Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio GridView 9.1A

April 2, 2013

    Enhancements and revisions in Adagio GridView 9.1A (2013.04.02)

    New Features

       Added ability to show a subtotal and page break on change of the first level sort sequence for Filters with a Sort Sequence. Click the new 'Format Report' option on the Filters dialog when a Sort Sequence has been applied. The page break is indicated by a red line on the row number. 'Set Page Break' and 'Clear Page Break' have been added to right mouse context menu.

       When on any cell in a row, use CTRL+B to toggle a page break on or off. The page break is indicated by a red line on the row number.

       Added the option 'Suppress Other' to Summary Filters when using Top/Bottom "n" so that the **Other** row is not displayed.

       Columns may now be formatted to contain hyperlinks to any document with an associated program in Windows, such as PDFs, Word documents or JPG image files (9.0F added hyperlinks but only to web URLs or email addresses). Use 'Make Hyperlink / Remove Hyperlink' from the column context menu and format the column as text. The cell must contain a filename with full path. Backslash characters must be replaced with forward slashes. For example, 'C:/SOFTRAK/DATA/ICBKHUNI001.jpg' to display the image associated with the 'Women's Via Montega hybrid' item in the Inventory sample data. Note that the Image File field on the Image tab in the item cannot be used directly as the path has backslashes. Therefore a formula must be used: STRCAT("C:/SOFTRAK/DATA/", "IC", trim({Item #}), ".jpg"). Click in the cell and the PDF is opened with default PDF viewer.

       Added function FULLFILENAME for use with hyperlinks. Use instead of STRCAT to form the path when a “\” is required. For example: FULLFILENAME("x:\Softrak\Data\SoftPDF\", {Cust #}, "_OE_I____", TRIM ({Doc #}",".PDF").

       Excel Direct now transfers hyperlinks to the Excel sheet.

       Added function FILEEXISTS(S). Use to test for the existence of a file. This is useful when used with hyperlinks to document files. Note: backslashes in the path must be replaced with forward slashes.

       Excel Direct now sends Page Scaling and Page Breaks to the sheet and handles $D in Header/Footer.

       Additional Print Setup and Page Setup options (ex. landscape, grid lines, centre on page) in the view are now sent to the Excel sheet by Excel Direct.

       In the File Properties dialog (right-click top left cell), wildcard characters (??? or +++) in the Name are replaced with the actual characters for single files. For example "GLPST" is now shown instead of "GL???" for the G/L Posted Transactions file.

       Added function DATESTART (”Spec Code” [,”C”|”F”]). It returns the start of period date based on the Financial Reporter spec code and the session date used to log into GridView, for either the Calendar or Fiscal year.

       Added function DATEEND (”Spec Code” [,”C”|”F”]). It returns the end of period date based on the Financial Reporter spec code and the session date used to log into GridView.

       Added function DATEIN ({Date},”Ledger Spec Code” [,”C”|”F”]). Used to test for the existence of the date stored in the Date calculated column within the range defined by the STARTDATE and ENDDATE calculated columns. Returns 1 if the date exists within the range. Alternate use of function is DATEIN ({Date}, {Start Date}, {End Date}). Returns 1 if Date falls in the specified date range.

       Added function INCLUDEAMOUNT ({Number}, {Date}, ”Ledger Spec Code” [,”C”|”F”]). Used to test for the existence of the date stored in the Date calculated column within the range defined which is based on the session date. Returns the value of {Number} if the date exists within the range otherwise 0. Alternate use of function is INCLUDEAMOUNT ({Number}, {Date}, {Start Date}, {End Date}). Returns {Number} if the date falls in the specified range, 0 otherwise.

       Added 'Tile In Place' to the Window menu. It proportionally tiles views in a workspace as long as they are close to what you want and are not overlapped. This is useful when opening a workspace originally saved on a machine with a different size monitor. The shortcut for 'Tile In Place' is Ctrl-T (which in previous versions was used for 'Tile Horizontal').

       Added control resizing for the entire workspace. Click the Ctrl button and size the GridView window. The views in the workspace will be sized proportionally. If you press ESCAPE before releasing the mouse button the change will be discarded.

       Added File | Export to | XML Data Only... (i.e. without formatting of any sort).

       Added new command line parameter for use with XDViews:

    /XDN - Exports view without formatting and any hyperlinks.
    /XDS - Runs XDViews in 'silent' mode (no user interface displayed for GV or Excel).
    /XDO:<workspace> - Exports column names using ODBC compliant fieldnames (no spaces or special characters).

       The column title now respects the Horizontal alignment setting (left, center, right) in Add Formatting, Align tab. In previous versions only the data in the column respected the setting.

       Added option 'Lock Toolbars" to View | Customize | Toolbars. Prevents the toolbar from being moved or modified.

       Help | Active Users now shows the date and time users logged into Adagio if you are logged in as SYS (and not running in RW mode, if GridView-RW is installed). You can sort the grid by any column.

       The Gather Files for Support function now includes the ADSPROF.xxx file and external files (xls?, dbf, dsn, udl) if used. It now retains the original date and time of the files.

       Added "Registered to: <Company Name>" to the status line.

       New splash screen with an updated look.

       In earlier releases of Adagio we added the ability for Excel Direct to create a CSV file for use by other spreadsheet applications, such as Apache OpenOfficeTM Calc, at sites that did not have Excel installed. The spreadsheet program was launched and opened the CSV file created. Excel Direct can now use Windows "automation" (inter-process communication) to send data to other spreadsheet applications, the same way it interfaces to Excel, allowing all formatting to be retained in the resulting sheet. OpenOffice 3.3 or later and LibreOffice® 3.3 or later are supported. This interface must be manually enabled. The file SSI2XL.INI must exist in \softrak\system and must contain the section [Initialization] with an entry <computer name>-UseOpenOffice=1, where <computer name> is the name of the machine that this entry references. Refer to the Readme Help for further details.

    Problems Fixed

       There was a problem in GridView 9.0F when a view having multiple sort columns was summarized. The column being summarized was not reported properly.

       The BEGINWEEK() function reported the wrong date when the week began in the previous month, depending on the system date and session date used.

       If you clicked the 'x' in the window title bar to exit a view, then responded Cancel to the prompt asking if you want to save the data, then refreshed the view, the error message "The ADS function: <table> returned unexpected error number 2111." was displayed.

       Corrected problem where the wrong result was returned from GETFIELDVALUE when referencing an Excel sheet.

       You are now prevented from deleting a Calculated Column that is used by another Calculated Column, which caused the program to crash in previous versions.

       Field Properties now recognizes fields of Type PERCENT.

       Installs an updated version of the Adagio Data Source (ADS) that corrects the OpLocks Setting shown in station log files <computer name>.log in \Softrak\System\StationLogs. It was reported as Enabled instead of Disabled in some cases.

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