Adagio DataCare Change log

Adagio DataCare
9.3A | 2023-04-19 (Apr '23)
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    • Crystal Reports used in printing Adagio Reports was not fully compatible with the Windows 22H2 update for Windows 11 and for Windows 10, in some cases.

Adagio DataCare
9.3A | 2018-10-30 (Oct '18)
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    ·    The Adagio Login dialog permits browsing to a UNC. The Create database button is hidden unless “/C” is included on the command line. New databases are created with the extension “ADB” or the extension used by existing modules in the selected Folder.

    ·    A “Backup” button has been added to the Adagio Toolbar. Backup Options select whether the button saves the module data or the entire database and whether exclusive access is required for the backup to proceed.

    ·    Backup options enable automatic or prompted backups prior to deleting history. You can choose the number of these backups that will be saved.

    ·    Refresh Sample Data function has been added to the Help menu. It allows you to refresh sample data to its original state at install time.

    ·    It is easier to choose the correct field from tables with large numbers of fields in the Column Editor. You can now sort the list, restrict the list using the data type you are searching for (Text, Date, Amount and Value), and type in some text likely to identify the field. Use the Select the Type option on the Select Fields dialog to show fields of that type.

    ·    Added an option to the On Success and On Failure tabs in the Company Profile to control the level of information in the log attached or appended to email sent by a job run. The option can be set to ‘Detailed’, ‘Summary’ or ‘Summary with detailed errors’. Use ‘Summary with detailed errors’ to make the log smaller and easier to find any errors. This option is supported by current versions of Adagio modules as of this release of DataCare. One version and in some cases two prior versions support this feature for some modules. Older versions do not support this feature.

    ·    History can now be deleted automatically. Added History tab to the Company Profile with options to control when and what to delete. Deleting history reduces the number of runs in history and the size of the history files, which can become quite large.

    ·    If the ‘Show details’ selection is changed when viewing runs in history, the selection is used when the Next/Previous buttons are clicked, overriding the selection saved in the Run. Useful if you want to view multiple runs in summary form.

    ·    Added new option ‘Only include runs without errors’ to the Delete History function. Use this option to save a record of past errors for comparison to any new errors that may occur, while still deleting history to reduce the overall number of runs in history (and the size of the history files, which can become quite large). Runs where errors were rebuilt are also saved. If you rebuild errors in DataCare, rather than in the modules, you will have a record of information such as accounts and transactions affected by rebuilding.

    ·    Updates have been made for use on Adagio Cloud.

    ·    DocStore data files (EP*) are now backed up when ‘Adagio Common Files/DocStore’ is selected in a job. Previously these files had to be added as additional files on the Backup tab in the Company Profile. These files should be removed from the additional files list to avoid backing them up twice. Note: DocStore PDF documents are not backed up - they should be backed up by some other method.

    ·    Improved logging in the Adagio Application Log (SDAPPLOG).

    ·    When a DataCare job is run using the /R command line parameter entries are added to the Application Log.

    Problems Fixed

    ·    When the ‘Compact indexed files’ option was on, the ‘Compact when free space is’ percentage of empty space to allow in files before compacting did not work on very large files in some cases. DataCare compacted the file regardless of the setting, significantly slowing down the integrity check.

    ·    The History Run report details were not sorted correctly in DataCare 9.2A.

    ·    Some messages were displayed when a DataCare job was run using /R that should not have been. DataCare waited for user input, causing a scheduled task to not complete. For these messages, DataCare will automatically select the default response and continue to completion.

    ·    After installing DataCare 9.2A on a new computer or server, or reinstalling DataCare, databases for newer versions of Adagio modules were not checked by DataCare jobs, requiring the modules to re-installed.

Adagio DataCare
9.2A | 2015-09-16 (Sep '15)
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    ·    Added Adagio toolbar.

    ·    Adagio DataCare’s standard reports are now created using Crystal Reports 2013.

    ·    Adagio DataCare now logs user activity within the module. Audit logs may be viewed with GridView.

    ·    The status bar at the bottom of the main window now shows activity of various steps when the program is starting up and the database is opening.

