Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio Invoices 9.0B

November 2, 2011

    New Features

       Installs the AdagioPDF printer driver. All reports and printouts from Adagio can be printed to the AdagioPDF printer to create a PDF document in the data folder.

       Supports the features in Adagio ePrint. When ePrint is installed you can print reports to PDF files in configurable folders determined by the Report Type (General, Transaction or Audit). Invoices and Credit Notes print to a separate, configurable Forms folder. Fields can be embedded to establish the file and folder names (User, Session Date, System Date, Time). Click the ePrint button (red "EP" icon) on any report dialog to print the report to PDF. The Paperless Reports option forces all reports to be printed to PDF. Reports can be printed to PDF and attached to an email (MAPI) with a single button click.

       You can now have Invoices print an accounting copy of Invoices and Credit Notes to a PDF document to save you from printing and filing paper copies of the documents you send to customers. The Company Profile, PDF Options tab, has 3 fields called: 'Keep PDF Accounting copy?', 'Invoice accounting spec' and 'Credit note accounting spec'. If Keep PDF Accounting copy is turned on, when printing invoices or credit notes (except when printing from history), Invoices will create accounting copies of the documents printed in a folder called Documents underneath the PDF Audit Reports Folder. It will do this regardless of whether you print to printer, file, PDF, fax, email, or screen (if the option 'Mark printed to screen as printed' is set). It will use the Invoice accounting spec and Credit note accounting spec specified in the company profile for this purpose (not the spec selected on the print screen). The PDF files are named IXXXXXXXX or CXXXXXXXX depending on the document type. The conflict strategy for the accounting copy is to append _001,_ 002 etc. to the PDF document filename if you reprint it.

       You can now have Invoices create a PDF archive of the customer copy of Invoices and Credit Notes you send to customers. The Invoices Company profile, Print/Post tab, has the new option 'Archive PDF customer copy?'. If this option is turned on, when printing invoices or credit notes, Invoices will create archive copies of the documents printed in the a folder called SOFTPDF under the data directory (not the Relative base folder, if it is set in Adagio ePrint). The PDF files are created regardless of whether you print to printer, file, PDF, fax, email, or screen (if the option 'Mark printed to screen as printed' is set). It will use the spec specified on the screen. The PDF files are named <customer number right justified and padded with trailing “_” characters to fill to 6 characters> followed by '_IN_' and IXXXXXXXX or CXXXXXXXX depending on the document type. The conflict strategy for the archive document is overwrite.

       Report Favorites allow saving Reports with specific options chosen. Click the Favorite button (a star icon) on any report dialog to create a Favorite. Favorites for a report can be accessed from the report dialog in a drop-down field. Private Favorites are yellow, Public Favorites are blue. Added Favorite Reports and Print/Delete Favorites functions to the Reports menu. Multiple favorites can be defined for the same report. Favorites can be private to the Adagio user or public for use by all users.

       Report Sets allow the grouping of Report Favorites into a single print job that will run unattended. Report Sets may be printed to printer or PDF files. Report Sets may be launched from a command file or a scheduled Windows task by running Invoices.exe with the parameter /R followed by the Report Set (ex. /RDayEnd). A progress dialog lists the reports in the Report Set, the printing status of each, the destination folder, filename and conflict strategy. A log is generated that records the printing status of each report in the set. Use Report Sets to automate the printing of all your daily or month end reports.

       Invoices now supports the 'Send to BankRec' option in Payment Methods added in Receivables 9.0B (2011.07.27) when posting invoices with payments. It allows explicit control on a bank by bank basis whether cash transactions flow to Adagio BankRec. In previous versions all transactions went to BankRec - to the bank specified in the 'Default BankRec Bank' field in the company profile if the bank in the Payment Method was blank. A Payment Method having the 'Send to BankRec' off must be used for any transaction you do not want to send to BankRec. When the option is off the 'BankRec clearing' field label changes to 'Account/Dept'.

       You can now edit an invoice while another user is editing the customer for that invoice.

       On the Open database dialog you can now use Alt-B to open the browse and Alt-F (for Favorites) to open the previously opened list. In previous versions you had to use the mouse to select the folder buttons.

       Alt-X now selects the Excel Direct button on grids where it is available. In previous versions you had to use the mouse to select Excel Direct.

       Account Styles were added in Ledger 9.0D. They are now supported in GL account finder grids in Invoices.

       The vitalEsafe upload progress dialog has been improved and the progress bar now accurately shows the percentage. It is no longer necessary to install the vitalEsafe patch.

       The updated version of vitalEsafe no longer triggers a workstation install if it has already been installed by the workstation install for another Adagio module. This is also the case when installing Adagio for use with Remote Desktop Services (Terminal Services in Windows Server 2008 and previous versions).

    Problems Fixed

       The database conversion from version 8.x data calculated the Home Equivalent (HE) Batch Total incorrectly for some batches.

       In Invoices 9.0A, the check to prevent you from editing more than one line on an invoice at the same time was not working. Editing more than one line at once could cause data integrity errors and incorrect amounts or taxes.

       Page Up / Down key behavior on tabs on an invoice has been changed to be consistent with the Adagio standard - Up moves one tab to the right, Down to the left.

       The message "Did the invoice(s) print OK?" displayed after printing an invoice or batch has been removed as it is not necessary in most cases when a laser printer vs. dot-matrix is used. The Status will change to 'Printed' immediately. If there is a paper jam, the 'Reprint invoices' option must be selected on the print dialog when the invoice or batch is reprinted.

       The Find did not work correctly for selecting a customer with a leading zero in the Name field, such as for a numbered company.

       The decimal places were stripped off the Unit Cost and Unit Price fields when exporting from Adagio Invoices items (Ex. 45.00 became 45 in the export file). If the file was later imported, these amounts would be 100 times less than expected.

       The Customer Number and Customer Name fields in the 'QIB90 Archive Invoices' table did not print correctly on custom reports created with Crystal Reports for Adagio.

       The Total Payments field on the History Listing report was incorrect in version 8.1B and 9.0A.

       After printing or previewing a multi-currency report that prints in landscape, reports that print in portrait printed in landscape instead.

       The Item Price, Extended, and Before Tax fields on the Batch Listing incorrectly included the amounts from any cancelled invoices in the batch (when the 'Delete canceled invoices?' option is off).

       Custom reports created in Crystal Reports for Adagio showed the wrong information in the Address Line 1 field for the History Header file in Invoices 9.0A.

       You could not use the insert Related Column function in GridView to add a field from the Salespersons table to a view from the QI Detail w Header table.

      When installing Adagio to a computer where no Adagio modules had previously been installed, if you installed an Adagio module that does not use the Crystal print engine first (such as Lanpak or GridView), when you installed Invoices you received the error "Adagio has been established on destination folder: [x:\SOFTRAK]. Yet the install cannot detect the corresponding Reports Tables..." and were unable to proceed. If the first module installed uses the Crystal print engine there was no problem.

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