New features by version in Adagio GridView

Adagio GridView 9.3B 2019-01-18 (Jan. 18, 19)

    ·    Significant performance improvements when processing or linking to large files by building temporary indexes for Links and Filters.

    ·    Improved handling of large, volatile files such as OEHEAD or OELINE by directly reading the data records rather than relying on an index.

    ·    Improved calculation engine speeds the evaluation of Filters and Calculated Columns.

    ·    Direct retrieval and storage of document from DocStore when a View is exported to Excel with the DocLink column. Copy and paste documents from the context menu.

    ·    Duplicate a View by pressing Ctrl-Alt-V. Drag and drop a View into a Workspace.

    ·    Text and Date buttons have been added to the Format Toolbar.

And these changes were made in earlier versions:

Version 9.3A | 2017-12-20 (Dec. 20, 17)
9.3A release notes
 - Whats new in version 9.3A! Video demonstration of 9.3A

    ·       Compatible with Adagio DocStore. Supports display of PDF documents stored in DocStore by clicking on a link in tables.

    ·       Adagio GridView now includes ChartView, so you can create line, bar and pie charts from your GridView data.

    ·       It is now easier to choose the correct field from tables with large numbers of fields by sorting and filtering the list.

    ·       You an export to CSV either with or without column headings.

    ·    A Remove button has been added to the Filter toolbox.

    ·       Allows the creation of Views from Excel workbooks, CSV files and other non-Adagio data sources without changing the database GridView is working with. This allows central storage of common Excel lookup tables.

    ·       Added USERID() and USERNAME() functions to return the User information for someone running a View. Added $U (UserId) and $M (User name) parameters to Header/Footer codes for use when a View is printed, or sent to Excel.

    ·       Most Recently Used lists for Views and Workspaces are now saved with the data, rather than in the registry.

    ·       Column Titles can now be formatted independently of the column contents. Add Title Format and Clear Title Format have been added to the context (right mouse button) menu on the column title.

    ·       You can now specify a Summary Filter when automatically exporting a View using /XDViews command line parameter.

Version 9.2B | 2016-05-04 (May. 4, 16)
9.2B release notes
 - Whats new in version 9.2B! Video demonstration of 9.2B

    ·    Conditional Cell Formatting is supported. Styles are applied using a regular IF() function to test the condition.

    ·    Views that are "Tied" to a specific database can now be modified so that network Views can be maintained when running on a laptop version of the data.

    ·    Tool tips have been added to display calculation dependencies, Filter and Row Format definitions.

    ·    New FUNCTIONS:

    GETPDFITEM() - Returns the full path of an ePrint saved document if it exists in the \SoftPDF Folder

    DAYOFYEAR() - Returns the Julian day number of the date

    ISOWEEKNUM() - Returns the ISO week number in the year

    WEEKNUM() - Returns the week number in the year

    ·    When a cell is hyperlinked to a PDF document, the Adagio PDF Viewer is called to display the PDF instead of the workstation default PDF Viewer.

    ·    "Enable auto trim" on the Defaults | Views tab automatically wraps a right justified field in the TRIM() function to strip leading blanks. This makes string comparisons more natural when the fields are used in formulas.

    ·    Default column widths will be more accurate. Calculated Columns, Row Formats and Sort Sequences are now sorted for selection. Field name matching when replacing one table with another has been improved. Refreshing of multiple Views in an ordered Workspace has been improved. The default Table Style to be used by Excel can be set on the Defaults | General tab.

    ·    CSV and TXT files can be loaded and parsed in GridView

    ·    Adagio Cloud ready.

Version 9.2A | 2014-08-29 (Aug. 29, 14)
9.2A release notes
 - Whats new in version 9.2A! Video demonstration of 9.2A

    ·    Combine or Append tables, making them appear as a single row set. Use this feature to summarize information for speedy processing or to report across different companies (requires Lanpaks). Any Tables can be combined. Fields with the same name will be automatically matched. You can manually match fields with different names.

    Create a common name and address file from Customer and Vendor tables, Append current sales records to a summary table or join 2 or more Customer or Inventory Item lists in different datasets.

    The workspace VendorCustomerCombine.gvs in the sample data provides an example of this new feature.

    ·    Export any View/Workspace to any ODBC compliant database. Click on the DB button to select the database where you want the rows delivered. The Select dialog can choose any Access database or DSN. Tables are exported in their entirety to new tables in the database.

    ·    GridView Views can now be the data source for other Views. This allows multi-pass processing of your data, or regular summarization to speed processing.

    ·    Automatically create a shortcut to launch GridView. Easily create GridView program shortcuts that open workspaces or send them to Excel using the “/XD” program parameters. This is especially useful when creating a series of GridView operations as part of an overnight automated process.

    ·    Quickly create a well formatted report. A new option allows you to have the repeating values in a printed View suppressed on all rows but the first and total row.

    ·    Workspaces and Views are now auto-saved while they are being edited so that they may be recovered in the event of a program crash.

    ·    Recently Opened View and Workspace lists are now saved by user, by company.