Feature Suggestion

Suggest new features for future releases of Adagio

Do you have some feature suggestions for Softrak products? Is there some specific capability you've always wanted to see added to Adagio?

We want to be able to offer you products with the features that interest you the most. And in order to do that, we need your input. We'd appreciate hearing your thoughts on what would make our products better.

Please use this form to suggest a feature or two to Adagio.

Feature Request Form

Required fields marked with *

Company Name:*
Contact Name:*
Product for which you are offering a feature suggestion:*
Your feature request:*
Would you be likely to purchase an upgrade to this product if this new feature was made available?*
Yes No Already on upgrade plan
Security code: *
Verify code:

(Please enter 6-character code
as it appears on your right)