    ·    The Data Integrity Check (DIC) saves results for the last 9 previous runs in files DCWINERR01..09.dat (where .dat is your company data file extension). The current DIC information will always be in DCWINERR. If you do check/rebuild/check without closing the DIC function the results are appended to the same file. DataCare also updates the results in files for modules checked by the DC job, ex. ARWINERR01..09.

    ·    Editing a DataCare job will now display a warning message if an application that was previously in the job has been removed because its data is no longer present, has been converted to a new version not supported by the installed DataCare DLLs for the application or the required DataCare DLL was not found.

    ·    The Column Editor screen can be sized. The size is remembered by module on the workstation.

    ·    Updated splash screen with new Adagio logo and colors. Updated icon and toolbar button images. 

    Problems Fixed

    ·    Filters and Styles for PurchaseOrders 9.2A were not being rebuilt by DataCare.

    ·    Backup of a large databases created zip files with extensions .Z01, Z02… etc. in rare cases rather than a single large .ZIP file.

    ·    The browse to backup folder in the Company Profile and browse from all other choose folder buttons now supports UNC paths.

    ·    Currency files were not backed up in some cases if they are not located in the data folder.

Adagio DataCare
9.1A | 2014-02-19 (Feb '14)
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    Enhancements and revisions in Adagio DataCare 9.1A (2014.02.19)


       Compatible with Adagio xConsole. Previous versions of DataCare could not be shut down by xConsole and the program displayed error messages rather than shutting down. This has been corrected for all current versions of Adagio modules as of this release of DataCare. Earlier versions will have the problem. If you have Adagio Console and use xConsole to shutdown or schedule shutdowns of DataCare you should install DataCare last. See the Installing topic below for further information. In addition, when a user attempts to start DataCare during a scheduled shut down they now see the message "System currently locked by Adagio Console. Cannot proceed. " rather than "Critical Error: [5300] unknown error creating application."

       Supports Transport Layer Security (TLS) / Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for secure email servers. Added option 'Use TLS/SSL' added to Email tab in the Company Profile.

       When running a delayed Job with 'Require exclusive access' on, if another user logs in after the delayed Job is initiated but has not reached its time to run, preventing the Job from running, a failure email is now sent. Previously the Job aborted.

       When running a Job that does not require exclusive access, if another user is running Adagio and data files are open, the open files will now be backed up to the zip file. Therefore all files will be contained in the backup regardless, unlike previous versions where open files were excluded. In previous versions, the incomplete backup would cause the Job to fail if 'Backup error considered a fail' was on. This is no longer the case - the Job does not fail. Therefore, to see if other users were in Adagio when the Job was run you must now look at the log, where all users logged in will be listed. Typically DataCare runs after hours and if files are open it is likely because a user forgot to log out - they are not posting or running other functions. Therefore the backup created is likely to be viable.

       You can now add "/s" to the file path in the 'Include folder/file' field (Company Profile, Backup tab) to include subfolders rather than having to specify them individually. Acceptable formats are:
    C:\SOFTRAK\DATA\PDFs\ /s    (*.*/s is assumed)
    C:\SOFTRAK\DATA\REPORTS\wildcard /s    (wildcard example: *.PDF)

       Backup automatically includes important INI files from \softrak\system in the backup zip file.

       Backup automatically includes Automation files (*.aaf) from \softrak\automation folder in the backup zip file for Adagio Console users.

       The DataCare log and History now record the version of the Application being checked. For example: "Adagio Payables 8.1F (131223): File Integrity".

       The DataCare log and History now record the version of the Adagio Data Source (ADS) in use at the time of the run. For example: " ADS Version:".

       The DataCare log and History now record an error when copying a backup zip file was not successful. For example: "Backup failed. Unable to copy backup file to \\OurOtherServer\DailyBackups\.". If the option 'Backup error considered a fail' is enabled the Job will be a fail.

       The backup zip file viewer (opened from the Restore button in History) now shows the path of extra files included with the application data files. Including automatically backed up files, such as \softrak\system for INI files, and additional files specified in 'Include files from these folders' in the Company Profile, Backup tab.

