What's new in Adagio SalesCQ 8.1C more info
Added: June 1, 2012
Module: Adagio SalesCQ 8.1C
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This release has many new features to make quote preparation easier. Quotes can be filtered and color-coded based on your customized criteria, and re-costed on demand to ensure proper sales margins are maintained, and see the margins on screen while editing the quote. Create archived PDF copies of quotes in conjunction with Adagio ePrint.

Links for further investigation on Adagio Accounting:
Softrak home page: http://www.softrak.com
Adagio SalesCQ: http://www.softrak.com/salescq
Recorded webinars: http://www.softrak.com/webinars
Technical tips: http://www.softrak.com/resources/adagiotips.php
Technical support forum: http://www.softrak.com/forum