Enhancements & RevisionsAdagio Ledger 9.1AMay 23, 2013
Enhancements and revisions in Adagio Ledger 9.1A (2013.05.23)
The changes and improvements to Adagio Ledger with this release are significant. To make it easier to review the various changes that have been made, we have grouped them by function in this release note. The Financial Reporter changes and improvements are listed below, separately from General Ledger.
The View Batch Status function now includes the ability to View batches (both open and posted, with multi-select). It also allows you to print Batch Listings (both open and posted, with multi-select), print Posting Journals (open and printed, with multi-select), and Recover posted batches (with multi-select).
Added the ability to find transactions in the View Transactions function. The Find Trans button opens a screen allowing selection of a fiscal year and within that to pick a Batch, Entry and Detail #. The smart finder is used to search all transactions within that fiscal year. Selecting from the smart finder result positions to the desired transaction in the grid.
Ledger now maintains an index into the posted transactions file that allows the full Entry Details for a transaction to be shown immediately in the View Transactions function. In previous versions, each user had to click the 'View GL Entry' button each time they used View Transactions to view entry details, then wait while the program generated an index. There is a new option 'Auto build TX inquiry index' on the Posting/Report tab in the Company Profile. If this option is on, the index is generated after posting batches, allowing immediate viewing of entries the next time you use the function. This option is defaulted on when converting from prior versions. Having the option on may significantly increase the time taken to post batches. For very large databases on a network drive, or if you often post several batches individually, you may want to set the option to off. When the option is off, the index is deleted by posting and generated when you open the View Transactions function if batches have been posted since the last time the function was used. Set the option to on if generation of the index is fast enough or you are prepared to wait for a longer post time in lieu of waiting when you wish to view entry details, otherwise set it off. The index is available to all users, whereas in previous versions, each user had to wait for an index to be built for them after clicking 'View GL Entry'.
The View Entry Details grid has been moved from a separate window opened by the 'View GL Entry' button, to the Account screen, allowing this information to be viewed immediately whenever a transaction is viewed.
When viewing transactions, the application name is shown beside the 2 character Application (source) code. For example, "Adagio OrderEntry" is shown for "OE".
Edit Accounts
You can now restrict posting to an account by subledger(s). Click the new option 'Restrict to subledger' in the Edit Account function. A new tab will display. On this tab, select the sub-ledgers that are allowed to be posted to the account. The list includes Ledger itself. Batch entry warns you if you create an entry that is not permitted and the entry cannot be saved. Posting to the account is prevented if the restriction is make after the fact and an error batch will be created. Note: Entry and posting is not prevented in the sub-ledgers, only in Ledger itself.
The format and entry of Account (and Department) codes can be controlled by several new options on the Options tab in the Company Profile. ‘Uppercase account codes?’ forces all codes to upper case. ‘Auto-fill account codes?' allows you to set all account codes to the same length by automatically filling the entry field to the specified length. The fill character can be specified. An account code format can be used to make sure that new account codes conform to a company standard. The valid characters may include:
If you add an account that is likely set to the wrong type accidentally, for example adding a Balance Sheet account in the range of Income accounts, the warning "The account type of the previous and next acct/dept is different. Do you want to proceed?" is displayed. Note: If the Enforce Account Group Range option is on then it prevents you from doing this in the first place.
Added Excel Direct to the grid in the Edit Departments function.
Batch Entry and Posting
When copying a batch you can now revise the batch name, saving you from having to rename it after copying.
You can now post to any year in the fiscal calendar that is open, rather than only to the 2 most recent years (either Current Year and Prior Year, or Next Year and Current Year). For example, this allows you to post an auditor's adjustments to the Prior Year after you have created the Next Fiscal Year. The 'To Prior Year' posting function is always available (provided it is enabled in the Company Profile). The fiscal year is now a drop-down field on the Posting dialog, showing all available years. Warnings are displayed if you post to a year more than 1 year prior to the current year.
The Spacebar now toggles the Ready to Post status on the batch grid.
Added the option 'Don't show this message again' on the confirming message when batches are set Read to Post, or Not Read to Post.
Maintenance / Retrieve
Added the option 'Discard $0.00 trx' to the Retrieve Subledger Batches function. Set this option to discard zero amount transactions.
The original 'Recover' batches functionality was to be able to restore a deleted or posted Current Year batch, with no options for affecting the new batch. The Recover batch process now available within Batch Status inquiry allows for many different options for updating the batch, including reversing the entries.
The Purge Fiscal Year function now optionally removes accounts and departments that are no longer required after the fiscal year has been purged. In order for accounts to be deleted, the Opening Balance, Current Balance and Total Net Changes must be zero, and there must be no posted transactions for the account. Deleted accounts are logged in the Application Log, which lists deleted master records from all Adagio modules, and can be viewed with GridView.
A 'Report set' button has been added to the toolbar.
