
Posted by: SusanTennier

Lanpaks - 11/03/11 05:43 AM

Not sure what's up with this. Been having this problem with Lanpaks the last few days occasionally. Here is what we see in Help/About:
Posted by: Retired_Guy

Re: Lanpaks - 11/03/11 06:46 AM

WOW! That's a lot of users! smile

I'll let tech support handle this. My guess is that they'll suggest uninstalling and then re-installing your lanpaks. There may be a file that needs to be recreated, but I'm out of the office for the rest of this week.
Posted by: Retired_Guy

Re: Lanpaks - 11/03/11 07:23 AM

Hi Susan,

Actually, if you'd like to get the counts to be something more reasonable, then you might try:
  • Make sure that everyone is completely out of Adagio.
  • Delete EZSEMTAB.dat from your data directory. (You won't be able to delete the file if anyone is accessing that company data.)
  • Delete EZTASKS.LD4 from its directory. This is usually in \SOFTRAK\SYSTEM but might be elsewhere since you came from Accpac Plus. (You can find the location of this file by opening ADSPROF.dat in your data directory with NOTEPAD.EXE and checking the "TASK=" line.)
  • Launching a single Adagio module and making sure that the "In use" count is correct.

We've never seen anything like this before. For a "one-time" event like this, perhaps will just consider it "one of those things" and see if it happens again.

If it becomes a regular occurrence, then we'll take a longer look.
Posted by: SusanTennier

Re: Lanpaks - 12/09/11 01:07 PM

Having problems with this again.
Posted by: Warren Karges

Re: Lanpaks - 12/16/11 11:44 AM

I just got a call from a large client of ours experiencing this issue for the first time. Last night we upgraded LP,AP,OE,GL,IC,GV to the latest versions.

After backing everyone out of the system (quite an ordeal for them as they are located in several different buildings) the counts seem to reset but are now reporting inaccurate figures, as per the 2nd screen shot.
Posted by: Michael Mulrooney

Re: Lanpaks - 12/16/11 12:08 PM

2nd screen looks good.

The first instance of an application is "free", does not use a LanPak.

So, free O/E and A/R then 2 LanPaks used for the next 2 into O/E
Posted by: Warren Karges

Re: Lanpaks - 12/16/11 12:14 PM

Ah of course, my mistake there. However, it's safe to say this is no longer a one time occurrence.
Posted by: Retired_Guy

Re: Lanpaks - 12/16/11 12:53 PM

Could you both run the Help | System Status | Check Lanpak Status function and tell us whether all your Lanpaks are at the same version level?
Posted by: Warren Karges

Re: Lanpaks - 12/16/11 12:58 PM

Hi Andrew, yes, I wondered if perhaps I had missed one of their lanpaks when I did the updates last night, but I can confirm all 22 are version 9.0D.
Posted by: Retired_Guy

Re: Lanpaks - 12/16/11 01:09 PM

OK. Thanks.
Posted by: Retired_Guy

Re: Lanpaks - 12/16/11 01:10 PM

Hi Susan,

Did you install any upgrades recently?
Posted by: Retired_Guy

Re: Lanpaks - 12/17/11 11:04 PM

When the user count gets out of whack, is everyone prevented from launching Adagio, or can you launch one instance of each module?
Posted by: Warren Karges

Re: Lanpaks - 12/19/11 06:02 AM

I'm not 100% certain if we tried to open what would have been the first instance of one. I'll test it out next time I get the opportunity.
Posted by: SusanTennier

Re: Lanpaks - 12/19/11 06:28 AM

All 40 of our Lanpaks are 9.0D. Everything we have installed is current except for Receivables 9.0D which is not yet installed. We started having these lanpak problems when I started this post on Nov 3. At that time I had not yet installed Sales Analysis upgrade 9.0A or Toolkit 9.0C.

When we get the error about "all lanpaks are in use" and help/about says millions of are in Lanpaks in use, we have to close everyone out of Adagio completely, then re-open. Everything is okay after that. I'm not sure if every user is getting the same error. I test that next time it happens.
Posted by: Retired_Guy

Re: Lanpaks - 12/19/11 07:09 AM

Hi Susan,

Has this happened again before you re-activated the thread? Is it becoming a regular occurrence?
Posted by: SusanTennier

Re: Lanpaks - 12/19/11 07:29 AM

It's happened to us approximately 5 times. It's usually happening at the end of the day when everyone is in the process of closing their programs.
Posted by: Retired_Guy

Re: Lanpaks - 12/19/11 08:27 AM

OK. I wish we'd known it had happened again. I thiought it was one of the "unexplained computer glitches". I guess it still is, but perhaps we'll have an explanation before 2012!

