The changes and improvements to Adagio SalesCQ with this release are significant. To make it easier to review the various changes that have been made, we have grouped them by function in this release note.
Quote Entry
Added Salesperson, Sales Manager, Territory, Comment 1 and Comment 2 fields to the column editor in the Edit Quotes function.
A 'Find Item' button has been added to the detail screen in the Edit Quotes function and the Item Inquiry functions. This allows you to look up items by Description.
On the BillTo / ShipTo tab, the Alt-H key now moves to the Ship To field to allow you to quickly enter a Ship To address. Useful when you ship to an address one time only so it is not worth entering a permanent ShipTo Address.
Ship-to addresses can now be added "on the fly" when entering quotes.
A note is automatically added to the new customer when a prospect is turned into a customer. For example: "Customer AAA123 was created from prospect XYZ456." If the customer is created by transfer of a quote then those numbers are included. For example: "Customer AAA123 was created from prospect XYZ456 by transfer of quote 1234-A to order 5678".
Spell check is now available on the Comment, Instruction and Text detail fields in quote entry.
Creating an order in Adagio OrderEntry from a quote now updates OE Document styles and filters.
When quotes are converted to orders the email information in the order is updated from the Invoicing tab in the customer.
Supports the ‘Active’ flag in items in Adagio Inventory 8.1C and higher in the Edit Quote and Item Inquiry functions. Added 'Active records only' flag to the Column Editor on item grids and finders. When you add an inactive item to quote a warning is displayed.
The Created By and Last Updated By User, Date and Time fields in the A/C O/E Quote Header table are now updated. These fields are accessible in GridView and Crystal Reports for Adagio. Note: These fields are not available on quote grids or finders.
You can now multi-select on the quotes details grid, allowing you to select and delete multiple lines.
Quote Entry relating to cost and profit
The Ext Cost and Ext Profit fields in the quote details are now calculated and populated when a quote is entered. In previous versions these fields existed in the table but were only used as temporary fields by reports and were always zero. A Margin field has been added to the quote details as well. These fields are available for selection on the quote details grid and in GridView. Profit and Margin quote spec fields have been added.
Ext Cost, Profit and Margin fields have been added to the quote Edit Detail screen. They are shown if 'Display cost information on quotes' is set in the Security Group or Quote Template.
The Unit Cost field on the quote Edit Detail screen now always shows the cost stored with the quote detail, rather than the current cost from the item in inventory (based on the Display Cost in previous versions), which may be different if it has changed since the quote was originally entered. Therefore the Ext Cost field always equals the Unit Cost times the Ordered quantity.
The Costing Type is now shown beside the Unit Cost and units on the Edit Detail screen.
The 'Cost to display' field was removed from the Security Group and Quote Template. Instead, the field 'Cost to use' has been added to the Quotes tab in the Company Profile. This forces the cost in all quotes, and thus also Profit and Margin, to be the same for all users across the company. Note: the cost in SalesCQ is an estimated cost - the actual cost is not determined until Day End is run in OrderEntry.
Added new option 'Cost used in costing' in the new 'Cost to use' field. If this option is selected, SalesCQ uses the costing method from the item, rather than using a specific costing method regardless of the costing method of the item.
Added a Re-cost button to the quote Edit Detail and Edit Quote screens. This allows you to re-cost individual details or an entire quote to use the current cost of the item(s) in inventory. These buttons are shown if 'Display cost information on quotes' is set in the Security Group or Quote Template.
Edits / Inquiries
Added the 'Active records only' option in the column editor for Prospect grids and finders.
The Reason code Description field has been increased from 30 to 60 characters.
The Callback code Description field has been increased from 30 to 60 characters.
If Edit Customer is disabled for a Security Group, the Customer button now opens the Customer Inquiry. Edit Notes button has been added to the View Customer grid.
If Edit Prospects is disabled, the Prospects button now opens the Prospect Inquiry.
Edit Notes button has been added to the View Item dialog.
The Mail Merge function and default letter template have been updated to include new fields in SalesCQ and new customer fields added in Receivables 9.0A.
Printing Quotes and the Spec Designer
When the 'Use Customer Specification' option is used, the Specification field on the print dialog became disabled. Choosing this option now leaves the field active and you can pick any specification. This means that if there is no customer spec, there is a primary fallback spec before attempting to load the secondary fallback spec in the company profile.
When printing quotes the Specification Option can now also be set to ‘Use document specification’. This choice forces the document to print using the specification saved with the quote. This is useful if you want to reprint a quote with the same specification with which it was originally printed.