Posting Journals can no longer be cleared after printing. This avoid accidental clearing (and there are no performance or space issues related to saving them). Posting Journals are cleared at year end. The 'Allow purge posting journal' option has been removed from the Company Profile.
Batch status information can no longer be cleared after printing the Batch Status report. Doing so prevents un-posting, reversing and recovering batches. Batch Status is cleared at year end.
Added the option 'Summarize by account' to the Trial Balance report. This prints one line for each account rather than one line for each Account / Department.
You can now create a Favorite report for posting journals even when there is nothing to print.
Added the %FPD option (Fiscal Period) for the Trial Balance and Detail Listing Report Favorite filenames for Adagio ePrint users.
The legend line "e: Retrieved batch was edited." is now printed at the bottom of the Batch Listing report if you have edited entries in a retrieved batch and an 'e' appears beside the total for any entries. This avoids any confusion that such entries are in error.
When the GL Detail Listing is printed with the 'Page break on change of account' option enabled, the grand totals are printed on a separate page.
Data Integrity Checker
The Data Integrity Check now reports an error if an account has the multi-currency option on but the database is not multi-currency. This error caused problems when the Close Income/ Expense Account function was run.
The Data Integrity Check now detects a damaged fiscal calendar.
General New Features
The Ledger program icon is more consistent with the look of other Adagio icons and the size of the "gl" letters has increased, making the icon easier to recognize at a glance.
New splash screen with an updated look.
In earlier releases of Adagio we added the ability for Excel Direct to create a CSV file for use by other spreadsheet applications, such as Apache OpenOfficeTM Calc, for sites that did not have Excel installed. The spreadsheet program was launched and opened the CSV file created. Excel Direct can now use Windows "automation" (inter-process communication) to send data to other spreadsheet applications, the same way it interfaces to Excel, allowing all formatting to be retained in the resulting sheet. OpenOffice 3.3 or later and LibreOffice® 3.3 or later are supported. This interface must be manually enabled. The file SSI2XL.INI must exist in \softrak\system and must contain the section [Initialization] with an entry <computer name>-UseOpenOffice=1, where <computer name> is the name of the machine that this entry references. Refer to the Readme Help for further details.
The Help | About function now has a Consultant tab showing the contact information for your Adagio consultant if they have enabled this option at your site. In addition, the About screen has been redesigned and includes a link to a documentation page for the module that shows New Features, What's New video and manuals.
When Ledger is opened after installing an upgrade, a dialog is displayed with a link to a short video highlighting the new features. The dialog is displayed for each user until they tick 'Don't show this message again'. The video also be viewed anytime by visiting the Softrak website. Note: the dialog also appears when Adagio is installed at a new site.
The Adagio menu now includes Ledger, allowing you to quickly open another instance of the program.
The F1 key now launches Help when no windows are open.
When sites with Adagio ePrint sign on to a new dataset for the first time, the question "Do you want to turn on Allow PDF printing for this dataset, and enable PDF Printing for all users? is now asked.
The Open Data screen can be sized horizontally to allow you to see the full data path.
The number of Previously Opened databases (saved by user) has been increased from 25 to 100.
The warning message "New date is more than one week later than old date. Accept new date?" on login now has the option 'Don't show this message again'.
The session date is now passed to GridView views (workspaces) loaded from the Inquiries menu.
Problems Fixed
Editing a batch that has a mismatching amounts error, where the sum of the details do not equal the total on the batch header or the batch control, now displays a warning dialog that allows you to correct the mismatching amounts. The Batch Listing report also detects these problems.
When copying a batch that originated in Purchase Orders, the 'Recalculate period based on date' option did not work if batch contained comment lines.
When a batch was Unposted and the option 'Delete entries from posted?' was selected, the units were not increased/decreased by the unposting.
If a Retained Earnings account is set to post in 'Specified Currencies' and Next Year is open, posting a batch in the current year in a new currency will not be permitted until retained earnings is updated.
In the Edit Budgets and Edit Forecasts functions, when a filter was applied to restrict the accounts on the grid and the 'Account/department sequence' option was used, if you clicked the 'By Department' option the underlying account grid repositioned to the end, thereby breaking the sequence for editing.
Corrected a problem displaying the grid showing the periods in the Edit Account Budgets function, that occurred in some cases where a period became missing when the Next button was clicked.
The Alt-X key (vs. clicking the Excel Direct button) exported the grid contents to Excel even if user security prevented it.
On the Batch Listing report in Ledger 9.0D, when the 'Show Description' option was set to 'Primary', the Description 1 field partially wrapped onto the next line if was too long to fit in the available space on the report.
Printing a Report Set containing a statement group caused the program to hang if you had the Financial Reporter open.
If a fiscal year end is changed and a new fiscal year created, (e.g. 2012A), the title on the Trial Balance report did not print the "A".