For anyone following this thread, could you please e-mail me the file "\SOFTRAK\SYSTEM\EZSSILCK.Ld4" as soon as the error is noticed (i.e. before you fix the problem by having everyone exit the system and re-enter a module. Thanks.
Posted by: Retired_Guy

Re: Lanpaks - 12/20/11 10:53 AM

We've created a Utility to help track down what might be happening here. The ZIP file contains the EXE and basic documentation.

If you'd like to help track down the problem, please download and unzip the file to your Desktop and follow the directions.

Thanks for your assistance and patience.
Posted by: SusanTennier

Re: Lanpaks - 12/20/11 11:19 AM

Okay, we'll run the utility next time it happens and email the file.
Posted by: SusanTennier

Re: Lanpaks - 12/20/11 01:07 PM

Happened at 4:59 again today.. just when everyone is closing their programs. I emailed the file to Andrew.

Unfortunately... I didn't have the utility in the right folder... sorry. Will try again next time.
Posted by: SusanTennier

Re: Lanpaks - 12/21/11 01:17 PM

Again today at 4:59 while everyone is i the process of closing their programs and shutting down their computers. I ran the utility in the correct folder this time and emailed the file to Andrew. Hope it helps to resolve the issue.
Posted by: Steve Schwartz

Re: Lanpaks - 12/21/11 03:59 PM

This is really strange, because a client called me today that they were all shut out of Adagio at 5PM, same symptoms. It wasn't the first occurance of this at 5PM. Is there something special about that time?

This persisted through this morning, when one person who was found to be logged in remotely exited, which freed everyone to launch Adagio.
Posted by: Retired_Guy

Re: Lanpaks - 12/23/11 10:28 AM

If the user count gets messed up, everyone needs to exit Adagio, then the problem is resolved. We understand that getting "everyone to exit Adagio" is easier said than done at some installations.

If you can delete the file EZSSILCK.LD4, which is stored in the Task=path specified in ADSPROF.dat in the data Folder, then everyone is out of Adagio. If not, then the server thinks there is someone still logged in.

Deleting the file is not a pre-requisite to solving the problem, it's just a way to make sure that everyone is logged out.
Posted by: Retired_Guy

Re: Lanpaks - 01/05/12 09:58 AM

A SystemUpdater which we believe solves this problem is available from your Adagio consultant if you encounter this problem. The update will be incorporated into all future releases of Adagio modules from this date forward.
Posted by: Douglas Dickie

Re: Lanpaks - 01/09/12 11:49 AM


The SystemUpdater you refer to does not seem to be available. Please let us know the status. Thanks
Posted by: Retired_Guy

Re: Lanpaks - 01/09/12 11:54 AM

It's available. However, we will not be making it publicly available until such time as a site confirms that the problem has disappeared.
Posted by: Steve Schwartz

Re: Lanpaks - 01/09/12 06:14 PM

Hi Andrew

That's like proving something doesn't exist.

But I installed the fix at two sites over the weekend, and neither one called me today. That's a good sign, especially since I told them to call me as soon as the problem arose.

Posted by: Retired_Guy

Re: Lanpaks - 01/09/12 09:28 PM

Ok, that's a start. On the other hand, it hasn't happened for Susan either, and she hasn't installed it!

(I understand it will be tough to prove that we've fixed the problem. However, if it has been happening regularly at a site, and then it stops, that's a pretty good indication.)
Posted by: SusanTennier

Re: Lanpaks - 01/10/12 05:24 AM

Hi Steve,

Are your customers using 8.1D (110929) or 8.1E (111215)? We are still using 8.1D (110929). My understanding is that the fix is for a feature that came with 8.1E. I haven't installed the fix yet. We haven't had the lanpak issue lately. The only thing different here is that we're not as busy and so we're not maxing out the lanpaks like we were the weeks before Christmas.
Posted by: Steve Schwartz

Re: Lanpaks - 01/10/12 12:07 PM

Hi Susan

One is using OE 8.1D, the other one doesn't have OE, they use Invoices.

This is based on no facts, but my suspicion is that the problem arose with the new way Adagio consumes Lanpaks - using one up when a user tries to edit a customer or an item from a module other than the native module.

Posted by: SusanTennier

Re: Lanpaks - 01/10/12 12:27 PM

Hi Steve,

Am I correct in that consuming a lanpak when when a user tries to edit a customer from another module is introduced in OE 8.1E? How then could we all be having problems in 8.1D?