        You can delete Runs from History without deleting backup zip files. Previous versions always deleted backup files. When you delete Run(s) from History for which backup zip file(s) exist, DataCare asks do "Do you wish to delete the associated archive file(s)?". You can respond Yes or No, or Cancel to retain both the runs and the associated files. The message on completion indicates the number of runs and files deleted. For example: "Process complete. x runs were deleted. "y associated archive files were deleted".

       Alt-X now selects the Excel Direct button on grids where it is available.

       Most Access Violation (AV) errors are now recorded in an exception log text file. The file is\softrak\datacare\datacare.error.log.

       Added User Preferences, allowing you to set certain options by user that were previously global.

       You can now specify a desktop background color, image and/or text constant to display on the Adagio desktop.

       The option 'Alphabetically sorted field list' has been added (in the User Preferences function). Turn this option on if you want field lists in the Column Editor and Filters fields sorted alphabetically.

       Column Editor settings are now saved by grid by user by database.

       The Open Data screen can be sized horizontally to allow you to see the full data path. You can now use Alt-B to open the browse and Alt-F (for Favorites) to open the previously opened list.

       The Adagio menu now includes the module from which it was selected to allow you to quickly open another instance of the same module.

       The Shade Color for reports found in the Report Options tab in User Preferences now uses the full color pallet rather than just 8 solid colors.

       Listing button added on the Group Setup window prints all options or enabled options only for a range of groups.

       New splash screen with an updated look.

       The F1 key now launches Help when no windows are open.

       The Help | About screen has been redesigned and includes a link to a documentation page for the module that shows New Features and manuals. Added a Consultant tab showing the contact information for your Adagio consultant if they have enabled this option at your site.

       Exception errors including Access Violations in the \Softrak\DataCare\DataCare.error.log file.

       Installs the AdagioPDF printer driver. All reports and printouts from Adagio can be printed to the AdagioPDF printer to create a PDF document in the data folder.

       DataCare 9.0A was updated from version 7 to version 8.5 of the Crystal Reports print engine. When installing Adagio for use with Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services in Windows Server 2008 and previous versions), this necessitated manually copying the crystal folder from the main windows folder to the windows under each user. For example, on Server 2003 you had to copy the crystal folder from C:\windows\ to C:\Documents and Settings\username\windows. This is no longer required. The install and workstation installs will do the copy. The DataCare program will also do the copy if possible, which will avoid the need to do a workstation install in some cases.

    Problems Fixed

       Purging History using 'Runs older than' a date from a station on a LAN was extremely slow on data with a large number of runs.

       The file DCWINERR in the data folder was appended with the contents of the log for every run and never purged. This file does not need to accumulate the details of run as History records the logs for all runs. The file is now purged before each run.

       DataCare displayed the error "No arguments from format '%s" when you opened the program if the Data Integrity Check function was open in another module.

       When running a scheduled Job that failed because another user was in Adagio, causing the backup to fail, some fields from the On Success tab in the Company Profile were used rather than the fields from the On Failure tab, for example the Email CC address.

       If you created a batch in Adagio Receivables (including from other modules, such as running Day End in OrderEntry) while DataCare was open, DataCare reported a false Application Integrity Error in for Receivables (did not happen if DataCare was closed and reopened).

       Underlines on toolbar buttons did not have Alt-key shortcuts.

Adagio DataCare
9.0A | 2011-03-24 (Mar '11)
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    The changes and improvements to Adagio DataCare with this release are significant. To make it easier to review the various changes that have been made, we have grouped them by function in this release note.


  •  The Adagio Open Data Dialog has been significantly improved. The Previously Opened database list is now saved by Adagio User rather than for all users. The first time an existing user or a new user logs into Adagio DataCare 9.0A they will be asked “Would you like your historical company access list set up?” Answer yes to have all entries from the Previously Opened list from your prior use of DataCare copied for your use. The Open Data screen and Previously Opened database list now show the date the database was last opened by the user. You may also elect to have Adagio save your Adagio User Id and Password and default them when logging into Adagio. The saved information is based on your Windows authenticated user name. This option may be turned off by editing softraksystemADS.INI and adding the lines:


  • Opening the database in DataCare is much faster in many cases. DataCare no longer needs to load the Integrity Check DLLs for every Adagio module / version on startup.

