Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio Payables 8.1D

January 31, 2012

    • If you use Purchase Orders for Adagio and you edited a vendor in Payables 8.1D (2012.01.14), the Tax Status on the Accounting tab displayed as blank and became corrupt if you saved the vendor. The vendor Tax Status on purchase orders created for the vendor was also blank and tax was not calculated. Note: there is no problem when vendors are edited from Purchase Orders.

      Purchase Orders users must install this release before using Payables 8.1D.

      If you have edited vendors before you installed the Hot Fix you will need to correct any vendors you edited from Payables by editing the vendor, selecting the correct Tax Status, and saving. To identify vendors having this problem, use the column editor and add the field 'I/R Tax Status' to the grid. It will display as 65535 for vendors with the problem. If you a have large number of vendors you could use the smart finder to search your vendors. To do this, add the field 'I/R Tax Status' to the smart finder grid and search for 'greater than 9'. If you are uncertain what the Tax Status should be for a vendor, view an existing purchase order for that vendor and note the Tax Status shown on the Details tab. You should correct vendors immediately after installing this version. When you save vendors with the problem, the Tax Status will be changed to zero from 65535, limiting your ability to identify vendors with the problem.

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