When the Trial Balance was printed with the option 'Exclude zero balance accounts' (added for Ledger 9.0D), if an account had a zero balance prior to provisionally posting it was suppressed when it should not have been. Note: if a provisional posting to an account that had a balance makes the new balance for that account zero, then the account will be suppressed.
The Batch Listing Report was remembering the range of Starting and Ending dates. They are no longer remembered, and instead are defaulted to Jan 1, 1980 and Dec 31 of the year 10 years from today.
In Ledger 9.0D, the Report Balance on the Detail Listing report was not zero in some cases.
When the Posting Journal was printed in 'Source and home' format, sorted by Account, any comment lines were printed at the top of the report instead of being suppressed.
The report filename codes (ex. %FYR) were not being saved in report favorites.
Import templates for Budgets, Forecasts, Net Changes, Statistics, and Source Currencies, no longer have the 'Add new records' option available because you cannot add new amounts to non-existent accounts.
The Import batch function now detects multi-decimal amounts in Excel import files (incorrect amounts that should only have been 2 decimal) that previously caused rounding and data integrity errors.
The First Date field in the G/L Batch Control File was always blank when shown on the grid in the Batch Status function or in GridView.
When the Data Integrity Check reported an out of balance error in a batch, the error message had the debit and credit amounts backwards in some cases.
Installs an updated version of the Adagio Data Source (ADS) that corrects the OpLocks Setting shown in station log files <computer name>.log in \Softrak\System\StationLogs. It was reported as Enabled instead of Disabled in some cases.
Financial Reporter
New Features
You can drill down to the Entry Details for a transaction, showing both sides of the entry (unless consolidated).
Added new 'Value’ codes in the Account Data tree for many Groups. They output amounts without considering the fiscal period.
Added an optional Update parameter "U" to QUERYSHEET. It causes target sheet to be set to the fiscal period, department and year that was passed in. For example: QUERYSHEET(S, C [, F [, D [, Y[,U]) - if Update U is not zero set sheet S to the optional parameters F, D and Y. Note: sheet S cannot not have .AutoUpdate in cell A2.
Added new functions CURRENTFISCALYEAR(), NEXTCREATED(), NEXTFISCALYEAR(), and PRIORFISCALYEAR() to the right-mouse context menu under Insert Formula, Fiscal Information.
Added ‘Paste Format' and 'Clear Formatting' buttons to the toolbar. Use Copy and 'Paste Format' to copy the format without the content. Also added 'Past Formatting from Cell' (Alt-V) and Clear Formatting (Alt-DEL) to the Edit menu, and same choices on the right-mouse menu on a cell. You need to reset your toolbars after upgrading to show the new buttons. To do this, go to View | Customize, Toolbars tab, select Edit in the list and click the Reset button.
A 'Reset' option has been added to View | Properties to restore the original program values.
ExcelDirect now supports the Scaling options 'Fit columns to' and 'Fit rows to' options in Page Setup.
File names can be used in Hyperlinks and are sent to Excel.
The Window title now shows the "Maintain" or "Print" as the first word, depending on how the Financial Report was opened from Ledger.
Added 'Lock Toolbars' option to View | Customize | Toolbars. Prevents the toolbar from being moved or modified.
When creating a financial statement it hides the "Departmental Comparative" option in the Layout dialog if you are not using departments.
When formatting dates, you can suppress leading zeros in the day and month elements by choosing “Precision 0” in the Format Type dialog.
Increased the period and year drop down to allow all periods and multiple years to be shown.
Added sample financial statements for updating the budget amounts using GLUpdate formulas. The GL!BudgetUpdate.sam statement allows entering an annual budget and amounts will be divided equally across all 12 fiscal periods. The GL!BudgetUpdateMonths.sam statement allows entering monthly budgets into columns and amounts will be written to the respective fiscal periods.
Added new the new ‘Values’ codes to the SuperSpec template and specification in the sample data. Updated the FunctionExamples and DateFunctionExamples.
A new sample financial statement (GL!DtlListing2.sam) has been added that allows you to quickly generate the transaction details for a non-contiguous range of accounts into an Excel spreadsheet. Instructions for its use are in the statement.
Problems Fixed
The Clear Contents menu choice on the right-mouse menu on a cell now immediately clears the formula from the edit field on the toolbar.
VSUM displays the calculation correctly formatted.
Corrected the column number of Totals in drill down to Details view of posted transactions.
When using the “.RangeDept” SmartSheet command, the financial reporter now correctly ignores inactive departments if 'Ignore inactive accounts' has been enabled for the sheet.
Previously, you could not Copy cells when a SmartSheet was expanded. This has been fixed.
Printing a Statement Group no longer adds the individual statements to the “Most recently opened” list.
Enabled the arrow and Delete keys for non-generated cells in expanded smart sheets.
Editing a generated cell from the edit bar behaves the same way as F2 when a sheet is expanded.
GLFPS("OPEN") now correctly reports the beginning of the fiscal year.
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