Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio GridView 9.0F

September 25, 2012

    Enhancements and revisions in Adagio GridView 9.0F (2012.09.25)

    New Features

       GridView will now read Excel workbooks that are in the Adagio data folder. The new option 'Include External Tables' on the Defaults dialog must be selected. The Select Module dialog will then include all Excel workbook files (*.xlsx or .xls) found in the data folder. Choose your workbook, then choose the sheet from the Select Table dialog and continue with GridView as usual. Use this powerful feature instead of Named Items. Note: GridView must open each sheet in the workbook to get the Column Names and it may take a significant amount of time before the Select Table dialog is displayed for very large workbooks.

       GridView can now access any database for which a Data Source Name (DSN) or Universal Data Link (UDL) has been defined. This allows you to create Views and Workspaces that include data from other sources. The new option 'Include External Tables' on the Defaults dialog must be selected. The DSN file or UDL has to be in the same folder as the Adagio data, although the database it connects to does not. The DSN must be a "File DSN". Note: Softrak Technical Support cannot help define the DSN / UDL, provide any assistance locating tables / fields, or troubleshoot connections to other databases.

       GridView specifically supports databases from Island Microsystems Ltd. products such as JobTracker and CounterSaleswithout defining a DSN or UDL. This allows you to create Views and Workspaces including data from these third-party products. The new option 'Include External Tables' on the Defaults dialog must be selected and the Visual FoxPro data files (with .DBF extension) for these products must be in the same folder as the Adagio data. To access the DBF files select 'Island Micro Data' from the Select Module dialogue, then select a table from the list presented.

       You can now edit the “Link Name” on the Field Properties dialog. Edit the Link Name and then use the “Insert Related Column" capability of GridView rather than using GETLINKEDVALUE or building the formula manually. Note: The DataDictExporter will come in handy for determining the correct Link Name. Note2: This works for Island Micro data linked to Adagio data, but for Adagio to Island Micro you will need to define a View and use GETLINKEDVALUE.

       Added a Sample Values list to the Field Properties dialog. The list shows the first 5 unique values found in the first 50 records in the file. This helps you find the field you are looking for. For "typed" fields, this list is shown in addition to the Lookup Table list.

       A View can now be “Locked” by setting the 'Lock View' option on the Edit Definition dialog. A locked View will not try and reload its data contents when the user presses the Refresh button or F5/F9. This allows a View to be loaded with specific data and used in another workspace. Generally, locked Views would be used to hold data from another dataset. A locked View can be explicitly refreshed only by unlocking the View, or by executing GridView with the new “/XLU” command line parameter, which will open the locked View, refresh it and save it. Only a user with /c permission can unlock a locked View. If this option is set, "Locked" is displayed in the Tooltip for when hovering over the top left corner cell.

       A View can now be “Tied” to a specific set of data (folder / extension) by setting the 'Tied to this database' option on the Edit Definition dialog. A tied View will always load its data from that folder. This allows a workspace to reference data stored in different folders, or with different extensions, for example for different companies. Normally all views in a workspace reference the same set of data. If this option is set, "Tied to" and the path is displayed in the Tooltip for when hovering over the top left corner cell. Note: a Lanpak is consumed when a “Tied” View is refreshed and you are not working in the database to which the View is tied.

       When defining Calculated Columns or Filters in a Workspace, a new “External References” list may appear in the left hand pane. Under the External References, you will see all the Views in the Workspace that share an element in common with the View you are working on. If you want an element from one of the other Views in the Workspace, locate it in the External references section. Clicking on the element will insert the necessary GETLINKEDVALUE() formula into the Computed column or Filter you are working with.

       When building a calculated column, the list of other calculated columns available for use has been expanded to include columns that are not themselves using a calculated column. This will remove many of the ordering dependencies in complex Views.

       Added the option 'Calculate after refresh' to the Edit Calculated Column dialog. Use this option to insert the actual formula into the cell, allowing it to calculate and display results after the processing is complete. For example, this can be useful in summarized views wherein you want the displayed result of the calculation to be based on the summarized view.

