BankRec batch error - duplicate reference

Posted by: Steve Schwartz

BankRec batch error - duplicate reference - 12/15/15 11:19 AM

A client entered two checks in Payables with the same check number and when the checks were retrieved into a BankRec batch, the batch wouldn't post, saying there is a duplicate reference number.

I told them to modify one of the check numbers (in the reference field) to make them unique, but they said the field is grayed out.

If they are correct, what should they do? They are using an older version of BankRec, I think it's 8.1C (although they are current on their Upgrade Plans).


Posted by: Softrak Support

Re: BankRec batch error - duplicate reference - 12/15/15 12:10 PM

Hi Steve,

Using BankRec 9.2A. if I retrieve a batch from Payables, and I am allowed to edit retrieved batches (BR company profile option), when I edit a check retrieved from Payables, the check number is changeable. But the OK button is not available, which amounts to the same thing as not being able to edit the check number.

I suspect the solution is to (temporarily) disable the BankRec profile option to 'Check for duplicates', which will allow posting the BankRec batch with the replicated check number. This will allow reconciliation in BR to continue to connect with AP check reconciliation.

Do you know if this was an entry mistake, or they really meant to enter duplicate check numbers in AP? Just to consider what their setup should be for the future.