When printing quotes with the Specification Option set to ‘Use customer specification’ or ‘Use document specification’ and the specification is blank in the customer or document, you can now select a specification to use on the print dialog screen. If you don’t then the default specification in the Company Profile is used. In previous versions the Company Profile was the only fallback for a blank specification on the customer.
Added Detail Tax Jurisdiction 1-5 to Section Type to support Environmental Levy on quotes.
Added new quote designer spec codes for customer, including the new name field 2 appended to the customer name, and 2 additional address lines to handle addresses requiring many fields (city, state, country and zip/postal code):
C157, Name 1 + 2
C158, address 6 (formatted)
C159, address 7 (formatted)
C164, Address line 6 (compressed)
C165, Address line 7 (compressed)
Added new spec codes to show the preferred method(s) for sending quotes for the customer. These fields can be used by PrintBoss™:
C161, Send method print
C162, Send method fax
C163, Send method email
Added spec C160, Report group, to allow printing this field on quotes.
The dimension fields (W x L x H) for the item and for its packaged dimensions added in Inventory 8.1C can now be printed on quotes using the following spec codes:
D69, Packaged length,
D70, Packaged width
D71, Packaged height
D72, Item length
D73, Item width
D74, Item height
Added new spec codes for the 15 Tax Levy fields from items in Inventory 8.1C or higher to print environmental or other levy amounts on invoices:
D81, Tax Levy 1 through D95, Tax Levy 15.
Added new spec codes for Profit and Margin:
D75, Profit
D76, Margin
F37, Total profit
F38, Total margin
Added new spec codes for quote header user, date and time fields:
H097, created by user
H098, created date
H099, created time
H100, last modified by user
H101, last modified date
H102, last modified time
General Enhancements
Installs the AdagioPDF printer driver. All reports and printouts from Adagio can be printed to the AdagioPDF printer to create a PDF document in the data folder.
Supports the features in Adagio ePrint. When ePrint is installed you can print reports to PDF files in configurable folders determined by the Report Type (General, Transaction or Audit). Fields can be embedded to establish the file and folder names (User, Session Date, System Date, Time). Click the ePrint button (red "EP" icon) on any report dialog to print the report to PDF. The Paperless Reports option forces all reports to be printed to PDF. Reports can be printed to PDF and attached to an email (MAPI) with a single button click.
You can now have SalesCQ create a PDF archive of quotes you send to customers and prospects. The Company profile, Options tab, has the new option 'Archive PDF customer/prospect copy?'. If this option is turned on, when printing quotes, SalesCQ will create archive copies in the a folder called SOFTPDF under the data folder (not the Relative base folder, if it is set in Adagio ePrint). The PDF files are created regardless of whether you print to printer, file, PDF, fax, email, or screen (but not if you preview a quote). The filename for these PDFs includes the customer/prospect number, "AC", the quote number and quote revision. The conflict strategy for the archive document is overwrite.
Report Favorites allow saving Reports with specific options chosen. Click the Favorite button (a star icon) on any report dialog to create a Favorite. Favorites for a report can be accessed from the report dialog in a drop-down field. Private Favorites are yellow, Public Favorites are blue. Added Favorite Reports and Print/Delete Favorites functions to the Reports menu. Multiple favorites can be defined for the same report. Favorites can be private to the Adagio user or public for use by all users.
Report Sets allow the grouping of Report Favorites into a single print job that will run unattended. Report Sets may be printed to printer or PDF files. Report Sets may be launched from a command file or a scheduled Windows task by running tbwin.exe with the parameter /R followed by the Report Set (ex. /RMonthEnd). A progress dialog lists the reports in the Report Set, the printing status of each, the destination folder, filename and conflict strategy. A log is generated that records the printing status of each report in the set. Use Report Sets to automate the printing of all your daily or month end reports.
Added User Preferences under the File menu. It allows you to set certain options by user that were previously global, including options previously found under File | Options, Reports | Report Options and the Company Profile. Includes new options 'On Start-up', 'Alphabetically sorted field list' and 'Exclude Ranges'. The preferences can optionally be set for all users and preferences can be printed. If no individual user preferences have been set up for a user, all preferences originally set for the Adagio System Administrator, user SYS, will be used.
You can now specify a desktop background color, image and/or text constant to display on the Adagio desktop. Use this feature to display your company logo. Use the text strings to make the company name prominent on the desktop. Any JPG or other graphic image can be centered or stretched to fit on the main program desktop. These settings are made on the Appearance tab in the User Preferences function.