       Rules regarding the calculation order of Views in a Workspace are better defined. The Workspace order set in File | Set Recalc Order defines the order in which the Views will be loaded. If a View has Refresh on Open enabled, and the Workspace order requires refreshing subsequent Views, then they will be refreshed regardless of their Refresh on Open setting. Views not in the recalculation order will only be refreshed if they have Refresh on Open enabled.

       GridView is now smarter about whether the data file needs to be re-read in order to display the information in a different Filter. Two Filters with different names, that select the same set of records, will not bother re-reading the data file, but will simply re-summarize and sort the data. This will improve performance of Views when changing between equivalent Filters. Selecting a different Filter that uses the same selection formula as the previous Filter will simply re-sort and summarize the loaded records. This will greatly improve the speed in some cases. Make use of this to present the same data sorted and summarized by Salesperson, Customer or Territory. Ctrl-F9 will force a filter to refresh.

       The 'Disable Refresh' button has been added to the Toolbar. It stops GridView from reading the underlying data file automatically. Click the refresh button, or press F5/F9 to force a read of the database. This is useful as you are building a complex View of a large file, and you want to create several calculated columns and/or Filters before reading the entire file again. Note: you need to select View | Customize from the menu, then select each of the Toolbars options and click Reset in order to make the new button visible.

       The 'View Notes' button has been added to the Toolbar. It displays or hides the Notes stored with a View. This button will be disabled if there are no Notes to display. Note: you need to select View | Customize from the menu, then select each of the Toolbars options and click Reset in order to make the new button visible.

       If a View is saved with the Notes visible, the Notes will still be visible when the View is loaded again.

       Added function REMOVEALL(“S1”,”s2”). It removes all occurrences of string S1 from String S2.

       Added function REMOVEDUP(“S1,”S2”). It removes duplicate occurrences of S1 from S2. Useful for removing multiple blanks from a string.

       Added function COUNTSTR(“S1”,”S2”[,N]). It returns the count of the occurrences of string S1 in string S2. Matching is case sensitive if “N” is TRUE. 0 is returned if the string is not found.

       Added function COLUMNCONTAINS("S1", "S2"[, N]). It returns the count of the occurrences of string S1 in string S2. Note: S1 takes "Column Name" not {Column Name}. Matching of S2 is case sensitive if “N” is TRUE. 0 is returned if the string is not found

       New menu choice 'Top/Bottom N' has been added to the context menu for Date columns, allowing you to select the newest or oldest “N” records, depending on whether the column is sorted Ascending or Descending.

       Columns may now be formatted to contain hyperlinks (to web URLs or email addresses). This allows you to click directly to e-mail or the web from a View. Make Hyperlink / Remove Hyperlink have been added to the column context menu. Place the hyperlink in <angle brackets>. Text containing an “@” will hyperlink as an e-mail address. All others will be assumed to be URLs.

       'Size To Fit' has been added to the right-mouse context menu for columns.

       You can use the code $T to place the Run date (session date) in the Header or Footer of a View printout.

       When importing calculations for Filters or Calculated Columns, identical text from other columns will be replaced with a reference to the column. This improves the import functionality significantly.

       Added a Duplicate button to the Row Formats and Calculated Columns dialogs.

       Station Logs now indicate memory information for the station or Remote Desktop Services session in these variables:

    Total Memory       - total Mbytes of physical memory
    Available Memory- free Mbytes of physical memory
    Memory Load       - percent of memory in use.

       Station Logs now show the bitness of the application and the station OS in the variable "Environment".

    Problems Fixed

       The table 'Adagio Common Files 8.1A-9.0D' was not available to select unless the option 'Show All Tables' was set.

       Format / Cells changes were lost when the view was refreshed or saved in GridView 9.0E.

       When running Adagio on a network, if you launched GridView from the Adagio menu of an Adagio module, the help files (files with .chm extension) for the module were copied to the local c:\softrak\gvwin folder. Only the help files for GridView should have been copied.

       After a Summary Filter was run and then toggled off, columns that were previously hidden in the original view reappeared in the original view.

       When a Summary Filter was run on a View having ‘Blank when zero’ enabled in its definition, the setting was not maintained in the Summary Filter view (i.e. the zeroes reappeared).

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