Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio OrderEntry 8.1E

December 15, 2011

       Report Favorites allow saving Reports with specific options chosen. Click the Favorite button (a star icon) on any report dialog to create a Favorite. Favorites for a report can be accessed from the report dialog in a drop-down field. Favorites can be private to the Adagio user or public for use by all users. Private Favorites are yellow, Public Favorites are blue. Added Favorite Reports and Print/Delete Favorites functions to the Reports menu. Multiple favorites can be defined for the same report.

       Report Sets allow the grouping of Report Favorites into a single print job that will run unattended. Report Sets may be printed to printer or PDF files. Report Sets can be private to the Adagio user or public for use by all users. Report Sets may be launched from a command file or a scheduled Windows task by running OEWin.exe with the parameter /R followed by the Report Set (ex. /RMonthEnd). A progress dialog lists the reports in the Report Set, the printing status of each, the destination folder, filename and conflict strategy. A log is generated that records the printing status of each report in the set. Use Report Sets to automate the printing of your daily or month end reports.

       Added the option 'Ask Print OK after forms print?' to User Preferences. This option applies to all document types (including Labels), whether printed to printer, email or fax, and for all Specification Options selections. Deselect this option if you do not want the message “Everything printed OK?” to be displayed after printing documents. The Print Status will be updated immediately upon printing the document(s). Select this option if you want the message to be displayed, in case there is a printer problem and you want OE to be able to reprint only documents that have not been printed. Otherwise you would need to determine these documents manually. The Print Status for the document(s) will be updated only when you respond Yes to this question. Note that while waiting for the documents to print and until you answer Yes, other users might print the same document(s) you are printing, assuming they have not been printed because the Print Status has not been updated. This could lead to accidental duplicate picking and shipping of orders.

       Added the option 'Close forms dialog after print?' to User Preferences. Deselect this option if you typically print documents to multiple destinations. For example you print a document to printer and also email it. In this case, if you are printing a range, you will need to select the 'Ask Print OK after forms print?' option and answer No to “Everything printed OK?” after printing to the first destination, and Yes after printing to the second destination.

       New program icon and toolbar buttons provide a cleaner look and differentiate this new version visually.

    Problems Fixed

       In OrderEntry 8.1D, for items not returned to inventory when creating a Credit Note, Day End created an IC history transaction when it should not have. Although the Quantity on Hand was correct, this caused problems in the Transaction History, Stock Card report and Item Valuation report when printed as of a prior date.

       Corrected a problem in the find functions on Alternate Price List Items in OrderEntry 8.1D (2011.09.29) when single-segment item numbers are used.

       Corrected a problem in the finder in OrderEntry 8.1D (2011.09.29) when a Price List code was entered and you then partially entered an Item Code. When the item was selected from the finder, the Price List code field changed and the alternate item was not found.

       When other users post new documents in OE the grid is refreshed automatically. This caused the selected document on the grid to change in some cases. This no longer happens and the same document remains selected on your grid when other users post new documents.

       After printing a document in OrderEntry 8.1D (2011.09.29), the Close button was the default when you pressed Enter, rather than the Print button, as in earlier versions. The Print button is now the default.

       In OrderEntry 8.1D (2011.09.29), if the 'Use selected specification' option was chosen and you clicked the Print button before selecting a specification, the message "You must select a specification to use before printing" followed by "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window".

       If you printed labels for a document after printing an Order Confirmation, Picking Slip or Invoice for it, the Print Status showed blank in the orders or invoices grid rather than the correct status. (The status in the document itself was correct).

       In OrderEntry 8.1D, when the Company Profile option 'Mark printed to screen as printed?' was selected, the Print Preview was updating the Print Status if the Specification Option was 'Use document specification' or ' Use current customer specification'. The 'Mark printed to screen as printed?' option only applies when printing to screen, never to preview.

       If there were insufficient Lanpak licenses available, in OrderEntry 8.1D (2011.09.29) when you used the Edit Customer or Edit IC Item functions, after receiving the message "All Adagio Lanpak licenses are already in use" there was an error message and the program stopped working.

       If you had data open for two or more different companies and you did a backup in one of the companies, in some cases you received an error that the MCCodes or MCRates currency files were not backed up.

       Several minor problems and inconsistencies with other modules related to ePrint functionality in OrderEntry have been corrected in this release. This includes some small new features. If you are using Adagio ePrint, OrderEntry 8.1E or higher is recommended.

       When running any Adagio module that installs vitalEsafe (or WebSafe as it was previously known as) on a Windows 7 (or Vista) station, in some cases the auto-workstation install ran every time you started the application, even if you had done a workstation install. This happened if the user was not an Administrator on their own machine (the default for a new computer) but rather a Standard user, and User Account Control (UAC) was on, and you had not installed any module with a release date of October 2011 or later and done a workstation install for it on the station. This has been resolved. To resolve this problem for ALL other modules, install any module with a release date of October 2011 or later and do a workstation install for it on the station.

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