Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio JobCost 8.1D

June 23, 2014

    Enhancements and revisions in Adagio JobCost 8.1D (2014.06.23) Upgrade

    New Features

       Full compatibility with Adagio Console. Supports Automation when Adagio Console is installed. Automation allows you to automate many functions in Adagio modules, including retrieving, importing, printing report sets, backup and integrity check, etc. across modules, and view, print or email the results from an automation log. Security Groups and Import/Export Templates are now supported in the Copy Definitions function in Console.

       Revenue can now be tracked to the Phase or Category level for jobs having the 'Simple cost tracking job' option enabled.

       Adagio ePrint users can view the customer copy PDF of invoices from transactions in the Edit/View Customer functions.

       The number of Previously Opened databases (saved by user) has been increased from 25 to 100.

       A Listing button and report have been added to the Security Groups function. The report prints all options or enabled options only for a range of groups.

       Added options on the Copy Job dialog to allow you to copy either the estimate amounts or the actual amounts, and to recalculate amounts, when copying estimates with the job.

       The Open Data screen can be sized horizontally to allow you to see the full data path if it is long.

    Problems Fixed

       The smart finder got the error "Invalid Pointer Operation" in some cases.

       In JobCost 8.1C, the Data Integrity Check (DIC) reported errors in Job Percentages for jobs in the Job Percentage Audit List that have been archived or deleted. The DIC in DataCare did not have this problem.

       In JobCost 8.1C, Inventory Control transactions could not be retrieved, although JobCost recognized a batch was available to retrieve after job-related shipments were posted in Inventory.

       If more than 255 transactions were posted for the same Job, Phase and Category, with the same date, the posting process hung.

       In JobCost 8.1C, the enable/disable of the Post button for the Cost and Billing batch functions was controlled by the wrong menu setting in Security Groups. The Post choices on the menu and in the right-mouse pop-up menu were not affected. No adjustments to Security Groups are required after installing this version.

       The Post button for the Cost and Billing batch functions, and Post in the right-mouse pop-up menu, were not controlled correctly from the settings in Security Groups.

       Custom reports created with Crystal Reports for Adagio and printed from the Reports menu in JobCost could not be printed in landscape in some cases.

       When creating views in Adagio GridView, links to customer are now to AR customer rather than JC customer, allowing Insert Related Data to get the customer name from Receivables.

       The Delete Closed Jobs function displays a message on completion indicating whether any jobs were not deleted because 'Keep as template' was set in the job.

       The Shade Color in User Preferences was not being used in some sections for some reports.

       The Data Integrity Check (DIC) appeared to be hung in some cases when checking very large databases across a network, with many jobs, transactions, and closed jobs that are not deleted. Visual responses have been added to each step of the DIC.

       Posting Multiple batches from the batch list or Post button was ignoring Ready to Post set equal to No and posted these batches.

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