    Data Integrity Check (Run Job)

  • When running a Not For Resale (NFR) version of DataCare, the NFR message that is displayed when starting DataCare will automatically close after 5 seconds if it is not closed manually by clicking the OK button. This allows the NFR to be used to run a delayed or scheduled Job (auto run using /R) after business hours without requiring operator input.

  • Running a DataCare Job updates the Last Integrity Check date in the individual Adagio modules. This date is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the main program screen of the Adagio modules.

  • The Application Integrity Check (also known as phase 2) across a network on large databases is significantly faster due to enhancements in the DataCare DLLs shipped released in more recent upgrades to Adagio modules.

  • Rebuilding File Integrity Errors (also known as phase 1) across a network on large databases is significantly faster due to enhancements in the Adagio Data Source (ADS) released in more recent upgrades to Adagio modules.

  • The log now shows users who were logged into Adagio and thus preventing a delayed or scheduled (auto run using /R) job from running. If 'Require exclusive access' is off in the Job, the log shows users who where in Adagio when the job was run. Generally, you should avoid running with the 'Require exclusive access' option off as this can cause false errors to be reported or incomplete backups if other users are using Adagio at the same time.

  • DataCare refreshes Grid Filters and Styles for applications that have them. The progress dialog displayed while filters are refreshed now displays which filters are being refreshed (for example: "Scanning Customers").

  • If 'Require exclusive access' is off in a Job, DataCare will no longer refresh filters for applications that support Grid Filters. This prevents errors if other users have the database open and are performing certain functions in those applications while the Job is running. Generally, you should avoid running with the 'Require exclusive access' option off as this can cause false errors to be reported or incomplete backups if other users are using Adagio at the same time.

  • Adds a new application 'Adagio Common Files' as a detail in Jobs, in order to check files shared by Adagio modules, such as Optional Fields, User Preferences and the fax queue.

    Edit Job / History

  • You can toggle applications on and off in a Job using the spacebar. This allows you to quickly create a new Job for which you do not want to check all applications. When an application is toggled off, all options for that detail are turned off. When an application is toggle on, options are set to the defaults you've defined in the Company Profile (i.e. the same options are selected as when creating a new Job).

  • Copy Job places you directly the edit for the newly created record.

  • The Edit Job screen is now sizeable. This allows more lines and fields to be shown in the applications grid.

  • The options ‘Enable SF Export’ and ‘Enable SF Printing’ have been added to the Edit User screen to allow you to disable Excel Direct from grids and finders.


  • Add an option to backup all files in the data folder. This allows backup of the ADSPROF file, import / export files, spreadsheets, custom reports / views, batch files (.bat), third-party product databases, etc. that are located in the same folder as the Adagio databases for a company.

  • The number of backup files in your vitalEsafe online storage folder can be maintained automatically. Use this feature to avoid having to manually delete old online backups periodically to ensure you do not exceed your storage limit on vitalEsafe. Set the number of backup files in the 'Retained vitalEsafe backups' field on the Backup tab in the Company Profile, based on the size of your backup zip files and your available online storage. When the number of files is reached, the newest backup files are retained and older files are deleted. The files are of the form DCB*.ZIP created by jobs. Files of the form BKDC*.zip created by the File | Backup function are not affected and are not maintained automatically.

  • The vitalEsafe upload progress dialog has been improved and the progress bar now accurately shows the percentage.

  • You can now specify a list of folders / files to be included in the DataCare backup. This allows backup of miscellaneous files that are not located in the data folder, such as import / export files, spreadsheets, custom reports / views located under the Adagio program folders (ex. softrakledgerviews), etc. The list is maintained on the Backup tab in the Company Profile. "Wildcard" filenames are supported (ex. *.csv or *.xls?). UNC paths are supported (ex.

  • The application 'Common Files' has been added to Jobs to check files shared by Adagio modules such as Optional Fields, User Preferences and the fax queue. Thus these files can be backed up by setting 'Include in backup' to on in the Adagio Common Files job detail.


