Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio BankRec 8.1E

August 11, 2013

    Enhancements and revisions in Adagio BankRec 8.1E (2013.08.11)

    New Features

       Several new options to control auto-matching of transactions imported electronically from your bank have been added.  Set these options in the Edit Bank function on the Interfaces tab. In previous versions, as long as the amount matched and the clearing date was after the check date, and there was only one outstanding check with that amount, the entry was auto-matched. However, in some cases checks could be incorrectly auto-matched and cleared. The new auto-matching rules can be set to prevent this from occurring and, in some cases, provide more auto-matching flexibility.

       BankRec can post reconciled Payables checks directly to the Payables Check Reconciliation. On the Interface tab in Edit Bank, select 'Completed' option in the 'Update Payables Check Reconciliation' section. In previous versions BankRec could update Payables with the pending status. Now it can post the reconciliation directly in Payables so you do not need do so manually. Reversed checks are therefore automatically reinstated in Payables when posted in BankRec.

       You can now edit the Last Statement Date for any previously posted reconciliation. This allows you to correct a mistake made where the wrong statement date was entered, even after posting the reconciliation. If a future date was accidentally entered as the statement date you could not post your next reconciliation with the its correct statement date as that date would be older. Use the new Update Statement Date function in the Maintenance menu.

       You can now edit both the Opening Balance and Last Statement Balance for a newly created bank as long as there has not yet been any transaction processing.

       Added the Next Sequence field on the Series tab in the Edit Bank function for use when 'Auto transfer on posting' is enabled for the bank (often used for your Amex or Telpay banks). In previous versions, posting an auto-transfer batch created a Reference number in the format "AT-{Batch number}/{Entry number}" in the batch for the target bank. With this method it was possible for a duplicate of a reference number for a previous year to be generated, creating an error when the batch was posted. To avoid the possibility of a duplicate reference enter a sequence number in the new field. Sequences must in different ranges if multiple banks auto-transfer to the same target bank. If Next Sequence is set to zero, the existing format (old method) will be used instead of a sequence number.

       BankRec now supports the option 'Alphanumeric manual check numbers?' on the Batch/Vendor tab in the Company Profile in Adagio Payables.

       Added default fields for the Payroll Bank and Payroll Clearing Acct on the Interfaces tab in the Company Profile. Entering defaults for these fields save you from having to enter them each time you retrieve from payroll in cases where the retrieve file does not contain them.

       Adagio ePrint users can view the customer copy PDF of invoices from transactions in the Edit/View Customer functions and PDFs of Adagio PurchaseOrders documents from the transaction grids in the Edit / View Vendors functions.

       You can attach documents (such as a promotional offer) to receipts in the email queue. Attachments are shown in a tree view on the Edit Email Entry dialog. Right-click on the tree to PDF, Word, Excel or other types of documents. Multi-select is supported, allowing you to add documents for all receipts in the queue.

       Supports Automation when Adagio Console is installed. Automation allows you to automate many functions in Adagio modules, including retrieving, posting, importing, printing reports and forms, backup and integrity check, etc. across modules, and view, print or email the results from an automation log. Adagio Console will be released at a later date.

       A 'Report set' button has been added to the toolbar.

       New splash screen with an updated look.

       Supports the Auto-fill GL account and department options in Ledger 9.1A.

       Batch entry supports Estimate styles in finders for Adagio JobCost 8.1C.

       Added 2 new expansion codes for Report Favorite filenames for Adagio ePrint users: %CMP (company name), %CNO (company number).

       Added BankRec specific Styles for use in filters. The default Filters (used when a new database is created) have also been updated. The sample data includes new Filters that make use of the new Styles. You can recreate any of the sample filters you find useful in your own live databases.

       The Data Integrity Check results now include the version/date of the program, for example: "Adagio BankRec 8.1E (1307??)".

       The Help | About function now has a Consultant tab showing the contact information for your Adagio consultant if they have enabled this option at your site.

       Excel Direct can now use Windows "automation" (inter-process communication) to send data to other spreadsheet applications, the same way it interfaces to Excel, allowing all formatting to be retained in the resulting sheet. OpenOffice 3.3 or later and LibreOffice® 3.3 or later are supported. This interface must be manually enabled. The file SSI2XL.INI must exist in \softrak\system and must contain the section [Initialization] with an entry <computer name>-UseOpenOffice=1, where <computer name> is the name of the machine that this entry references. Refer to the Readme Help for further details.

    Problems Fixed

       You could not import a statement in the Reconcile Bank function dialog if there are where no outstanding transactions to reconcile. The Import Stmt button was disabled unless there was at least one un-reconciled transaction on file.

       If you entered an incorrect password in the Open screen while logging into BankRec the program closed rather than allowing another attempt to login.

       Job Alerts did not pop up in batch entry in BankRec 8.1B, 8.1C or 8.1D.

       After saying 'No' to adding customer on the fly in batch entry, the program now returns to the Customer Number field.

       When entering a distribution detail for a cash invoice in batch entry the program allowed you to save the entry with a blank GL Account / Department.

       When creating a new multi-currency database or enabling multi-currency you must now enter a Default Rate Type.

       The %FPD and %FYR codes were not being saved in filename codes for Report Favorites.

       The posting journal for a payments batch retrieved from Payables, the entry type summary section had a Total Receivables field with an amount equal to the Total Payables rather than 0.00.

       The Description field entered in when reconciling (clear, clear with error or reverse) a Payables check in BankRec now flows to the Payables Check Reconciliation.

       Added the option 'Ignore last [xx] footer lines' to the Import Bank Statements function. This allows BankRec to import files that include trailing lines after the transactions.

       Added the option 'Ignore trans types not in file' to the Import Bank Statements function. This allows BankRec to import CSV files that include a variable number of records that must be skipped (such as Balance and Totals records) and therefore the 'Skip first [xx] lines' and 'Ignore last [xx] footer lines' are not sufficient. To use this option you must create a file containing allowable transaction record types. The file is BRImportTransTypes.ddd (where ddd is the company data file extension) and must be located in the data folder. You must also define a matching import template. Press F1 on this option in the import template to see the Importing Bank Statements topic in the help for further details. This topic includes a sample of the file contents for BMO Bank of Montreal. To use this sample, open Notepad, copy and paste the sample content, then save the file with the required filename in your data folder.

       You received an Access Violation error in the Import Payment function when importing in the Detail-only format in some cases if the Entry Number field was included in import the file (there was no problem if the field defined as a default in the template).

       The Bank Reconciliation report in 8.1D printed an extra row, just under the Opening Balance, containing 2 date fields and a Boolean, that should not have been there.

       The %BAT code was not being retained as part of the filename in a report favorite for the Batch Listing for Adagio ePrint users.

       In BankRec 8.1C and 8.1D, importing a bank statement from within the Reconciliation function (Import Stmt button) failed if negative amount fields used a leading minus or were enclosed in parentheses. Likewise, import failed from the Import Bank Statement function if negative amount fields used a leading minus (but worked for parentheses). Importing with a trailing minus or in OFX format worked in all cases.

       In BankRec 8.1D, if you opened a Bank Statement import template containing a date field with a 'User-specified' format, the format field became blank in some cases and your format was not remembered. When you did an import from the template screen it failed on the date field (although importing from the Reconciliation function worked using the same template).

       For Adagio ePrint users, the Report Type field was not displayed on report dialog screens for any user except SYS.

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