9.0A although customer and ship-to addresses will be moved into the four unformatted address lines in the document as
    space permits.

  • The Territory field increases from 2 to 6 characters when Receivables 9.0A is used.

  • The date control has been updated to improve the speed of data entry. You can enter just the 1 or 2-character day in any date field
    without having to enter the month or year. The month and year are automatically populated with the initial values from the field. For
    example, if the date is 1/23/2009, typing “22” and tab changes the date to 1/22/2009. You can also enter just 4 characters for the day
    and month (zeros are required) and the year will be populated. This change speeds up data entry in most cases where you need to
    enter a date different than the session date or last remembered date.

  • Excel Direct now has a progress bar and cancel button for use on grids with a very large number of rows.

  • Supports the 'Implied decimal' option added in Ledger 9.0C (in the User Preferences function). The setting is by Adagio user, for all
    companies, and when set in any Adagio module it is set for all Adagio module versions that support it. Turn the option on if you want
    a decimal automatically entered before the last two digits. For example, typing 400 in an amount field and tabbing to the next field will
    result in the number being changed to 4.00; typing 400.00 and tabbing to the next field will leave the number as 400.00. With the
    option off, typing in 400 will result in the number being changed to 400.00 (the behavior in previous versions). Percent fields and
    exchange rate fields are not affected by this setting.

  • The Help | About dialog now has a 'System Info' tab showing the version and path to various DLLs used by the program.

  • Excel Direct (from finders, smart finders and from grids in some modules) can be configured to export an ASCII CSV file (instead of
    sending data direct to Excel) and start an application that automatically opens the file. This allows export when Excel is not installed
    and provides support for other spreadsheets such as Note that unlike Excel Direct there is no formatting with CSV.
    To enable this functionality, entries must be made manually in the file softraksystemssi2xl.ini. Refer to the Configuring Excel Direct
    to Export to CSV section for details.

  • Removed field verification option.

  • The Help Menu has been modified to allow the user to launch the Adagio System Status utility (chksys.exe) and print the Adagio
    Lanpak registration form.

  • Emailing setup (“reply to” etc) is now stored by company and optionally by user. The SYS user can copy settings to all users for a
    company. The default E-mail port number 25 can now be changed to another port if necessary when sending directly. Some ISP
    require use of port number 587 for SMTP transfers. Emails will now have the correct transmission time regardless of e-mail client.

  • Moved fax queue from QIFAX to generic filename starting with SD that is shared by all Adagio modules that send faxes.

  • You can have database fields in the email subject line in Email covers. For example you may want to include a contact name when
    emailing an invoice to a generic email address for a customer or you may want to include the amount of the invoice.

  • Adagio GridView 9.0A or higher is opened from the Adagio menu, Adagio OrderEntry will be displayed as the first line on the Select
    Module screen so you do not need to scroll down to find it.

  • WebSafe changed to vitalEsafe™ in the Backup function to reflect the 3rd party name change.

  • The Adagio Open Data Dialog has been significantly improved. The Previously Opened database list is now saved by Adagio User
    rather than for all users. The first time an existing user or a new user logs into Adagio SalesCQ 8.1B they will be asked “Would you
    like your historical company access list set up?” Answer yes to have all entries from the Previously Opened list from your prior use of
    SalesCQ copied for your use. The Open Data screen and Previously Opened database list now show the date the database was last
    opened by the user. You may also elect to have Adagio save your Adagio User Id and Password and default them when logging into
    Adagio. The saved information is based on your Windows authenticated user name. This option may be turned off by editing
    softraksystemADS.INI and adding the lines:

  • Options have been added to open functions when the program starts up, including edit customer, edit prospect, scan list and quotes.