BTW, the idea of consuming another Lanpak when you edit a customer does not seem to be a fair use of the Lanpaks we purchase. If when we edit a customer in OE it's going to consume an AR Lanpak, it should also minus an OE Lanpak since OE is unusable until you stop editing the customer.
Posted by: Retired_Guy

Re: Lanpaks - 01/10/12 01:42 PM

We started consuming the lanpak when you edit a customer when BankRec was released in May of 2011. The fact it was not consumed before was an oversight in OrderEntry. I believe that it's possible that the fix to the code was actually incorporated into OrderEntry V8.1D but might have missed the release note.

While Steve's client complained to him that they had run out of Lanpaks, we have not received any screen shot to demonstrate that the lanpak in use count was astronomically high. There are legitimate circumstances under which all the lanpaks may be consumed.
Posted by: Steve Schwartz

Re: Lanpaks - 01/10/12 04:00 PM

Hi all

My client who uses Invoices (with 17 Lanpaks), reported that the problem occurred again today, at 5:15PM as usual. At that time, she is the only one who is truly in Adagio - everyone else has left for the day.

Although I begged her to call me so I could get a snapshot, she didn't. So I don't have any further information except that the fix is not working in all cases.

Posted by: Retired_Guy

Re: Lanpaks - 01/10/12 04:40 PM

Hi Steve,

Until we can see the Help | About screen, we cannot verify that you are reporting the same problem.

Posted by: Steve Schwartz

Re: Lanpaks - 01/11/12 04:27 AM

Thinking about this some more, I wonder whether the problem occurs when everyone is exiting Adagio at once. That is what happens at these companies around 5PM.

Just a thought until I get to see it in action.
Posted by: Bruce Gardner

Re: Lanpaks - 01/11/12 02:07 PM

One of my clients ran out of licenses today. I believe it is the same problem because this is the first time it has happened and I installed upgrades for 12 modules just last Friday.

They have about 15 users and 40 licenses. The problem occurred about 3:15, not quitting time. No one looked at the Help screen so I can't confirm it's the same thing.

The "fix" has not been installed though I will do that next.
Posted by: Softrak Support

Re: Lanpaks - 01/11/12 02:25 PM

Hi, Steve,

Thanks for all the other information you provided today when the Lanpak error was received. Hopefully, we'll be able to obtain the rest if it occurs again.
Posted by: Bruce Gardner

Re: Lanpaks - 01/11/12 02:56 PM

It looks as if all of the cases listed here own 2 or more Lanpaks. Could it be related to that? Or is it just that larger sites are more likely to encounter the problem?
Posted by: Retired_Guy

Re: Lanpaks - 01/11/12 03:22 PM

Larger sites are more likely to encounter the problem.
Posted by: Steve Schwartz

Re: Lanpaks - 01/11/12 03:34 PM

As Leigh alluded to, my second client called today to report the problem recurred there, once again at 5PM!!!

I was able to log in and see the error message that all Lanpaks were used, followed by the Access Violation message. Unfortunately, the user was restricted from clicking on Help (can you believe that!) and by the time I logged out and gave her rights, the situation cleared.

The user was editing Items from within OE when she was summarily kicked out with the Lanpak error message that all Lanpaks were in use.

The 5PM timing and where the user got the error stengthen my hypothesis that this problem occurs when for a moment two simultaneous events occur - editing a customer or item from a non-native module, and someone else exiting out of Adagio. I wonder if the exiting from Adagio temporarily locks the license counter file, which coincides with the request for another license when editing from a non-native module.

Posted by: Retired_Guy

Re: Lanpaks - 01/11/12 04:37 PM

Hi Steve,

"Kicked out" from OrderEntry, or "kicked out" from editing the item?
Posted by: Steve Schwartz

Re: Lanpaks - 01/11/12 05:13 PM

They got the No Lanpak error message when they tried to edit an item, after having been editing other items for a while (doing price updates). They left it on the screen for me to look at. By the time I saw it and clicked OK on both it and the Access Violation error (with Leigh watching), and then exited and relaunched OE (so I could log on as SYS), all functions in OE were available again.

Posted by: Retired_Guy

Re: Lanpaks - 01/12/12 09:45 AM

Hi Steve,

OK. The user was denied acccess to the function because there were no Lanpaks available which is the correct behaviour. They were not "kicked out of OrderEntry", just denied the ability to edit that item. The Access violation error they (you) saw might have occurred whenever access to the function was denied and was fixed in November 2011 and is fixed in OrderEntry V8.1E.
Posted by: Steve Schwartz

Re: Lanpaks - 01/12/12 12:00 PM

Hi Andrew

You should talk to your tech support people before you write (or maybe stay out of this thread and leave it to the techs). Stating that Adagio is behaving correctly implies that there is nothing to fix, and this is certainly not the case.

Those of us who are on the front line dealing with large and furious clients and who are spending inordinate gobs of troubleshooting time during the busiest part of our year are not in the mood to be pleasant about this, so excuse my bluntness.

