closing current fiscal year

Posted by: Laura V

closing current fiscal year - 11/02/09 10:26 AM

using adagio 9.0A (080402).
printed everything.....
then close income statement accounts
wont let me change to next year...says invalid retained earnings acount on dept (78)....i don`t use departements...nothing has changed since last year that i am aware of (ie: no software changes) and we closed the year end fine last year..

what does this mean
what is wrong with this and my adagio rep is away until the 18th....i can`t wait.
Posted by: Brian Stief

Re: closing current fiscal year - 11/02/09 10:43 AM


I suspect that you need a service pack installed on your GL 9.0A.
Backup your GL Data.
Then run a Data Integrity and I expect that you will see some reported integrity errors. Run the rebuild, and the problem will be resolved.
There were some "false" errors being reported that were resolved with the service pack, and rebuilding after the Data Integrity. If you need help getting the service pack installed before the 18th, let us know. 800-540-3164. We can assist remotely.
Posted by: Retired_Guy

Re: closing current fiscal year - 11/02/09 10:43 AM

Hi Laura,

This is a technical support question and there isn't enough information in your user profile to identify which organization you work for. Could you update your profile please?

The error means that there is an income account with a department of "78" in your chart of accounts (perhaps from long ago) with a current balance that needs to be closed to retained earnings, or there is a department number "78" defined in the department file that references a non-existant retained earnings account. These need to be fixed.