  • Added 'Report Preview Options' in the File | Options function to allow you to set the default preview zoom factor (percentage) and preview window state (full screen or partial screen) for previewing reports to screen. These settings are saved by workstation.


  • Compatible with Windows 7.

  • New toolbar buttons and program icon provide a cleaner look and differentiate this new version visually.

  • The date control has been updated to improve the speed of data entry. You can enter just the 1 or 2-character day in any date field without having to enter the month or year. The month and year are automatically populated with the initial values from the field. For example, if the date is 1/23/2011, typing “22” and tab changes the date to 1/22/2011. You can also enter just 4 characters for the day and month (zeros are required) and the year will be populated.

  • Added an Excel Direct button to the jobs grid, the applications grid within a Job, and the history grid.

  • Excel Direct from grids now has a progress bar and cancel for grids with a very large number of rows.

  • Excel Direct (from finders, smart finders and from grids in some modules) can be configured to export an ASCII CSV file (instead of sending data direct to Excel) and start an application that automatically opens the file. This allows export when Excel is not installed and provides support for other spreadsheets such as Note that unlike Excel Direct there is no formatting with CSV. To enable this functionality, entries must be made manually in the file softraksystemssi2xl.ini. Refer to the Readme help file for details.

  • The File | Options, Field Verification option has been removed. Fields are always verified during entry.

  • The Help Menu has been modified to allow you to launch the Adagio System Status utility (chksys.exe) and print the Adagio Lanpak registration form.

  • The Help | About dialog now has a 'System Info' tab showing the version and path to various DLLs used by the program. The dialog now uses the Adagio standard.

  • When Adagio GridView 9.0A or higher is opened from the Adagio menu, Adagio DataCare will be displayed as the first line on the Select Module screen so you do not need to scroll down to find it.

  • WebSafe changed to vitalEsafe™ in the Backup function to reflect the 3rd party name change.

  • The sample data has been updated to current versions.

  • Automatically copies help files (*.chm) to the local drive so that Service Packs do not require a workstation install just to update the readme help file.

  • The multi-currency files for single currency databases are now backed up when you backup a ‘Complete Dataset’ from File | Backup.

  • The default E-mail port number 25 can now be changed to another port if necessary when sending using Directly. Some ISPs require use of port number 587 for SMTP transfers. The Port field has been added to the Email tab in the Company Profile.

    Install Changes

  • This version moves toward our goal of a more Windows 7 friendly environment for installation. If you are installing to a mapped network drive that is normally accessible, but you cannot see it during the install when attempting to select a drive or folder, you can now install by browsing to the correct folder using the Universal Naming Convention (UNC), for example myserveraccounting. This avoids having to adjust the User Account Control settings, which requires you to restart your computer and temporarily grant Administrative privileges to the user if they are not an administrator.

  • This version simplifies installation by removing any consideration of the location of the Report Tables Drive (RTD) by the install and program in virtually all cases. Therefore the install no longer prompts for the RTD.

  • The install writes to the master install log file "AdagioMasterInstall.log" in the softraksystem folder. An entry is written to this log when any full, upgrade or SP for any Adagio module (with a release date of March 2011 or later) is installed. It shows the version installed and the version being replaced, the name of the Windows user who did the install and the rights for that user. An entry is also written to the log when an updated version of the Adagio Data Source (ADS) is installed, showing the version installed and the version being replaced. This log can be used to quickly determine the install history for all Adagio programs.

  • When you select the 'Backup Files' option during an install, the replaced files are now saved in a subfolder named YYYYMMDD in the BACKUP folder, under the programs destination folder (rather than the BACKUP folder itself, where extensions need to be changed to .001, .002, etc. when there are multiple versions of the same file).

  • The install includes an option allowing you to skip creating entries under Windows Start for cases where you will be manually creating an icon for the user to start Adagio and do not want them starting from Windows Start. During the install, uncheck the option 'Start Menu programs'. This avoids having to delete or change the Windows Start entry that would have been created.

  • The install no longer checks the Opportunistic Locking setting (Oplocks) on the workstation.