I installed ADS32 2773 at the client site last night, and already they have called to tell me that today they had to have everyone exit Adagio in order for anyone to get back in. Unfortunately, once again, they did not call me while they were doing this, and I basically yelled at them for not doing so. So I can't PROVE what they are saying actually happened.

Also, because they have 4 datasets and Adagio doesn't accurately list licenses consumed by non-native editing, it is impossible for them to get an accurate count of who is consuming a license, without resorting to ACCPAC Plus (which can do this).

Posted by: Retired_Guy

Re: Lanpaks - 01/12/12 01:35 PM

Hi Steve,

I was trying to separate out the failure to get a lanpak from the Access Violation you reported as part of the session, and I have been in constant communication with Tech Support and R&D over this issue. Intermittent failures are always difficult to troubleshoot. Sorry. We appreciate the time that people are spending on this and understand the inconvenience it causes.
Posted by: Bruce

Re: Lanpaks - 01/16/12 10:37 AM

we have experienced the same "maximum users" error message with only a few users in . We have 30 normally available. When it happens there is a small window that the user can reboot & go back in. If anyone else tries to access then all are hooped. we then just rename the EZSEMTAB.dat file & we are good to go again. with 4 locations it is a pain in the butt to get everyone out. I have just been waiting & expecting the cure to be in the next upgrades or service packs. We have encountered this about 4 times in the past 6 weeks so not brutal & we know how to fix it... just a pain.
Posted by: Retired_Guy

Re: Lanpaks - 01/16/12 11:11 AM

Hi Bruce,

Yes, the issue is being worked on continuously. It's difficult as we cannot duplicate it here - we know it is timing related as Adagio tries to give a user who has consumed a chargeable Lanpak access to the free one that comes with each module if it becomes available. This maximizes the number of users a site gets for their Adagio investment, but we appear to have a problem grabbing, dropping and swapping them properly.

The problem is always self correcting if everyone exits Adagio. You will only be able to delete EZSEMTAB if this has occurred, but the file does not HAVE to be deleted to fix the problem. It's just a convenient way to confirm that everyone successfully got out of the application.

We do understand that this is inconvenient, but no data is damaged or process improperly interrupted as a result of the problem. The applications are all well behaved when it occurs.

Once we feel that we have the problem taken care of, we will be rolling the fix through all our forthcoming Upgrades and Service Packs. We have been testing improvements in the code at sites where this has been happening with greater regularity.
Posted by: Bruce

Re: Lanpaks - 01/18/12 12:50 PM

just FYI we had a lanpac unavailable message just now, we exited about 1/2 the users & then tried .... OK no problem I was able to log in. I looked at the licience screen & It now reads 1 lanpac used, in actual fact I had 4 users in when viewed under active users.
I suggest your count system is messed up big time.
Posted by: Retired_Guy

Re: Lanpaks - 01/18/12 01:00 PM

Hi Bruce,

The count on the Help About screen is displaying a count of the purchased lanpaks that have been used. If your 4 active users were in different modules, then they would not have consumed any of your purchased lanpaks. Remember, you get one free user for each module you own. We do know that the problem seems to occur when Adagio tries to swap a purchased lanpak for the free Lanpak with the module.

Thanks for your patience as we try and solve this issue.
Posted by: Retired_Guy

Re: Lanpaks - 01/23/12 02:42 PM

We believe that we have resolved this issue.

A System Updater has been posted on our web site, with documentation. The files installed by this System Updater will be in all subsequent modules from this point forward, so, unless you are experiencing the problems detailed in this thread, there is no specific need to download and install.

We thank everyone for the patience they have shown and the assistance they have provided in resolving a particularly elusive problem.
Posted by: AudreyQuick

Re: Lanpaks - 02/02/12 06:40 AM

I have a client that is still having this issue. They have a 2-user lanpak, we've deleted the EZSSILCK.LD4 file, and I've run the system updater, and they can't get more than 1 user in each module at a time. Do I uninstall and reinstall the lanpaks at this point?
Posted by: Retired_Guy

Re: Lanpaks - 02/02/12 07:57 AM

Is it really this issue? A lanpak in use count greater than the total number of lanpaks installed at the site (see Help | About for the count)?

Is their lanpak registered? What does the Help | System Status | Check Lanpak Status report? I really doubt it's the same issue.
Posted by: Softrak Support

Re: Lanpaks - 02/02/12 08:35 AM

What is the version of the Lanpak and the version of the Adagio programs in use? It may be that all they need to do is install an updated lanpak version.
Posted by: Softrak Support

Re: Lanpaks - 02/06/12 07:51 AM

This was not the same issue. The problem was that the Lanpak was installed to the wrong folder. A proper install resolved the issue.