  • Adagio SalesCQ will optionally create a backup of related data whenever a Data Integrity Check completes without errors. It will also
    offer to create a backup of a database prior to applying any “fix” as a result of the “Rebuild” option being selected to repair damaged
    data. Backup details are written to the log file. The multi-currency files for single currency databases are now backed up when you
    backup a ‘Complete Dataset’.
    Import / Export

  • Old formats such as Lotus, Dbase and Clipper that are almost never used any more have been removed from import / export
    templates, leaving Excel, ASCII CSV (Delimited), ASCII Fixed Length and PSV Delimited. The old formats may be manually turned
    back on for sites that need them, but support for these other formats is no longer available. We recommend moving your import files
    to CSV if you are using one of these obsolete formats. See the Upgrading section below for details.

  • If there are errors during any import function, the error message dialog displaying the error (e.g. "Errors have been written to the log
    file C:softrakdataxxIMPERR.ddd.") now allows you to view or print the log file.

  • Scan Lists can now be imported.

  • Prospect Notes can now be imported and exported.

  • The Expected Ship Date can now be imported on detail lines in quotes.
    Customers / Prospects

  • Added an Excel Direct button to various grids, including Edit / View Customer and the customer transactions tab for Receivables,
    OrderEntry, Invoices and Time&Billing transactions. Added to the Edit / View Prospects grid. Use the 'Enable SF Export' option in
    Edit User to enable or disable the Excel Direct button.

  • Edit and View Customers functions include all new features found in customers in Receivables 9.0A.

  • Edit and View Prospect functions include many of the new features found in customers in Receivables 9.0A, including multiple
    contacts / shipto addresses per prospect.

  • Splitter bars have been added on all screens in Edit/View Customer that have 2 or more grids, to allow you to size each of the grids
    individually. The ratio is maintained when sizing the entire screen. The setting is remembered.
    Edits / Inquiries

  • SalesCQ includes enhancements to the item inquiry function added in Adagio Inventory 8.1B, including sizing screens and Alt Keys
    on tabs. When you edit or view an IC item you can see the purchase orders in Purchase Orders for Adagio. Edit/View Items now
    remembers the tab you were last on and uses that when first opening another record.

  • Copy Callbacks, Reasons, and Text places you directly in the edit for the newly created record.

  • The options ‘Enable SF Export’ and ‘Enable SF Printing’ have been added to the Edit User screen to allow you to disable Excel
    Direct in Smart Finders to help safeguard your sales data, customer list and other information in your database.

  • An Items tab has been added to the Display OrderEntry History function to allow inquire by item.

  • Display OrderEntry current and history functions now remember the tab you were last on and use that when opening another record.
    Quote Entry

  • Option to sort quotes in reverse order (recent/highest at the top). To use this option, set ‘Reverse order of quote list’ on the Options
    tab in the Company Profile.

  • The Enter Quotes function supports look up of customer or prospect by name and phone number when entering a new document.

  • The edit quote screen is now sizeable. This allows more detail lines to be shown on the screen at one time.

  • When the Quote date is edited, the Expected close date and the Expiry date are updated automatically.

  • The Territory can be defaulted from the Ship-to Address if Receivables 9.0A is used.

  • The Salesperson can be defaulted from the Ship-to Address if Receivables 9.0A is used.

  • A new feature of Adagio Inventory 8.1B allows editing the Category code on an alternate price list item to be different than the
    category for the master item. This category is now used when the alternate item is entered on a quote and is transferred to the order
    in OrderEntry, allowing for revenue and cost of goods distribution by Price List.

  • When the Costing Unit for an item is different than the Pricing Unit, the unit cost was in the Costing Unit of the item, instead of the
    Pricing Unit. The Extended Cost was correct and the costing in the GL was correct if the quote was ultimately posted as an invoice in
    OrderEntry. If you used GridView or a specification driven document to show the Unit Price and Unit Cost of an detail, the cost could
    be significantly different and appear wrong, as compared to the price. The Unit Cost and the display cost are now converted to the
    Pricing Unit. This way the order entry clerk can compare "apples to apples". This change has been made for new quotes entered.
    In some cases, if the units of an Alternate price list item were different than the master item units, the wrong Cost Unit was displayed.
    If you have items that use user-define costing, where the Pricing Unit does not match the Costing Unit, you should revise the cost.
    Note: If your Pricing and Costing Units are always the same, none of this applies to you and can be ignored.