  • The Opportunistic Locking setting (Oplocks) on the workstation is no longer checked when the program is started.

  • The System Status function in the Help menu (chksys.exe) no longer prompts you to disable Oplocks. It displays the current Oplocks setting and allows you to change it. The 'Check R/W Status', 'Check Specific Folder' function now supports UNC browse, whereas before you would have had to turn UAC off to use it.

  • SetServerForAdagio and SetReportsTablesDrive utilities have been updated. The latter should virtually never be needed at an Adagio site once any Adagio module dated March 2011 or later has been installed.

    Problems Fixed

  • In some cases a rebuild was done by a delayed or scheduled job (auto run using /R) when the rebuild options were not on in the job. In other cases a rebuild was not done by a delayed or scheduled job when the rebuild options were on in the job.

  • After installing Adagio applications that have the new grid filter feature, if you opened other databases without first closing DataCare, the program stopped responding in some cases. In other cases an error occurred, such as "The instruction at "0x0047ae36" referenced memory at "0x00cd267c".

  • The Status field on the History grid showed that the data had been rebuilt in some cases, when in fact there were no errors and no rebuild was actually performed. This occurred in some cases when a the job was as a scheduled or delayed job. If you opened the job in history it showed that it had completed with no errors.

  • Some sites received the message "Error loading Adagio Email DLL (SSIMail.dll)" when attempt to email from DataCare.

  • The email On Failure was not send to the CC address in some cases.

  • If you only selected the option to send an email On Failure (but not On Success) the email was not sent for a delayed or scheduled job (auto run using /R).

  • The VitalESafe upload of backup files stopped working after certain patches for Windows were installed. The patch from VitalESafe to correct this is no longer required.

  • The background color set in the Company Profile was not being saved.

  • It was not possible to create custom reports in Crystal Reports for Adagio for DataCare 8.1A.

Adagio DataCare
8.1A | 2007-12-20 (Dec '07)
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  • Compatible with Windows® VistaT.

  • Compatible with Adagio Lankpaks 8.1A. Lanpaks must be 8.1A or higher for all Adagio 8.1A modules.

  • Smart Finder can now search on multiple criteria.

  • Adagio download files, installs, workstation installs, all workstation install (\softrak\allwkst\allwkst.exe), programs, and the Adagio Check System utility (chksys.exe) are now signed with a digital certificate using VeriSign to allow you to verify the Publisher is Softrak Systems Inc.

  • Vista does not support the old style Windows Help (.HLP files). All .HLP files were converted to compiled HTML help (.CHM files), which are supported by Vista.

  • For security reasons Windows does not permit .CHM help files to be run from a network drive. This is true in XP as well as Vista. The .CHM files must be run from a local drive. Adagio 8.1A installs all .CHM help files to your local hard drive and loads them from there. The workstation install also copies .CHM files to the local drive.

  • When switching window/task in Vista with Alt-Tab or the new Flip 3D (Windows-Tab) an image of the current Adagio screen is shown rather than just the icon of the Adagio program.

  • You can now backup Adagio data in zip form to WebSafe, a web-based storage facility. WebSafe is supported in the File | Backup function found in all Adagio modules and in DataCare jobs configured to do a backup. WebSafe is a service which allows you to store your important information in a secure location that you can access from anywhere in the world. See for details.

  • The formatting of dates and text sent to Excel from Smart Finder results has been improved.

  • The speed of the Data Integrity Check has been significantly improved when data is on a network drive. The File Integrity Check phase performance is up to ten times faster.

  • After sending a test email using the MAPI interface the message saying the email was sent successfully was not displayed and it appeared the DataCare program was not responding. If you clicked on another application and then back on DataCare the message appeared.

  • DataCare sent a success email when it should have sent a failure email in some cases when a Job was run automatically (using /Rjobname).

  • The DataCare log results where written to the wrong xxWINERR file in the data folder. They were written to the file for the last database checked in the run instead of DCWINERR.

  • The log in History did not show the line pertaining to the email in some cases.

Adagio DataCare
8.0A | 2005-07-14 (Jul '05)
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  • Initial release of Adagio DataCare