Enhancements and revisions in Adagio GridView 9.0D (2011.08.28)
Filter Toolbox now allows the creation of complex compound Filters from simple ones known to be working correctly. A context menu allows you to select “AND”, “OR” or “NOT” conditions to combine two or more Filters. “AND” conditions must be met before any OR conditions are evaluated. Access the Filter Toolbox by pressing Alt-F6 in a view to toggle it on and off.
The /XD parameter now respects the “Allow export” option to permit explicit control of the worksheets created in a GridView exported workbook. You have explicit control whether the export file contains the Total row. This is useful if GridView is preparing a file for eventual re-import.
File | Set Workspace Recalc Order now allows explicit control of the order that Views in a Workspace are loaded and recalculated.
Tooltips have been enhanced to display calculation and field information, as well as the File driving the View when the cursor points at various elements in the View. Hovering over the Row number shows the Row Format formula. Hovering over the column name show the Column Formula.
=GETLINKEDRESULT() has new parameters that allow totaling of arbitrary values in a linked View, whether or not the View is sorted or summarized.
Shift-click on the ExcelDirect button now exports the entire Workspace in a single click. Alt-F-E-W accomplishes the same task from the keyboard.
A new column operator, “Display Calculation” has been added to force GridView to re-process a calculation on the displayed totals. This is useful for margin and other % calculations that are not “associative”.
You now are prevented from Deleting a column used in another calculation.
You can now display the Top/Bottom N records in a View. A row is always displayed summing the remainder of the entries. Top N is displayed if the column is sorted in Descending order. Bottom N for Ascending sequence. “N” is user selectable.
When a View has been named and Summarized, you can Create a Summary View by selecting Create Summary View from the context menu available on the View Selector (top left hand intersection of Title Row and Row counter). The Summary View is one record per item from the summarized row. This allows Top/Bottom N displays of amounts calculated by summarizing detail records (for example, Top 10 invoices this month from SalesAnalysis). Filters and many other View options are not available on this special View which will be saved with the Workspace.
Auto Hide, a new column option is available that automatically hides a column if all rows in the View are blank for that column. This is useful in the creation of Summary Views that display only columns useful in the summary.
The Formula and Filter definition dialogs now use a monospace font to improve readability of the formulas.
GETEXTERNALDATA() now takes an optional record number to retrieve data from files that are not indexed (like the Company Profile). GETEXTERNALDATA("@L90DGLO","Current Fiscal Year",0)will return the currently defined fiscal year from the Ledger company profile.
GETLINKEDVALUE() returns a matching value from another View in the workspace. Its operation is similar to VLOOKUP() in Excel. Parameters control whether and exact match is required, or you wish to return the next highest or lowest value from that passed.
FILTERMOD() returns the text after the “+” in the View title when a Child View is linked to from another View (for example, Customer transactions from the customer master). This allows passing of some text from the Parent to the Child Filter in a Workspace.
GETCODEDTEXT() translates a coded database value to its full text equivalent in Formulas. Normally Coded Fields are not translated in a Formula for evaluation consistency.
ROW() places the value of the row for the record when it is being read from the database. Sorting the View will not change the value.
A new Summarize option has been added to the Filter definition which will automatically summarize the View according to the selected sequence when that Filter is processed.
The Filter name box has been made wider. To take advantage of the increased width, Click View \ Customize | Settings and reset the File toolbar.
All QUERYxxx() functions now take a third parameter that, if non-zero, causes the QUERYxxx() function to be executed once, and only once for a View. Any edit of a Calculated column or Filter will result in the QUERYxxx() function being re-invoked.
If a user is not able to Edit Views in the Workspace, then collapsed Views cannot be expanded. This allows confidential data required for calculations to be hidden from View.
New, Rename and Delete buttons have been added to the Define Sort Sequence Dialog.
A Named Item file can now be associated with a specific View. The file will have the name of the View with a .GVNames extension. An error will be displayed if the associated file cannot be found when the View is loaded.
When using GridView to automatically created Excel workbooks using the /XDW or /XDP command line parameters, you can now test for success or failure of the operation using the ERRORLEVEL value in the batch file. Successful operation sets this value to 0. Any logged error results in 1 as a return code. Improper format of the /XDW or /XDP parameters return 2 or 3 respectively.
File | Open Dataset allows you to quickly change the data being loaded in a View from the File menu. This was possible before using the F2 – Defaults dialog, but was not apparent to many users.
The Formula Verify function has had several inconsistencies corrected and now better handles calculations involving previously defined calculated columns.
When linking from one View to another in a Workspace, you can now select a Filter in the target View to be selected when the View is refreshed as a result of a double click on the link column. Leaving the Filter choice blank results in the currently selected Filter being used.
Field Lists and Calculated columns now have a check box to Enable/Disable hiding of the Column. This allows you to quickly hide/unhide an individual field or calculation.
The AdagioPDF printer driver is available to print views to PDF files.
This version moves toward our goal of a more Windows 7 friendly environment for installation. If you are installing to a mapped network drive that is normally accessible, but you cannot see it during the install when attempting to select a drive or folder, you can now install by browsing to the correct folder using the Universal Naming Convention (UNC), for example \\myserver\accounting\. This avoids having to adjust the User Account Control settings, which requires you to restart your computer and temporarily grant Administrative privileges to the user if they are not an administrator.
The install writes to the master install log file "AdagioMasterInstall.log" in the \softrak\system folder. This log shows the version installed and the version being replaced, the name of the Windows user who did the install and the rights for that user. An entry is also written to the log when an updated version of the Adagio Data Source (ADS) is installed, showing the version installed and the version being replaced. This log can be used to quickly determine the install history for all Adagio programs.