  • For Standard cost items, including Alternate price list items, the unit cost is now always the Standard Cost.

  • Supports the ‘Active’ flag in customers in Receivables 9.0A. When you attempt to create a quote for an inactive customer a warning
    will be displayed. The warning prompt allows you to make the customer active or cancel entry of the quote.

  • SalesCQ supports the option ‘Always use special price?’ in the Company Profile, System Options tab of OrderEntry. Use this option
    to force the special price by item or category to be used for the customer even if that price is not the lowest price. For example where
    additional services or equipment are supplied, or broken package costs are reflected.

  • The Territory can be defaulted from the Ship-to Address if Receivables 9.0A is used. Note: leave the Territory blank in the Ship-to
    Address if you want Adagio SalesAnalysis to track sales by Bill-to rather than Ship-to for quotes sent to OrderEntry.

  • The Salesperson can be defaulted from the Ship-to Address if Receivables 9.0A is used. Note: leave the Salesperson blank in the
    Ship-to Address if you want Adagio SalesAnalysis to track sales by Bill-to rather than Ship-to for quotes sent to OrderEntry.

  • It is now possible to automatically add a flat or percentage surcharge for items and print a total of such charges on a quote. For
    example, recycling fees on electronics are required by the Ontario Environmental Stewardship program. To accomplish this, for a flat
    fee, define a Tax Jurisdiction for it in the Tax Group, specifying an Account/Department to track the fee for reporting purposes. Set
    the tax base for the Jurisdiction and set the ‘On invoice as’ option as ‘Total'. Set the rate to a very high amount so the fee will always
    be charged. Note: printing the surcharge in the details section is not supported.

  • When entering a quote, the Prices button will optionally display the historical purchases of an item and its price to a customer from
    OrderEntry history.

  • The Expected Ship Date can now be entered on each item line on a quote and printed on quotes using specification code D68,
    Expected Ship Date.

  • Adagio SalesCQ will now optionally remember the last line type entered when auto-add items on quotes is enabled and the new
    option ‘Remember line type’ is set in File | Options.

  • Fields added to quote header: Created by User, Created Date, Created Time, Last Updated by User, Last Updated Date, Last
    Updated Time. All these new fields can be shown in Adagio GridView.
    Printing Quotes and the Spec Designer

  • New toolbar icons in the Order Designer provide a cleaner look and differentiate this new version visually.

  • The Designer supports UNC paths. If you open Invoices data with a UNC path (rather than a mapped drive) then the Open Quote
    Specification dialog changes and does not have a folder view but uses a browse instead. In previous versions the dialog gave an
    error. If a mapped network drive is used the dialog is the same as in previous versions.

  • New specification codes, including formatted addresses, have been added to the Quote Designer:
    C145, address 1 (formatted)
    C145, address 1 (formatted)
    C145, address 1 (formatted)
    C145, address 1 (formatted)
    C145, address 1 (formatted)
    C150, Name (line 2)
    C151, City
    C152 State/Province
    C153, Country
    C154, Comments 2
    C155, DUNS
    C156, Salesman name
    D68, Expected Ship Date

  • There is a new way to extend vertical lines through the Detail section(s) specifications. Place the vertical line object at the position
    where it should begin printing, right click and select ‘Extend Thru Detail’.

  • Added 'Report Preview Options' in the File | Options function to allow you to set the default preview zoom factor (percentage) and
    preview window state (full screen or partial screen) for previewing reports to screen. These settings are saved by workstation. Note:
    this applies to previewing reports only (but not previewing invoices or credit notes).

  • A Printer Setup button has been added to the print preview window. This allows you to select a different printer after previewing a
    Adagio SalesCQ issues fixed

  • Items using Markup pricing calculated the price based on most recent cost rather than the standard cost.

