Enhancements & Revisions

Adagio BankRec 8.0A

September 20, 2006

  • Added the ability to print, fax and/or email receipts.

  • A Bank Reconciliation Worksheet report added.

  • Import bank statement templates can now handle bank statement import files where the payments and deposits are in the same column, both as positive numbers.

  • Comment lines at the top of a Bank Statement import file in CSV form can now be skipped to allow files of this format to be imported.

  • The customer name and check number are no longer required fields when importing receipts/deposits.

  • The field 'Delete import file on success' on import bank statement templates is now editable.

  • Fixed a problem when importing a bank statement that included an unmatched check for the same amount as another check that was matched.

  • The multi-currency fields in the batch, batch posting journal, reconciliation, and reconciliation posting journal files have been added to the Crystal Reports for Adagio table.

  • In version 8.0A, the GL Summary on the Posting Journal was out of balance if you had a prepayment amount from entering a receipt amount greater than the total of applied documents.

  • The currency code showed as the home currency instead of source currency on the Reconciliation Posting Journal for transactions cleared in error.

  • After converting from BankRec 6.8B, the Posting Journals from postings in 6.8B showed an entry total of zero for AP transactions.

  • Multi-currency Peresoft® Cashbook for DOS databases were not correctly converted in some cases.

  • Auto Match did not work if check numbers in the imported statement had leading zeros and two checks had the same amount. Leading zeros in check numbers are now fully supported.

  • Processing an NSF check in a single currency database in version 8.0A did not complete properly in AR if the interface was the retrieval method.

  • A BankRec database could only be created for home currencies with 2 decimal places.

  • Receipts in a batch created by the Reconciliation function created GL entries for zero dollars instead of the correct amount in some cases..

  • Payment entries in a batch generated from reconciliation did not create a manual check batch in Payables when the batch was posted.

  • Batches generated from reconciliation are now given a batch description.

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