Financial Reporter adds a year

Posted by: Hugh

Financial Reporter adds a year - 02/06/23 12:27 PM

I have created statement groups that present my income statement in various formats, consolidated, expanded, by certain departments, etc.
However even though the underlying statement is the same one and the date formula is identical on each tab, some, but not all of the tabs, advance the year when I am printing a prior fiscal year's statements.
So for example, if I print the statements for February in this fiscal year the statements all have February 28, 2023 as the heading based on this formula:

=DATESTRING(ADGETF("gldates.END",FPRIOR(0)),"As of %B %d, %Y")

However if I run the same statement for February 2022, some of the tabs report February 28, 2022 but others report February 28, 2023 with the exact same formula...