  • Editing items on an existing quote refreshes the cost for the quote line.

  • The expected close date of a new quote was determined based on the session date rather than the quote date.

  • The quote specification code H31 (Tax group description) printed H30 (Tax group code) instead.

  • If you changed the Tax Status in a prospect, all further edits of prospects showed the Tax Status from the first prospect edited rather
    than their own Tax Status, but only if you had not first edited a customer during the session. The same problem occurred for the
    Customer Type field.

  • The Total Amount field in email covers now includes tax.

  • When an email is send with the "send now" option rather than adding it to the email queue the database fields were not merged in
    the email cover sheet.

  • When you do created a new quote specification in the designer the default sections were not created automatically.

  • The Callback Date was blank in the Scan List grid for Customers in most cases. This has been corrected. Note that if there is more
    than one callback for a customer or prospect, only the first one appears on the grid.

  • The correct details for the quote selected on the Transactions tab did not display in the Edit and View Customer functions in some

  • When an imported quote included that Shipto Code the Shipto Address was not looked up and the customer's main address was
    used on the quote.

  • Quote Notes always showed from the first quote viewed in the View Quotes function.

  • The Unit Cost and Extended Cost were wrong in the quote if the Pricing and Costing units were different (costs were correct if the
    quote was transferred to an order).

  • The specification codes D59 - Optional Date 1 and D60 Optional Date 2 IC items did not print unless some other specification code
    for IC item fields was used on the quote specification.

  • When an order was restored from History, the Unit Cost on the detail screen was not refreshed.

  • The list of printers available from Windows is now refreshed immediately before printing reports and forms such as invoices. When a
    user with a shared local printer logs in under Terminal Services the list of printers available to Windows changes because one more
    printer has in effect been added. If other users were in Adagio applications this resulted in the selected printer being changed in
    Adagio in some cases. If the user did not notice this and reselect the correct printer before printing then their report or form randomly
    and unexpectedly printed on a different printer.

  • When you size a screen containing a grid, the size is automatically adjusted so that an entire line will be visible for the last grid line.
    This corrects a problem where double-clicking on a partially displayed last line selected a different line than the one intended.

  • A Separator character other than the comma character was not saved in import / export templates.

  • The Import Orders function did not correctly handle the Ship-to code field in version 8.1B. When only the Ship-to code was imported
    on the “S” line, the Ship-to address lines on the order were not loaded from the Ship-to file.

  • The Most Recent Cost is used in quotes instead of the Moving Average Cost (MAC) where the costing method of the item was
    Moving Average items if the MAC quantity is zero or negative.

  • Under File | Options added new options ‘Auto add items on quotes’ and ‘Auto edit items on quotes’.

  • The Most Recent Cost was used in quotes where the costing method of the item was Moving Average and this was reflected on the
    Profit Analysis report. The Moving Average Cost is now used. Note that the MRC is used for LIFO and FIFO.

  • The cost stored in quote lines extended the stocking unit rather than the alternate unit. This was reflected on the Profit Analysis

  • The Profit Analysis report showed the Margin as 100 times too big on multi-currency databases.

  • The Quote List report now uses Quantity Quoted instead of Quantity Originally Quoted.

  • The text on Item details was not being displayed in the Customer transactions drilldown to Adagio Invoices.

  • Deleting a customer from SalesCQ resulted in an error in some cases when OE data was present and the OE program was 8.0A
    (2005.04.19) or older.

  • Mail Merge gave an error if the letter did not contain any merge fields.

  • The Quantity Originally Quoted is set to the quantity entered rather than zero for lines added to an existing quote.

  • When editing an existing quote to add new items the Unit Cost was displayed correctly for the first item added but displayed zero for
    any further items that were added.

  • The Tax Status dropdown on the Edit Detail screen on quotes used the Customer Tax Status for Items and Miscellaneous Charges
    instead of the Item Tax Status. In the case of Miscellaneous Charges the wrong Tax Status was used in the quote, and depending on
    your tax table, this could cause the wrong tax to be calculated.