The option 'Auto-advance smart finder' has been added (in the User Preferences function). It controls whether the focus is on the previously found grid or on the search criteria field when the smart finder is opened. Select the option if you want focus to be on the next row in the grid, allowing you to press F6, Enter and march through the found list. Turn it off if you usually want to search by a new criteria each time the smart finder is invoked. In either case the position is advanced in the grid each time the finder is opened.
The option 'Alphabetically sorted field list' has been added (in the User Preferences function). Turn this option on if you want field lists in the Column Editor and Filters fields sorted alphabetically.
The option 'Remember report settings?' has been added (in the User Preferences function).
The option 'Close report dialog after print? has been added (in the User Preferences function). Turn this option on unless you frequently reprint reports for differing ranges or options.
Column Editor settings are now saved by grid by user by database.
Added the Excel Direct button to additional grids, including: Details tab in Edit Quotes, Quotes Inquiry, View IC Items, View IC Items with Sales and Costs, View OE Orders/Invoices/Credit Notes, and View OE History.
Alt-X now selects the Excel Direct button on grids where it is available. In previous versions you had to use the mouse to select Excel Direct.
New program icon and toolbar buttons provide a cleaner look and differentiate this new version visually. If you are installing an upgrade to 8.1C, to see the new icon you will need to edit the properties of any existing SalesCQ shortcuts, click the Change Icon button and select the new image.
Added Prospect, Quotes and History Styles and Filters to grids and finders in SalesCQ.
Customer Styles and Filters in Receivables 9.0B and higher are supported in customer grids and finders in SalesCQ.
Item Styles and Filters in Inventory 8.1C and higher are supported in customer grids and finders in SalesCQ.
Supports 'Active records only' option in the column editor for Items grids and finders.
On the Open database dialog you can now use Alt-B to open the browse and Alt-F (for Favorites) to open the previously opened list. In previous versions you had to use the mouse to select the folder buttons.
The vitalEsafe upload progress dialog has been improved and the progress bar now accurately shows the percentage. It is no longer necessary to install the vitalEsafe patch.
The Adagio menu now includes the module from which it was selected to allow you to quickly open another instance of the same module.
Most Access Violation (AV) errors are now recorded in an exception log text file. The file is located in the program folder: \softrak\acwin\acwin.error.log.
The System Status function can create a snapshot of detailed information about your Adagio installation and package it in a single zip file that can be sent to Softrak Technical Support or your Adagio dealer to assist them when answering questions or tracing problems.
The Help | About screen has been redesigned and includes a link to a documentation page for the module that shows New Features, What's New video and manuals.
The Not For Resale (NFR) version for Adagio dealers now allows future-dated Callbacks beyond the NFR expiry date.
When SalesCQ is opened after installing an upgrade, a dialog is displayed with a link to a short video highlighting the new features. The dialog is displayed for each user until they tick 'Don't show this message again'. The video also be viewed anytime by visiting the Softrak website. Note: the dialog also appears when Adagio is installed at a new site.
The Shade Color for reports found in the Report Options tab in User Preferences now uses the full color pallet rather than just 8 solid colors.
Grids and finders now display translated filed values instead of the raw data values.
The Notes window is now sizeable for customers, prospects and quotes.
Link entries have been added in the quote tables to support GETEXTERNALDATA in GridView to link from Quote Detail to Quote Header.
Adagio SalesCQ is now logging Access Violation errors in an exception log text file. The file is \softrak\acwin\acwin.error.log.
Installs a version of the Adagio Data Source (ADS) that allows the Data Integrity Check to display "Checking Index x of y" on files with multiple indexes so for large files you know it has to cycle through the records multiple times and which pass it is currently on. For example: " A/C Quote List Current 1234 of 45678 (Checking index 1 of 4)"
Installs a version of the Adagio Data Source (ADS) that prevents 4105 type errors (e.g. "Error 4105 occurred when attempting to append record to ."). A 4105 error can occur due to environment or resource locking problems when multiple users are writing to the same file. Preventing the 4105 error allows the Adagio application to continue to run, without data loss, when such problems occur. However, if there has been a problem that would previously have caused a 4105 error, the Data Integrity Check (DIC) will report an error. A rebuild in the DIC will repair the error and there should be no loss of data.
Station Logs now indicate memory information for the station or Remote Desktop Services session in these variables:
Total Memory - total Mbytes of physical memory
Available Memory- free Mbytes of physical memory
Memory Load - percent of memory in use.
Station Logs now show the bitness of the application and the station OS in the variable "Environment".
When an Adagio application is running it now prevents the station from going into sleep mode (which causes errors or causes the application to stop responding). It does this regardless of the power option settings on the station.