Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio GridView 9.0A

November 6, 2008

  • Supports Adagio GridView-RW add-on product that allows you to write to your database.

  • Select Table now shows only the dictionaries matching the versions of your databases. It shows only latest revision of the dictionary if more than one exists for the version of the data. For example, if dictionaries exist for Adagio Receivables 8.0A and 8.0B-8.1A (@R80A and @R80B) then Select Table only shows the Adagio Receivables 8.0B-8.1A dictionary, not the Adagio Receivables 8.0A dictionary and not the Adagio Receivables 9.0A dictionary (@R90A). This makes it easier to find and select the correct dictionary. Note: you must open your database at least once with its application before the dictionaries are available in Select table. For example: the Adagio Ledger 9.0A dictionary will not be available until you open your G/L database at least once with Adagio Ledger.

  • Added the ‘Show all tables’ option to Edit | Defaults. If not selected, only the dictionaries matching the versions of your databases. Note: You must use this option to see Composite tables.

  • Added Excel Direct Views (XDViews). This allows you to automate sending views to Excel. For example, a batch file could be run daily after normal office hours to generate a view result and send to it to a spreadsheet for use the next business day. The new command line parameters for XDViews are:

    /XDW:<workspace> Launch GridView and send the named workspace (or View) to Excel without operator intervention.
    /XDF:<filtername> Select the named filter prior to sending the workspace to Excel.
    /XDD Create a subdirectory with today’s date under dataXDViews (or dataXDViewsUserID if /XDP is specified) to hold the Excel workbook
    /XDP:<workspace> Launch GridView and send the named workspace (or View) from a private directory (directory name equal to UserID) to Excel without operator intervention.

  • A new function YEARL({date}) returns the actual year of the date in the formula. The function YEAR({date}) continues to return the number of years since 1900.

  • Enlarged the Select Fields dialog box. The size of all sizeable dialog boxes is now saved.

  • Dialog boxes are now centered correctly over the main application screen when you have more than one monitor.

  • The performance across a network has been significantly improved.

  • Tables added to the ‘Adagio (Composite Tables 8.0C)’ dictionary:

    *J/C Estim w Master
    *AR Notes Header w Cust
    *IC Adjustment Audit w IC Item
    *IC Physical Inv. Worksheet w IC Item

  • Edit | Defaults has new field ‘On start up do’ option that can be set to create a new view, open views, or open list of recent files or workspaces.

  • In the Edit Definition | Fields, if you de-select a field from the right-hand list it returns to its original position rather than the bottom of the list.

  • The RowFormat function was moved from the Edit menu to the Format menu as it is actually a formatting function.

  • Leading spaced are now supported in the Named Items file.

  • When GridView is launched from the GridView menu in another Adagio module (current versions only) the data dictionary of the calling module is place at the top of the list in the Select Tables dialog.

  • The green sort order indicator line on the sorted column no longer disappears when you refresh the view.

  • Translation of coded fields in the Extension table in a Composite table is now supported. Previously codes fields were only translated for the Primary file of a Composite table.

  • GridView can update views (*.gv files) when a data dictionary changes for a new version of an Adagio module (for example when you upgrade from Adagio Ledger 8.1A to 9.0A the dictionary (Module) changes from ‘Adagio Ledger 8.0A – 8.1A’ to ‘Adagio Ledger 9.0A’). The view is converted by selecting Edit | Definition, clicking the Tables button and choosing the new Module and Table. If all fields in the old view can be converted you just need to save the view to update it. If some fields cannot be converted to fields in the new table a message is displayed naming the fields. Note that in many cases an existing view using the original dictionary will continue to work although not when you upgrade modules to 9.0A. Also note that new versions do not install old dictionaries and thus views using old dictionaries could stop working if you moved to a new server and installed the current versions.

  • The sample views installed in softrakgvwinviewsadagio have been updated to use the currently shipping dictionaries, including the Adagio Ledger 9.0A dictionary.

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