Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio OrderEntry 8.1E

March 22, 2013

    Enhancements and revisions in Adagio OrderEntry 8.1E (2013.03.22)

    New Features

       An Excel Direct button was added on detail grids in enter, inquiry and history functions.

       For Adagio ePrint users, added %FRM code to use 'Invoice' or 'Credit' in the filename to separate the Invoice and Credit Note audit list reports into 2 files instead of one. For example, OEInvoiceAuditList.pdf and OECreditAuditList.pdf instead of OEInvoiceCreditNoteAuditList.pdf if Filename on the PDF Print Options dialog is set to OE%FRMAuditList.pdf.

       The Data Integrity Check (DIC) now checks the Common Files as well as the OE files. Previously these files were only checked by DataCare. The DIC also checks other OE tables that were previously only checked by DataCare.

       Installs an updated version of the Adagio Data Source (ADS) that improves the handling of certain integrity problems in Adagio data files, minimizing the impact of damaged data should problems occur. When this release of OrderEntry is installed the Adagio System Updater (2013.01.09) is not required.

    Problems Fixed

       The Load History function on the Items tab in Display History displayed incorrect results in some cases when you had a range of customers, items and dates, did a search, then changed fields in the range.

       Category codes in Inventory and the OrderEntry Price list can only be uppercase. Edit Item and Edit Alternate Price List forced the code to uppercase but Transaction entry did not.

       The Order Action report selected orders as Totally Shippable when it should not have because some items were only partially shippable. 

       The units of measure for the Weight field on the Totals screen in the History Inquiry always displayed as "lbs" regardless of the Weight Unit of Measures specified in the Adagio Inventory Company Profile.

       The Salesperson Name was blank on the Salesperson Commission report when printed in summary form.

       The right-mouse menu for the grid on the Items tab in History included options to Document or Customer that should have been there and had no effect (the sort sequence is controlled by the selections above the grid).

       For orders transferred as quote from SalesCQ, the weight of items should have been zero until quantity was shipped. The specification code 'F24 Total Item Weight' printed the total weight of the ordered items, whether the items were shipped or were still backordered.

       If you did a Find on the Invoices tab in Enter Orders function and used the smart finder, then switched to the Orders tab and used the smart finder, the columns for in the smart finder did not change the ones for orders, which can be different.

       If you created a credit note for an invoice from history that had Terms code that had been deleted in Receivables, you received a error stating the Terms was invalid, even though credit notes do not have terms.

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