Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio Payables 8.1D

January 14, 2012

       Report Favorites allow saving Reports with specific options chosen. Click the Favorite button (a star icon) on any report dialog to create a Favorite. Favorites for a report can be accessed from the report dialog in a drop-down field. Favorites can be private to the Adagio user or public for use by all users. Private Favorites are yellow, Public Favorites are blue. Added Favorite Reports and Print/Delete Favorites functions to the Reports menu. Multiple favorites can be defined for the same report.

       Report Sets allow the grouping of Report Favorites into a single print job that will run unattended. Report Sets may be printed to printer or PDF files (when Adagio ePrint is used). Report Sets may be launched from a command file or a scheduled Windows task by running APWIN.exe with the parameter /R followed by the Report Set (ex. /RMonEnd). A progress dialog lists the reports in the Report Set, the printing status of each, the destination folder, filename and conflict strategy. A log is generated that records the printing status of each report in the set. Use Report Sets to automate the printing of all your month end reports.

       When Payables is integrated with Purchase Orders for Adagio, the Status field for Tax Group is now a finder that lists the descriptions of the tax statuses from the PO company profile rather than just a digit from 0-9.

       Most Access Violation (AV) errors are now recorded by module in an exception log text file. The file is located in the program folder for each module. For example: \softrak\apwin\apwin.error.log or \softrak\ledger\ledger.error.log. When any Adagio module with a date in 2012 is installed the exception log is enabled for all other modules. An AV error is a generic error that can occur in Windows applications. This occurs when a program tries to access memory that cannot be addressed, which can happen for many reasons, including software or hardware/network problems. The address, program (EXE or DLL), form, and version information contained in the log will assist Softrak in tracing a problem if the address is located in the Adagio application code.

       The System Status function can create a snapshot of detailed information about your Adagio installation and package it in a single zip file that can be sent to Softrak Technical Support or your Adagio dealer to assist them when answering questions or tracing problems. The information includes: Adagio install logs, program INI files and logs, system INI files and logs, directory listings of Adagio folders, versions and dates of all Adagio programs and system files. To create the snapshot zip file, select System Status in the Help menu, proceed when prompted and click the System Snapshot button at the top left of the Status of System screen. The zip file will be in the \softrak\system folder, located on the drive where Adagio is installed. The filename contains a date and time stamp, and is of the form AdagioSnapshotYYYYMMDD_HHMM.zip. The zip does not take any of your Adagio database files.

       The Payables program icon is more consistent with the look of other Adagio icons and the size of the "ap" letters has increased, making the icon easier to recognize at a glance.

       The Help | About screen has been redesigned and includes a link to documentation page for the module that shows New Features, What's New video and manuals.

       When Payables is opened after installing an upgrade, a dialog is displayed with a link to a short video highlighting the new features. The dialog is displayed for each user until they tick 'Don't show this message again'. The video also be viewed anytime by visiting the Softrak website. Note: the dialog also appears when Adagio is installed at a new site.

    Problems Fixed

       If another user was editing a vendor and you tried to edit the same vendor, and the vendor had an alert, the alert popped up even though you are prevented from editing the vendor.

       In some cases, for check specifications where the 'Auto size field' property was enabled on the field, the Check Date field position moved slightly on each check after printing several checks.

       You could not enter a dash or other alpha characters in the Check Number (for non-printed checks) for a payment, even when the 'Alphanumeric manual check numbers?' option was on in the company profile.

       When importing vendors, a blank Distribution Code field is now permitted, allowing you to specify a default Distribution Code for some vendors but not for others.

       After changing the format for a date field set to User-specified, if you closed an import template after the change without explicitly saving it first there was no warning that a change was made and the change was lost.

       The Data Integrity Check now detects and rebuilds errors when Payment (PA) or Manual Check (MC) transactions have a Current Balance, which can be caused by rebuilding from another type of error in some cases. These transactions will be changed to a Pre-Payment (PP), which allows you to manually match the restored Invoice (IN) to the PP via a $0 manual check.

       Several minor problems and inconsistencies with other modules related to ePrint functionality in Payables have been corrected in this release. This includes some small new features. If you are using Adagio ePrint, Payables 8.1D or higher is recommended.

       Installs a new version of the Adagio Data Source (ADS) that fixes a problem where you may have received an error saying you are out of Lanpak licenses when this is not the case. The Licensed Users field on the Help | About screen in Adagio modules showed a huge and incorrect number of licenses in use when this happened. This error occurred in some cases when you edited vendors, customers or items from modules other than AP, AR or IC.

       When installing Adagio to a computer or server where no Adagio modules had previously been installed, if you installed an Adagio module that does not use the Crystal print engine first (such as Lanpak or GridView), when you installed Payables you received the error "Adagio has been established on destination folder: [x:\SOFTRAK]. Yet the install cannot detect the corresponding Reports Tables..." and were unable to proceed. If the first module installed uses the Crystal print engine there was no problem.

       When running any Adagio module that installs vitalEsafe (or WebSafe as it was previously known as) on a Windows 7 (or Vista) station, in some cases, the auto-workstation install ran every time you started the application, even if you had done a workstation install. This happened if the user was not an Administrator on their own machine (the default for a new computer) but rather a Standard user, and User Account Control (UAC) was on, and you had not installed any module with a release date of October 2011 or later and done a workstation install for it on the station. This has been resolved. To resolve this problem for ALL other modules, install any module with a release date of October 2011 or later and do a workstation install for it on the station.

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