  • Email address field verification now allows special characters: '!', '#', '$', '%', '&', '*', '+', and '~'.

  • The time sent on email using the Direct method was always set to UTC (GMT) and was not adjusted for the local time zone.

  • If an item uses the Standard Costing method, it is writing the wrong cost to the quote header and detail if a Price List is used on the

Adagio SalesCQ
8.1A | 2008-03-14 (Mar '08)
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Release Notes
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  • Compatible with Windows® VistaT.

  • Compatible with Adagio Lanpak 9.0A. Upgrades to all Adagio modules require the Lanpak to be the currently shipping version at the time of the release of the new version.

  • Contents of disabled fields are shown in blue rather than dimmed gray. This may be easier to read on some monitors at higher resolutions.

  • Adagio download files, installs, workstation installs, all workstation install (\softrak\allwkst\allwkst.exe), programs and the Adagio Check System utility (chksys.exe) are now signed with a digital certificate using VeriSign to allow you to verify the Publisher is Softrak Systems Inc.

  • Vista does not support the old style Windows Help (.HLP files). All .HLP files were converted to compiled HTML help (.CHM files), which are supported by Vista.

  • For security reasons Windows does not permit .CHM help files to be run from a network drive. This is true in XP as well as Vista. The .CHM files must be run from a local drive. Adagio 8.1A installs all .CHM help files to your local hard drive and loads them from there. The workstation install also copies .CHM files to the local drive.

  • When switching window/task in Vista with Alt-Tab or the new Flip 3D (Windows-Tab) an image of the current Adagio screen is shown rather than just the icon of the Adagio program.

  • You can now backup Adagio data in zip form to WebSafe, a web-based storage facility. WebSafe is a service which allows you to store your important information in a secure location that you can access from anywhere in the world. See for details.

  • The formatting of dates and text sent to Excel from Smart Finder results has been improved.

  • Printer Setup button added to the print preview window. Allows you to select a different printer after previewing a report.

  • The Smart Finder speed has been improved by a factor of 2 to 10 times when the database is on a network drive.

  • Adagio Contacts now includes a complete quote management system for customers or prospects. To reflect this major addition the name of the product has been changed to Adagio SalesCQ. The "CQ" in the product name stands for "Contacts" and "Quotes".

  • Create and manage quotes, sending them to Adagio OrderEntry when the quotation is accepted. Management reports remind you of quotes about to expire. Confidence levels and quote statuses assist in inventory planning. Analyze lost sales by reason. Keep quotation templates on file to speed data entry. Retrieve any order or invoice to generate a new quote for repeat business. Quotes can also be imported.

  • Enter quotes while orders are being finalized with your customer. Quotes do not commit inventory, and there is no risk of accidentally shipping an incorrect or partial order. Quotes contain complete, customer specific pricing, and include all tax calculations for pricing confirmation.

  • Track quote revisions, and record notes and comments on a quote while the sales cycle is progressing. Purge expired quotes. Automatically purge prospect information when no quotes exist for the prospect. Import quotations from other systems.

  • General reports added: Callback Codes, Customer Notes, Prospect Notes, and Scan List Notes.

  • Analysis reports added: Customer List and Statistics, Prospect List and Statistics, and Scan List. The Scan List report allows you to report on what is left to do.

  • Edit Customer now supports Adagio Invoices 8.0A on the Transactions tab. Unlike Edit Customer in other Adagio modules, in SalesCQ provides full drill-down to Adagio Invoices with screens, not just transaction grids.

  • You can now have multiple scan lists per company, per user. The option for local Scan lists has been removed. Local Scan lists could not be accessed by GridView or Crystal Reports for Adagio, and were not included in backups. See important information regarding local scan lists in the section 'Upgrading to this Version' below.

  • You can now email to prospects and customers from the Scan List.