Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio OrderEntry 8.1F

July 8, 2013

    Enhancements and revisions in Adagio OrderEntry 8.1F (2013.07.08)

    New Features

       Adagio ePrint users can view a PDF of invoices and credit notes from the document entry, inquiry and history functions. They can also view PDFs of invoices and credit notes from the Item Inquiry in the View Items function and on the Load History grid on the Pricing grid. Also from the transactions grid in the Edit/View Customer function if Receivables is 9.1A or higher. The documents open in the new Adagio PDF viewer. PDF documents can also be viewed from the email queue.

       You can attach a PDF document (such as shipping / customs instructions or product literature) when emailing, faxing or printing Order Confirmations, Invoices, Credit Notes or Picking Slips. For documents in the email queue, you can attach other types of documents as well, such as Word or Excel. Attachments are shown in a tree view on the Edit Email Entry dialog. Right-click on the tree to add a document. Default folders for attachments can be specified on the Optional/Specs tab in the Company Profile. These folders are relative to the ePrint relative folder path (or to the data folder if ePrint is not installed).

       Supports Automation when Adagio Console is installed. Automation allows you to automate many functions in Adagio modules, including retrieving, posting, importing, printing reports and forms, day end, backup and integrity check, etc. across modules, and view, print or email the results from an automation log. Note: OE 8.1E (2013.03.22) included support for Automation. However changes have been made and that version should not be used with Automation. Adagio Console had not been released at the time of this release.

       You can double click on the Qty On Hand grid on the Edit Detail screen to select a Location to ship from for the item when entering an order. Previously, to change the Location you had to enter or select it in the Location field.

       Added an option to automatically print a picking slip and/or an order conformation when an order is posted. Set the Direct Order Printing option to None, Picking Slip, Order Conf. or Both. This new option is found on the System Options tab in the Company Profile.

       Supports the Preferred Send Method on the Invoicing tab in the customer if Receivables 9.1A is installed. When printing invoices, credit notes or order confirmations, documents will only be selected for customers having the same Preferred Send Method set in their record as the send method you use on the print dialog. The option is ignored when printing a single document of any type from the Enter Orders/Invoices/Credit Notes grid.

       Added BOM Item and BOM fields to the Transaction History record. These fields are updated by the automatic assembly of master items from Bills of Material during Day End if Adagio BoM is installed. This will also be supported in the next release of Adagio Inventory. The BOM Item field allows you to track which master item the component items were used to assemble. The BOM field allows you to track which BOM created the transactions for both the master item and component items for an assembly in the case of master items with multiple BOMs.

       The email queue grid can now show the total number of attachment files. The fax queue grid can now show total the number of pages in the fax.

       Payments can now be imported with orders have Quantity Shipped on the order.

       New splash screen with an updated look.

       A 'Report set' button has been added to the toolbar.

       Supports the new Specific Due Date terms added in Adagio Receivables 9.1A. Allows you set the due date to any date in the future.

       Supports the Auto-fill GL account and department options in Ledger 9.1A.

       A Listing button was added on the Group Setup window and prints all options or enabled options only for a range of groups. An Entry Templates button in the Group is now used to set up templates rather than having tabs on the Group.

       The 'On invoice as' option in Tax Groups can now be changed without first printing and clearing the Tax Tracking and Tax Summary reports (providing Day End has been run).

       Added 3 new expansion codes for Report Favorite filenames for Adagio ePrint users: %CMP (company name), %CNO (company number), and %EXT (data extension).

       Added several new OE specific Styles for use in OE filters. The OE default Filters (used when a new database is created) have also been updated. The sample data includes many new Filters that make use of the new Styles. You can recreate any of the new sample filters you find useful in your own live databases.

       The performance of Filters has been improved.

       The Help | About function now has a Consultant tab showing the contact information for your Adagio consultant if they have enabled this option at your site.

       Excel Direct can now use Windows "automation" (inter-process communication) to send data to other spreadsheet applications, the same way it interfaces to Excel, allowing all formatting to be retained in the resulting sheet. OpenOffice 3.3 or later and LibreOffice® 3.3 or later are supported. This interface must be manually enabled. The file SSI2XL.INI must exist in \softrak\system and must contain the section [Initialization] with an entry <computer name>-UseOpenOffice=1, where <computer name> is the name of the machine that this entry references. Refer to the Readme Help for further details.

    Problems Fixed

       The warning displayed when an item is entered on a order with a price less than the cost has been changed to not show the cost if the security prevents the user from seeing costs.

       The Customer Name field width defaulted to 30 characters instead of 40 in the specification designer.

       The results of the inquiry on the Item tab in the View History function were incorrect in some cases when ranges other the full range of customers or items were used.

       When an order was copied the 'Ordered in PO' field was not reset for the new order, causing the Auto Generate POs function in PurchaseOrders not to generate a PO for the new sales order.

       When an item detail is imported for an order the Default Picking Sequence was used instead of the Picking Sequence for the Location specified in the import file.

       The "Everything printed OK?" message is no longer asked when printing documents from History.

       Certain codes embedded in Report Favorites were not being saved in some cases.

       The 'Bypass History on DIC' option did not work in 8.1E (2013.03.22).

       If you installed a full or upgrade to a network drive via a UNC path, from a station that had never run Adagio from a station and User Account Control was enabled, you received an error such as "The file //YourServer//Softrak/OEWIN/Common_Print.chm could not be opened."

       OrderEntry 8.1E (2013.03.22) attempted to fix a problem with the specification code 'F24 Total Item Weight' for orders that were transferred from quotes in SalesCQ. However, the fix did not work correctly and the total weight printed was the weight of the last line on the order. This has been corrected.

       In OrderEntry 8.1E (2013.03.22) when a standing orders was converted to an active order the error "Due Date cannot be prior to the document date." was displayed due to additional date checking on orders. This has been corrected. The Due Date and Discount Date are re-calculated when a standing order is made into an active order.

       If a line was deleted on an order, any comment or instruction lines before the first item on the order were lost when the order was invoiced.

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